Kane Next Feud


Kane's return has been very floppy in my opinon from cena/kane ryder/kane
to now daniel/punk/kane after the rivarly ends punk will go on his way.
daniel will go to someone else. and kane will be lost in the mix like before.
so whats next for kane a face turn. a unmasking again.
i hope jericho feuds with kane regardless whether who turns face or who stays heel. i think they could pull a good feud with each other what do you think?
As said above, Ryback is the best choice. Kane loves to put people over who need it, and Ryback will need it.

What is the payoff in a Jericho-Kane feud? Nothing, will be just as boring as Big Show-Cena was.

Jericho(Who will return as a face as far as we know) should feud with Cody Rhodes, Cody could use the feud very much.
Are you guys fu**ing kidding me? they cant make kane look weak now, and they will not do that.

Noone wants to see kane getting raped each week by ryback it would completly destroy his character,would be fuckin disrespectful to kane as a wrestler, been thre for 14 years jobbed alteast half of that. He is one of few Big guys who realy can move and wrestle with smaler faster opponents and make the match look great.

After kane is finished with punk/bryan, he should move on to sheamus/christian that would be 2 good feuds for kane, it wouldnt matter if kane win/loose it wouldnt make him look weak if he lost, and if he won he would make a good champion for a few months, maybe later go after henry who injured him. I would rather not see that but it would make sence.
I personally think he should feud with Brodus Clay. I think it would make for an interesting match, because they're both big men and I think it's time Brodus makes his way out of squash matches and in the 'upper class'. Plus if A.J. is still with Kane, she can start up something with Brodus' women too, so it would make for interesting matches
Right now I see Kane in the same place where Mark Henry was at the end of his WHC title reign. And by that I mean, the threat Kane poses is residual from the way he was booked months prior. Nothing has really come to fruition and this entire masked-Kane resurrection is nothing more than a step above the back-to-jobber formula he underwent after his own WHC reign in 2010.

I'd like to see Kane actually get the better of a new talent in a feud. These new guys don't always need to win immediately to be propelled into success. Sometimes they need an obstacle or a foil to get over. I feel he still has enough credibility to pose a threat to someone like Ryback or Funkasaurus.
I say put the U.S Title on him, come to think of it, put it on anyone. Just for god's sake get it off Santino, the titles credibility (if it had much before anyway) is dying on Santino. If Kane has the belt and they keep it on him for a decent period of time with him maybe going on a mini domination of that midcard scene it would mean a lot when some young up and comer takes it off him, like someone fresh off NXT when that comes to an end.
Kane is such a great performer that you can put him with anyone but I think it will most likely be Daniel Bryan whilst a heel cm punk with aj and Paul heyman in tow go up against cena.

Kane can wrestle pretty much anyone and is the only tweener I have seen in WWE pretty much ever! (don't say Austin! He was 100% a face) Kane can literally feud with anyone and get some entertainment value out of it!
I remember back in the early 2000's Kane and Jericho almost had a feud and the short amount of time they had working together worked pretty good. They had good chemistry working together.
I'd like to see a full blown one. Kane vs Jericho at a ppv could work. I think it would be a good summerslam match actually.
Have Ryback cut a promo after destroying 3 jobbers talking about how he knows not a single person in the locker room wants to face him because they know he is the most destructive force in the WWE. In the middle of them talking Kane comes out and they have a face-off in the ring with an eventual match at a PPV.
In my bias opinion I would put Kane in a fued with Sheamus. Im a Kane fan and believes he deserves one more run before his career is over. What better then to put two beasts in the ring and let them work. This would make Kane look like a monster again taking down Sheamus as well as letting Kane eventually put over Sheamus. I know kane would have no problems putting over any talent they asked him to(Ryback, Brodus, ect) but for all the work and dedication Kane has put in for 15 plus years their is no one more deserving for one final run IMO. But if this wasnt the case and I had to choose then i suppose Ryback would be a good choice but not at the moment. Let Ryback work his way up to Kane as opposed to having him beat Michael Cole sized jobbers then suddenly dominating some one like Kane. Have him beat people like kofi, miz, truth and other mid card talent.
I say put the U.S Title on him, come to think of it, put it on anyone. Just for god's sake get it off Santino, the titles credibility (if it had much before anyway) is dying on Santino.

I couldn't agree more w/the statement that Santino is killing the U.S. strap, but at this point if Kane walks away with anything other than the WHC or WWE belt it would be a step down. Now, I'm all for having Vickie order Santino to defend the belt on Raw or Smackdown this week and have Kane just obliterate him, and hand the belt over to her on the ramp afterwords (and if I'm not mistaken the would be the last belt that Kane needs for the "grand slam") and then the strap could be put on whomever.

However, back to the point of this thread, after the triple threat matches are done, maybe have Kane just start destroying random people like Ryder, Tatsu, Slater, Santino, etc. for no apparent reason and then transition into a feud w/Ryback (who is more destructive) or even Damien Sandow (maybe to give him his first clean loss). Either would be alright providing that it results in a competitive match and not a squash.
I would love Kane vs. Jericho but who does that help??

Both are legends that are virtually untouchable.

I'd prefer CM Punk to continue a feud w/Kane and face off at Summerslam. And have Jericho either feud w/Bryan or Sheamus for the WHC, if he doesnt turn face. Maybe even Del Rio if they dont want him in WH title pic.
Combine the ideas of Kane as US Champ and giving a rub to new talent - then you've got something. Kane is a monster, always has been. He's just enough of a force to give serious credibility to whoever takes the strap off him. Plus his last few feuds (Punk/Bryan, Cena, Orton, etc.) have fizzled out for the most part. AJ is what's keeping the current storyline in any way interesting. Use Kane to a) take the strap off Santino, and b) push new talent forward. Everyone wins at that point, and it's a better way to fill the upcoming 3 hours of Raw with more than vignettes, squash matches, old-school throwbacks, and multiple Divas matches.

God save us all if the last two happen with too much frequency.
So the whole Kane and AJ thing is now over? It seems to have ended and it's now all about Punk and Bryan again.... they've just got rid of Kane? Pointless! What was the point of seeing weeks of AJ & Kane - building a storyline so that in end Kane just basically says to AJ something along the lines of 'You're too crazy we can't be together' LOL - It was the worst pay off ever! :S

I thought this could have been the makings of an awesome storyline and really use AJ to elevate Kane back to being a great face! I thought AJ was going to end up using Kane (basically manipulating him into thinking she liked him, and use Kane to beat up people she didn't like and this could have gone on for a few weeks/Months! then eventually) she ends up betraying Kane at some point and going back with Daniel Bryan or even Punk - she ends up being booed and then Kane gets his revenge by chokelslamming or delivering a tombstone to AJ! ( a bit like what happened with TORI back in the day)

I don't understand, it seems like people have really invested in the story with AJ - why not keep it going and give it a bit of momentum? Seems strange to build up something with Kane and then drop it and have Kane walk away - it makes no sense and is just completely out of Kane's character. :confused:
Kane vs AW's stable, the guy needs to look like a danger when not fueding top-card wise. Have another classic reason for Kane to dislike someone such as the great jericho coffee-spill incident only with AW, then we can have the PTP and Ryan mason be trying to dismantel Kane each week. The guys get a push and Kane gets a cheque... Or who knows maybe i'm a moron.

That being said, his current angle is FAR from being over!!

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