Justin Goes To A House Show


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
About once a year WWE comes to where I live for a house show, & last night was their annual stop here, before going about an hour south for RAW tonight. Any way here is my quick recap of last nights WWE house show.

-The Fist match onf the night was Tons of Funk vs. PTP, I didn't care about this match at all, Funk won with a double splash onto one of the other guys

-Up next Vickie came out, & got booed & announced that the next match would be a Divas match one of the Funktidactyls (sp?) vs. a Bella, I didn't pay too much attention when this match was going on, but the Bella lost, which made Vickie mad for some reason.

-Yoshi Tatsu was crazy over, I don't know if this is because the fans really loved him or they really just hate Drew MacIntyre that much. Probably a combination of both. Yoshi won & Drew decided to stick to the fans by doing a couple violent pelvic thrusts to the crowd as he strummed his air guitar.

-Bray Wyatt & his family's is a thing to behold, as long as WWE does horribly fuck this up these guys are going to make for some very interesting TV. Crowd seem kinda mixed on them, they got decent heel heat from a lot of people while also getting a few Wyatt chants as well, one little kid by me had be be taken out of the arena because the entrance video scared him. Bray would eventually beat A-Ry, but he toy'd with him before doing so.

-Paul Heyman got one of the loudest reactions of the night & he wasn't even there

-A group a guys sitting in front of me got into a verbal altercation with Curtis Axel which was fucking hilarious. Axel would beat Miz via countout. Miz would roll into the ring after the match behind Axel & hit him with a SCF. Miz then jump into the crowd post match & was mobbed by fans.

-These was a poll to decide to stipulation of the US title match, everytime they checked it throughout the night it was about 80% NoDQ, 20% 2 outta 3 falls, so naturally when it came time to see what won the poll it was 2 outta 3 falls, these got massive boos, & just further cements my theory that these polls are bullshit.

-Ryder got no reaction whatsoever, Ambrose however worked the crowd like a master & had them hating his guts in a matter of seconds & cheering Ryder. Ambose got DQ'd on the first fall after ramming Ryder head into an exposed turnbuckle, then swifty beat Ryder in the next two falls to win the match. After the match Rollins & Reigns came down to beat down Ryder some more only for Bryan & Christian to come to the rescue.

-The Tag match was by far the funnest match of the night, Bryan & Christian are crazy over, & both teams spent a ton of time at the beginning of the match playing to the crowd. Lots of great back & forth action, which resulted in the Shield retaining via DQ. After the match Bryan wanted a handshake from Christian but Christian wanted a hug instead, this started a series of hug it out chants, Yes chants when Christian signaled for a hug, & no chants when Bryan signaled for a handshake. Christian eventually put his hand out for the handshake, & then pulled him in for an unwanted hug, Bryan then made a "Why you...!!!" reaction while Christian started to walk away laughing, Bryan then jumped out of the ring & chased Christian into the back, it was pretty funny.

-The Main Event of the night was a Table match. Ryback came out to a mixed reaction, Sheamus came out to massive cheers, they had a solid match, there was one spot in which Sheamus was laying on the table & Ryback jumped back into the ring with the steel steps & was going to throw them on Sheamus & put him through the table that way, Sheamus moved & the table exploded, that was probably the craziest spot of the night, Sheamus would eventually win by Brough Kicking Rytard through a table he set up in the corner.

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