Kane DOES NOT need the mask, people.


Too Sweet To Be Sour
Every time I open a thread that involves Kane, all I ever see these days is "OMGZ Kane iz such a jobber he needs 2 put teh mask back ons!"

Well, I am here to tell you all that Kane no longer needs the mask. The mask ran it's course. And this is coming from one of the biggest Kane fans on this forum. He was my favorite wrestler when I started watching wrestling, and he is still up there. I may not have a favorite, but Kane would be tied for it, for sure. I don't understand why people think he needs it anymore. There are reasons he doesn't need it, too. A few, actually.

1. It would make no sense for him to wear it again

How does it make any sense for him to put the mask back on. He already took it off. So what, he goes away for a time and he reappears, this time magically wearing a mask? It makes no sense. If it did, it may have happened by now. I mean, I guess someone could kayfabe burn him. But by the time he came back his face would've managed to heal, unless it was a horrible burn. And the first time he took the mask off, there were no scars in the first place. They had healed by then, why wouldn't they heal this time.

2. The mask has ran it's course
The mask, as I stated earlier, has ran it's course. They ran about 3 or 4 different gimmicks with him wearing it. The monster heel, then a face who was friendly, a face who didn't trust anybody, a face who was more comedic but still a badass. A monster face (those usually don't work for me anyways), and then the mask came off. They did about everything they could with him wearing it. If they put it back on him, they'll end up rehashing storylines and stuff will get old quick. Posters always complain about rehashing storylines, then they want the mask back on Kane, which is one whole huge rehash in itself. It ran it's course, let it go.

3. His career is almost over. He is happy where he is at now.
Kane enjoys the position where he is now, the career is dwindling. He doesn't need to be repackaged because he most likely isn't gonna leave doing what he is doing for the company now. If he is happy and his position isn't going to change, why does he need this repackage with the mask? It's simple, he doesn't.

4. There are other ways to repackage him
Even if he does get repackaged, there are other ways to do it. As stated earlier, putting the mask back on is just stupid and nonsensical. You could have him go on a losing streak, or just lose a big match, and he could be gone for awhile. He returns and goes on a rampage. He says he found his inner monster. Or he had a vision. He developed schizophrenia. Whatever, just use your imagination, he doesn't need the mask, it makes no sense. Repackage him some other way.

So what I'm saying is, HE DOES NOT NEED THE MASK! Quit posting over and over again that he needs it. I just explained four reasons why he doesn't. Feel free to persuade me other wise. Discuss.
I completely agree, I've said it before in some of the other threads, that Kane made the decision by himself to take off the mask, so I don't see why we as fans need to start screaming for him to put it back on, sure Kane was a "success" back then, now he serves as putting over talent, Chris Jericho does the same, should he pull back on the spandex trousers and grow the hair again because he wasn't at a level where he was jobbing to the lower class back then? I don't think so.

Kane is fine, if he really weren't happy with having to put over talent, or the position he was in the company, do you really think he'd still be in the company? I don't think so.

So yes I agree, he doesn't need the mask, we don't need the mask, nobody needs the mask.
Like you boys said, he doesn't need it, he is perfectly content being in the position he is in right now, nothing major, jobs a couple times here and there, then dominates someone outright to keep his cred.

If he wanted a World Title Run he would have gotten it in 2008 when he was feuding with Edge and Batista, but he didn't want it.

The Mask wont do anything, plain and simple.
I comletely agree, the thing with masks is the fact that once it is off, there is no point of putting it back on. Kane is actually doing fine right now in his position, some call him a "Glorified Jobber" but I thikn he maybe, just may be getting a push, I mean, he saved Mysterio, and was in a qualification match for the fatal fourway pay per view. Don't get me wrong, I hate it too when people pick up and overmark for little things, but I think he should maybe feud with Punk before the final towel is thrown in.

Sorry, I got a little off track their, back on topic, No, Kane should not put the mask back on, it is just a waste oof time, and an ending of a career
No he does not need the mask...will it help him? No, he will still be putting talent over with the mask? and it would just make the monster look weak...he luks good the way he right now..you have to admit, since he took it off though, he has been in some bullshit storylines.....i like what the OP said about him taking it off, and theres no need to put it back on..its true, when reyrey took it off in WCW, did he put it back on? No, did he become less valuable to the business? No...he was still great...
I think Kane as a performer is fine with or without a mask. The "legend" still follows him. I don't see how a costume can change who or what Kane is.

However, the only way to put him back in the mask is to go back to the Attitude Era, have him suffer some "horrendous disfiguring injury" and re-emerge a few months later wearing the mask to cover his scars.

Personally, I like Kane the way he is. You almost never know if he's going to win or lose a match, and all of his matches are always good viewing in my opinion.
I have to agree that Kane does not need the mask, not anymore. It was a good tool at the beginning. I think being forced to emote without having use of his facial expressions just made Glen Jacobson a better performer (although that manic crazed look he had when he was Issac Yankem was classic.)

When he lost the mask, we got to see his face and he got to make use of it in an entirely new way. This guy actually has the potential to be scarier without the mask on. But I do think that his win-loss ratio has more to do with the fact that he's had his time in the sun (or the brimstone as the case may be) and is now in the position of putting over the new talent.

Just a side note, it seems that Kane and Mysterio have been teaming together quite a bit lately against the SES. Are we looking at a new tag-team after Mysterio takes his time off? Just a thought.
I completely agree, I've said it before in some of the other threads, that Kane made the decision by himself to take off the mask, so I don't see why we as fans need to start screaming for him to put it back on, sure Kane was a "success" back then, now he serves as putting over talent, Chris Jericho does the same, should he pull back on the spandex trousers and grow the hair again because he wasn't at a level where he was jobbing to the lower class back then? I don't think so.

Kane is fine, if he really weren't happy with having to put over talent, or the position he was in the company, do you really think he'd still be in the company? I don't think so.

So yes I agree, he doesn't need the mask, we don't need the mask, nobody needs the mask.

Are you seriously putting Chris Jericho on the same level as Kane!? Are you seriously putting him anywhere near Kane'es level!? Chris Jericho since 2008 has been at the peak of his game! He has never been more successful in WWE than he is now.; he has had multiple world title reigns, how many did he have before when he had he spandex trousers and long hair? One. He has become one of the most praised wrestlers in WWE and he puts on fantastic matches, he was even one of the main events at Wrestlemania this year, in previous years he was on the undercard. So you are wrong if you consider him to be anything like Kane's status. Although, he does need to put on the tights again, not because he was "more successful" but because he looks terrible in the trunks and I think he can be taken more seriously wearing tights as he doesn't quite have the physique for trunks and it looks a bit stupid.

Kane does not need the mask at this point in his career I agree. It would mean nothing if he put it back on because we have all seen his face now, so the mask would no longer serve any purpose. I would have preffered him not to take it off at all in the first place because it made him look unique, and lets face it it was badass. Plus, like Y2J he also doesn't have the physique for his current wrestling attire so if I was him I would have kept the old 2002 one, it was modern enough to suit the current era unlike his 90s gear. In my opinion the mask gave character and mystique but obviously it couldn't do that anymore because he already took it off and so there would be no point. Although, if he has that big final match, I would like to see him wear the mask one more time, for nostalgic reasons.
Kane would take a backwards step if he put the mask back on. The push he may/may not recieve is irrespective of being masked. There were times when he had the mask that people thought it should come off because hes done all he can with it. Theres no logical reason to put it back on him, and if they tried to make a corny storyline to put it back on him it would be crap. Nostalgia is nice, maybe if he retires and has a coulple of comeback matches he could re mask or something. But if you look at it from the point of view that how can a mask make a wrestler? It cant and shouldnt. There would be no mystique from redoing it because theres no curiosity as to whats underneath his mask, is he burnt etc. You might have why put it back on? then after a couple of weeks it would fizzle out.
Are you seriously putting Chris Jericho on the same level as Kane!? Are you seriously putting him anywhere near Kane'es level!? Chris Jericho since 2008 has been at the peak of his game! He has never been more successful in WWE than he is now.; he has had multiple world title reigns, how many did he have before when he had he spandex trousers and long hair? One. He has become one of the most praised wrestlers in WWE and he puts on fantastic matches, he was even one of the main events at Wrestlemania this year, in previous years he was on the undercard. So you are wrong if you consider him to be anything like Kane's status. Although, he does need to put on the tights again, not because he was "more successful" but because he looks terrible in the trunks and I think he can be taken more seriously wearing tights as he doesn't quite have the physique for trunks and it looks a bit stupid.

You amaze me Takerfan93, you really do, I don't get where you got anything of the fact that I'm comparing Kane and Chris Jericho with the only exception that both are putting over talent, I'm comparing them in the manner that Chris Jericho wasn't jobbing too frequently back when he was wearing spandex and having long hair before he had his break, it's nothing bashing Chris Jericho.

And Chris Jericho looks decent in the trunks, looked decent in tights, I say it again, it's comparing in the manner that both were successful in a manner of not putting over talent and not jobbing as frequently back when they were wearing something else.
While I pretty much agree with your post, I figured it would be a nice opportunity to play a bit of Devil's Advocate.

1. It would make no sense for him to wear it again

How does it make any sense for him to put the mask back on. He already took it off. So what, he goes away for a time and he reappears, this time magically wearing a mask? It makes no sense. If it did, it may have happened by now. I mean, I guess someone could kayfabe burn him. But by the time he came back his face would've managed to heal, unless it was a horrible burn. And the first time he took the mask off, there were no scars in the first place. They had healed by then, why wouldn't they heal this time.

If creative wanted a reason to put the mask back on, there are plenty of ways they could go about doing it. That whole kayfabe family seems to have a whole bunch of inanimate shit in their legacy that seems to have special powers - Undertaker's urn for example. They could give the mask special powers for some reason.

(I get that the WWE doesn't really fly with storylines involving special powers too much anymore, but you get the idea.)

If they wanted to be more realistic with it, they could come up with a way to burn his face again/more than it was before, and give him the mask back. Not only would it give him the mask back, but it would make sense.

2. The mask has ran it's course
The mask, as I stated earlier, has ran it's course. They ran about 3 or 4 different gimmicks with him wearing it. The monster heel, then a face who was friendly, a face who didn't trust anybody, a face who was more comedic but still a badass. A monster face (those usually don't work for me anyways), and then the mask came off. They did about everything they could with him wearing it. If they put it back on him, they'll end up rehashing storylines and stuff will get old quick. Posters always complain about rehashing storylines, then they want the mask back on Kane, which is one whole huge rehash in itself. It ran it's course, let it go.

Sure, but it brings me back to my previous point. Creative has never had a problem with revisiting old gimmicks that's presented themselves in new ways. If they wanted to bring back the mask, there are ways of doing it. Kane's gimmick never really changed, so he's going to be dipping in all of these situations whether or not he has a mask. Since he's taken off the mask, he's revisited the monster heel, the friendly face, the trust-nobody face, the monster face - you get the idea - everything you said he did with the mask, he did again with the mask off.

Creative has no problems with doing things they've already done for a second, third, or even fourth time.

3. His career is almost over. He is happy where he is at now.
Kane enjoys the position where he is now, the career is dwindling. He doesn't need to be repackaged because he most likely isn't gonna leave doing what he is doing for the company now. If he is happy and his position isn't going to change, why does he need this repackage with the mask? It's simple, he doesn't.

Because it's not about him. It's about what the fans find entertaining. You don't put someone in mediocre, severely under-developed feuds because a performer "likes where he is." If he refuses to move from the position he's in simply because he "likes" it, then he can find another job, to be perfectly honest. He's boring right now, and needs to do something.

4. There are other ways to repackage him
Even if he does get repackaged, there are other ways to do it. As stated earlier, putting the mask back on is just stupid and nonsensical. You could have him go on a losing streak, or just lose a big match, and he could be gone for awhile. He returns and goes on a rampage. He says he found his inner monster. Or he had a vision. He developed schizophrenia. Whatever, just use your imagination, he doesn't need the mask, it makes no sense. Repackage him some other way.

This is the only point I can't really play devil's advocate with because I really don't agree. In my honest opinion, piling more crap on to Kane's character would just put him on a fast track to ridiculousness. The dude's had all sorts of shit go on with his character, nothing else really needs to be piled on. They just need to take his character, and turn the volume up to 10, build him up to Taker-levels of bad-assery, and have him start putting people over until the end of his career. I'm talking, he needs to start dominating people in the main event so it's more effective when he starts putting people over.
Honestly bringing it back at this point wouldn't help him. Kane's been watered down to midcard status for so many years that a mask making him a top contender would be a ridiculous concept. Granted comparing 2002-03 Kane when he was winning TLC matches and feuding with HHH to today almost seems like two different people. The only time bringing the mask back would've made sense was during the impostor Kane story that ended with Kane ripping off the impostors mask and saying "I believe this, is mine" at that point I actually thought Kane might put the mask back on but it didn't happen and it's pointless now.
You amaze me Takerfan93, you really do, I don't get where you got anything of the fact that I'm comparing Kane and Chris Jericho with the only exception that both are putting over talent, I'm comparing them in the manner that Chris Jericho wasn't jobbing too frequently back when he was wearing spandex and having long hair before he had his break, it's nothing bashing Chris Jericho.

And Chris Jericho looks decent in the trunks, looked decent in tights, I say it again, it's comparing in the manner that both were successful in a manner of not putting over talent and not jobbing as frequently back when they were wearing something else.

Oh wow do I? *sigh*. Lets see what you said:

"Chris Jericho does the same, should he pull back on the spandex trousers and grow the hair again because he wasn't at a level where he was jobbing to the lower class back then? I don't think so."

That to me looks like you ARE comparing them in this sense. You say Jericho is doing the same as Kane, jobbing to mid carders, only he is not. He does it sometimes, like all heels do. He shouldn't be singled out for it as if he is one of the only ones. And what you said implies that. He is much more successful now than he was before his break, and I remember quite a few times when he was jobbing to mid carders before he left, no less or more than he does now; one example being his small feud with John Cena when Cena had only recently debuted in WWE. Oh and he was a heel at the time, as I mentioned before, heels do job to midcarders sometimes, it is part of the heel character.
That to me looks like you ARE comparing them in this sense. You say Jericho is doing the same as Kane, jobbing to mid carders, only he is not. He does it sometimes, like all heels do. He shouldn't be singled out for it as if he is one of the only ones. And what you said implies that. He is much more successful now than he was before his break, and I remember quite a few times when he was jobbing to mid carders before he left, no less or more than he does now; one example being his small feud with John Cena when Cena had only recently debuted in WWE. Oh and he was a heel at the time, as I mentioned before, heels do job to midcarders sometimes, it is part of the heel character.

Not all heels job to the mid-card all times, when is the last time you saw Batista jobbing to the mid-card? Sheamus? Edge? Randy Orton back when he was a heel?

Chris Jericho is considered a glorified jobber to the stars, Chris helps put over talent just like Kane does, but with more self based success as well, I'm not saying Chris is like Kane completely, but I am saying that Chris Jericho had a period where he wasn't loosing to talent that he really shouldn't be loosing to like Heath Slater.

I'm not bashing Chris, I'm just saying that back when he wore trunks, he weren't putting over as much talent as he is now.
Not all heels job to the mid-card all times, when is the last time you saw Batista jobbing to the mid-card? Sheamus? Edge? Randy Orton back when he was a heel?

Chris Jericho is considered a glorified jobber to the stars, Chris helps put over talent just like Kane does, but with more self based success as well, I'm not saying Chris is like Kane completely, but I am saying that Chris Jericho had a period where he wasn't loosing to talent that he really shouldn't be loosing to like Heath Slater.

I'm not bashing Chris, I'm just saying that back when he wore trunks, he weren't putting over as much talent as he is now.

I did not say all the time, I said some of the time. They do it more than faces tend to, because they are made to look weaker in most cases for some reason I will never agree with (except for some like Batista)

I don't think Jericho is jobbing to talent any more than he used to, I just think it is because he is currently a heel, as a heel character he has been paired with midcarders quite a lot before, even pre-2005
I did not say all the time, I said some of the time. They do it more than faces tend to, because they are made to look weaker in most cases for some reason I will never agree with (except for some like Batista)

Yeah I don't particularly agree with heels always loosing to the mid-carders or baby faces, but there's exceptions luckily where we actually see retains.

Problem is that Kane, I believe is considered somewhat of a baby face, or a tweener to say the least, and he still jobs out to everybody, which is a shame, but he still has that inevitable credibility for a fan to believe his opponent is in for a challenge.

I don't think Jericho is jobbing to talent any more than he used to, I just think it is because he is currently a heel, as a heel character he has been paired with midcarders quite a lot before, even pre-2005

Chris Jericho was paired with mid-carders for the most of his time before 2005 because that's when he was actually a mid-carder, sure he had his period of time with Austin and The Rock in 2001-2002 but that's about the only time he was actually even close to being a main eventer in that period, and he was bumped right back down to the mid-card.
I totally agree its nonsensical and just plain stupid creative would have to work 24/7 to find a way to bring the mask back and have it make sense.
Of course he could just come back with the mask and say i think i look cooler like this but i don't think that'll happen.
there are alot of kane marks including me and we all just have to accept theres no more mask.

Just my Two cents
I totally agree its nonsensical and just plain stupid creative would have to work 24/7 to find a way to bring the mask back and have it make sense.

He has an inferno match and loses scarring his face, that took me 30 seconds to come up with a logical angle that would make sense so they don't need to work 24/7.


What people are forgetting though, is on top of the mask and the Red attire was a big mat of black hair, how long do you think it would take 43 year old Glenn Jacobs to grow that back? So could you imagine Kane with his mask on and no hair? That would just look stupid to me, the character lost his mask in 2003, it's been seven years people, get over it.

At the end of the day it's just a mask, masks serve no purpose aside from hiding the face, if the face has already been shown for seven years why hide it again?!
He has an inferno match and loses scarring his face, that took me 30 seconds to come up with a logical angle that would make sense so they don't need to work 24/7.

ye but in todays PG product creative wouldn't have an inferno match so keeping it Pg could be a bit harder.

I totally agree with the rest of your post though.

Just my Two cents
This topic has been done so many times, no Kane does not need the mask, all he needs are some decent feuds and storylines. Kane is still a great character, they just need to actually use him in my opinion. Does that mean it's impossible to bring the mask back? Hell no! It would be easy to do.

He has an inferno match and loses scarring his face, that took me 30 seconds to come up with a logical angle that would make sense so they don't need to work 24/7.

There you go, couldn't be an easier way to bring the mask back. Or if the PG rating wont allow that, have the commentators announce that he was attacked and left burnt or something along those lines. Keep him off TV for a while and then come back with the mask and a wig if necessary. It wasn't hard to turn Badass 'Taker into supernatural 'Taker again so I honestly don't see how difficult it could possibly be to bring back the mask. In any event this is WWE, since when have things ever made sense anyway, especially when it comes to Kane??

Sometimes people read too much into things, if Kane ever were to remask, I'm sure you'd get over it and hell, you may even enjoy it...
I don't see the point of Kane puting the mask back on. We all know what his face looks like. I'm sure there are better ways of repackaging him then this, but I think Glen Jacobs is satisfied with were he is at now that he wouldn't really care to get a character tweaking.
I Agree. He was pretty awesome in 2003-2005 without it. But after that was just booked bad,bad,bad. His character became so weak it was laughable.

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