Kane Better Without The Mask?


Dark Match Winner
Ok everyone has thee suspension on the videos its reported kane is set to return and before he left he said he was going to be a monster again

Now my question is
Will the wwe bring back the mask as his best years was arguably when he wore it or will he just come back looking the same with a monster push like mark henry

Or which 1 would you perfer mask or no mask

This maybe his last run should he go out with it on
This logic makes no sense.

Does Glen Jacobs become a better wrestler, cuts a better promo, and overall better just because he wears a stupid mask? I don't understand this.

Anyone remember from 1999-2003? He certainly wasn't a monster when teaming with X Pac and Hurricane.

The point of the mask is to hide the face. We know what he looks like. This is like saying Stone Cold would always be better just for wearing an Austin 3:16 shirt.

Such a stupid idea to make him masked again just for nostalgia.
Masked Kane easy! He may have accomplished more without the mask. Kane needs something fresh. Adults will remember the mask, while kids that don't remember will fall in love witht the mask. If this is his final run, and they're pushing him as a monster he needs the mask, because his maskless monster role aren't that believable after he stopped using that towel.
It doesn't make a difference. If they want to push dude, they should just do so without having to hide behind his old gimmick. It's not hard. Have him come back for revenge on Henry and say that Henry's attack opened up the monster inside him again. Let's not forget that Kane was booked poorly plenty of times with the mask, and that his two biggest pushes since his debut feud with Undertaker have been without it.
It does make sense. Lemme just say the analogies I see on here are flat out swing and misses. Is Kane a better wrestler with the mask, no! But is he more entertaining, yes! Everyone loved the masked Kane, and it will show if he returns with it. Does it make him cut better promos, maybe not. But it'll better when he doesn't speak like he used to. The promos were repetitive and if he didn't say a word again that'll come off more cool.
100% back with a mask on. i have been waiting for this for a while now.
and its not so much as, he will do "better" in the ring with the mask on as much as its that his LOOK is more dangerous and "scary" i guess you could say with the mask on.
I think how he stayed quiet with the mask on was brilliant, it really felt as if he was a monster, cuz monsters dont really talk lol
This logic makes no sense.

Does Glen Jacobs become a better wrestler, cuts a better promo, and overall better just because he wears a stupid mask? I don't understand this.

Anyone remember from 1999-2003? He certainly wasn't a monster when teaming with X Pac and Hurricane.

The point of the mask is to hide the face. We know what he looks like. This is like saying Stone Cold would always be better just for wearing an Austin 3:16 shirt.

Such a stupid idea to make him masked again just for nostalgia.

I get where you're coming from, but it's sorta like the mask makes the man type of thing.

Kane was more of a legitimate threat and more menacing. People are always scared of the guy with the mask cause it adds a different dimension to Kane. The freak behind the mask and the actual freak himself, if that makes any sense.

An unmasked Kane was ok for a while cause he still had those freak tendencies, but it was hard to take him serious because it made him. I'd love to se Masked Kane jus to relive those days of sending people running in fright. If this truly is Lane's last hurrah, I'd love for him to go out the way he came in.

Also, Rey Mysterio wore his mask for pretty much his whole career and we know what he looks like. Again, this idea of a mask makes the man.
But what reason does he even have to put the mask back on? When has he been in a fire since he took it off? Because that was why he was wearing it in the first place. Also, a lot of the mystique was because we didn't know what he looked like underneath. Now, we do. There's no point in trying to go back to something that will not work the same way now. And you can't compare it to luchadors like Mysterio either, because that's part of their culture and again, Mysterio has never been unmasked in WWE.
But what reason does he even have to put the mask back on? When has he been in a fire since he took it off? Because that was why he was wearing it in the first place. Also, a lot of the mystique was because we didn't know what he looked like underneath. Now, we do. There's no point in trying to go back to something that will not work the same way now. And you can't compare it to luchadors like Mysterio either, because that's part of their culture and again, Mysterio has never been unmasked in WWE.

I can only think of a few reasons.

Maybe they make another promo where something happens to Kane and It's a given that he'll have the mask.

A phase where he can't look at himself in the mirror without seeing this ugly monster buried inside him waiting to come back out.

Or he could go through a Cody Rhodes-esque phase.

Vince is a smart guy. He wouldn't just throw the mask back on Kane unless he really knew what he was doing.
I get where you're coming from, but it's sorta like the mask makes the man type of thing.

Kane was more of a legitimate threat and more menacing. People are always scared of the guy with the mask cause it adds a different dimension to Kane. The freak behind the mask and the actual freak himself, if that makes any sense.

An unmasked Kane was ok for a while cause he still had those freak tendencies, but it was hard to take him serious because it made him. I'd love to se Masked Kane jus to relive those days of sending people running in fright. If this truly is Lane's last hurrah, I'd love for him to go out the way he came in.

Also, Rey Mysterio wore his mask for pretty much his whole career and we know what he looks like. Again, this idea of a mask makes the man.

I don't buy that in any way.

He was NOT more menacing with the mask, he was just booked that way. People should SERIOUSLY watch 1999-2003 of Kane. He was NOT menacing.
He pulled Hogan's catchphrase in 2002 with Hogan and Rock, he'd say "suck it" while teaming with X Pac.

So people can't run in fright from Kane now? Just book them that way. This is such a dumb idea and makes no sense whatsoever.

And yes, many people today (younger fans) don't know what Mysterio looks like. Not everyone watched late WCW after all.
It's too bad the masked Kane is over and done with, because he was downright intimidating wearing it. I miss that haha. TBH even though the logic is horrid I wouldnt mind for nostalgia's sake, WWE has made less sense before.
I don't buy that in any way.

He was NOT more menacing with the mask, he was just booked that way. People should SERIOUSLY watch 1999-2003 of Kane. He was NOT menacing.
He pulled Hogan's catchphrase in 2002 with Hogan and Rock, he'd say "suck it" while teaming with X Pac.

So people can't run in fright from Kane now? Just book them that way. This is such a dumb idea and makes no sense whatsoever.

And yes, many people today (younger fans) don't know what Mysterio looks like. Not everyone watched late WCW after all.

1999-2003? He wasn't menacing? What about when X-Pac and Tori screwed him over and this happened:


I can agree maybe like late 2001 to him removing his mask, he was more "toned down" but The Big Red Monster was sure as a hell a threat before then. But since he was booked as menacing, he WAS actually menacing if I'm getting your point? I understand why you wouldn't want the mask back on him, but saying he didn't look at all menacing? Really?

Feel free to fill me in if I'm missing something...
I don't buy that in any way.

He was NOT more menacing with the mask, he was just booked that way. People should SERIOUSLY watch 1999-2003 of Kane. He was NOT menacing.
He pulled Hogan's catchphrase in 2002 with Hogan and Rock, he'd say "suck it" while teaming with X Pac.

So people can't run in fright from Kane now? Just book them that way. This is such a dumb idea and makes no sense whatsoever.

And yes, many people today (younger fans) don't know what Mysterio looks like. Not everyone watched late WCW after all.

He did do some dumb goofy things, So the hell what? Like you said about Mysterio (younger fans) dont know what dumb things Kane did, or the mask gimmick altogether. Majority of the fans today didnt watch WWE back in '99-03.

Remember Mark Henry "Sexual Chocolate"? I'm sure you do, but do you think people recognize him by that gimmick today? Hell no, people are buying into him as a damn wrecking ball. So if you believe Kane wasnt "Wasnt Menacing" with the mask back then. They sure as hell can do it right a second time around since many dont remember, and many want to see. Why should they? Because it would be a good to seeing him leaving WWE masked going out the way he came, and the new generation would get the chance to see Kane with a mask and perhaps get behind him because they love mask, and lastly MAJORITY of the older fans want to see it. Dont believe me? Then check out his YouTube videos where all the comments are "I miss the old Kane", "He should put the mask back on", or "Thumbs up if you liked the masked Kane more"(that comment had 124 likes btw).

Your entitled to your own opinion, and I truly understand your arguement becasue Kane isnt better masked. Although the end of the we all love masked Kane.
You guys are seriously over thinking what a mask does for Kane. This is professional wrestling. It's a world where The Undertaker got superpowers from an urn... then become a biker before ultimately returning as The Deadman. It's a place where Mankind had to transform into Cactus Jack to wrestle a hardcore match because that persona was better suited for it. It's a place where Shawn Michaels had to go find his smile to be a proper WWE Champion....

...ok the last one is a stretch, but you get the point. Things like this have happened in the past because the WWE is (how do I put this) make believe.

There's no question that Kane was a bigger threat in the WWE when he wore the mask. The threat posed by Kane had nothing to do with Glen Jacobs being a better wrestler in 1997 than he is in 2011 ... but instead because the character was booked as a soulless monster. Through the years, especially since he lost the mask, Kane has become a lot more human than he was when he debuted. If the WWE wants to return Kane to being the monster he was when he debuted, then wearing the mask again is necessary. Otherwise, it's the exact same character that was destroyed by Mark Henry a few months ago.
This logic makes no sense.

Does Glen Jacobs become a better wrestler, cuts a better promo, and overall better just because he wears a stupid mask? I don't understand this.

Anyone remember from 1999-2003? He certainly wasn't a monster when teaming with X Pac and Hurricane.

The point of the mask is to hide the face. We know what he looks like. This is like saying Stone Cold would always be better just for wearing an Austin 3:16 shirt.

Such a stupid idea to make him masked again just for nostalgia.

Maybe one of the dumbest comments I have EVER seen.

Masks are a huge part of wrestling history. With your logic, the mystique of Rey Mysterio would be the same without the mask. Same with Sin Cara?

It is a mystique factor, the man behind the mask. Kane does not have that scary of a face and looks like a HUMAN without the mask. Kanes character since his inception was a MONSTER. He can NOT be a monster with a human face. This is why people want the mask, it makes his monster character far more believable.

Comparing a mask to a tshirt is pretty idiotic too. Why not just let the Undertaker wrestle in a white tshirt and jeans since props are meaningless to you?

Kanes entire character was built on the fact he was burned as a child. The WWE truely dropped the ball from the get go with that when he takes his mask off and he has a clean face. Kane was the type of character when his music hit and he came out with the mask on, it was the mystique that made him special. It was a spectical when he made an entrance, people stopped and stared much like they do with the Undertakers entrance. There is absolutely NO appeal to Kanes entrance anymore or his character.

A mask makes a HUGE difference to certain wrestlers. Much more than the dumb tshirt reference that you made.

To answer the OP, Kane is MUCH better with the mask. His aura is better.

Man when he could come out and fix his glove and kinda twirl his head and stare with his eyes, it was SCARY. Now? No gloves, no mask, NO MONSTER.
I don't think Kane just show up with a mask. The history of Kane and the Undertaker is so in-depth (and many times absurd) that he would need a reason to wear the mask. I would be disappointed if there wasn't.

But age is also has a factor, Kane was younger when he had the mask, and bigger, quicker and definitely more agile. So just those characteristics would make him more intimidating.

Besides, this is wrestling and everyone of us loves a character, and masks are visually cool.

The eye/nose mask won't affect his promo ability either.

Besides Kane had the mask when he scored with Katie Vick, she didn't mind! Well of course she was dead when he made sweet love to her dusty trap.

So is Kane better with the mask.
Masked Kane all the way. He just seemed cooler, badder and more mysterious. And I loved that he never talked back then, at least until he started using that stupid voice thing. After the mask came off, he just wasn't as cool. I loved the Kane that was so tough, he tore the door off a cage. Now he's just become one big jobber. If he did put the mask on, I want them to come up with something to explain why he's putting it back on. Not just appear on screen out of nowhere wearing it.
i think he will show up with the mask and not for the reasons mentioned so far but to futher the rivaly between the attitude era and the pg era, i truly believe the slogan for this years wm will be two generations collide especially stone cold hinting at perhaps wrestling this year and booker T and more than likely Foley as well
Maybe one of the dumbest comments I have EVER seen.

Masks are a huge part of wrestling history. With your logic, the mystique of Rey Mysterio would be the same without the mask. Same with Sin Cara?

It is a mystique factor, the man behind the mask. Kane does not have that scary of a face and looks like a HUMAN without the mask. Kanes character since his inception was a MONSTER. He can NOT be a monster with a human face. This is why people want the mask, it makes his monster character far more believable.

Comparing a mask to a tshirt is pretty idiotic too. Why not just let the Undertaker wrestle in a white tshirt and jeans since props are meaningless to you?

Kanes entire character was built on the fact he was burned as a child. The WWE truely dropped the ball from the get go with that when he takes his mask off and he has a clean face. Kane was the type of character when his music hit and he came out with the mask on, it was the mystique that made him special. It was a spectical when he made an entrance, people stopped and stared much like they do with the Undertakers entrance. There is absolutely NO appeal to Kanes entrance anymore or his character.

A mask makes a HUGE difference to certain wrestlers. Much more than the dumb tshirt reference that you made.

To answer the OP, Kane is MUCH better with the mask. His aura is better.

Man when he could come out and fix his glove and kinda twirl his head and stare with his eyes, it was SCARY. Now? No gloves, no mask, NO MONSTER.

The point of Mysterio and Sin Cara's masks is that we don't see their face so it's a big deal if they ever lose it. Kane already lost his, so why mask him again?

Undertaker's gimmick doesn't call for white shirt and jeans.

It's about booking, not idiotic looks. I guess Vader is less of a monster without his "mask".

The point of the T shirt analogy is pointing out that wearing something doesn't matter. It's how you work with your character and what you do in the ring.

I don't understand how Glen Jacobs automatically becomes so great wearing a mask. They could obviously still book him like a pathetic wrestler.

The "burned" gimmick has been over for 8 years, people need to get over it.
He hated wearing the mask. I've worked with a mask on & it is extremely hard to do! It just doesn't make any sense at all to have him wear a mask when he hasn't worn it in years! Then everyone would come on here saying he shouldn't be wearing the mask & should just go away!
This logic makes no sense.

Does Glen Jacobs become a better wrestler, cuts a better promo, and overall better just because he wears a stupid mask? I don't understand this.

Anyone remember from 1999-2003? He certainly wasn't a monster when teaming with X Pac and Hurricane.

The point of the mask is to hide the face. We know what he looks like. This is like saying Stone Cold would always be better just for wearing an Austin 3:16 shirt.

Such a stupid idea to make him masked again just for nostalgia.

I understand what your saying, but i feel that the mask is like what drove him to be better, when he was a kickass wrestler that couldnt be stopped. and its what most people wanna see
Masked Kane easy! He may have accomplished more without the mask. Kane needs something fresh. Adults will remember the mask, while kids that don't remember will fall in love witht the mask. If this is his final run, and they're pushing him as a monster he needs the mask, because his maskless monster role aren't that believable after he stopped using that towel.

The mask was his gimmick and was stated he wore it to "hide the scars from the fire he was in". Putting the mask back on him does not scream "fresh" as it has been done already. I feel its best to leave him as he is.
I actually liked Kane better without the mask. Bald psycho Kane was more realistic than a guy who was supposedly severely burned all over his body, yet was able to perform in this athletic and physical activity...

That being said, I wouldn't mind if he donned a mask again for his (likely) final run. A back to the roots type of deal. Why not? Kane could use a little change in scenery to give his last run that extra umph (and a simple heel/ face turn certainly won't do - he's done that like 40 times already). Would the move lack in logic? Whatever. The Kane character is nuts, remember? Maybe he convinced himself that he is burned again. You try to reason with a psycho. :p
Here's what i'll say about this.....

The only way I can see somebody unmasked, and then back to being masked again, is if they were the same person under two different gimmicks/characters.

Whether Kane returns with the mask or not, it wouldn't make sense. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see it. Masked Kane is great! It's just that it doesn't make sense to wear a mask again, when everybody already know how your face looks. Sometimes, guys fight to try & stop an opponent from trying to rip off their masks.(Mysterio, Old Kane, etc.) So what exactly would he be hiding from people.

Masked Kane would be nice. But there's nothing wrong with unmasked Kane either! Just keep him as a neutral monster as he's always been.
Let me tell you something, what pushed Kane back WASN'T him losing his mask to HHH in 2003, he was still booked as a monster after that, he destroyed RVD, Shane O'Mac, and intimidated Goldberg and Evolution. The moment however, they booked him as the Undertaker's pussy, made him job to 'Taker in 6 minutes at 'Mania is what made people don't take him seriously after that.

Add that to the list of endless, pointless feuds he entered with, the storyline love triangle between him, Matt Hardy and Lita and then Lita having an abortion thanks to Gene Snitsky and then fighting Viscera and Trish Stratus made Kane look like a mid carder at best. They made him look pathetic in and out of the ring, and began putting him in lame storylines, once he began losing cleanly, he went from a monster to just another guy, FFS the guy danced with Santino Marella in the ring at WrestleMania.

Some might have a case that Kane always had a funny side to him even when he had the mask on, teaming with X-Pac and after that Hurricane Helms which is a valid point, but at least you saw the guy destroying everybody once he entered the ring, right now he gets his ass kicked by everyone which makes him look weak. He went from a guy that took three tombstones by the Undertaker at WrestleMania 14 to be beaten to a guy who loses cleanly in 10 minutes to Gene Snitscky.

If you wanna make Kane stronger, don't let him wear the mask again, no point in doing so unless you want to sell some 15 masks per show which isn't that much of a profit anyway, if you really wanna make Kane the unstoppable big red machine again, make him
kick people's asses in the ring, don't make him talk much and let the psycho Kane we saw at the middle of 2003 return.

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