Just some random thoughts on Mania/Streak Ending/Raw/HHH


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I didn't want to make worthless posts across the board where they would gotten skipped over, so I figured why not just jolt my thoughts down in the Wrestling Spam Section? That's the benefit of having the section exist, after all. :)

Anyway, let me start off by saying I didn't attend 'Mania or Raw, despite it being in my home state. I would have been able to only afford cheap seats, so if I would have attended, it would have been only just to say I was there, not to have an enjoyable experience. I know for a fact I enjoyed the shows much more in the comfortable confines of my own home than I would have in the nosebleed sections.

So with that said, I thought Wrestlemania was the best since 19.

HHH vs. Bryan was fantastic and perfectly book. I'm glad it only took one finisher to put Triple H down, too. It's getting beyond ridiculous with the all the kick-out to finishers at Wrestlemania. Can't these guys find another way to get that suspenseful pop from crowd due to a kick-out, besides a finisher? Anyway, great match. Steph was also awesome in it. Great heel manager she is.

The Shield vs. NAO/Kane was a perfect showcase fight for The Shield. Exactly what I wanted from that match.

The Battle Royal was dull at first but really picked up steam once Kofi started doing his thing, and the finish was perfect. Couldn't have asked for more out of that match.

Cena/Bray was great storytelling through and through. Like I bitched about earlier, I didn't like the kicking out of each others finishers, but it was still a very good match nonetheless. I didn't mind Cena winning either. I'm sure these two will tear the house down at Extreme Rules.

Brock vs. Taker sucked but the ending was incredible and something I'll never forget. That moment makes up for the shitty match.

Now, Brock is a guy who fucked over the company and has a contract where he's bound to only wrestle 3 times a year. So, I get why people are upset he was the one to end the streak. It seems like it doesn't do the company any favors, nor is Brock the type of guy who would really appreciate getting a moment and victory like that.

With that said, I was never a big Undertaker fan. In fact, I didn't begin to fully respect him until about 2002 when he finally started having great matches and wasn't just a "cool" character (never cool for me though; I always rooted against him). So, I never cared about the Streak, which brings me to my next point....

Brock Lesnar was absolutely the perfect guy to end it. Now, I never thought in a million years it would happen, nor would I have said he was the perfect guy to end it before the show Sunday. HOWEVER, with the benefit of hindsight, it's obvious to me now why The Undertaker chose Lesnar.

It wasn't because he and Lesnar are buddies, and it wasn't because it would propel Lesnar into an even bigger draw for the company; it was because storyline wise, Lesnar is the only guy who makes any sense that could have ended the streak.

Think of their past feud from 2002/2003. Lesnar DOMINATED The Undertaker. Did Undertaker once beat him? I don't believe so. So why would a near 50-year-old 'Taker beat Brock Lesnar, who is still in his prime? The only thing that hurts it even a little is HHH beating Lesnar at last year's 'Mania and also Cena beating Lesnar too. Lesnar should be undefeated since returning to 'E, but they really fucked that up and that's what keeps this situation from being the absolute perfect scenario.

But still, Brock has ALWAYS had The Undertaker's number. I think that's something 'Taker realized and appreciated, and thought that if he was going to end the streak, why not come full circle by having Lesnar be the one to do it?

So, that's my feelings on that.

The Divas match I expected to be a huge clusterfuck. And then you pile on having to follow The Undertaker's streak coming to an end... what a nightmare of a situation. But you know what? It was well booked and the ladies carried out their job in respectable fashion. I'd even venture to say the fans were a bit into it at the end. Very impressive.

And the main event was awesome. Just awesome. Great story, great spots, great ending. Just a beautiful main event. I loved it and it was easily my favorite match of the night.

And Raw last night was terrific. Bryan's opening segment was a spectacular moment, the Bo Dallas and Adam Rose vignettes made me giddy as fuck, Heyman cut one of the best promos of his career (which is saying something), Cesaro becoming a Paul Heyman guy is a dream come true, and so on. My only gripe was how the Paige deal came off. First, I was enjoying AJ's promo and as a big fan of hers, basking in that special moment she was having. Now, having Paige debut right there and come down and kicking AJ's ass would have been cool. Instead, they booked her as some kind of fangirl and then took the title off AJ. That was just horribly booked if you ask me. They should have started the feud there and built to their first match at Extreme Rules. But whatever... it's the Divas Division so it doesn't really matter since WWE will pay it no mind eventually anyway. But I just thought that could have been better executed.

Lastly, I have despised HHH for a long time, but I have to give the guy a ton of credit. For one, he's having the best mic work of his entire career. I don't care what anyone says... he's never been a great promo guy, but in this new role, he and Steph both have been truly great on the mic. And the fact he's putting Bryan and The Shield over... man, it's about time he does something like this, but better late than never, right? I never thought I'd ever say this, but major props to HHH. Hopefully he continues down this path.
Initially after getting over the shock of it being Lesnar and not someone else (Cena was the first to come to my mind) it sort of makes sense because Undertaker has never beaten Lesnar and also Lesnar is legitimately terrifying. They should have built up how Undertaker has never beaten Brock though. That would have made the storyline more compelling. But then again that was back when he was a biker and WWE seem to want us to forget that.

What did you think of the Andre Battle Royal (at least the final minutes because it was a clusterfuck at the start)
It's funny actually, cause I keep meaning to say this somewhere.

Hypothetically, had Triple H beaten Bryan in the opening match, no matter how, had there been multiple interferences, had Bryan been struck my lightning, had an elephant somehow came to ring and crushed Bryan despite him dominating the match, there would have been thread after thread after thread all across these boards and the Internet about how, "Triple H buries everybody", and how he is wielding his, "trusty shovel to bury another career", despite the fact there is only one true instance of Triple H getting his way when he shouldn't have in his career (see: Booker T, WrestleMania 19.)

So Triple H lost, clean, to Daniel Bryan. Lets remember who Daniel Bryan is, by the way. This is the "indy vanilla midget who'll never make it to the WWE", only five short years ago. The 5'8", 210 pound soaking wet with a brick in his pocket Daniel Bryan. And Triple H is the guy who despite having all control over NXT is supposed to love jacked up dudes with muscles on top of other muscles, who don't know the difference between a DDT and a Suplex, despite the insinuation never founded.

So where is Triple H's praise everywhere? Why aren't there numerous threads talking about how Triple H put Bryan over, not just in the match, but also in the main event when he interfered and didn't get a lick of offense. Daniel Bryan might be the star, but Triple H is Heath Ledger's Joker to Daniel Bryan's Christian Bale's Batman. Without Triple H, Bryan's victory wouldn't have been half as sweet.

The Shield showed last night why they are currently the absolute best thing in wrestling and Roman should be strapped to a rocket and shot straight to the moon.
What did you think of the Andre Battle Royal (at least the final minutes because it was a clusterfuck at the start)

After a couple of minutes in I went and took a piss break. By the time I got back, Kofi was just starting to get the spotlight and I thought the match was a blast from that point on.

Hypothetically, had Triple H beaten Bryan in the opening match, no matter how, had there been multiple interferences, had Bryan been struck my lightning, had an elephant somehow came to ring and crushed Bryan despite him dominating the match, there would have been thread after thread after thread all across these boards and the Internet about how, "Triple H buries everybody", and how he is wielding his, "trusty shovel to bury another career", despite the fact there is only one true instance of Triple H getting his way when he shouldn't have in his career (see: Booker T, WrestleMania 19.)

Well let's not go overboard here. The fact is, HHH remained on top for way too long from 2002-2006, and there was absolutely no justification for it. Numbers kept sliding down while he was the focal point on the show, hardly anybody enjoyed his work, yet he continued to remain on top. It was an AWFUL time for Raw.

With all that said, if HHH isn't an egomaniac dick at that time, then his character today doesn't work. So it paid off in the end, although I will always remain a little bitter towards him for holding down RVD in 2002/2003.
The Undertaker's streak was sacrificed so Bryan could win the title. Balance must exist. Vince gave fans exactly what they wanted- while completely crushing another one of their dreams.

What an evil bastard.

Overall PPV was damn solid stuff. Cesaro FTW.
Triple H has been putting people over for years. He is someone who literally always does what's right for business. People say he was on top entirely too like during his Evolution run, which I disagree with, but then who else could have been in that role? He did drop the belt to Goldberg, but there weren't a lot of people with the same star power. Plus it made sense for him to hold the belt all that time, because he had a stable that helped him cheat. That was their thing. He made two new stars in the process and put them both over. People argue that it's only because they are good buddies and have muscles. Orton wasn't very large, and there isn't anything to suggest they were all good buddies. Just because they were all close in kayfabe doesn't mean anything. Then the claim that he puts the belt on his best buddies with the power he has. Triple H's known best friend are Nash, Hall, X-Pac and HBK. Since Triple H married Stephanie only one of those guys has held the world title and that's HBK. He deserved it too. When it comes to guys like Sheamus and Del Rio, people say they are best buddies and that's where they get their titles. The reports jsut say that Triple H is high on so and so. Of course you will get titles if the boss is impressed with you. The Shield and the Wyatts, were project that Triple H was adamant about. Next year are people going to start crying about them main eventing and getting belts just for being Triple H's buddies?

As far as the matches go, I think the best matches were both of the Daniel Bryan matches. A lot of people thoughT CM Punk would return in the final match. I started to see this when I saw Triple H and Stephanie run in.

The tag championship match was good, but it was nothing beyond what tag matches typically are today. They did get a "this is awesome" chant, but that is a loosely handled phrase these days.

The Shield vs Authority wasn't very good. It was basically a quick squash match. They cut off the Outlaws entrance, which really ruined that Wrestlemania nostalgia moment for me, then they cut The Shields's entrance short and kind of rushed the match. I don't know if it just seemed quicker because I was there in person, but it was basically a throwaway match.

The Battle Royal was decent, but I was hoping it would have been done more similarly to the way the Rumble is, just with shorter intervals. I'm still upset about the fact that there were no real mid card singles feuds.

Bray vs Cena was a huge disappointment. I was expecting a clean win over Cena. I was expecting it to be very much like Bray vs Bryan. It made no sense for Cena to win. Bray Wyatt has been unbeaten. The guys is over as hell and has put out the best promos on a regular basis. This would have cemented him as a main eventer and top contender. If you look back, ever since Daniel Bryan won the title against Cena at Summer Slam, he has not lost a single clean match since(because he was being buried right?) except for against Bray Wyatt. Why put Bray over Super Bryan who beat Cena only to have him job to Cena at Wrestlemania. Then you look back at how dominant The Shield has been, especially as they are getting pushed even higher. The Wyatts beat them back to back. If Bray Wyatt pinned Cena 1-2-3 at Wrestelmania, we could have had an epic Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt feud for Summer Slam. But I guess Cena needed it more.

The Divas match had a pretty funny finish. I'm shocked WWE had the gall to put this on immediately folling the streak ending. The crowd booed the hell out of them and chanted "Undertaker".

The IC and US title matches were...oh wait.

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