John Cena- The Over-Putter

Pay Per Ghost

What they f*ck happened in the thread section here

Look at him,
this man is, well, the biggest thing in professional wrestling in the world right now, WWE biggest cash-cows, loved by kids, hated by the kids' older brothers; you get the deal.
But is he also a huge trampoline to put your favorite heel wrestler over?

The main basis for this are two points of observation:

1. Orton going over

When 2009 was coming to an end and the rivalry between Cena and Orton was winding down you could see half of the section cheering for the heel.
This was solidifying the dogma of the 17-35 demographic of 'Anyone but Cena'.
Orton then imploded legacy with his own two hands, turned face officaily on the grandest stage and has without a question of a doubt GONE OVER!

2. Sheamus gets pops

When these two had their match, at WWE MITB, I heard for the first time the crowd popping for Sheamus and chanting 'Let's go Sheamus'. Such chants have not been heard since.

So my question if any superstar is on the threshold of going over (The Miz for e.g), or has the backstage approval, will a feud with Cena make him go over instantly?

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