Kane and Big Show


Getting Noticed By Management
I cant be the only one. But when will this madness with Kane and Big Show being in the main event of Raw every week ever stop. Majority of fans have to wish these guys just retire.

I mean sure I'm ok with them still being around: but right or wrong? Put them in Raw matches once a month like an "attraction" (nobody wants to see) and use as the outside/backstage muscle the rest of the time.

Kane right now is the most horrible and slow wrestler, it really looks like a challenge for him to even put a move over, let alone move around the ring. And well the Big Show is what he is. They are just hurting the match quality, and I don't see them as putting anyone over. Ryback has picked up the Big Show up teen times, Reigns wrestled both many times, that really done him no favors.

Long story short, the Raw after Mania went from being a 10/10 until Brock left, and turned into a 5/10 being just another Raw once Kane and Big Show got their tv time and usual main event spot.
I'm fine with them wrestling as with the right opponents, they can be very entertaining. 'Rusev Vs Big Show' was one of the most underrated matchups of 2014, imo. However, I agree that they main event too much. Kane especially, as he loses so much that he is no longer a credible threat.
Unfortunately as long as we have the Authority we will have these two around, and as Rollins main events a lot, they will as well. I totally agree with you, both are stale and taking the place of others most likely deserve it more.

Big Show bothers me the most as he seems to hate to lose. Kane rarely wins and when he does it's a shock. I can't stand them as well, and if I never see the two of them again, I wouldn't be all that upset.
I hate Big Show, hated his ass for years. He a sho-nuff momentum killer and has been for a long time. It seemed to me like they were punishing people who had go work with Show, especially babyface Show.

Kane is sad, especially considering he doesn't even try to protect the gimmick anymore, he seems to have given up on that damn near a decade ago.
Big Show and Kane are two of the three Legends in Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment history to hold the WWE, WCW / World, and ECW Championship Title Belts!! I think the should have one more run for their third and final reign as the Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions, just the give the Authority that look of Power, even for just a month or two. They are a better version for J & J Security. They are the Knight and the Room of the Authority.
Big Show and Kane are two of the three Legends in Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment history to hold the WWE, WCW / World, and ECW Championship Title Belts!! I think the should have one more run for their third and final reign as the Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions, just the give the Authority that look of Power, even for just a month or two. They are a better version for J & J Security. They are the Knight and the Room of the Authority.

I don't really have a problem with Show and Kane being in the main event scene because their main goal is to help get Rollins over. People would rather replace Show/Kane with some younger talent, but what most don't understand is it would devalue what ever young talent you replace them with. (Similar to the Wyatt family-were who ever Bray was feuding with would constantly beat Harper/Rowan before facing Bray)
Best thing for them to do (as King Patrick) said put them in the tag team scene. The tag scene needs all the help it can get and with most of the teams being face, Kane and Show could dominant for a year or two before dropping the title to a new team. Then they could have one last main event story before retiring.
wwe never forced to watch full show. if you guys don't like cena Kane roman big show then change the channel. don't complaint. you won't pay them money. Kane and show are legends in wwe. they know when they retire.
Yeah I can easily see Rollins' momentum being killed in the coming weeks with multiple six man tag main events involving him, Big Show and Kane v Reigns and a selection of Ziggler, Ryback, Cena, Bryan and whoever. I would rather have Rollins only show up on Raw once a month than have that situation.
I actually don't have an issue with The Big Show and Kane. Admittedly, from time to time it gets a little monotonous, but they have done so much for the WWE and actually do have more to give. The main event is a little too much, but they still have value.

Kane is being utilised so wrong though. I have no problem with Corporate Kane, but they should have utilised the ability to control the monster so that, when they needed him, they released the monster. Have that split-personality thing going. For Big Show, stop the crying, keep him face or heel for longer than a week, and stop with the assumption that he is still a player for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. In multi-man situations, fine, but when your headlining match is Randy Orton vs The Big Show (I'm talking Survivor Series a couple of years back), don't be surprised when the buy rate is 0.
wwe never forced to watch full show. if you guys don't like cena Kane roman big show then change the channel. don't complaint. you won't pay them money. Kane and show are legends in wwe. they know when they retire.

Then they should retire and soon. Have you any idea of how many times RAW has gone off the air this year with them standing in the ring? A lot. Kane hasn't been relevant in over a year or so, and Big Show is just a pain in the ass. They try to interfere in match after match, and it gets tiring watching it.

RAW was fantastic last night until the main event, then the crowd took over and entertained themselves by doing the wave. Big Show killed Reigns momentum after he came back from injury, as a matter of fact he pretty much sucks the air out of everything. He's stale and boring and he's still going to be feuding with Reigns on the Live tour. If Reigns wants to get anywhere they have to get him away from Big Show.
I just wrote this on another thread, but I think the best route to go with Show and Kane is to team them up and send them after the Tag Titles. I mean, sure nobody wants to see them in the main event every week, but I can't see many complaints with them working a 15 minute tag match twice a week. This way, you split their ring time in half therefore limiting their disabilities and a much needed monster team is inserted into the tag division. I would go so far as putting the straps on them, and having a face Cesaro/Kidd chase them for a few months before regaining them.

I think they could be utilized best at this point in their careers by helping to build a fledgling tag team division.
I think they'll both be retiring in the near future, both are far past their prime. I've no real problem with them both being in the "Authority", but I don't think they need to be in the main event each and every week, it just gets boring. Being either of them does very little for any up-and-coming talent these days.

I like the idea of what another poster said, about putting them as a tag-team, giving them some fresh opponents and some star power for the tag-team division.
The main event on Raw is basically dead. It pretty much died when they went to three hours. Show and Kane being in those spots are not a big deal. You just have to change you expectation around what you are getting out of basic cable WWE in 2015. It isn't about building to some important ending, it is about building to the next hour mark and PPV.

Show and Kane do fine for what they are asked to do. Who else would people want protecting (I.e. - taking losses) for Rollins?
Big Show and Kane are reliable big names. Their use is obvious but the issue is they can't perform at the level they used to. On the mic, yes, but the in-ring work stuff simply isn't as good. In fact, Reigns suffered from his month of matches with Show because it didn't get to highlight what he can do. Moreover, the matches are boring and even Bryan didn't really have a good match with Kane.

It seems the top 4 big stars in the company are all babyfaces. Throw in Reigns and Ambrose and that side of the roster stacked (never mind Ziggler, Ryback among others) They need big name heels and Show/Kane fit the bill to compliment the champ. They are also able to help Rollins in his quest. They give him more options and it helps protect him whilst ensuring he remains the bad guy.

Kane and Show are definitely needed it is just to what extent they are used. It would also help if they lost now and again. I'd suggest the problem would be solved if The Authority added another member or used J&J in these tag-team matches.

Finally,it's worth remembering that they have been taken out by The Rock, Lesnar and Sting in the last few months. There is an obvious use for them as well as giving big comebacks to someone like Reigns.
Mixed feelings. While I admit they're probably on our TV screens too much, I wouldn't call them main event performers. They function in strictly "support" roles now.....they do whatever they're called on to do.....and do it with a high degree of experience and professionalism.

If they weren't so big, in a form of entertainment that glorifies size, they wouldn't be here......and if there was no call for their services, they wouldn't be here, either.

Compare them to Mark Henry, who's always one match away from a lengthy absence due to injury; I can't remember the last time Kane or Show were unavailable because they were hurt. So, in addition to size and efficiency, they're dependable, too.

Sure, as they age, they'll either quit or have their roles reduced to the point they'll be compelled to pack it in. But as long as they're backing other performers and not vying for titles and individual glory themselves, Kane & Show will be around.
I actually don't have a problem with Kane and Show.

IMO, you guys that do have a problem are looking at this the wrong way. It's not them being featured in the main event of Raw. It's Rollins that we're supposed to be watching. Also, I think that they are doing great with their current role; which is being a part of the Authority and protecting Rollins. It's not like Show and Kane are in the main event every week trying to get a shot at the title or anything like that. So as long as their apart of the Authority and protecting Rollins, I'm fine with what they're doing. Now if they were to be in the main event of Raw without Rollins or say Triple H out there, that would be a different story.

I agree with what some have said about teaming them up and allowing them pursue the Tag Team Titles. It would be great considering that most teams are faces or tweeners. They could be a monster heel team and destroy the entire division.
As I stated back in the OP I think the biggest issue is we get too much of Kane and the Big Show. I wouldn't have a problem with them being in the middle of the show going after the tag belts, again so long as they aren't out there every single week. Just like with the main event, its OK but we don't need to see them every week.

At almost 7' Kane and all of 7' Big Show should both be attractions just like Sting, Undertaker and Lesnar. Its what Andre the Giant was for years, and when WWF finally started getting him on tv almost every week he just became another talent. Unlike 1987 and early 1988 when he was huge draw like Lesnar is now.

But sadly we get too much of both, and neither is on the level of Undertaker or Sting, but get them off tv, make them an attraction and start the process, might prolong both careers and actually interest people in seeing them.
I stated in a post yesterday that I'm tired of seeing Kane/Show every week as the Authority heavies. Unfortunately they serve a few very important purposes. They can take the losses against the top faces because their won/loss records don't matter any more. They are always credible threats just because of their size, doesn't matter how old and slow they are - beating them is still a big deal for most of the faces on the roster (not couting Cena, Reigns or Orton). And they seem to do whatever is asked of them no matter how stupid or degrading. Mark Henry can also fit in this group when WWE needs him to.
A catch 22, you want to like them because they have been around so long and have been part of some great storylines in the past, especially Kane. But they have been locked in as stooges for a long time, and the characters they portray now just aren't that fun to watch.
When that is added into the fact that they are aging big men, in an era that doesn't appreciate big men, and you have a recipe for anything but success. Furthermore, it also seems as if them and Cena are the only ones on the roster that will openly put over other superstars regularly, so they often end up in the Raw main event, getting whooped.
It's almost as if there is no real point to them even being there, other than to make the Authority faction larger but not much stronger.
I think it's great that Kane and Big Show are still on the shows regularly and in the Main Event because no one could possibly be tired of seeing them. They are always an attraction and always entertaining. Zero reason not to like them.

They should keep wrestling well after they turn 40. Oh, what's that? They ARE past 40. Oh ok, I meant they should keep wrestling until they are well past 50. Then after 50 they should be like Vince McMahon and come back and wrestle again when they are over 60.

I'm sure fans will still be more than happy to see them for 20 more years.

No use in having them retire, it would only open up an opportunity for younger, more talented and fresh Superstars to get an opportunity. But that isn't good for them. Young stars need to be buried and kept down and then years later once they've got a few wins here and there they can be main event Superstars and stay in the main event until people are sick of them.

That's the WWE way. And everybody loves it.
Kane and Big Show, due to their size, could be the Brock Lesnar of the WWE Tag Team division. I'd love to see Big Show wear a "I'm a Paul Heyman Guy" shirt and Kane wear a "I'm a Paul Bearer Guy" shirt. They could both wear a "I'm a Paul Levesque Guy" shirt. Give them the dual plated Copper and Bronze Straps for a year, and then have them drop the Titles to J & J Security.
It comes down to this... use it while you can.

Both Kane and Show have had their "golden handshake" in recent months, Kane getting the all time Rumble elimination record and Show the Battle Royal win. We are in that zone where both guys will not see Mania next year or if they do, they will not be featured.

So you have 2 guys with LOTS of experience, winding down their careers and thus a limited time to use them on TV to get others over cos once they're retired, that's it...the resource is gone.

Whether they WANT to continue or not, guys their size will have issues the older they get, particularly Show... he got his pituitary done in his 20's so he won't have Khali or Andre style trouble but a guy his size has no real business continuing much closer to his 50's, however fit he may be. From the sheer "if something goes wrong" perspective they will start phasing him out. Henry the same and Kane has been doing that for the last 2 years.

All 3 were phased out for 4-6 months EVERY year, injury or not for the last several years but now that isn't gonna cut it. So for whatever period they have set for all 3 you will likely see a LOT of them. Show will end up putting Neville over, that much is clear and the whole "David and Goliath" thing would be a strong way to end his career. Henry will probably get a more low key send-off cos of the "trick" they did a few years back.

Kane could go one more year and finish off against Taker or teaming with him as the Brothers Of Destruction one last time, perhaps against Sting and a partner.

But in the meantime, stop bitching if they main event a RAW or even a PPV, cos every one could very realistically be the last one... and even if you don't care for them, WWE and the majority of it's fans will miss them when they're gone!
I cant be the only one. But when will this madness with Kane and Big Show being in the main event of Raw every week ever stop. Majority of fans have to wish these guys just retire.

I mean sure I'm ok with them still being around: but right or wrong? Put them in Raw matches once a month like an "attraction" (nobody wants to see) and use as the outside/backstage muscle the rest of the time.

Kane right now is the most horrible and slow wrestler, it really looks like a challenge for him to even put a move over, let alone move around the ring. And well the Big Show is what he is. They are just hurting the match quality, and I don't see them as putting anyone over. Ryback has picked up the Big Show up teen times, Reigns wrestled both many times, that really done him no favors.

Long story short, the Raw after Mania went from being a 10/10 until Brock left, and turned into a 5/10 being just another Raw once Kane and Big Show got their tv time and usual main event spot.

They need to make Kane and Show into special attractions. They're overexposed. They can't be taken seriously as the muscle of The Authority. Somebody like Rusev and Sheamus could, which is two guys they could look into. Meanwhile, Kane can be an authority figure and Show can just pop up every now and then.

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