Johnny Curtis

Skairipa Matrix

3 Time Elite Openweight Champion
so i watched smackdown tonight and after many weeks of cutting promos and making lame jokes NXT season 4 winner Johnny Curtis finally made his debut....against Mark Henry now personally i dont like this because they built him up for his debut and then he lost in less then 5 minutes to Mark Henry? :wtf: dont get me wrong it would have seemed weird if mark henry lost to him but why not put johnny curtis against someone else like trent barreta or tyson kidd or someone like that who he could beat and win his debut match? i just dont like how he got built up pretty good then lost his debut match this week on smackdown....dont shit on this topic this is my first time making a thread!
I wont shit on this thread. You have to be a ****** not to realize how ridiculous it is for WWE to spend weeks hyping up someone just to have Henry take them out.

Hopefully since Henry didnt do too much damage he'll be back. If not then hes probably going back to FCW. Who knows maybe they think hes too green for the main roster. I doubt that he wont be back but everything is a possibility. What a shame though, they missed out on a great opportunity to push this guy.
Actually I liked the move, he will be in our heads for that.
I like Johnny Curtis, he has a good look and for what I've seen he is a good wrestler. I think that everything happens for a reason in the WWE, specially debut matches, if they made him debut against Henry in a squash match is because something is going to happen, or they would put Barreta in his position.
BTW I liked his entrance and he didn't really show fear.
I wont shit on this thread. You have to be a ****** not to realize how ridiculous it is for WWE to spend weeks hyping up someone just to have Henry take them out.

Hopefully since Henry didnt do too much damage he'll be back. If not then hes probably going back to FCW. Who knows maybe they think hes too green for the main roster. I doubt that he wont be back but everything is a possibility. What a shame though, they missed out on a great opportunity to push this guy.

i agree it was a shame but as far as going back to FCW thats something i dont see because if so i dont think he would have even debuted this week im still glad he showed up i like the guy i think he has a good look and with the right gimmick could be good for the mid card if he loses next week on smackdown...i think curtis doesnt have as bright of a future as i originally thought he did but id like to see him with tyson kidd 1 on 1 they could work good together

Actually I liked the move, he will be in our heads for that.
I like Johnny Curtis, he has a good look and for what I've seen he is a good wrestler. I think that everything happens for a reason in the WWE, specially debut matches, if they made him debut against Henry in a squash match is because something is going to happen, or they would put Barreta in his position.
BTW I liked his entrance and he didn't really show fear.

im glad he didnt show fear and im glad they gave him an enterance maybe it means he has a future sense jobbers are normally in the ring when there back from commerical break or about to get sqaushed! he does have a good look and maybe your right maybe im looking too much into this but i just dont like it when people get promos to build up there debut then lose their debut match and its even worse when its a less than 5 minute squash match :disappointed:
for some reason before the match i thought that johnny curtis may suprise people and do well alas he didn't i guess its more to build up Sheamus as a face and his match with Mark Henry at Summerslam
When I heard his music hit I immediately thought 'hmmmm thats a theme of a jobber' then he jobs out baaaaad against Mark Henry, it's an angle to put him back down to developmentals I think without too many questions being asked. He has a good look, I didn't like his promos, if he comes back anytime soon I see him continuing his role as comedic jobber for some time to come.
It was kinda stupid hyping him so much and then having Mark Henry walk all over him, but it makes a change from having a new superstar walk all over a jobber like Yoshi Tatsu it his debut match which is what happens on a regular basis.

We usually see massive hype then have him come in and beat a jobber in what is pretty much a squash match, its just different is all and even though he lost it was a positive move for his career. Maybe after Summerslam Henrys little dominant stint will be ended by Sheamus and Curtis could wrestle him the next week on Smackdown and perhaps get a little bit of redemption. (NXT pun not intended)

We know what Curtis can do in the ring and that he has a good look too so what does it matter if he loses his debut match to a incredibly dominant Mark Henry.
I thought he was a heel? But obviously not but i think he will get pushed because i think his already in the mid card and obviously has a title shot most probly for the IC title.
His Good in the ring & on the mic,but thats why i dont understand that hype him up and let him get squashed but i see him somehow beating Mark Henry after Summerslam but that would ruin Henry's Heel run
I thought he was a heel?

So did I, but his first Smackdown match revealed him as a jobber, meaning he'll be whatever is needed to help the push of the guy across the ring from him. Guys like him change colors from week to week to act as fodder for the other guy.

Yes, we presume that someone who gets promos for several weeks before his actual debut is at least going to win a few matches before falling back into the pack of jobbers. Even as we knew Curtis wasn't going to be defeating a Mark Henry who's in the midst of a monster push, I expected management to give Curtis something, y'know? A little offense, maybe.....or let him frustrate Henry a bit before losing. Instead, squash city.

Makes you wonder if he pissed someone off, no?
this was angering, he has gotten all the hype, only to have him crushed in his debut match. i hope his career doesnt go downhill, but we may have yet another guy who is tossed to the sideline, and then eventually once his contract is expired he will be kicked out of the company. hopefully he is saved i think he could make a great addition to the smackdown roster.
this was angering, he has gotten all the hype, only to have him crushed in his debut match. i hope his career doesnt go downhill, but we may have yet another guy who is tossed to the sideline, and then eventually once his contract is expired he will be kicked out of the company. hopefully he is saved i think he could make a great addition to the smackdown roster.

What hype? Backstage promos that included him pouring milk on his head? That certainly didn't sell me on his potential.

I think people are jumping the gun here was his first match and certainly could have gone worse. Maybe it was an initiation of sorts, or the brass wanted to see how well he could take some major bumps.

Not every new guy can enter the company blazing a trail of fire and leaving downed opponents in his wake. Give it some time.
When I heard his music hit I immediately thought 'hmmmm thats a theme of a jobber' then he jobs out baaaaad against Mark Henry, it's an angle to put him back down to developmentals I think without too many questions being asked. He has a good look, I didn't like his promos, if he comes back anytime soon I see him continuing his role as comedic jobber for some time to come.

i really hope this isnt true but sadly you might be right it depends what happens on smackdown next week

So did I, but his first Smackdown match revealed him as a jobber, meaning he'll be whatever is needed to help the push of the guy across the ring from him. Guys like him change colors from week to week to act as fodder for the other guy.

Yes, we presume that someone who gets promos for several weeks before his actual debut is at least going to win a few matches before falling back into the pack of jobbers. Even as we knew Curtis wasn't going to be defeating a Mark Henry who's in the midst of a monster push, I expected management to give Curtis something, y'know? A little offense, maybe.....or let him frustrate Henry a bit before losing. Instead, squash city.

Makes you wonder if he pissed someone off, no?

i was wondering the same thing! its very possible he could have pissed someone off even by not showing "respect" for one of the vets backstage but i havent heard anything bad about him yet so i dont wanna jump the gun saying thats the case but yes having him get promos leading to his debut in a 2 minute match wear he didnt even get 1 move in against mark henry just seems would have been different if he got some offense in then lost but this just seems odd to me
It's really not a bad move at all. Stop thinking "ooo he was made to look bad" and instead look at it from a story and future perspective.

He's what? A babyface. Mark Henry is what? A monster heel.

So, he loses NOTHING by getting destroyed by Henry considering he has destroyed Big Show, Kane, and Koslov. Doesn't really make him look bad.

What does it actually do? He gains SYMPATHY, the best thing a babyface can have. Plus now he has a reason to be pissed off.

People think he should have went against Tyson Kidd. Why? So people can not give a shit about his match? I like Tyson as much as the next guy but he is NOT over. Curtis was a (minor) part in a big feud.

Not only that but you have no idea where they're going with this. Maybe eventually he costs Henry the match against Sheamus. Then has a feud with Henry where he mans up? Even if he doesn't beat Henry, putting up a good fight as a babyface against on of the top heels on the brand is a good thing.

Bottom line is it didn't hurt his character because of how monstrous Henry is. It gained him sympathy. Plus it's all just starting so you don't even know where this is going. You guys, just like women who bitch at you and accuse you of sleeping around when you come home 5 minutes late, are jumping to insane conclusions about the demise of this guys career.

What do you think the average fan remembers more? A match against Tyson Kidd, or getting the shit beat out of him by Mark Henry and coming back to fight again? It doesn't matter how much you or I like Kidd or any other midcarder, Henry is more over and he was beatdown by Henry and will come back next week in all likelihood.
It's really not a bad move at all. Stop thinking "ooo he was made to look bad" and instead look at it from a story and future perspective.

He's what? A babyface. Mark Henry is what? A monster heel.

So, he loses NOTHING by getting destroyed by Henry considering he has destroyed Big Show, Kane, and Koslov. Doesn't really make him look bad.

What does it actually do? He gains SYMPATHY, the best thing a babyface can have. Plus now he has a reason to be pissed off.

People think he should have went against Tyson Kidd. Why? So people can not give a shit about his match? I like Tyson as much as the next guy but he is NOT over. Curtis was a (minor) part in a big feud.

Not only that but you have no idea where they're going with this. Maybe eventually he costs Henry the match against Sheamus. Then has a feud with Henry where he mans up? Even if he doesn't beat Henry, putting up a good fight as a babyface against on of the top heels on the brand is a good thing.

Bottom line is it didn't hurt his character because of how monstrous Henry is. It gained him sympathy. Plus it's all just starting so you don't even know where this is going. You guys, just like women who bitch at you and accuse you of sleeping around when you come home 5 minutes late, are jumping to insane conclusions about the demise of this guys career.

What do you think the average fan remembers more? A match against Tyson Kidd, or getting the shit beat out of him by Mark Henry and coming back to fight again? It doesn't matter how much you or I like Kidd or any other midcarder, Henry is more over and he was beatdown by Henry and will come back next week in all likelihood.

thats actullay a pretty good point of view i never fully thought of it that way but what you said makes alot of sense i mean i dont see him costing henry the match tonight as i see henry winning but it does make people "feel bad" for him that henry crushes him so its possible that its all part of a bigger plan down the road :shrug:

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