Justin Bieber A Daddy?

Rape? Whatever boy doesn't want sex needs more counselling than one that got "raped".
I remember on Peep Show David Mitchell thought he had been raped, he wasn't sure though
Every time someone says "rape" and implies little Justin would have been traumatized I recall hearing a good comedian making this point:

A teen girl getting shagged by an adult guy is traumatized.

A teen guy getting shagged by an adult lady....tends to usually be some sort of crazy fantasy of his.

There's no chance in hell that little Justin was trying to keep a 19 year old girl off him.

HOWEVER. This is of course most likely all bullshit. The broad has issues and needs to her 2 seconds of fame. If Biebs get screwed over....Mazel Tov. About damned time the guy's ego bubble gets shrunk down a few sizes.

But if it's true.....there's a whole slew of comedic material to tap into. Hahaha
Moon Knights obsession with barely legal girls staring in Nickelodeon/Disney programming aimed at kids in their tweens to early teens never fails to come across as slightly disturbing, especially when taking into consideration the fact that he's like 30 yrs. old.

And no Selena Gomez is not that hot, bitch looks like a fucking bobble head for fuck sake.
Moon Knights obsession with barely legal girls staring in Nickelodeon/Disney programming aimed at kids in their tweens to early teens never fails to come across as slightly disturbing, especially when taking into consideration the fact that he's like 30 yrs. old.
Big deal. I like attractive women, sue me. And obsession? Give me a break.:rolleyes: Finding a hot girl hot is hardly obsession.

And no Selena Gomez is not that hot, bitch looks like a fucking bobble head for fuck sake.
She is hot and no she doesn't, you must be confusing her with sarah hyland, that alien from modern family.
Can we just agree that "hotness" and any other aspect of female attractiveness is all subjective and what makes one man drool may make another want to shit himself?

Seriously, this was about a DIFFERENT girl with issues - Justin Bieber - not some random broad he just happens to be hooked up with.

Watching guys argue about who is hot and who isn't is just laughable, especially when they are past the age of high school students.
Big deal. I like attractive women, sue me. And obsession? Give me a break.:rolleyes: Finding a hot girl hot is hardly obsession.

She is hot and no she doesn't, you must be confusing her with sarah hyland, that alien from modern family.

'As I get older, the girls I date stay the same'

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