John Morrison - Face or Heel, What's the difference?


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I don't know about the rest of you, but I haven't noticed any change to John Morrison since his face turn besides the fans cheering for him. His character is exactly the same, same catchphrases, same music, same slo-mo entrance. Don't get me wrong, I love all this about him but aren't all of his characteristics traditional of a heel, I mean how arrogant does his entrance look, he has to be the cockiest wrestler in the entire WWE today, besides possibly The Miz but I'd even say his cockier than Jericho. He still comes out saying he's the "Friday Night Delight" and "The Shaman of Sexy" which he got booed for in ECW but now he suddenly gets cheered.

All of this has made me think, is JoMo a one-trick pony? and Will his character eventually become stale?

What do you guys think?
His style in the ring's different too. As a heel, his primary finisher was the moonlight drive, now its Star Ship Pain or bust. Which I dont mind because I love the 'how the fuck did he do that?' factor of it.

And as an added benefit, his enterance now has pyro. which looks brilliant (to say the least) in slow motion.

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