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John Morrison- better as a Face or Heel?


Dark Match Jobber
john Morrison is a good wrestler his matches are good, his promos are good and he can really get the crowd going but is he a better face or heel.

Ive always liked john Morrison especially as a heel. i think he should definitely turn back into a heel i think his promos were better as a heel. the "dirt sheet" was always something i looked forward to on ECW.

john Morrison as a face is also good. his promos aren't really any better his matches aren't any better or any worse the only difference i see is that the crowd cheers for him. But from what I've seen he seems to be more comfortable as heel.

John Morrison has showed that he can be successful as a face and a heel. personally i like him better as a heel but I'm interested to see what you guys think.
I much prefer him as a face. I believe his wrestling style is more face-ish as it is flashy and can get the crowd going. His promos as both face and heel leave much to be desired, especially when he doesn't have the Miz to work off of as they had excellent chemistry together. I just feel his flashiness lends himself more to being a face than a heel.
MARK OUT TIME !!!!!! I don't care if he is heel, face, or in between. I think he is very entertaining to watch. I just really like his particular style in the ring. I'm not really a big fan of high flyer's either, but he is exceptional if you ask me. I've liked his mic work for quite some time now too. I like the far out ultra enlightened "Palace of Wisdom" segments online, you should watch them if you haven't already.

After seeing him work as heel and face in singles competition I can't really decide. I liked what he did with The Miz, but it just made me want to see him do the solo thing again, but as a face. Now that he has embarked on that journey I think it is going well. He shouldn't stray from that course. If WWE puts the time and resources into him like they do the Main Event guys, he will be a Main Event guy. He just needs the right exposure, or a really good feud to solidify his place as a top guy initially. Eventually they should let him get a shot at the top titles, maybe a test run, and see how he does. Just give him something good to work with, quit feeding him scraps.

When you look back at his career he has spent most of it as a heel. M-N-M started as a heel tag team and always was until they disbanded. His first solo run that took him all the way to the ECW title and Intercontinental title he was a heel, and with Miz in a tag team he was heel once more. I think this face thing is just new for him and it just takes a while for people to get used to it. If you listen to the pops, his have been getting bigger and bigger. Now, I don't like them putting him in 3 way tag matches with Matt Hardy and Khali though. If that's all he is going to achieve than kick it back into heel mode and kick some ass. I don't want to see Morrison get stuck in the same place as Matt Hardy(mid-carder for life). I think Morrison is better than that, I think he could be one of the next big big stars for the company.

If it comes down to it I'd have to say I like to hear the crowd cheer him rather than boo him. When he was with The Miz I felt Miz was the one who really generated the heat while Morrison stole the matches most of the time. However, because they were heels he never got the pops for it. Now Miz is the one on Raw, getting his heat, and gathering up titles. Looks like being the heat of the tag team worked. As Doc said, his style is more for a face than a heel. How many high flying heels do you really see? Not Hardy, not Rey, not Evan Bourne, not Kofi, or Yoshi Tatsu, or Jimmy Wang Yang, none of them. Trends speak louder than words, or so it appears.
I believe his wrestling style is more faceish ....


That's funny; he doesn't look faceish.:blush:

But I agree with you, Doc. I really like his look as a face and I think those high-flying, twisting moves should be cheered, not booed.

Morrison has the look of a champion. He works smoothly, which is hard to do with the risky moves he makes. I enjoyed him as a heel and remember thinking there was no way this guy could ever turn face. Now, I hope he never turns back.

Probably will, though.
I really like JoMo as a heel,Dont get me wrong but as of right now he is also doing a great job as a face.JoMo as a face his moveset if awesome and the crowd loves him.As a heel his moveset just change abit but he also does a great job and he gets tons of heat from the fans.to tell you the truth i like him as both heel and face,Because he actually does a great jobs as a heel or face.
Either way I enjoy his matches but I have a bit more love for "The Guru of Gretaness" when he was a heel. I have always loved that cocky, arogant heel that by all means you have no reson to boo but you just have to because something in your will not let you rest until you boo the guy. It's the same thing with The Rock in his heel phase. The guy was doing funny, great promos that got the crowd going and had moves that the crowd ate up like The People's Elbow but people just had to boo him. That's how I feel Morrison is. I'm not comparing Rock & Morrison just using it as a reference.
I have to say that I prefer John Morrison as a face. I thought he was a good heel, and I enjoyed his tag team with the Miz, but I think that he has been given more of a chance to shine with his work as a solo face. His slightly cocky face promos have a good edge to them, reminiscent of Edge or Christian back in the day, or even Christian at this point in time. His moveset is also one of my favourite of any superstar at the moment, and it is designed to get pops from the crowd and generate excitement.

When you look at many past superstars there has been huge criticism for those who do not change their match structure and moveset according to what character they are playing. If John Morrison turned heel again he would most likely change up his moveset, as there is no place for many of his flashy moves in a standard heel attack. Morrison is a face with attitude, and could maybe even secure himself a position as a tweener. I think he is better off as a face however, as this leaves him free to showcase his athletic ability while experimenting with a face character that is a little different and less one dimensional than is the norm.
Either way I enjoy his matches but I have a bit more love for "The Guru of Gretaness" when he was a heel. I have always loved that cocky, arogant heel that by all means you have no reson to boo but you just have to because something in your will not let you rest until you boo the guy. It's the same thing with The Rock in his heel phase. The guy was doing funny, great promos that got the crowd going and had moves that the crowd ate up like The People's Elbow but people just had to boo him. That's how I feel Morrison is. I'm not comparing Rock & Morrison just using it as a reference.

Yeah, I'd love to see him as a sort of heel-ish face like this. Like another poster said, he's got a wrestling style that gets people pumped, which is good for a face, generally, you know. But his whole "rockstar persona" is perfect for the arrogant character.

Right now, besides his ring attire and name, it seems like he's sort of dropped that part of his character... he's just another friendly guy who sure loves to wrestle, like way too many faces on WWE right now, imho (see Matt Hardy, Kofi, Cena, etc...)
Morrison was at his best when he was a heel doing to cocky "Shaman of Sexy" gimmick and first started doing the dirt sheet with the Miz. While I prefer him as a singles wrestler, when he was the IC Champ on raw and SD, I think his best work and best promos came as a heel when he was teamed with the Miz. You could tell they were having fun. Morrison face promos seem....forced. Other then the dirt sheet he did with the Miz before their match at Bragging Rights, he hasnt seemed as comfortable on the mic. Id love for him to stay a face and for them to enhance his character more, as well as his promos. Hes the best hes ever been in the ring, now he needs to work on his mic skills. The only way to do that is to have him cut one a week. Morrison was better overall as a heel, but I think he has potential to be a phenomenal face wrestler and entertainer with a little mic work.
I prefer heel Morrison. The Dirt Sheet was hilarious. Him and Miz have great chemistry. As a face, he seems kind of uncomfortable. But as a heel, he rips on nerds like Evan Bourne and does Moonlight drive, which I find to be a kickass finisher that they should have him use more often. As a face, they have him come out smiling and doing alot of flips, including Starship Pain. I think he should do a finisher combo of MD and SP, but that's just me. But Morrison is better as an arrogant heel. His look screams arrogant heel. I still think either way he'll be a world champ by 2011, but he works better and seems more comfortable as a heel.
He's better as a face because he has impressive moves in the ring that should not get boo'ed. An argument can be made that his promos as a heel were better, I enjoyed The Dirt Sheet as well, that could have made the transition towards the face end of the spectrum though. Sarcastic remarks don't make a wrestler a heel. Sarcastic remarks towards a face does. Morrison could be making similar promos that he did on The Dirt Sheet, but about heels, and we might all be saying unanimously that he's better as a face. He could also keep the arrogant persona he had as a heel to a lesser extent. Now then, his heel self was better at promos than his CURRENT face self because the Dirt Sheet promos were more impressive than his current ones, but he has the potential to be far better as a face if he would be allowed to just be a face version of his heel self by keeping the sarcastic remarks and staying a little arrogant. I say he's better as a face because he has a moveset of a face and all the potential in the world to put his heel self to shame.
I have to agree with the majority here and say that Morrison is more suited to being a face. His movie star look and physique make the ladies swoon, a la HBK when he first started his singles run. His moveset is flashy and exciting, consisting of moves that fans can't help but cheer for. This is also very similar to the young Heartbreak Kid.

Overall, it's not that far of a stretch to deem John Morrison the second coming of Shawn Michaels. This comparison has been made many times already, and it would be questionable of WWE abandoned this notion in pushing Morrison. If that is the route they wish to go with him, it would just make so much more sense to keep him as a face in the process.
He's better as a heel and here is why:

1. As a heel, he had more character. He was a cocky, arrogant heel who made fun of everyone and coined a shitload of nicknames for himself("Guru of Greatness" "Shaman of Sexy" "Tuesday Night Delight" "My Palace of Wisdom"). I'd like to add that the Dirt Sheet was pretty awesome as well.
2. He has a better moveset as a heel. As a heel, he used both air and ground manuevers, such as his awesome finisher, The Moonlight Dive. Now, he just does little flips all over the place.
I like Morrison either way, heel or face. He is better at promos when he is a heel and he certainly looks more real as a heel. Unfortunately though, If he wants to be cheered for and have more of a chance at winning the big one, he needs to be face. I agree with what someone already said and that was that he could be face but keep some of his cockiness and the personality that made him an amazing heel. He could be kinda like Christian is now, cracking jokes on the heels and actually being funny. And from time to time he could even brag about himself (without going over the top).
and by the way, why does he not use the corkscrew neckbreaker anymore? that was the stuff!
Face, definitely. The only thing that sucks about him being a face is that they aren't letting him be himself. They should have learned their lesson by now, but it seems they're stubborn. When you look at it, so many of the best superstars are the ones that are just allowed to go out there and be exaggerated versions of themselves. Triple H, Austin, HBK, Mick Foley, the Rock, the Miz, Randy Orton, Christian....these guys were/are allowed to just go out there and act like they normally act, but hyped up.

That's the only thing holding Morrison back. When he's comfortable and they give him the free range to just go with something, he does well. Look at the Miz/Morrison feud with that Dirt Sheet they did. That was one of the best instances of JoMo on the mic, and it was clearly just him and his friend doing it the way they wanted to do it. But then you look at when Morrison comes out and has to deliver a cookie-cutter "I'm the face" type of promo, and it sucks. His acting turns wooden and there's nothing admirable about it.

John Morrison as a face is a great thing outside of that, and I think they should let him do his thing. He's already becoming very popular even whilst struggling with the crappy promos they give him, so imagine if he were able to cut loose. You know what we could end up with, if that were the case? Look at the Miz.
I don't like him either way to be honest. He's a good looking guy and has a few flashy moves. That's the only reason WWE hasn't completely given up on him. He doesn't have an ounce of charisma no matter what role he plays and he has the worst mic skills in the entire company.

Since they seem to never give up on him though they might aswell turn him heel again. He's not over at all as a face.
For one i want to say the guy is amazing :worship: his in ring ability is out of this world, BUT he cant cut a face promo to save his life! This guy may look like a babyface but the reality is he can cut a better heel promo, its like Randy Orton (who is my fav wrestler by the way) he looks like a face and hell he gets cheered as a heel cuz hes the shit but he cant cut a face promo, it just doesn't look right. same thing with Morrison, i believe he will be heel soon, then be pushed into the main event scene where he belongs
i say turn him heel.he aint really over with crowd like cena christian rey dx.
i think the best thing for morrison is to turn and heel and give him a manager. i think it will do wonders for him. some wrestlers need managers and he is one.

know who the options
Melina - old connection.
Abe Washington - He needs something as their is no ecw.
but the best choice is Vicki Guerero - Gets the most heat in the wwe and did wonders with edge.
He's better as a heel and here is why:

1. As a heel, he had more character. He was a cocky, arrogant heel who made fun of everyone and coined a shitload of nicknames for himself("Guru of Greatness" "Shaman of Sexy" "Tuesday Night Delight" "My Palace of Wisdom"). I'd like to add that the Dirt Sheet was pretty awesome as well.
2. He has a better moveset as a heel. As a heel, he used both air and ground manuevers, such as his awesome finisher, The Moonlight Dive. Now, he just does little flips all over the place.

That is the main reason why Morrison is better as a face and was awful as a heel. His moveset is too flashy to be a heel and when he was heel, he barely got any heat whatsoever. He had no resemblance of heel psychology and as face he can do all the flips that he wants to. Morrison does need to improve on his mic skills but other than that, he is doing just fine as a face.
Either way I enjoy his matches but I have a bit more love for "The Guru of Gretaness" when he was a heel. I have always loved that cocky, arogant heel that by all means you have no reson to boo but you just have to because something in your will not let you rest until you boo the guy. It's the same thing with The Rock in his heel phase. The guy was doing funny, great promos that got the crowd going and had moves that the crowd ate up like The People's Elbow but people just had to boo him. That's how I feel Morrison is. I'm not comparing Rock & Morrison just using it as a reference.

Here's the major difference: The Rock didn't change his character very much when he turned face, he was still the mean, arrogant prick that crowds hated but he beat up on the heels instead and was slightly nicer to the people.

Morrison went from an arrogant, cool heel who made all kinds of references to drugs, women and other cool stuff. Now his character is the typical bland face that has been all to common in the WWE lately. Morrison didn't need to change his character, he just needed to change a few small things and its unfortunate that he's lost some of his edge.

Bring back the Palace of Wisdom............And I think that Morrison is better off as a cool heel who gets cheered because his character is so much more interesting. They don't even need to turn him, they just need to give him his edge back.
Here's the major difference: The Rock didn't change his character very much when he turned face, he was still the mean, arrogant prick that crowds hated but he beat up on the heels instead and was slightly nicer to the people.

Morrison went from an arrogant, cool heel who made all kinds of references to drugs, women and other cool stuff. Now his character is the typical bland face that has been all to common in the WWE lately. Morrison didn't need to change his character, he just needed to change a few small things and its unfortunate that he's lost some of his edge.

Bring back the Palace of Wisdom............And I think that Morrison is better off as a cool heel who gets cheered because his character is so much more interesting. They don't even need to turn him, they just need to give him his edge back.

If he becomes a cool heel who gets cheered then he is not doing his job because heels are not meant to be cheered. Even when Austin was heel, he got booed a considerable amount. Morrison is not on that level where he will get cheered no matter what he does. Morrison should stay face and never go back to heel unless he changes his moveset or improves on the mic.
I think jmo can be both. He seems to be much better on the mic when he is a heel than a face. Nowadays sometimes he just looks a bit akward. But saying that I do dig him as a face. Everytime hes in the ring he seems to do something new and you don't know what he'll do next. Hes really entertaining. He was on a role during the summer and they should've put him in the mainevent picture(even with the intercontinental title)
Being funny does not a good promo cutter make, and that's all Morrison was as a heel, quite funny, The Miz was the man who people thought was a cunt, because he always was an obnoxious cunt who didnt try to be funny. I mean, The Rock was funny, far funnier than Morrison in fact, but that man could deliver some awesome serious promo's as well, and hype matches and opponents up really well, something JoMo couldnt do to save his life.

His moveset is lovely and flashy, and his IC Title Match with Rey Mysterio was actually really good, and I am not even a fan of Rey. That's what makes him a better face though, all them flips and shit he does, people want to cheer that sort of thing. He's getting better on the mic, his promo's are nowhere near as wooden as they used to be, and being a good guy seems to suit him. So yeah, definately a better face.

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