Justice League vs. The Avengers Tournament


The Phenom of WZ
In honor of the WZT, I'm going to be doing my own tournament of sorts between DC's Justice League and Marvel's Avengers. There will be 7 members on each team and they will be fighting a member of the opposite team in 1v1 matches. The matches will be decided by poll votes. The team with the most victories will be the winner. I will be doing a new match every 3 days with the first match starting tomorrow. I will post each characters origin stories, abilities, and feats so it will be easier to judge a winner. The teams' members are:

Justice League:
-Wonder Woman
-Green Lantern
-Martian Manhunter

The Avengers:
-Iron Man
-Captain America
-Scarlet Witch
-Quick Silver

The matches will shape up like this: (In no particular order)

Superman vs. Hulk
Batman vs. Captain America
Wonder Woman vs. Thor
Flash vs. Quick Silver
Green Lantern vs. Scarlet Witch
Martian Manhunter vs. Vision
Cyborg vs. Iron Man

So what do you guys think? Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I change some match ups? Should I change some members? Let me know your opinions.
The Avengers and Justice League have each had so many different members that it can be kind of difficult to narrow down who might be the "definitive" line up. As far as the Justice League goes, I'd say that you've got the "definitive" line up with the exception of Cyborg, I'd probably substitute Aquaman if I was to name THE seven members, but Cyborg could work. As for Flash & Green Lantern, which ones were you going to use? There've been quite a few over the years though, arguably, THE Flash & Green Lantern in the eyes of many fans are Barry Allen and Hal Jordan.

As for the Avengers, the Hulk may not be viewed as a "definitive" member even though he was one of the founding members, given that Hulk has spent much more time fighting against various assemblages of Avenger teams than fighting with them but, the Avengers movies have really influenced and reinforced the fact that he's a founding member, so I'd have no issue with him being on the team. Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver are two long time Avenger members, they sort of represented the mutant aspect of the team. Cap, Iron Man, Vision & Thor are must haves when it comes to assembling a "definitive" line up.

These sorts of things are fun to discuss and debate, it offers a little change from wrestling and, for me, it's easier to not take comic book battles quite so seriously.
For the Green Lantern, I'm definitely using Hal Jordan. I don't like John Stewart, Guy Gardener, or Kyle Rayner. As for the Flash, I'm not sure which version I'm using yet. It's either going to be Barry Allen or Wally West. Allen is the most popular version of the character but I think West might be the most powerful. I'm not sure which to use.

I chose the line ups of each team because I thought that these are the characters that best match their opponents and each had a legit chance for victory. Some would probably want to see Supes vs Thor, but I think Thor matches better with Wonder Woman. Vision and Martian Manhunter share similar abilities as do all the other match ups. I made a list of 15 members from each line up. Since with the JL you have to have the big three (Supes, Bats, and WW) that only left 4 to go. Also with the Avengers you have to have Iron man, Cap, and Thor that also left 4. So I went with match ups to choose my remaining members. I almost had Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye instead of GL vs SW, but thought the latter was more interesting.
I love this idea!! I can't wait for it to start. Here's a picture that could be useful. The match ups here are line up, starting with Thing vs. Bane, all the way to Juggernaut vs. Doomsday, and of course, the Thanos vs. Darksied main event.

The Flash dominated Quicksilver giving 1 to the JL.

We're all tied up. I'm hoping that the next match will have some sort of discussion behind it. It's time for the next match up to begin.
This is a pretty cool concept. I'm not very educated on the topic of comics but I've always been an admirer from a far. I'm finding the back stories very informative and entertaining.

I do have a question. I mean this in all seriousness despite it sounding like a jack ass type question. In so many back stories there is the inclusion of a variety of God like beings. They include Roman, Greek and other mythologies. Are there any popular character that have ties to Jesus or any modern day religious figures? I'm not over religious myself but while reading Wonder Woman's back story it popped in my head.
This is a pretty cool concept. I'm not very educated on the topic of comics but I've always been an admirer from a far. I'm finding the back stories very informative and entertaining.

I do have a question. I mean this in all seriousness despite it sounding like a jack ass type question. In so many back stories there is the inclusion of a variety of God like beings. They include Roman, Greek and other mythologies. Are there any popular character that have ties to Jesus or any modern day religious figures? I'm not over religious myself but while reading Wonder Woman's back story it popped in my head.

I don't think so. There are several characters that deal in ancient religions and their gods like Thor-Norse, Wonder Woman-Greek/Roman, Captain Marvel-Greek/Roman, Black Adam-Egyptian. Some of these ancient gods are actually characters in the comics like Hercules, Zues, Ares, Odin, etc. I don't think that there are any characters that directly tie into Christianity. The closest I guess would be Raven. Her father is basically the Devil but in the comics they call him Trigon. Other than that, no.

Btw, come on people! Don't just vote and move on. Say why you voted the way you did. Let's get some discussion going on.
Hulk had better appeal to his human form for ways to get the better of Superman.

Obviously kryptonite is the way to go, but at this point Superman would probably know a workaround for his only known weakness. Though it's not really a weakness, Superman is usually pretty naïve and gullible for someone who's supposed to be "super".

Bruce Banner is a "brilliant scientist", so maybe if it's within the bounds of the rules he could have come up with some kind of means of weakening Superman. If we're just going straight up Hulk vs straight up Superman, we all know who's winning that.
The Hulk gets stronger the angrier he gets. Also, don't forget that Doomsday was able to beat Superman to death (healing coma) and he's pretty much a DC Hulk. I'll save the rest for the match. It'll be closer than you think.
Sorry folks, I know I'm running behind on the matches. Looks like the Avengers are up 2-1 in the tournament. Let's get some more discussion going on.

It's time for the next match up.
In honor of the WZT, I'm going to be doing my own tournament of sorts between DC's Justice League and Marvel's Avengers. There will be 7 members on each team and they will be fighting a member of the opposite team in 1v1 matches. The matches will be decided by poll votes. The team with the most victories will be the winner. I will be doing a new match every 3 days with the first match starting tomorrow. I will post each characters origin stories, abilities, and feats so it will be easier to judge a winner. The teams' members are:

Justice League:
-Wonder Woman
-Green Lantern
-Martian Manhunter

The Avengers:
-Iron Man
-Captain America
-Scarlet Witch
-Quick Silver

The matches will shape up like this: (In no particular order)

Superman vs. Hulk
Batman vs. Captain America
Wonder Woman vs. Thor
Flash vs. Quick Silver
Green Lantern vs. Scarlet Witch
Martian Manhunter vs. Vision
Cyborg vs. Iron Man

So what do you guys think? Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I change some match ups? Should I change some members? Let me know your opinions.

I'd say add Aquaman and Antman or Hawkeye. Make it 8 vs 8 for an even bracket.

But Batman wins it all.
We actually ended with a tie for GL vs. SW. So I have a couple ideas on how to resolve this. Give another period of time starting at a specific time and ending at a specific time for people to write in their votes or throw out this match altogether and replace it with another match? What do you guys think?
Sorry that I've not resumed the tournament, but I've been very very busy. Since nobody else offered a suggestion on how to resolve the tie in the last match; we will proceed as such. Each team will get a point, but now the tournament will be 8v8 with the winner having won 5 matches instead of 4.

The new match added to the tournament will be Dr. Fate vs. Dr Strange.

The score is JL-2 and Avengers-3

What do you guys think? Do you have any other characters in mind?
I suggest Aquaman vs. Ant-Man, only because these 2 specific heroes are founding members of their respective teams.
That's an interesting match, but I think the winner is easily deduced. What about Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye or Black Canary vs. Black Widow?
That's an interesting match, but I think the winner is easily deduced. What about Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye or Black Canary vs. Black Widow?

Both are pretty even match ups. Green Arrow & Black Canary have been around longer, but Hawkeye & Black Widow have the big advantage of Marvel's Cinematic Universe giving them huge exposure, though I suppose the TV show Arrow has sort of done the same, though not nearly on the same level.

Of those potential matchups, however, Black Canary vs. Black Widow holds the most interest for me as they're so evenly matched as they're incredibly conditioned athletes and master martial artists. Hawkeye vs. Green Arrow seems like it'd just come down to who has the most highly improbable trick arrow to come out with the win.
So with Iron Man beating Cyborg the score is now:

JL-2 and Avengers-4

If the Avengers win one more match, they win the tournament. I wish we could get more debates going on. I think everyone should have an opinion on the next match though.
Since Batman destoyed Capt, the score is now:

JL-3 and Avengers-4

I still haven't decided on who to use for the make up match. Any ideas or suggestions would be great. As for what's next, it's what was going to be our main event. I hope a lot of people discuss this one because I have some interesting theories regarding it.
With Superman's victory over the Hulk, the score is tied at:

JL-4 and Avengers-4

So now there is just one more battle to be had and I still don't know who to go with. So here are the choices:

Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye
Black Canary vs. Black Widow
Ant-Man vs. The Atom
Dr. Fate vs. Dr. Strange
Hawkgirl vs. Falcon
Captain Atom vs. Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel
Other: if you have an idea, let me know

So tell me which one you think would make the best match and why. The one with the most supporters is the one we'll use. If it's even or nobody chooses, I'll choose one in a few days.
I have enjoyed this tournament from the beginning all the way to where we’re at now. Let’s look at the choices for the final battle.

Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye
Black Canary vs. Black Widow
Ant-Man vs. The Atom
Dr. Fate vs. Dr. Strange
Hawkgirl vs. Falcon
Captain Atom vs. Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel

Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t think the final battle between DC and Marvel should be centered around these battles that are listed. Instead, we should take the 8 battles that already took place and have the people vote DC or Marvel as a whole. The final battle should be the Justice League vs. the Avengers. What do you think??
That's an interesting concept. So instead of having a one on one match as the final, do the entire teams against one another. That could work. Post the respective teams origins, members in the fight, feats/things the teams have accomplished, and maybe a top ten villains they have defeated or something.

What do you guys think? Let me know your opinions.
That's an interesting concept. So instead of having a one on one match as the final, do the entire teams against one another. That could work. Post the respective teams origins, members in the fight, feats/things the teams have accomplished, and maybe a top ten villains they have defeated or something.

What do you guys think? Let me know your opinions.

Interesting. In wrestling terms, an elimination tag team match? The original JL vs the original Avengers.

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