John Cena to hold title until wrestlemania

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Well thats what he said to the Rock- this brings more questions than answers.
First things Cena vs Rock does not need to be for the wwe title - Rock cant win it and if he does he vacates it on raw the following nite. Pointless.
Cena brings the title and he wins - why ?
It also means we are guaranteed to see john Cena headlining all the ppv between now and wrestlemania - for gods sake wwe please no . Dont get me wrong i like cena but i dont need him shoved down my throat for the best part of a year.
And you know what that means that there will be no new or long lived wwe champions because it will always be Cena vs an other
I agree and more importantly we now know any WWE Championship match from now is pointless because we already know the ending. Furthermore, I feel letting two younger guys go at it at Wrestlemania is best because now we know the main event is a guaranteed success whereas without Rock and Cena it would be a risk. This is a unique opportunity which I feel WWE are missing out on. In addition, we now basically know the outcome to the Rock/Cena match because we all know Rock isn't coming back full time.
I don't believe Cena will hold the title until WM 28. In order for the WWE to keep people interested in the WWE Championship picture, then they'd have to be able to convince the audience that Cena's reign is in dire jeopardy against each and every wrestler he feuds with between now and WrestleMania.

Cena proclaiming to The Rock that he'll be WWE Champion come WM 28 can always be construed as nothing more than the bragadocious bravado of a reigning champ that feels he's on top of the world at the moment. It seems that every champ, whether a babyface or a heel, at some point says that he's going to stay champ forever.

Also, what'd be the point of Cena facing The Rock for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania? The Rock isn't coming back to wrestling full time, certainly not with the success Fast Five has gotten at the box office, so having Cena face him as WWE Champion gives away the ending of the match before the match even happens. The lure of Cena vs. Rock, aside from simply seeing The Rock in a match one more time, will be these two putting on a competitive match, a clash of titans, a contest in which the fans have to think, to some degree, that it will go one way or the other. Cena being champ completely at WM negates that feeling because The Rock ain't giving up Hollywood.
This is so speculative that I dont hold much stock in it. Should he still be champ through Survivor Series then i could believe it. I reckon he will lose the title (while still looking strong) at some point. He may well regain it but I see no value at all in his match vs Rock being for the title. It will lack any heat and therefore be just like AJ Styles vs Sting at Bound for Glory 2009 - too predictable.
Quite honestly Cena keeping the belt until WM (and beyond) would be disastrous.

The WWE are in dire need of creating new stars and having Cena crush everyone for the next 11 months would be bad for everyone on RAW.

Once it comes obvious that Cena isn't losing the title, RAW ratings and PPV buys will disappear very quickly. No-one who hates Cena is going to pay to see him win.

Having the belt on the line at WM28 would make that match more predictable than the streak.
Wrestlezone reports A key WWE insider has told us that "Cena getting the title back was the right move for now, and Vince wants Cena to defend the title at next year's WrestleMania against The Rock. But Vince has not given up on The Miz at all. Vince still thinks Miz a big part of WWE's future."

Will Vince let him keep it until Mania? Or lose it before and regain is the question.

Heres my thing with it though. If its just rock vs cena , everyone is going to think that cena will win. Now if Cena keeps the title an entire year , then u start thinking in your head " hmm hes had it a year and now hes facing rock at mania, if hes ever going to lose it , its gunna be at mania "

I think if he keeps it until then , it puts more weight into what the outcome might be at Mania , instead of just thinking cena is deff going to win.
Maybe it will force the WWE to find other ways of pushing the young talent up the ladder like good storys? Characters?

Not just push a bland underdeveloped young talent up to becoming Champion then realising they were not quite ready yet so better make them lose the Title to Cena or Orton and try again with another not yet fully developed young talent...
I don't even know why they need the WWE Title on the line for the Rock/Cena match. People would watch whether there was a title or not.

I bet it's because they'd inevitably have to place the Title lower on the Wrestlemania card and unintentionally devalue it.
How would anyone benefit from Cena having the WWE Championship? Coming in to face The Rock next year. Is that like giving away results before it happen on their part. Having that happen as a championship match would just mean that a Smackdown superstar is going to win the Royal Rumble to make this match fit and that The Rock isn't going to beat John Cena for the Championship.
Here's what I hope would happen if cena does hold the title till mania. Have rock win the title and whoever wins the money in the bank cashes in on rock right after he wins since not too many people think rock is going to have a long reign anyway. The person beats rock. Rock gets a rematch at the next ppv but cena also gets his rematch. Making it a triple threat at the next ppv. It's not perfect but it's the 1st thing to come to mind.
Lmao. Oh my GOD, Cena said he's going to hold the title until Wrestlemania 28! It MUST be true!!1!!one

Seriously. Santino Marella said he was going to be the longest reigning Intercontinental champion of all times. How'd that work out for him? The Miz said he was going to retire with the WWE Championship. How'd that work out for him? Triple H said he was going to end the Undertaker's undefeated streak. How'd that end? Wrestlers say things like that all the time. If anything, that only guarantees it WON'T happen.

Cena vs. Rock will NOT be for the WWE Championship. Period.
Here's my bet on what will happen:

Cena holds the title for a little while maybe until Summerslam where The Rock interferes in the match and causes Cena to lose the belt.

It takes care of the whole dilemma of a completely predictable outcome at Wrestlemania 28 as well as predictable outcomes for the rest of the PPVs until then. It will also add some fuel to the rivalry.

Even though, this entire feud is pointless considering Cena is going to win at WM28. There is one reason for this match and one reason only, unfortunately: to put Cena over.

Unless the Rock is planning on returning to wrestling for the next few years, then it's a possibility that he might win. All signs indicate that he'll be headed back to Hollywood after WM28 though.
What I just thought of now, which IMO would be really funny but probably piss off a good amount of fans...

IF Cena does hold into the belt until Mania (which I hope not) or loses it and then gets it back just before mania (this I could see more likely to happen) then you keep their match as Cena said it would be, Cena vs Rock for the WWE Title. Most people will think Cena will win since Rock wont be back fulltime to be a champion, what I would do is have Rock actually win the match. Cena loses nothing from losing to Rock at WM, it wont bring him own at all. Then you have who ever happened to win MITB this year hold it until Mania, have them showing up on SmackDown! and making hints at cashing in their MITB match at Mania, but don't book the match. Have people think who ever the MITB winner is (for this idea, I would have it being The Miz) is going to cash it in for the WH title after the WH title match is over but then after the WH match, he never comes out. People will think about it for a moment and then forget because Rock vs Cena is coming up.

In the Rock vs Cena match, have Rock win and become the new WWE Champion. People would go crazy over this. Then as he is in the ring celebrating his title win after a long hard match, have Miz come in, knock him out with the MITB briefcase and win the WWE title from The Rock.

Doing this would not really take much away from the Rock vs Cena match, and although it would make the match being for the title a little pointless it would push Miz (or who ever is holding the MITB) to ultimite heel status after cashing in on a injured Rock.
If John Cena ends up holding the WWE Championship all the way till Wrestlemania next year, then I will have fully lost all hope in WWE ever, EVER being anything near what it was before it went PG back in 2008. At this point I think I keep watching every week not necessarily because I'm a crazy huge fan of WWE's product, but because, and this is probably something a lot of people relate to, I'm hoping and praying that somehow Vince will revert back to his old ways and realize he's been off his rocker the last few years with all the changes he's made. But as the days go by I'm realizing that is less and less's a shame. As powerful a "sports-entertainment" company WWE still is today, they are becoming way too predictable and there are hardly ever memorable moments anymore. Oh, and on a side note, though I've never been a huge fan of The Miz, him being champion is 1000000X better than Cena.
A lot of people thought the Rock would "go back to Hollywood" after Wrestlemania 27. Who knows what he is thinking.. maybe he is going to become Champ and stick around for a few years?

I don't mind if the match is for the Title or not..I am not a fan of Cena or the Rock so it won't add to my interest if the belt is on the line. If Cena is going to keep the belt until Wrestlemania (like sombody said just because he said it does not mean anything) if he is though then the creative team will have to do something interesting to keep everybody happy and come up with some good non Title related storylines so it could be a good thing.
HMMMMMMMMM i dont think they will let him do it hes just being Cocky, however i think the rock should get the gold in the build up to the match because we know cena will win thus he can get the title of the rock.
Sure, I guess the match being for the WWE Title adds to it. But it really isn't needed. I think that is WWE's opportunity to use the Title to have a great match between 2 younger stars. Like Miz vs. Morrison or something along those lines. Instead of Miz vs Morrison being the Main Event, they can go 2nd to last, have a great match, and then Rock/Cena can close the show.

To me, it feels like if the WWE Title is on the line, there is NO chance for The Rock to win. It already feels like Cena will win this match for sure, for obvious reasons, but adding the Strap to the match, seems to take the real "Who will win?" out of it.
I don't think he will. Vince may be insane, but he's not an idiot. Cena holding that thing until Wrestlemania would be disastrous.

WWE is in dire need of guys for the new breed. The supposed youth movement is underway. Cena gains absolutely nothing in burying all of RAW's believable contenders for the next 11 months. It will hurt WWE because:

1. RAW views will decrease. Quickly.

2. Someone has a sig of it on here somewhere. There is one pay-per-view for every month. That's 12 months. PPVs are $45. 45 x 12= $540. Nobody in their right mind is gonna watch Cena "overcome the odds" again for $540 a year. That's masochism.
I don't think he will. Vince may be insane, but he's not an idiot. Cena holding that thing until Wrestlemania would be disastrous.

WWE is in dire need of guys for the new breed. The supposed youth movement is underway. Cena gains absolutely nothing in burying all of RAW's believable contenders for the next 11 months. It will hurt WWE because:

1. RAW views will decrease. Quickly.

2. Someone has a sig of it on here somewhere. There is one pay-per-view for every month. That's 12 months. PPVs are $45. 45 x 12= $540. Nobody in their right mind is gonna watch Cena "overcome the odds" again for $540 a year. That's masochism.

Agreed, if Vince is smart and i hope he is there is no way Cena is going to keep the title until wrestlemania. Kids can't keep Raw's ratings growing for that long and adults would switch off the channel after 1 month. If Cena keeps the title until wrestlemania (god i hope not) , i may consider commiting suicide hell i even thought about it after he won at Extreme Rules.
Nah fuck that. If Cena is WWE Champ till Wrestlemania 28 then thats some fucked up shite. Vince needs to give Others a chance as champ. Does Vince not know we hate Cena ? Yet he persists in shoving him down our throats... (SMH)

I dont fink i can handle having Cena as champion till mania. I can't hanDle having Cena as champion anyways. I would probably stop watching Raw out of protest if he is given a lenghly title run (don't see how that would benefit me)
I honestly don't see him holding the title all the way until. Even if he does, which I doubt, doesn't that make the WWE Title more of a credible title? All I hear is people complaining about the title being a joke and this and that, constantly saying the WWE Title is more of a prop than an actual Championship trophy. I truly believe if it were anyone else but John Cena, everyone would love it which is dumb and hypocritical. He's the best thing going in the WWE right now. Why not have the belt on him? Like I said earlier, I doubt this will happen, but I won't stop watching if it does.
I bored at the notion of Cena holding the title till Wrestlemania...first off, it is going to be boring. And second why have the title on the line in the Cena-Rock match. The Rock will not stay after obviously will not win the title why even bother?
I think its ridiculous that people are saying "if cena holds the title until mania it gives away the ending"

Cena is going over whether its for the belt or not, it would be a horrible booking decision to make your top draw lose to a semi-retired wrestler/ full time actor. the ending is already obvious, so that shouldn't be factored into whether or not the belt is on the line

as previously mentioned its a good time to have two young stars put on a great title match at mania. something that wwe could only do when they have big time matches such as this. all i was saying was that saying it predicts the end of the rock match is absurd because the finish is pretty obvious.
You guys fail. Rock is going to beat cena at mania. He's not going to "pass the torch"

He will be the only wrestler in history to beat stone cold, hulk hogan and john cena at wrestlemania cementing his legacy as the best ever. This also sets up a re match further down the road. Cena and rock can always have a re match at the next mania where rock can put him over then. Rock should win the first round. This would be the most interesting outcome. It would be shocking as all hell and epic when rock wins.

Plus look at all the possible storylines that come out of it. Cena could be all depressed and become ridiculed. Then he'd go back to being supercena and prove himself to the world.

Rock wins at Mania regardless if the title is involved or not. FACT.
Forgive me if I go off on a tangent here, but what irks me most about this storyline--in the short-term--is that they totally just fucked The Miz in order to have 30 seconds of "promo gold" on Raw between Rock and Cena. Going into ER, everyone, Miz, Riley and Cole included, openly stated that the odds were against The Miz and he had practically no chance of winning. Somehow Cena facing two other guys inside of a steel cage meant that he finally had a legit chance at taking the title (which is just silly) and that it was all but his before the bell even rang.

After that kind of build, you NEED to put Miz over. The guy runs around for six months playing the sneaky heel who finds a way to crawl out of a match with the title, when he supposedly shouldn't under any reasonable circumstances. Here he is fighting two adversaries who each have four possible ways of winning the match and the title with everyone saying that he's not going to be the victor. His insurance policy of having Riley at ringside no longer was in effect. A win here makes him more legit than arguably any of his matches as champion to that point. R-Truth enters the cage to incapacitate Morrison AND hits Cena with a scissor kick. This is when Miz should have dragged himself over to cover Morrison or slithered out the door.

The Rock is going to be on Raw tomorrow, however, so SuperCena wins and gets PINNED in a rematch prior to the decision being reversed, just so that he can hold the belt up to The Rock's face and tell him that he's not going to lose it within the next 11 months. I agree that Miz had held the title for longer than a lot of people would have expected, but he needed to hold it until the next PPV and drop it in a one-on-one match where he couldn't sneak out with fluky circumstances.

Someone needs to step up to point out that Cena can't just win because he's Cena, and find a way to get the belt off of him within the next couple of months. I can see him keeping it through the next PPV so that people assume it's the first step toward his goal, but I don't see him keeping it through June. My guess is Miz finds a way to dick him out of it and holds it for another couple of months, which essentially keeps WWE honest and creates that sense of intrigue as to whether Cena will actually get it back before 'Mania. If he does, I wouldn't be surprised if Cena ends up being a MITB victim some time around the Rumble. This could be a long-shot, but there's always the idea that he has some sort of altercation with Rocky that incapacitates him, leads to a cash-in and that's a way of adding heat to the feud and buildup to WM. I'm hoping that Vince has enough sense to realize that he would be alienating part of his audience by having Cena hold the title for that long, and that having Rock/Cena be for the title accomplishes nothing. I'm guessing he's not that stupid.
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