JTG sent to Raw to be with R-Truth


Dark Match Winner
JTG was traded to Raw. Expect him to side with R-Truth in the coming weeks, on some Miz & Alex Riley type shit.

JTG is meaningless and I think R-Truth should stay on his own. If he can pull off the type of promos that he did on monday on a consistent basis then I have high hopes for him.
Wait one second, this can't happen.

R-Truth is supposed to be with Johnny Curtis, right? Can't they be a heel tag team and go for the WWE Tag Team Champions against Kane and Big Show like they're supposed to? They earned the right to after NXT, I hope WWE does not ignore this.

JTG is pointless IMO.
Truth will remain by himself to fued with Morrison. I expect that fued to heat up tonight at ER. The only place I can see JTG going in the near future is the unemployment line.
Suprised JTG is still with the 'E.

I fucking LOVED Truth's work on RAW and if he keeps that up he doesn't need a sidekick or a protege. Truth should be left alone, JTG accompanying would just defeat the purpose of trying to build Truth up.
Truth is on a winner atm. JTG along with a few others were put onto raw for backstage reasons.
For a few weeks they won't have to be on tv.
understandably so, with the big names getting drafted/needing the exposure.
Then they can be released from the company.
and ppl will say " we didn't see much of them anyway"
if they remained on their respective brands they might, just might, have been missed.
I had mentioned this in a post about Truth earlier in the week. I can see the two of them eventually hooking up and becomming a tag team (a bad guy version of crime time). JTG is a decent wrestler IMO and I think if you take away the dancing good guy routine and turn him into a thug heal it could give him a little life. I can see JTG & Truth as tag team champions, and I can also see them joining with Kong/Kharma forming an anti straight edge society. JTG may not be much alone, but he could be the Marty Jannetty to Truth's Shawn Michaels. It's time to get Crunk.
I think R-truth would like that. Standing next to JTG makes him look like a MEGASTAR!

Seriously, though, what would be the point of giving Truth a sidekick now? I don't see it. If it was a strong tall bodyguard type guy ok, it would at least make sense, but a flea like JTG? Even R-Truth deserves better.
I highly doubt WWE would do something as stupid as that.

They spent 30 minutes on RAW for R-Truth's heel turn then the next week on RAW he made an awesome promo about why he's a heel now. They want him to be a major heel and putting him with someone like JTG would crush any momentum Truth currently has (that's how bad JTG is).
I beg that they don't make some hip hop duo. I'm black and I guess wwe tries to "relate" to us but fail at it. The whole rap gimmick gets old and stale quick and I for one am sick of seeing it.
Ron killings was a rapper first and was persuaded into becoming a wrestler; that's why he's used the rap gimmick, he writes his own stuff. I'd rather see him wrestle than rap though.
What is so bad about JTG? He is decent in the ring.. always got pretty good fan reaction... I think WWE misused him.. that simple. Just my opinion though.
I wonder how you all find it that JTG is so terrible when he doesn't even get a chance and when he does wrestle/perform he is passable. Didn't you guys just learn something about judging a book by its cover because we all thought Truth was atrocious as a face but as a heel truth shocked everyone and while I personally don't wanna so truth when the title he showed he could hang. So I wonder why people like tyson kidd, curt hawkins, jtg, or Yoshi sucks just because you never hear from them. I would just like to know facts why someone sucks when you have no detail on them and out of that list yes I personally see all of them as midcarders but maybe hawkins could main event in ten years. I'm just sayin the Miz is the perfect example of what i mean so wait until someone fails before you write them off.
I wonder how you all find it that JTG is so terrible when he doesn't even get a chance and when he does wrestle/perform he is passable. Didn't you guys just learn something about judging a book by its cover because we all thought Truth was atrocious as a face but as a heel truth shocked everyone and while I personally don't wanna so truth when the title he showed he could hang. So I wonder why people like tyson kidd, curt hawkins, jtg, or Yoshi sucks just because you never hear from them. I would just like to know facts why someone sucks when you have no detail on them and out of that list yes I personally see all of them as midcarders but maybe hawkins could main event in ten years. I'm just sayin the Miz is the perfect example of what i mean so wait until someone fails before you write them off.

Your 100% right. What about guys like Stunning Steve Austin, The Hardys ( those two were were jobbing and carrying around Mable in the mid 90's ) etc.
So how would this work? Two thugs? Cryme Tyme didnt work the first time so why would it now? Truth just needs to work on his own and continue to develop his new persona. I'd rather see them feud than join forces and i'd really hate to see them feud.
Bad move!!! I've never been sold on JTG; he's ok at times but his character is too goofy. I always liked Shad better. The Truth ought to stay alone, but if they have to have a small stable around him I would say use Michael Tarver, bring Xavier Woods up from FCW and Kharma, even throw in Johnny Curtis if you have to. JTG is probably gonna be gone soon anyway.
I wonder how you all find it that JTG is so terrible when he doesn't even get a chance and when he does wrestle/perform he is passable. Didn't you guys just learn something about judging a book by its cover because we all thought Truth was atrocious as a face but as a heel truth shocked everyone and while I personally don't wanna so truth when the title he showed he could hang. So I wonder why people like tyson kidd, curt hawkins, jtg, or Yoshi sucks just because you never hear from them. I would just like to know facts why someone sucks when you have no detail on them and out of that list yes I personally see all of them as midcarders but maybe hawkins could main event in ten years. I'm just sayin the Miz is the perfect example of what i mean so wait until someone fails before you write them off.

you're right in so0me ways. i personally think JTG is good. he gets a good pop and can go in the ring.
but we weren't judging a book by its cover, we judging it by the story. R truth was whack as a face, point blank. he isnt that good in the ring. now he actually has a finisher which he stole from shelton benjamin. and then he has that suplex stunner. but other than that he is green in the ring. he had a decent heel turn but he still has to impress alot more first.
I would like the idea of them teamin up in a wrestler/manager set up. I think it could work seeing as the whole wrestler/manager theme seems to be gradually being re-introduced to wrestling in the least year with teams such as Ziggler-Vicky, Miz-Riley, Del Rio-Clay and even the possile Lucky Cannon-Matyse set up on NXT is interesting.

If this is the kind of set up that R-Truth and JTG are going to have then I would be a fan of that, it would give R-Truth a big injection of importance and raise his profile somewhat and probably even draw more heat towards him.
I'm not against pairing the two but they should keep R-Truth solo for a while to build up his heel gimmick which he did a great job laying the foundation for the last two weeks. Build R-Truth up, get him where he needs to be as a heel, then throw JTG in as a bodyguard or lackey so that Truth can give him a good enough "rub" to get him over.

Establish one, then establish the other by association. Wrest... er... "sports entertainment" 101.
I can only see this as a potential solution to the Truth heel turn eventually fizzling out. Right now, things are clicking and the heel turn seems to be a success. But if it ends up going nowhere and Truth falls back into obscurity, I could see them pairing Truth and JTG up as a filler tag team to give them something to do. That is if JTG is even still around whenever that happens because frankly, he could be gone tomorrow and no one would notice.
wow, congrats to the op on creatig a rumour. This post is extremely useless. it is not going to happen, makes no sense and is utterly pointless. RTruth just cut an astonishingly amazing promo and now you want to pair him with JTG? Seriously. Don't even tell me the reasonig is because they both have hip hop gimmicks. What a Joke
More racist shit from the iwc typical you people need to seriously get out more. Wtf how is JTG pointless he wrestles better than your current WWE champion. And why must you instantly so ok JTG can team up with R-truth wtf dude i hate his gimmick the ghetto bs as well. But that doesn't make him worthless. All the hate comes from people iwc smarks being racist trolls.

Ugh don't bother quoting me i know i am right on the money.:shrug:
More racist shit from the iwc typical you people need to seriously get out more. Wtf how is JTG pointless he wrestles better than your current WWE champion. And why must you instantly so ok JTG can team up with R-truth wtf dude i hate his gimmick the ghetto bs as well. But that doesn't make him worthless. All the hate comes from people iwc smarks being racist trolls.

Ugh don't bother quoting me i know i am right on the money.:shrug:

I see potential in most wrestlers...and I dun see where JTG is better than miz in the ring...
Miz has worked his ass off to improve in the ring.
The only thing JTG has goin for him is a cool finisher.
To tell the truth(no pun intended), i think they drafted JTG just to meet their status quoe for the annual draft. WWE probably has a set amount of wrestlers to draft, so they probably just drafted him because they had noone else. He will most likely stay the same guy you rarely see who jobs to people.

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