Just letting people know.


The Backbreaker Machine
This thread is to let everyone know that I will be cutting back my time on the forums quite a lot and won't be on here often, as I now have a girlfriend who I care for alot and love, also I need time to get my pro wrestling career on a better track. These things have also caused me to miss time with close friends and also take time to do the other things in life I enjoy, WZ had consumed plenty of my time due to be really engaging with the antics and friendships you build with people.

I know alot of you don't like me and I know some of you like me but this is not some lame ass goodbye forever crap, just a notification of my reduced activity due to things mentioned above.
I have unforunate news, as of July 4th me and my girlfriend will no longer be together, due to issues throughout the week, i have decided i can't be sad and feeling down any longer so i have decided on my part to end my relationship with a girl i was happy with.
Well my girl decided she wanted space and to back to dating instead of being in a full on relationship, plus she has mental health issues, but i was so happy with her, and when she said not to come to her house party too it had me confused. And for a week i been mad depressed, so after intervention from family and friends, i have decided to end it with my girl. Hell i fucked up badly at wrestling training, i fucked up rope funning and shoulder tackle drills even hip tosses, because of this stuff on my mind.

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