Just watched the Chris Jericho- Breaking The Code DVD

Hollywood Naitch

The current reigning and defending
Fuck me, its good!

I already know most of the matches on there, but will obviously be watching those again, especially the WM19 classic vs HBK which is one of my favourites.

But Omg some of those WCW promo's interviews are absolutely awesome. Jericho really is one of the best entertainers ever in the business. The "Conspiracy Victim" vigettes are hilarious, and my personal favourite is the Jericho montage on the disc 1 extras where it covers almost all his hilarious promo's, catchphrases and interviews throughout his career.

"Bring what? A vomit bag? A fig newton?"

What a legend
I just watched it to, a few days ago. My opinnion is the same, and after watching his life as a wrestler, he is a legend!
one of the few big names in the business still going who has worked extensively in Mexico, Japan, Canada and the US. Jericho worked his way up, learned his craft and deserves all the success he has had.

He never got it handed to him on a plate through signing developmental deals with the WWE from an early age, he worked his ass off to get there. I knew his story through reading his book, but seeing it all on tape was great

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