JR and Taz....Worst announcing team?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Besides Tenay and West, the worst team has to go to JR and Taz. It might just be me, but I for one never found Michael Cole to be all that bad. King well he needs to be the old King that was very for the heels. Together, while it is not JR and King, it works. My favorite announcing team is Grisham and Striker, too young guys and Striker is so full of himself. But Taz and JR, its just bad.

Taz last night repeatedly refferd to Mayrse as Natalya. I'm gonna say 3 times, and JR made no attempt to correct him. These two are just awkward.
They're styles clash. JR works his quiet play by play rarely getting over excited(well ever since stone cold left). Taz sounds overly excited. It just dosent fit. Due to the Mick Foley incident, the worst move of the draft has finally remanifested itself again. The sooner order is restored to the announcing booths the better.
I actually think they're okay as announcers together. They're just the oddest couple you can get. Sure, JR makes a few botches in his old age, and Tazz...well, he'll be Tazz I guess. "OMGZ I like this dude JR, he's the total package" about 10 times during the show. Not that I'm saying he's bad...just repetitive.

Anyway, the one bad thing about them is that both have dark voices...but then again, ECW and Raw have the same problem, only with lighter voices. I think it would be better if Matt Striker (who, for the record is the second best announcer in WWE right now.) teamed with Tazz on ECW and JR could have teamed up with Grisham, to create somewhat of an equilibrium with the voices. I'd still prefer someone else to Grisham though, but nobody comes to mind. Perhaps if Kennedy's in-ring career's gonna end like everyone says, he could become a commentator. Who knows...

Argh, there I go again with the random rambling. Basically, Tazz and JR are much better as an announce team than you give them credit for. But yeah, things can definitely be improved, but until then, I'll survive.
their alright together NOTHING like jr and king but they are deffinently better then cole and tazz but i still think vince fucked over jr yet again taking him off raw, but i do not think their that bad their decent
not really, they're good. now Jr and Foley that was a train wreck. Plus, it would be unprofessional for J.R to correct Taz, I know King and J.R did it to each other but they would correct each other in a joking way, and they go way back. J.R also mess up during Smackdown the fatal four way he said something along the lines of interrupting the tag.
I'm not a fan of Taz at all. You can sum up his commentary with three simple phrases:

1. "You know, I like this guy!" (or the variant "I'm a fan of this guy!")
2. "Ow!"
3. *random stuttering*

I'd much rather prefer them teaming JR and Striker, but then that'd leave us with two terrible commentators on ECW (Taz and Grish).
Its not the team of Tazz and JR its just Tazz. No matter who he teams with it will seem like a bad team. He should be a heel manager or something because his color commentary is very sub par and at times annoying. I ignore him most of the time but when I notice him it makes my head pound. I dread hearing him call the main event at Wrestlemania.
I don't think the team of JR and Tazz are the worse, but they're certanly not the best either. JR manages to keep the team from stinking to bad, I had no idea that Tazz was that awful at broadcasting, I remember him being okay when he was with Cole. Tazz works better when he's able to put down and bounce jokes off his broadcast partner, which he can't really do to JR cause he's freaking JR. The WWE's system of announcers as I see it right now see's the best playbyplay (JR) and the worst colour (Tazz) on SD, the worst playbyplay (Grisham) and the best colour (Striker) on ECW and the two middle guys (Cole and King) on RAW. But I think that working under JR might be good for Tazz. Maybe he can help him work on his calling game. I'd like to one day see King and JR reunite and Tazz and Cole too, Tazz was always best with Cole. WWE is trying right now to groom Cole to be their guy when JR retires and that's why he's on RAW. If they do reunite King and JR, i could see King going to SD as it's a lighter schdule and JR aparently likes it and they are both getting older, they need a lighter schedule. Tazz hopefully by then will have picked up his game and reteam with Cole on RAW. Anyway, JR Tazz, not bad, not great either. One day, they'll put the right tagteam announcers back together, or make Striker and Cole the future, damn, is Striker good or what.
Pretty much one of the more irritating and ear grating things I've ever listened to this side of Don West and Mike Tenay. These two are terrible together. Jim Ross hasn't been a great announcer in almost a decade now, but having King there hid his obvious downfalls. Likewise with Taz. While Taz is atrocious on the mic, at least Styles and Cole had chemistry with the Suplex Machine. Without their respective former partners, it's just ackward.
i HATE Tazz as an announcer he sort of worked for ECW as he was such a big part of the original ECW and because its only a short show i could stomach him.

Foley and JR were amasing together ok Foley started off poor bit I think he was really improving and if it wasn't for vince yelling in his ear they could be better than King and JR.

What ever happend to announcers always taking the heels side to everything I loved King trying to justify vince screwing Austin.
I've never had a problem with Taz and i actually felt that Foley was a breath of fresh air. At least they actually know the names of the moves which JR gets wrong more and more frequently. (How many times can he call a spinebuster a powerbomb and get away with it for god's sake?)

The only commentators i've ever hated was the Coach, because he's just terrible, absolutely terrible. During the RR this year i think he spoke once. I know it's hard when there's 6 guys and Michael Cole won't shut up, but the others just seem to let JR talk and Taz pitched in when an ECW guy did something.

If you couldn't guess, Cole is the other one. I'm sick of him bleating on about the rules when a heel breaks them and singing the praises of the faces for doing the same thing. He also has severe selective memory syndrome. Again, during the RR he said that Rey Mysterio was the only man in history to win from the number 2 slot. Hello? Who was the last heel to win the Rumble Cole? Oh yeah, you're f'n boss! And what number did he draw? F'N NUMBER 2!!!!!!! He's remembered it every other year, so i bet he got an earful from Vince for forgetting that.

They've all become lackluster imo. There's very little passion in any of they're voices anymore, and apart from JR making up a random nickname, or Taz saying 'I like this guy' they don't do anything to help the mid card talent get over, whereas Foley actually started doing that. He got me interested in Koslov, but putting over his martial arts training. Striker doesn't do a bad job of doing that on ECW. Shame i only ever hear evidence of it on PPV.

Why does JR not go on about the talent's college football days anymore? What happened to the other random statistics that JR used to give us? Ol' 8 and 3/8s A-Train, stuff like that.

Basically, i don't agree that Taz and JR are a terrible team, but i will say that they're all slowly getting worse, and Foley was the only decent addition.
I don't like J.R and Taz together.

I think that because an announce team needs a person who clearly favours the faces, and one who clearly favours the heels. As someone else already said, King was great when he would try to justify someones actions and I feel like King has lost that heel-ish commentating side to him and I really wish that they didn't split J.R and King up. I really liked that duo.

Foley was a good addition aswell and he was getting better each week and I think Vince lost big time by screaming down the headsets.

I have heard an improvement from J.R lately as I havn't heard him call the whisper in the wind, the twist of fate lately which annoyed me whenever he would do it. J.R. has been in the pro-wrestling business a long time and one would think he would have been able to establish the distinction between the two moves. Fair enough if you make a mistake once, but I have heard him do it on more than one occasion.
Cole & Lawler are much worse. Cole has never quite grasped that announcing job, and Lawler hasn't given any effort to the job in about 10 years. While J.R. isn't half the announcer he used to be. He's still the best that WWE's got. And when it's a big enough show or match he can still be really intresting and insightful. Tazz is shit. But he's no worse than Lawler.
As a team JR and Taz are not good. JR by himself is possibly the best play by play man in the history of wrestling. Taz is just not good. JR and Mick Foley were fantastic. The best team would be JR and Striker. Taz should be put back on ECW. A smart move on TNA would be to replace Don West with someone or anyone.
I think it's rather sad that the unofficial "best" announcing team in the W.W.E. currently sits at an E.C.W. Table. Matt Striker and Todd Grisham are honestly very good. But the thing is, I don't know if the problem is the announcing, or the matches they're calling.

Raw doesn't have the best overall wrestling product. They have the drama side of things.. and it's going to be awful to attempt listening to Michael Cole get dramatic about something he's publicly expressed having no love or care for. (Cole doesn't actually love Professional Wrestling, to him it's just an announcing job) Whereas The King isn't exactly the type of character to get dramatic over the big moments that Raw has.

Jim Ross would be better served to carry the dramatic side of things. However, Smackdown is leaning more trying to be a wrestling only show, without as much drama.. so all he is, is a good play-by-play guy with a dead-weight in Tazz for a partner.

I don't think Tazz would be beneficial for any show just because he's not really all that great to begin with, he never was. People just want to give him a place because of "who" he is. Whatever that's worth now, I don't know.
I agree with Jake, I find Cole and Lawler much worse than Tazz and JR, hell, I even find Striker and Grisham better than Cole and Lawler. Tazz and JR are decent, I actually find them to be the best announce team in the WWE at the moment, Tazz may not have that connection with JR that King has, but he will in time, if they ever stick with a permanent announce team on SmackDown that is(in the last two years, SmackDown had it's fair share of different announce teams: Tazz & Cole, Cole & JBL, Cole & Coach, Cole & Foley, JR & Foley, and now JR & Tazz). I also like Joker's idea that Striker teaming up with JR would be a great combination, I think they will compliment eachother very well come to think of it.
I don't think they are that bad either. Its only been a few weeks. You guys are all over Tazz, he needs to be a manager or something. I was watching some old ECW ppv's esp November to Remember 1999, and that guy can cut some sick ass promo's. If you dont believe me, check it out. The guy can one hell of a shooter on the mic, its too bad WWE went PG. Being the nice play by play guy isn't him. He's a badass you know what that needs to do what hes good at, too bad injuries cut his career short.
Simple solution Bring back Joey OH MY GOD Styles on ECW Send grisham back to DVD narrating or the hole he crawled out of.
Tazz is fine in my opinon except the anounce team should have a face and heel commentator so here is my idea

Raw- Heel- king Face- Jr or Cole
SD- Heel- Tazz face- Jr or Cole
ECW- Heel- striker face- Joey Styles
I've always liked Tazz as a comentator. He was at his best when he was with Michael Cole on SD. Cole and Tazz had such good chemistry. It was good because Tazz was this cool, tough guy and he was paired with one of the biggest jabronis i have ever seen (I like Cole's commentary, but he is still a jabroni). Tazz was always paying out Cole and Cole didnt do anything about it and it was funny. Tazz can't do that to JR because JR is a god damn legend. I always liked Tazz and JR together when it was a one off (like if King couldnt make it to Raw for some reason and then Tazz filled it for King). It was something fresh that hardly ever happened. But now that it happens every week it gets a bit boring. I think JR at the announce table is like HBK in the ring. He can make anyone look good. But Him and Tazz just don't work out together if it's every single week.

I say put King on SD with JR and put Tazz on Raw with Cole because they are both 2 very entertaining anounce teams.
Worst team? I don't think so. To me Lawler is the worst one and Cole while I like him as an announcer, I liked him more when he was with Tazz. They are one of the worst teams, but that may because they have not gone into sync with each other yet. I guess we will see if there are any improvements in the next few months or so.
To be honest ive always been a fan of Cole, sure maybe he is my least favourite but i feel all brands have good commentators. Ive never been a fan of coach, styles or adamle so now they are gone i feel JR & Tazz are a great accompinment to each other! JR & Tazz arent the worse though by far if you ask me
I was watching the new Eddie Guerrero dvd recently and due to Eddie finishing his career on Smackdown with the Cole/Tazz team I started to remember how much I enjoyed/miss their teaming together. I agree that the JR and Tazz teaming sucks but thats just because I am so used to hearing JR with the King and Cole with Tazz.

Of course Cole and King teamed together for quite awhile when JR was gone due to his bells pallsy outbreak on both Raw and Smackdown and during his HORRIBLE gimmick where he was the greatest annoucer with Dr. Death Steve Williams as his enforcer where he would appear each show and take over the annouce booth and war with Cole and King over how he was being screwed. Both anyways they sound great together.

JR and Tazz sound odd together but its not the worst thing in the world I guess but Tazz just like someone said needs someone to work with he can make fun of here and there and JR is not that guy both because he is a legend and really has nothing good to make fun of. At least with Cole Tazz could throw in a few gay jokes or point out how he is a wuss like he used to. I just think that JR and Tazz need more time together. I hate to say it but I miss JBL annoucing.

Dont care to watch ECW so I wont comment on that.
I don't think that they are so bad. Tazz and JR do sound odd together but I believe that they could be good together if given time. JR is a living legend on the mic and probably feels a little unconfortable on Smackdown. After all, the guy was on Raw for on and off 15 years. It is hard to go somewhere else after staying with a spot for that long amount of time. He still should be the voice of Raw but the company felt that Michael Cole was ready so that is what happened. Tazz does sound a little strange on Smackdown without Cole but it's not something I couldn't get used to.

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