John Morrison's next contender should be ______?

The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
Who do you think Morrison's next contender will be? Who do you think Dolph will feud with next? I for some reason see Morrison feuding with Drew Mcintyre. It seems like Vince is really high on him and i see him holding the IC belt very soon. I would like to see Dolph in a feud with a upper midcarder someone who could elevate him, most likely that person being kane, Kane wouldn't mind letting Dolph get some wins and Kane would make him look good.

What do you guys think?
Well, a positive in this is that Dolph Ziggler only seems to lose when the title is on the line... when it's a non-title one-on-one match or a tag team or six-man tag team match, he seems to almost always come out victorious. At 6 title defenses, 4 against John Morrison, it'd be the right mindset to think the fued is over, but I think it could continue for a couple more matches.

I just wish that WWE would add a third contender to the Intercontinental Championship. The last time we saw a multi-man fued over the IC Title was when Jeff Hardy held the title from 2006 to 2007. However, who? Now that Vickie is the "consultant" of Smackdown, Eric Escobar may be a likely choice. R-Truth is fueding with C.M. Punk. Finlay and Drew McIntyre need to continue their fued. Mike Knox hasn't won a match in atleast 3, 4 months. Who else is left?

The way WWE is doing it, it seems that Ziggler cannot win the title in a one-on-one contest. The smart thing would be to book him to win it with a 3rd contender involved. Or have Morrison lose the belt to another face, before Ziggler wins it from them. So, I don't know.
I believe Ziggler will still feud with Morrison to end out the New Year. Actually, now that I think of it, since they are starting the build towards Wrestlemania, why not have Morrison drop the belt a month or two before Wrestlemania to Ziggler? Then everyone could be happy. I'm not sure about anyone else here, but I would be happy that Ziggler would finally win the championship, Ziggler would have his glory finally, and everyone could see Morrison in the Money In The Bank match again, where he would hopefully win the case.

However, I'm just rambling there, so I guess if I had to choose a new contender it would be Drew McIntyre or Eric Escobar, the latter of which I can't see taking any championship from anyone any time soon. Although McIntyre is feuding with Finlay right now, I can see him winning the Intercontinental Championship in the coming months if Ziggler doesn't. Hell, you could always tangle the two feuds together, and have all four of them fighting for the championship. When was the last time we had a multi-man feud for a mid-card belt? A long ass time ago. Not only would this be good for the championship itself, but it would get McIntyre some more pay per view experience.

Here's hoping for McIntyre as IC Champ in 2010!!!
Ziggler should still feud with Morrison but I think his next feud is with Drew. He has the momentum and if he gets the win tonight and be the sole survivor, then I don't see why he cant contend for the title.

Or they can do it the other way and do a tournament or fatal four way or a battle royal for the new number 1 contender spot.
I think Morrison's feud with Ziggler isn't over yet. Something's gonna happen at Survivor Series. Ziggler will eliminate Morrison, or something similar. Either way he'll do something to get himself another title shot. In my eyes, he's gotta win the belt. Fans are so close to giving up on him, Morrison and Mysterio has kicked his ass all over the place. He needs that one victory so he's finally IC champion.

Buuuuut, with that being said, there's always the possibility that Ziggler still won't win. So there's a few options for Morrison to feud with next. There's Kane, but he's turned face now, I believe. Although, Kane can turn heel again no problem, no one keeps track anymore.

Drew McIntyre could be the best candidate. He's really the only midcard heel who's getting over at the moment. All the rest seem to be faces: Finlay, R-Truth, etc.

So unless CM Punk is brought down to face Morrison (oh how I hope not), McIntyre seems to be the only real choice.

But I'm really hoping that Ziggler gets the belt, a heel champion would have so many more potential challengers.
Simply.....Kane, lets be honest, his main event/world title days are over. But he is still a great mid-carder and since he is always going from heel to face or face to heel he could very well go against anyone in the IC division. He could win the title at rumble keep it til Mania and push a rising star by allowing them to beat him. If he were the next challenger for Morrison's title, the writers should have Kane totally dismantle him, put John out of action for a while and have him return at NWO after Kane just beat someone to retain the title and beat kane at Mania.
I personally am tired of Ziggler. He had a good IC push with a lot of matches but in the end they just made him look weak. Not good enough to beat mysterio or Morrison. I would like to see Morrison fued with McIntyre. They are pushing McInyre as the next big thing in WWE. After his fued with Finlay he should have a lot of heat and some ring creditability (finlay is known for being a tough fighter). It makes for good person for Morrison to fued with along with helping him get more recongition on being a main-eventer.
Drew McIntyre seems to be doing quite well and creative seem to have good things planned for him. Think he should be given a chance to run with Morrison. Also it would be really good to see a Scot succeed in WWE
As much as i would love to see Ziggler get the IC title, i think he should stay out of the picture for a month or two, these feuds with Morrison and Mysterio have made him look weak and i'm not sure i'd believe him as champ at the minute.

I really like the idea of Dolph feuding with Kane, i think this would give Kane some purpose on Smackdown, which he deserves, while also he could elevate Dolph and let him build up some respect and a couple of clean pins over Kane would really make him look strong.

Morrison and McIntyre could be an interesting angle, I like what of seen of McIntyre so far and a long feud with Morrison possibly up to around NWO time, could really boost him up the rankings. He could even get the title at NWO which would let Morrison go into MITB and hopefully get the briefcase and prove himself as a legit main eventer.
Morrison's next contender could be one of two guys that are heels are the hart Dynasty.

1 .D.H. Smith he is young like John and Dolph and we never really get to see him wrestle as a single wrestler, His dad was a tag team guy then he gets a chance to go for a singles run, and he was successful. also .D.H. smith never really gets to show he can be more then a tag team guy. Also he is a big man and Morrison hasnt had any one like smith come for his title i think they would work great together

2. Tyson Kidd he is like Morrison, young and talented he should also try single wrestling again. also he would be a good fit with John Morrison, there styles would mesh well, also we could see Tyson mic skill and it would give him something to do on SD.

as for Dolph ziggler who would be good for him to fued with would be either Kane or Matt hardy

Kane would be a real good fit for Dolph it would give Kane him something to do, and he could help Dolph alot he gets a few clean wins over, the big red Monster. and he could get some respect.

Matt Hardy because he is a real good mid card guy i know most people want to see Matt in the main event scene, but i think a fued with Dolph Ziggler could elevate both of them into the main event. and with them in a fued i belive ti would be great

dont get me wrong i am not saying split the Hart Dynasty i just think they should do something outside of tag team wrestling also.
Morrison needs to turn heel. I'm a huge fan of his in-ring work but he's not cut out to be a top face. His promos just feel so forced and cheesy now. He cut some great promos when he was ECW champ and I could see that Morrison as a main eventer. If he gets a new theme and turns heel he'll be a world champ at some point next year. If he stays face he will never get past being IC champ.

How can you come out in a fur coat with the slow motion entrance and have the look of a cocky hollywood star and then say things like Mr Ziggles and suck up to the fans to no end? It's just not believable.

That gives me an idea actually. They should turn him heel and move him to RAW. RAW needs another top heel besides Orton and please nobody say Sheamus cause he has Kozlov written all over him. Morrison could be a real threat to Cena's title.

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