Just some thoughts on Smackdown


Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't usually watch Smackdown, but tonight I caught the last hour and a half of the show and I figured I'd say something about it.

I thought the show was pretty good, for this era of WWE and Smackdown. Smackdown seems to be a lot more balanced then RAW in that the mid card (middle of the show) comes across as meaningful on SD, while RAW only seems to matter at the opening and the end.

I'm not going in any particular order so...

I'm going to start with Daniel Bryan. I liked Bryan's get up and new entrance music. He seemed to have a different presence about him. When he came out with that music and "swagger," I thought "that's the American Dragon!" and I'm not even an ROH viewer.

He had a good match as usual and I think the commentators even did a good job during his match with the help of Barrett. Not all that interested in the Barrett/Bryan feud at this time, but I think they are both guys that can pull their own weight with Bryan being the latter (still can't help but think what Nexus would of been like if Bryan stuck around and co-ran it with Barrett.)
Bryan gives me a reason to tune into SD when he's not just wrestling guys for the sake of wrestling.

Oh, I don't know if Bryan was wearing new attire, but for me his attire and music appeared new and it made me think of WWE's power to get someone over. I'm under the impression that WWE purposefully holds guys back. You can't make everyone a legend, but accessories such as music, signature moves, and attire among other things help wrestlers get over and WWE knows what does and doesn't work (with a small error of margin.)

If WWE wanted to push Zack Ryder to the sky, they'd probably change his entrance music, but they're not interested in that for the time being so they figure his music is adequate for a guy just reaching the mid-card. Anyway, the point is that WWE seems to be letting up the reigns on Bryan and it's fun to watch.

As for the Ryder, Cody, Ted, Zeke segment and match. It's good to see Ryder on TV and though I didn't catch the entire match, I thought the segment was good and I'm probably one of the biggest proponents of Ted's face turn. There is no fucking reason whatsoever that a feud between Dibiase and Rhodes should not be epic, but I have little faith in WWE and feel that when it does occur it will be watered down and it will it waste it's time getting their fathers over.

Koz vs Henry was a blah match. (Later Koz.)
Cool to see Sheamus come out and play up his tweener role on the mic. This is a solid bottom of the card feud, there's only so much Sheamus can do with Henry. Versatile Barbarian vs a Beast.

I watched the six man tag match and I'm interested to see how MM's (Joe Hennig) career shapes out. He's definitely using a throwback tag style to make up for Otunga's weaknesses, but you can tell Joe knows what he's doing, if only some what dated. I didn't really care about the match as far as outcome went, but it looked like a decent match with decent psychology. That Tag Finisher they used looked brutal!(the good way)

As for the main event, I think I catched most of the match. I'm not high on Truth, Christian, Orton or Morrison, with the most interest probably on Morrison (I really think this guy could do use a new set of boots.) A lot of guys wear those long shin guards and bigger boots, Morrison needs something to make his legs look bigger. Otunga has some sweet ass boots.
The match looked good, but none of those involved drew me in to watching the show. Christian will not get rid of Orton while has the world title in that we won't see Christian as Champ vs someone besides Orton, Orton will eventually win out. I'm glad to hear Orton is the locker room leader on SD. I bet the divas are excited about that. What a selfless guy to step up and take the reigns of the show he's been on ... however long it was it took him to win the World title since coming from Raw.

Anyway, there was some good matches, some good story building, and some good things to look forward too so all in all I found it to be a good show.

Oh, I also liked that Aksana chick! Was she on NXT--the one that married Goldust? This Aksana looked good and was very convincing. She looks like she'd be the black widow of some awesome stable, but she'll probably just become another face among the divas.
I shared some of your thought mainly about MM(joe). He took a lot from his dad and really used it to his advantage. God I miss his dad in the ring.
Isn't Smackdown an hour and a half show? :shrug: Oh wait, the commercials :lmao:

SmackDown was pretty good again... I just think that they shouldn't pass "from the vault" on SmackDown but yes on Superstars, because that only ruins TV time for some superstars that could actually need it.

Sheamus vs Khali was pretty decent, weird to see Mahal in the loser side but I guess that it will have repercussions in terms of storyline for Khali.

Daniel Bryan vs Tyson Kidd was easily match of the week and I was impressed with Kidd, he is a superstar that has the ability to be a midcarder, uppermidcarder in the WWE however his looks is awful and in my view he needs a total repackage, with a gimmick.
Barrett needs a victory over anyone in the WWE, when was the last time he won since he left The Corre? I hope they make this feud DB vs Barrett something to look after.

Ryder and Zeke segment was good, but it only showed how bad is Zeke Jackson in the mic...
Cody Rhodes or Ted DiBiase could use the time from "From The Vault" segment to have a match with a jobber or a lowcard wrestler like Slater or Gabriel.

Mark Henry is starting to grow on me even more, however I would make Sheamus throw the chair against Henry outside of the ring, and when Henry thought Sheamus was without weapons, Sheamus would grab the other chair that Henry used on Kozlov and ihit with it in Henry's fingers.

If they give Otunga and Michael some time, they could be a good team... They are starting to look like champions, and I'm enjoying his matches, specially the power and speed kind of act they have and I love their finisher.

Main Event was a good tag team match, and I was surprised about Christian get the pinfall victory over Orton, and it was clean!!
R-Truth is also starting too grow on me, he is very funny...

Overall it was a good show.
Demolition used that finisher OtungaCutty used this past week (holding a guy in the backbreaker position then dropping an elbow from the second rope.)

The thing that sucks about Smackdown is you know the show's going nowhere. Wrestler's hold down other wrestler's and Raw holds down Smackdown. How amazing would it be if Smackdown put on better shows then Raw, but it never can because RAW is the A show and nothing can ever be more important then it. Geez, everything in WWE is rank and file. WWE: Keeping it Status Quo.
Demolition used that finisher OtungaCutty used this past week (holding a guy in the backbreaker position then dropping an elbow from the second rope.)

The thing that sucks about Smackdown is you know the show's going nowhere. Wrestler's hold down other wrestler's and Raw holds down Smackdown. How amazing would it be if Smackdown put on better shows then Raw, but it never can because RAW is the A show and nothing can ever be more important then it. Geez, everything in WWE is rank and file. WWE: Keeping it Status Quo.

I agree. The sad thing is I recall there was a time when "SD" was better than "Raw"... But Vince can't let that happen.

I knew it was dying when Rey got moved to Monday, as I had long read the Hispanic audience was of major importance where "Smackdown" was concerned.

So much for that...
Christian will not get rid of Orton while has the world title in that we won't see Christian as Champ vs someone besides Orton, Orton will eventually win out.

Dude, your so right! It's like the only way you can get to the top of the card is if your facing Orton or Cena. Christian never had a chance of getting rid of Orton once and for all and defending the title against someone else. It's almost like Orton has held the title this entire time.
Is there not enough discussion Goin on here for your liking and it's driven you mad?

Yeah, it happened a long time ago, heh. Aside from yourself, there aren't too many others who actually post much about wrestling(or any relevant topic that can be discussed.) There are some though.

I rather be imprisoned in the non-spam wrestling section then here, so I can toss around ideas with everyone else. Here it's usually like talking to a tree just because I'm pretty active and would like to be taking part in a lot more discussion then I currently am.

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