John Morrison...A Heel Turn Idea??

Spawn of Kane

Dark Match Winner
Ok, i know theres lots of threads on WHY JoMo should turn heel but i'm yet to see one on HOW he should do so!!

Heres my idea.... Keep him floating around the ME scene with feuds such as the one he is currently in with Sheamus, and eventually (maybe at the RR) have him challenge Miz for the title, putting on a stellar and brave performance but ultimately losing (probs due to a cheap win eg. Riley interfering). Maybe even have him enter the Rumble aswell, staying Right in until maybe the last 4/5 people, but once again being eliminated...maybe have a little ''flip-out'' moment (ala HBK 2009)

Then between RR and Mania have him keep coming close to Championship glory, but always ending up just a whisker away. Then at Mania have him win MITB, obviously making him look great in the process with lots of high spots, to keep the fans cheering hiM

And THEN you turn him heel.....HOW??? You may ask!!!

By having him be the first person to cash in and LOSE the match. You could have him completely Flip out and just start bashing the shit out of anyone and everyone...even going as far as interfering in Title matches and laying both competitors out with a chair for example...and have him constantly do this, whilst demanding another chance at the gold!!

There you go...Morrison the Solidified Main event Heel...Thoughts???
I dont know if it would be just like that, but it does seem like a feasible idea...Morrison has always been better as a heel (just like MVP)....he seems so forced as a face, and it makes me uncomfortable when he's talking and smiling....thats not good!! yea he does need to turn heel...I think they could turn him heel like they did Edge....Edge was so obsessed with the title and it created this new character for him...thats what would help Morrison alot...the only problem is that RAW is stacked with heels at the moment...when and if CM Punk wrestles again I would assume he would be heel....Sheamus is of course a heel, but he has a long way to go...The Miz is the new WWE champion....youve also got Wade Barrett who in my opinion is THE top heel on RAW....they have also been teasing R-Truth as a heel....the only faces at the moment are Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, I guess R-Truth, John Cena and John Morrison....It would be nice to see them slow build him as a heel, then after the draft turn him heel and keep him on RAW....regardless if he turns or not I want to see him as WWE champ soon
i really dont c y people think morrison needs to turn heel personally i think as a heel he was more "the cool heel" then he was getting crowd heet but thats just me.....i think morrison is better as a face then he is a heel so i really hope morrison DOES NOT turn heel! he should either win the royal rumble or win money in the bank at wrestlemania...i would love to see Morrison win money in the bank and cash in the way RVD did it because im sick of all the cash ins when the champ is hurt! :)
i dont really understnd why everyone wants him to turn heel but everyone has an opinion.
anyway the way you describe his heel turn is ok but if something like that happes he'll be more of a tweener because if he starts liping out and beating up everyone it wouldnt make him a heel unless he beats up faces only but that wouldn't really make sense.
I like this idea and if it happens it might make him more of a tweener but hey its better than nohing
How about a double turn? Morrison displays such animosity and jealousy over the Miz's success in becoming WWE champion, during the awesome promo we know that Miz will deliver this Monday, in which he spills his heart to the WWE universe. A promo where he declares how he achieved his lifelong dream from becoming and everyman to becoming WWE champ through hard work, dedication and perseverance, because he's the MIz, and he's AWE... only to be cut of by a sneak attack from behind by Morrison, much to the crowds chagrin.
How about a double turn? Morrison displays such animosity and jealousy over the Miz's success in becoming WWE champion, during the awesome promo we know that Miz will deliver this Monday, in which he spills his heart to the WWE universe. A promo where he declares how he achieved his lifelong dream from becoming and everyman to becoming WWE champ through hard work, dedication and perseverance, because he's the MIz, and he's AWE... only to be cut of by a sneak attack from behind by Morrison, much to the crowds chagrin.

I like the idea, but I'm afraid it will only make Morrison more over as a face, and make miz more of a heel, and I imagen Miz's promo will be similiar to when edge rubbed it in evertyone's face that it wasn't him who attacked hardy. The Miz will probably brag about him being WWE champ, which will probally result in someone coming out and eithier attacking or challenging miz.
It could work, although it has a been there, done that feel to it (although to be honest, 90% of the WWE storylines you could also make that statement). But I also don't think it makes sense to turn him into a heel at all. Outside of orton (and yeah cena until that story plays out), there are not any credible upper midcard faces on the show right now. Raw needs high caliber face talent at the moment and no one else can really help in that area right now.
For me personally, I think a Morrison heel turn is a bit premature. For the first time since coming to Raw, he is finally getting a substantial face push into the lower main event scene with his feud over former WWE Champion Sheamus. For the past couple of years, they have obviously been molding him into someone that diehard fans like (great matches, unique style, etc.) and they're getting the general WWE crowd (kids) to buy into him as a real Main Event Player. Having him dump the kids who are beginning to come around on him would sabotage his entire push.

I also don't see Morrison, as big of a fan of his as I am, being able to legitimately carry off a "snapping" type heel turn. It goes against his character too much. He's laid back, athletic, and confident. Not flighty, cerebral, and intense.

For me, the way to turn him heel would be to have him win the title, from Miz, at Wrestlemania in the Main Event (after Morrison wins the Royal Rumble, going wire to wire to homage HBK, his idol).

Morrison, the WWE Champion, is drafted to Smackdown. Morrison continues to impress into the summer by having good matches with the Smackdown Roster's Top Players. His attitude slowly begins to return to his former, more arrogant persona, and his ego begins to inflate because he has been so successful during the year.

Then, before Summerslam, he turns on Rey Mysterio in a Tag Team match on Smackdown, and BOOM.

You get the arrogant Morrison against the resilient Mysterio in a hot summer feud where he has been turned fully heel by Summerslam. There is no chance of him getting a tweener reaction in most cities since Rey is a mega face. He goes over Mysterio at Summerslam, and wins the rematches as well.

Boom. Morrison is the WWE Champion, and arrogant heel on Smackdown. He continues to have solid matches against Rey, Big Show, Edge, Undertaker, and any other faces on Smackdown (Cena, perhaps?)

He's still confident, cool, and calm. He just dials it up to 11.

Thanks for the topic.
I like the idea, but I'm afraid it will only make Morrison more over as a face, and make miz more of a heel, and I imagen Miz's promo will be similiar to when edge rubbed it in evertyone's face that it wasn't him who attacked hardy. The Miz will probably brag about him being WWE champ, which will probally result in someone coming out and eithier attacking or challenging miz.

I think the other guy was being sarcastic.

Anyways, I would turn him heel by having him win MITB and then cashing in on a face champ kind of like CM Punk did. It would be the easiest way and would make him main eventer.

On a side note, I don't want him to turn heel.
How about a double turn? Morrison displays such animosity and jealousy over the Miz's success in becoming WWE champion, during the awesome promo we know that Miz will deliver this Monday, in which he spills his heart to the WWE universe. A promo where he declares how he achieved his lifelong dream from becoming and everyman to becoming WWE champ through hard work, dedication and perseverance, because he's the MIz, and he's AWE... only to be cut of by a sneak attack from behind by Morrison, much to the crowds chagrin.

This would not work. It would be virtually impossible for a double turn in this scenario, unless Morrison's beatdown was so bad that it made people feel sorry for the Miz. It's going to take a lot more than a single promo on Monday for the fans to get behind Miz. As the guy above me said, this would more than likely result in the fans cheering Morrison.

Honestly, I just don't find Morrison particularly interesting, whether as a heel or a face. People keep talking about how people like him need a main event push, but Raw is only two hours. If someone new gets pushed to the main event, someone in the main event has to drop down a little. That's why I'd say Sheamus has dropped down a notch, to make room for Wade Barrett. As long as Cena and Orton are in the title picture, I just don't think there's room for Morrison on their level.
as i do believe his mic work is better as a heel, i believe he NEEDS to be face. wen ur flipping all over the place you are gonna get cheered. he really isnt that bad as a face he just needs some better promo ideas. i mean he waz costing sheamus matches week after week and wen he finally explains it he says itz cuz sheamus is a bully!:wtf: thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard of. if they give him some chances he cud be a good face.

but getting on topic, i think if they wanna make him heel then he needs to do something EXTREMELY drastic. maybe have him just completely change. have him lose to miz a couple times and den blame the fans.(i kno its been done a million times but hear me out) then royal rumble comes around and have him get eliminated by a big time face eg:kofi or rey or even daniel bryan. then have him come back and destroy that face costing him his chance. BOOM you got morrison heel and have him facing a big face. let that carry on to elimination chamber and have him win, but instead of saving it for wrestlemania have him decide to use his chance the next night where he loses anyway but keeping him look strong like maybe making him lose by DQ. that drags it to wrestlemania where he wins money in the bank. and there yu have it,morrison heel and looking strong.
The issue with Morrison is he continually jobbed out to other stars because everyone saw him as a definite world champion. He did win the IC title from Rey Mysterio but quickly lost it two months later and since then has not really had any momentum until very, very recently.

I think the WWE realizes this and due to it is pushing him with a win over Sheamus and most likely a KOTR win. However, the WWE won't push him all the way, at least not yet, since Miz just won the title. I do see Morrison challenging Miz for the championship but coming up short though he'll probably get a clean, non-title win leading up to the match. Morrison will then probably win the US title from whoever beats Daniel Bryan for the title.
Ok, i know theres lots of threads on WHY JoMo should turn heel but i'm yet to see one on HOW he should do so!!

He shouldn't. [/thread]

Heres my idea.... Keep him floating around the ME scene with feuds such as the one he is currently in with Sheamus, and eventually (maybe at the RR) have him challenge Miz for the title, putting on a stellar and brave performance but ultimately losing (probs due to a cheap win eg. Riley interfering). Maybe even have him enter the Rumble aswell, staying Right in until maybe the last 4/5 people,

So have him drain himself by having a 15+ minute match with the miz before putting him in another exhausting match for an extended period of time for no good kayfabe reason? Great thinking Einstein.

but once again being eliminated...maybe have a little ''flip-out'' moment (ala HBK 2009)

Wouldn't the more apropriate thing for a guy who's wrestled two long matches in quick succession be to collapse in a pool of sweat? Also, Morrison isn't exactly a good enough actor to pull this off.

Then between RR and Mania have him keep coming close to Championship glory, but always ending up just a whisker away.

Like they did last year in the Elimination Chamber without turning him heel?

Then at Mania have him win MITB,

With you so far. Surely you'll have him cash it in on the biggest face in the company. Pity he doesn't have the micskill to pull this off. But hey, it worked for Punk.

obviously making him look great in the process with lots of high spots, to keep the fans cheering hiM

His matches are the only reason he's cheered at the moment. Why break the trend?

And THEN you turn him heel.....HOW??? You may ask!!!

I find "Why" to be the better question.

By having him be the first person to cash in and LOSE the match. You could have him completely Flip out and just start bashing the shit out of anyone and everyone...even going as far as interfering in Title matches and laying both competitors out with a chair for example...and have him constantly do this, whilst demanding another chance at the gold!!

There you go...Morrison the Solidified Main event Heel...Thoughts???

So by making it clear that Morrison can't win cleanly over Main Eventers even when the deck is stacked in his favor, it establishes him as a main event heel?

Also, I think you're a moron.
Ok lets weigh up the positives and the benefits shall we:

1) Morrison, as history shows us, makes a good heel He arguably outshone miz in quite possibly the best tag team of the last 10 years and most likely of the past 5 years. He managed title wins under this role including ECW champ (I know that means little), intercontinental champ and numerous tag team reigns. Heels also get more mic time so it would improve what people dub his boring personality as he gets re-aquainted with microphones again for more than two minutes at a time, that being the first time since his face turn now closing in on 2 years ago! Shocking stuff.

2) He can better justify his natural characteristics - May be a little hard to interpret what I mean by this. John morrison is an exceptional athlete which is something he could really show off in a heel role. His entrance also feels very self-absorped and his whole image is still very A list, he doesn't look very different since his tag team split unlike miz since his major attire transfromation. It's using what he has to the best of it's potantially.

3) Recent signs... - On last weeks raw, John Morrison showed signs of re-joining former mentor and partner/manager melina. We all know how well this worked in the past and also how it zipped the lips of all those doubting his talking ability because he has a talented mouthpiece in the form of Melina.

4) King of the Ring - He is still in the running for the king of the ring crown and this is a proven great gloating device similar to the MITB briefcase. Seeing as he recently gained a victory over sheamus, who would otherwise probably be favorite, it APPEARS very likely that he is in the running, practically almost solidified as a semi-finalist at least given the competition

1) There is heel/face imbalance on Raw. This isn't the attitude era. We don't only have stone cold to take care of the face work for the entire roster. There were two major active faces in orton and cena and with cena unlikely to return to in-ring action and time too soon, if anybody would move up to fill a void then morrison, being the guy who gets the third loudest face pops on raw (possibly aside from daniel bryan), would be the natural beneficiary of this current feature of the show. John cena making regular appearances at raw show's would royally fuck up this point, however.

2) His move-set - The moves morrison pulls out on a regular basis, starship pain being a prime example, are one of his major draws in themselves, not to mention the rare athletic feats he occassionally pulls out such as the C4. High flyers naturally lend themselves to being better faces traditionally because people empathise with the risks they take at the sake of their own safety. Matt-based guys are more often heels like swagger because they do more heel type moves like submissions and suplexes, morrison certainly benefitts from not changing in this respect.

3) His current push - A win over sheamus is not an easily boastably feat for the fact sheamus has not been top-flight for very long, but more accurately for the fact that he has looked inescapably impressive since his debut as an in-ring competitor as in that time has been world champion twice. Beating sheamus is something to put on your bucket list now morgan! Sorry, distractions. He is also entering into KOTR with that very same man who, by that time, he will have beaten a mere matter of weeks ago which puts him into very good stead as the reciever of a push. KOTR works as a push for either heel of face guys and so winning it doesn't have any bearing on which way he will turn, it just amkes him look better either way. But certainly the way morrison has been booked recently would presumably mean he is indeed in the midst of a high profile face push. Turning him now would be a very odd descision indeed given past weeks actions such as standing up against a bully and similar examples.

Overall balance:- Remain face. There are too many signs reading that if he turned heel now it would ruin a couple of months of trying to book morrison as a face. It may be a future consideration but if your talking any time within the next 2-3 months I'd call you crazy.

P.S. For me this proves morrison can have good charisma as a face

You may disagree but I just believe there is a reason lots of people remember this shitty little promo froma year ago from guy who sounds "boring an terrible on the mic". People like miz for the same reason people like babies, you watched him grow into a competitior. Morrison had everything he needed to be successful from day one so there was no character development needed to be done. The key is separating affection from admiration, a locked door to the majority of blind miz marks.
I think the other guy was being sarcastic.

Anyways, I would turn him heel by having him win MITB and then cashing in on a face champ kind of like CM Punk did. It would be the easiest way and would make him main eventer.

On a side note, I don't want him to turn heel.

that did work amazingly for punk and now look what we of the best announcers of all time :lmao:

but Kane cashed in on superbabyface rey rey, and people still went nuts over it, it wasn't until they forced a heel turn that he g booed, the crowd didnt really want the heel turn at first, so in a way it depends on who u do it too

and it seems like im the only one who thinks there won't be a mitb match at mania since it has itsown ppv now
no way. I like his face turn, its starting to get good, now that the ridiculous r truth and morrison tag team has ended. I liked his shaemus rivalry, I'm glad he wasnt made to job to him at s series. he's not the greatest thing since shawn or the rock, but he's pretty good for todays standard.
jomo would not suit as a pure heel, dude does not have the voice to be considered as a heel (his voice not deep enough or doesn't have that commanding voice) just listen to previous heels on the mic (stone cold, taker, edge, even hbk, they have that slightly deep commanding voice (apart from the miz whose voice has got that cockyness to it).

If he is to turn heel he would need a valet/ manager as a mouthpiece just like hitman did when he first entered the E with a cocky jimmy hart or when hbk went singles and had sensational sherri...

maybe a bit*hed up melina would be fitting for jomo
I really want to see either a DBD or JoMo heel turn simply because I wanna see an iron man match between the two of them, if JoMo can wrestle thrice in one night and still put on a great show, and DBD has wrestled for near 80 minutes many a time at his indy shows, the both of them together would be incredible
Turning Morrison heel is not the right move at all

The WWE is crying out for new babyfaces who are ready for the main event and Morrison has the perfect look and moveset to make him the perfect babyface. I know his promo's have been a bit weak but I think thats because they are giving him crappy lines. If they give the guy a bit more leway then I promise you he has the charisma to make it as a babyface.

Damn, the guy is the next HBK imo why the hell turn him heel?! If he finally wins the title after a slow push leading up to WM then then trust me the fans will go crazy. He just needs few near misses first so it's believable.

Even better, keep his feud with Sheamus going for a bit longer. Those two are ace in the ring together.

But no, a heel turn is a bad idea - Morrison is one of the most obvious babyfaces I can think of and he is one of the very few who exudes more personality when he is.

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