JTG and Shad future?


Gone but never forgotten.
This Friday night on Smackdown, it seemed as if Cryme Tyme lost squash-style to Morrison/R-Truth and Shad Gaspar didn't take it too well. He turned on JTG, gave him a swift ass-kicking, and it appears to be the end of this fun tag team that never captured tag team gold.

After four years, Cryme Tyme has imploded and appears to be no more.

What do you guys think is gong to happen with them?
Ugh. Stupid, stupid move by the WWE. I'm nnot going to sit here and rant about tag team wrestling, because it's been a joke for years, but Cryme Tyme as a unit did two things:

1. They Woke the Crowd Up.
Cryme Tyme was over, way over. They got crazy pops every time they entered. They had an exciting style that the live crowd loved to see, along with fun little characters. How they never even got a tag title run is beyond me. They were great show openers.

2. They Served as Enhancement Talent.
They were a team that was good at making other teams look strong. They sold and bumped around while still looking credible, and that is what is needed to help build stars. Stars need people they can just wail on and have it still be considered a "big victory". It's why people like Kane are still employed. Now who is going to fill that void? Wang Yang and Funaki? Doubtful.

There is already a big black monster heel on Smackdown, and his name is Ezekiel Jackson. Unless Shad does something like become a hardcore thug while JTG stays the same, I predict they're both going to get lost in the shuffle. And that's a shame.
I loved crime tyme and wished they could have captured gold in the last four years.

That being said this will be you classic feud of a tag team break up, with Shad playing the heal.

Now this could work for Shads advantage for a while WWE has been testing out African American main event talent, and Shad has the look that Vince McMahon loves, he is tall, built and can actually move around the ring fairly well ( not a Vince requirement but always an added bonus). Shad cut a heal promo after the attack and actually was entertaining, not long, not exactly the rock, but it got the job done.

Now unfortunately JTG will be buried and turned into an enhancement talent after this feud.
I think both Shad and JTG will eventually end up being future endeavored some where down the line. I believe Shad will stick around longer than JTG because he has the size, and he can be the menacing big man heel. JTG on the other hand, probably won't do good on his own. JTG isn't bad in the ring, but I don't think he can get over by himself.

Cryme Tyme looked like they might have a shot at becoming tag team champs, but it never happened. They were way over with the crowd, and always got some pretty nice pops. Cryme Tyme was a fun tag team, but It's obvious WWE never had any big plans for them.
:banghead: It...makes....no...sense....

WWE hasn't taken care of their tag-team division in quite a while. You would think with Unifying the Championships that that would mean more challengers for the title. Wrong.

Besides the tag-team of R-Truth and Morisson, there is absolutely no other worthy team to challenge ShowMiz but Hart Dynasty. Cryme Tyme, when it started, had the best crowd response I have seen in Years. But slowly through the years they jobbed more and more to the point I don't blame WWE for breaking them up. (I do blame them for poor Tag-team credibility however.)

I wish JTG and Shad luck in the future in whatever is next for them. How they did it, it looked like Shad will be recieving the push. Usually the one that turns on the brother gets the push (HBK, Matt Hardy, etc.) and do pan out to be remarkable heels. But to me JTG had that special vibe to him...I don't know I wish they would bring back the Cruiserweight Championship and place it on him.

WWE made a mistake here breaking up one of their best built-up teams in 5 years. But I totally believe either JTG, Shad, or both will be good singles competitors-whether or not they get the push they should've recieved more of as a team.
Woah woah woah everybody, calm down calm down we're only at the onset of this angle and some of you are already declaring they'll be future endeavored soon. While some may dislike the breakup of one of the WWE's only good tag teams, I actually enjoyed it, simply because their act had really grown stale over time. You have to look at it from the WWE's point of view though here people, and what they're doing makes perfect sense. They're seeing whether Shad or JTG can get over on their own as singles stars, and what their future in the company may hold. If they can't get over as singles stars than I imagine the WWE will eventually reunite them and use them as enhancement talent (see: jobbers) for tag shows and such around the world. But the thing is, they have to atleast try and see if either of these two can be marketable and make them money, be a star, and that's what they're doing here.

I like the break up, and I like where this angle is headed. Hopefully this leads to a good old fashioned one-on-one match at the next PPV, but probably not. I've got my eye on this angle, and JTG in particular. He has the look and ability to get the crowd into the match, we just have to see if he has what it takes to excel as a singles star.
Oh. My. God. Are they just ******ed?

4 years. 4 FREAKING years they were a team, never got the tag titles? I haven't seen a WWE tag team this misused since the Rockers. Wow. Just...wow. TNA may not have good stories, but at least they have tag team that can wrestle.

I never saw any harm in having them as tag team champions, and I'm sure they were gonna be at some point, but someone probably said, "Nope, not gonna happen."

So sad. The WWE basically just wasted 4 years of their time in tag team wrestling. I won't say anything else that hasn't already been said about tag teams in the WWE. But the ball was dropped big time here. So much potential too...but at least Shad gave nice little promo I guess...and there will be an actual reason behind JTG and Shad's match at Extreme Rules. So at least I'm looking at the glass half full, right?
This whole thing reeks of fail. But, I won't condemn it just yet.

Most think that JTG is the guy that would go somewhere out of the two. While the idea of a breakup for one of the few solid tag teams is just a shame, I found it odd that Shad got the mic time and the obvious monster heel persona. I guess he fits in with the Mark Henry/Big Zeke group, but will likely not get too far without an overhaul. JTG could stay similar, if not completely the same, and possibly get a decent midcard run. I guess I'd put him in the Shelton Benjamin category.

This is really where the problem lies. Together, they are Cryme Tyme, a tag team in a world with very few of them. A decent push for the team could help rejuvenate the division, but that seems to be a lost cause. Separated, one of them is Mark Henry and the other is Shelton Benjamin. Future endeavored might be a stretch, but they aren't filling a void, rather creating one instead.
This should come as no surprise to any of us. WWE has been raping their tag division for years now, so what is the use in having an ACTUAL tag team? The "E" obviously couldn't care any less about their tag division, and this is just another example of that.

So now what do we get? A decently entertaining tag team is torn down. Now, these two will float around the already congested mid-card, and eventually be fired. Shad is big... that's it. Unless he gets some great heel character to work, he will be gone too. JTG has a few sweet looking moves, but he can't carry a singles match longer than ten minutes without repeating those moves.

These two were great as a tag team. They were over. The fans loved them. Together, they look a lot more impressive than apart. And that's how tag teams (REAL tag teams) work sometimes. Look at LOD, Demolition, The Dudleys, etc. I heard Michael Hayes jibber-jabber before about expenses and blah blah blah. BullS**T. Too expensive to keep tag teams together on the road? I don't buy it. Sounds like an excuse to just throw a bunch of guys into a congested mid card.

This stinks. Both of these guys are probably gone in a year, JTG is almost a guarantee. How about instead of tearing apart your tag division, you fire the dead weight in your clusterF**K of a mid card (examples: Matt Hardy, Chavo Guerrero, Mark Henry, Chris Masters, MVP, Kozlov, Curt Hawkins, Goldust, Jimmy Wang Yang, Mike Knox, Slammaster J, and The Great Khali). If you fire most of those people, you have tv time (and freed up money for expenses, MICHAEL HAYES) to give to tag teams to have ACTUAL feuds with one another. With all of these mid card guys, you don't get any of them having actual feuds outside of the US and IC champs.

Sorry to ramble. I don't see either member of CT makes it out of this calendar year with a job in the WWE. I hope they get canned, and go to TNA. TNA has one thing going for it over the WWE... an ACTUAL tag division.
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Shad will win the up coming feud no doubt. I think it's too fast for this but you could see it coming a mile away. As for their futures? Not so sure about JTG but Shad may well go on to have a decent career. He could use his background as a bodyguard to his advantage and become a bodyguard for a heel MVP perhaps or something along those lines like Jackson was for Kendrick. That being said he would have to be away from Jackson for that to work. JTG does have talent and I think is over with the crowd more than Shad so I would think he would stay around for at least awhile but not sure where or doing what.
I don't really know what we're in for between Cryme Tyme, I'm guessing some smaller feud in the direction of Batista / Rey Mysterio, Shad getting the upper hand a few times, then JTG gets the upper hand a few times, only for what I believe will end up being two guys lost in the shuffle once more, because I quite honestly don't see them going anywhere, I don't see an Intercontinental title shot for either one of them, and I don't see them even getting a United States title shot if one of them or both are drafted in the upcoming draft.

Only thing I can say though, is that Shad's little interview, kinda made me think of Triple H.. you know.. "my time"
I do not like the break up at all, but the tag team division is crap anyways. I just cannot believe they never got the titles.I think that at least deserved one title run. I think both wrestlers will have very little success. I think one will be on Raw and the other on Smackdown. This feud is not going to spark my interest. They have done this routine so many times. WWe needs to be a little more creative when breaking teams up.
Wwe has been mismanaging cryme time for years,it started in early 2007 they had won a #1 contenders tournament for the titles and then never got the championship match,in 2008 when they were associating themselves with john cena during his angle with jbl this was their hottest period in wwe but they weren't given the titles then either,it seems like anytime they had a big match they would lose and now that they've broken up and are starting this feud i'll have to agree with mr. eko that i don't see them having a match on pay per view,and in a years time one if not both will most likely be released
I'm sure some makeshift tag team will take their place. After having Shad and JTG feud for a little bit, they'll probably pair JTG with Slam Master Jay. If he's still around. Honestly, it's not going to matter what they do with them. I don't see either member being huge breakout stars, hell even being good midcarders. Shad I can see doing a little better as he has size on his side. Too bad for him we have Big Zeke. JTG will keep the Cryme Tyme gimmick and their mission statement. He may have a singles feud or two, but will fail to see any gold. Overall I don't see them making single impacts. They fed off each other very well and did their only job in decent fashion. They enhanced other talent and got the crowd going. Still, they won't be missed. You can say it's a dumb move, but they mattered so little it's not going to have a noticeable effect.
You all complain about stale booking but when they actually try something different you get mad. This is different then most other tag team break ups in that fans actually care about the team. This isn't like when they broke up Deuce and Domino where the fans could care less. Its also not like breaking up some team that was just thrown together. These two have history. They trained together for years and are both from the same place. This feud could be interesting if they make it extremely personal. I just hope that they do not rush the feud and actually draw it out and let it play out. They both have potential to be successful on their own so why not try it out. If it doesn't work out then they can always make an angle where they reunite. There is so many places you can take a feud between two LEGIT tag team partners. I think they should give Shad a manager like Abraham Washington and have him acting like he sold out.

All I'm sayin is this feud has potential and that you shouldn't just assume its a huge mistake right off the back.
You all complain about stale booking but when they actually try something different you get mad. This is different then most other tag team break ups in that fans actually care about the team. This isn't like when they broke up Deuce and Domino where the fans could care less. Its also not like breaking up some team that was just thrown together. These two have history. They trained together for years and are both from the same place. This feud could be interesting if they make it extremely personal. I just hope that they do not rush the feud and actually draw it out and let it play out. They both have potential to be successful on their own so why not try it out. If it doesn't work out then they can always make an angle where they reunite. There is so many places you can take a feud between two LEGIT tag team partners. I think they should give Shad a manager like Abraham Washington and have him acting like he sold out.

All I'm sayin is this feud has potential and that you shouldn't just assume its a huge mistake right off the back.

Thank you very much Ballin247, that is such a refreshing attitude and one I completely agree with. Cryme Tyme have been over as a tag team for about 4 years now, it was time to shake things up and split them up to see if either man has what it takes to excel as a singles star. The WWE is headed in a brand new direction these days and it's all about building new stars, and this is their chance at seeing if either JTG or Shad have what it takes. If they don't, well, than they're dead weight and they'll be rightfully let go, but they have to take the chance to test these guys and see if they will work first.

I love the classic tag team split-up angle, so I like this and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the story develops. Everyone, just calm down and have some damn patience.
Instead of blowing our minds before this even starts, lets see where this goes. Shad cut an interesting short promo, and he is going through a gimmick change no doubt. Why don't we all just wait and see what happens to Shad, and his new gimmick and maybe it could work.

The WWE is making a change here, a tag team for 4 years is due to breakup, why don't we at least accept the change for the beginning, and then judge when the angle ACTUALLY happens. You guys continue to cry and whine about stale angles, well they give you an angle that none of us saw coming, and you whine and cry some more. This could work, JTG can become a good midcard star similar to R-Truth, and Shad has the look of a star that McMahon likes, and who knows maybe he will take the opportunity and run with it.
I find it interesting that they broke them up before they had a tag run, maybe WWE sees them as better single competitors, I don't know. I'm willing to see what they do and hopefully it's interesting and innovative like a 60s psychedelic gimmick possibly for one of them to change from the hip hop gimmick???
I find it interesting that they broke them up before they had a tag run, maybe WWE sees them as better single competitors, I don't know. I'm willing to see what they do and hopefully it's interesting and innovative like a 60s psychedelic gimmick possibly for one of them to change from the hip hop gimmick???

Without a tag run? They had a 4 year tag run, sure it wasn't without a title, but it was a still a good run. But in due time they need to break it up, and nobody saw it coming which makes it such a good move. And a psychadelic gimmick, come on, that is pure stupidity and if that happens Shad will be placed on future endeavors, Shad needs the big bad New Yorker gimmick, and it would really work perfectly for him.
Without a tag run? They had a 4 year tag run, sure it wasn't without a title, but it was a still a good run. But in due time they need to break it up, and nobody saw it coming which makes it such a good move. And a psychadelic gimmick, come on, that is pure stupidity and if that happens Shad will be placed on future endeavors, Shad needs the big bad New Yorker gimmick, and it would really work perfectly for him.

Yeah I meant tag title run. What's wrong with a psychedelic gimmick ala Jimi Hendrix??? it would be different as I find most black wrestlers get shafted with the hip hop/ brawler gimmick to often and it gets boring so a psychedelic gimmick would be different and might get people interested.
I'm quite hopeful that both will go on to have successful singles careers. Shad should be fine, hes got the size and could be a great monster heel with his thug gimmick.
As for JTG, I think he could do really well, he's probably one of the most charismatic men in the WWE at the moment, let him run wild on some promos and he could be very entertaining. Also, hes not bad in the ring.
They can both cut good (not great) promos so should be fine. I just hope they don't fade into obscurity like the Colons did.
Well its sad that they broke up. Its exciting cause now they are in single competition, unless they get paired up with someone else. I think WWE shouldn't have broken them up. Atleast let them turn heel since Hart Dynasty are faces.

It seems like this feud is revolving around Shad but i would love if JTG turned heel cause he is the talented of the two. I hope it doesn't turn out with a quick feud against each other and a few months later they are back together like nothing didn't happen. ( Ex New Age Outlaw 1999, Team 3D 2002)
I'm not too thrilled with the decision but I did think it was time for repackaging. The street thug thing is just another victim of WWE PG programming

As far as "future endeavors"... Remember the Brothers of Destruction? I can almost see Shad and Zeke becoming a powerhouse team... Now JTG I could possibly see on RAW in the US title hunt but I'm not too sure how long he'll last without being stuck with Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J on SD!
Remember when Carlito and Primo split? Same thing here.

Step 1 - They have a match on Smackdown. Shad wins.
Step 2 - They have a tag match against each other. JTG's team wins.
Step 3 - Maybe one more match, but that's about it. Shad wins if they do.
Step 4 - They split up in the Supplemental Draft.
Step 5 - We don't see either of them for a few months.
Step 6 - One of them gets released.
Step 7 - The other does.
Step 8 - The end.

There's absolutely no way JTG or Shad gets pushed. We haven't even seen the likes of Ezekiel Jackson since ECW disbanded and they gave him the freakin' ECW title. What makes anyone think Shad or JTG will suddenly get the spotlight shined on them? They clearly aren't valued incredibly by the powers-that-be or else they'd have won the tag titles by now, so in my opinion, they probably got bored with them, tried this split just for something to keep them busy until the draft, and then they're gonna realize they "have nothing for them" and fire them.
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I would say JTG has a decent chance. He is still very young, and has quite a bit of charisma and a decent look. He likely doesnt have a whole ton of time to get over, due to his size, but I think out of the two of them, he has the better chance. "Huge Black guy who squashes people" is a position already filled on both shows. Sorry.

The only way I see them both hanging around is a possible power team of Shad and Zeke with a mouthpeice manager, and a sort of hip hop rockers (the tag team I mean) styled team with JTG and Slam Mastah Jay. Both fairly unlikely. Also may see the latter team receive a rub from being put around R-Truth.

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