John Cena Push 2005-2007

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The Abdi
I know this may have nothing to do with anything but I have been taking a Philosophy University level course and in Philosophy you basically have to question things so recently I have been having alot of questions in life and some of them are with the WWE.

By no means am I an IWC Cena Hater but I was watching a few YouTube videos and I happened to stop by an interesting video. To understand this forum you basically have to take a few minutes out of your life to view this video.

To let you guys know this is a HUGE Cena hater and happens to always complain about everything in Professional Wrestling but this complainer has a few points that are correct.

What if in this historic 2 year push something happened to John Cena? What if he quit? What if he (god-forbidding) died? what if he couldn't get over? What if something happened to John Cena during this push?

The point he provided made a little sense having a few ready backups if anything we're to happen it could be anybody here are mine.... Just think of all the possibilities..

: CM Punk
: John Morrison
: Shelton Benjamin
: Mr.Kennedy
: Bobby Lashley
: Elijah Burke
: Carlito

John Cena was pushed all out all or nothing at the expense of the WWE roster. John Cena is a hard working guy, he got an actual buildup to becoming champ, he has a fanbase (the kids), he is inspirational, he could every now and then have a big match; feud, he could be pretty bad-ass and entertaining (rapper gimmick) but however he gets booed which a top babyface shouldn't.

The WWE ever since Brock, Goldberg, Rock, Austin and many other stars left the WWE hasn't been building stars well enough. They force fed us JBL randomly and ever since Lesnar left at the time there has been a gap on Smackdown and a gap in the WWE but just think about it what if the WWE right after Wrestlemania built up future main eventers.

Again think of the possibilities of main eventers we could have had around that era in 2004 and afterwards.

-Edge (Earlier than 2006)
-Christian (A legit main eventer way earlier than 2011)
-Jericho (in 2004 instead of being a mid carder)
-Kane (like the monster he was in 03)
-Booker T (like that inspirational baby face 2002-2003)
-Rob Van Dam (like he was in 2002 and 2006)
-Shelton Benjamin (A big push)
-Muhammad Hassan (2005)
-Matt Hardy (2005 ish while he was still popular)
-Chavo Guerrero (When Eddie died)
-Chris Benoit (As a permanent main eventer)

All pushes I'm not saying to replace John Cena I'm just saying to have more star power because the WWE believed they had no stars which they didn't but they had superstars that had the potential to become huge stars and I don't know why they didn't capitalize on that instead of randomly pushing Bradshaw while building up a new face (Cena) they could have been building up multiple stars also while having back up in case something we're to happen to the guys that they we're pushing like if Edge let's say was to get injured like he did in 2004 they could have easily moved Christian up to his spot.

What if they did that? Built up new superstars in the Ruthless Aggression era? We would have way more stars maybe even up to this day? Who knows? Not to the point where in 2006 where Batista was injured and nobody on Smackdown was ready to take his place so they had to randomly send Angle over to Smackdown from Raw. And also in 2011 where Edge had to retire and they had to randomly move the brand to the week afterwards while they had plans to have the draft in June? It's because of stuff like this.

I have a few questions...

1) Did you enjoy Cena's rise to super stardom? (2005-2007)
2) Do you agree or disagree with this guy? and why.
3) If you had a choice to hand choice main eventers from 2004 to this current day who would you have chosen (describe briefly why)
4) If you had the choice of chosing one guy to replace Cena's push if something happened to Cena (like he quit) who would it be?

Please and Thanks for checking out my thread.
I know this may have nothing to do with anything but I have been taking a Philosophy University level course and in Philosophy you basically have to question things so recently I have been having alot of questions in life and some of them are with the WWE.

By no means am I an IWC Cena Hater but I was watching a few YouTube videos and I happened to stop by an interesting video. To understand this forum you basically have to take a few minutes out of your life to view this video.

To let you guys know this is a HUGE Cena hater and happens to always complain about everything in Professional Wrestling but this complainer has a few points that are correct.

What if in this historic 2 year push something happened to John Cena? What if he quit? What if he (god-forbidding) died? what if he couldn't get over? What if something happened to John Cena during this push?

The point he provided made a little sense having a few ready backups if anything we're to happen it could be anybody here are mine.... Just think of all the possibilities..

: CM Punk
: John Morrison
: Shelton Benjamin
: Mr.Kennedy
: Bobby Lashley
: Elijah Burke
: Carlito

John Cena was pushed all out all or nothing at the expense of the WWE roster. John Cena is a hard working guy, he got an actual buildup to becoming champ, he has a fanbase (the kids), he is inspirational, he could every now and then have a big match; feud, he could be pretty bad-ass and entertaining (rapper gimmick) but however he gets booed which a top babyface shouldn't.

The WWE ever since Brock, Goldberg, Rock, Austin and many other stars left the WWE hasn't been building stars well enough. They force fed us JBL randomly and ever since Lesnar left at the time there has been a gap on Smackdown and a gap in the WWE but just think about it what if the WWE right after Wrestlemania built up future main eventers.

Again think of the possibilities of main eventers we could have had around that era in 2004 and afterwards.

-Edge (Earlier than 2006)
-Christian (A legit main eventer way earlier than 2011)
-Jericho (in 2004 instead of being a mid carder)
-Kane (like the monster he was in 03)
-Booker T (like that inspirational baby face 2002-2003)
-Rob Van Dam (like he was in 2002 and 2006)
-Shelton Benjamin (A big push)
-Muhammad Hassan (2005)
-Matt Hardy (2005 ish while he was still popular)
-Chavo Guerrero (When Eddie died)
-Chris Benoit (As a permanent main eventer)

All pushes I'm not saying to replace John Cena I'm just saying to have more star power because the WWE believed they had no stars which they didn't but they had superstars that had the potential to become huge stars and I don't know why they didn't capitalize on that instead of randomly pushing Bradshaw while building up a new face (Cena) they could have been building up multiple stars also while having back up in case something we're to happen to the guys that they we're pushing like if Edge let's say was to get injured like he did in 2004 they could have easily moved Christian up to his spot.

What if they did that? Built up new superstars in the Ruthless Aggression era? We would have way more stars maybe even up to this day? Who knows? Not to the point where in 2006 where Batista was injured and nobody on Smackdown was ready to take his place so they had to randomly send Angle over to Smackdown from Raw. And also in 2011 where Edge had to retire and they had to randomly move the brand to the week afterwards while they had plans to have the draft in June? It's because of stuff like this.

I have a few questions...

1) Did you enjoy Cena's rise to super stardom? (2005-2007)
2) Do you agree or disagree with this guy? and why.
3) If you had a choice to hand choice main eventers from 2004 to this current day who would you have chosen (describe briefly why)
4) If you had the choice of chosing one guy to replace Cena's push if something happened to Cena (like he quit) who would it be?

Please and Thanks for checking out my thread.
Flipping hell, another fucking what if Cena thread! Im really fed up of them. Put it this way. Cena is lucky that he is the 'main star' of the industry over the past few years, because if the guy ever entered the attitude era with Rock, Austin, Angle, Taker, HBK, HHH, Shane, Dudleys, Hardys, E AND C and of the like, where would Cena be. Ever thought of that? Probably in that Smackdown battle Royal for the Chamber match, as a nobody, full of nobodys, or even in TNA!!!

Vince can create who he wants, whenever he wants. Cena does truly suck!!
Flipping hell, another fucking what if Cena thread! Im really fed up of them. Put it this way. Cena is lucky that he is the 'main star' of the industry over the past few years, because if the guy ever entered the attitude era with Rock, Austin, Angle, Taker, HBK, HHH, Shane, Dudleys, Hardys, E AND C and of the like, where would Cena be. Ever thought of that? Probably in that Smackdown battle Royal for the Chamber match, as a nobody, full of nobodys, or even in TNA!!!

You obviously started watching wrestling about 6 months ago. If John Cena was 15 years older, he would've been the face of the attitude era instead of Steve Austin and that's a FACT. Go watch what he did before he turned into PG Cena, because you obviously have no idea about any of it. He acts the way he does because he has to, not because that's all he can do. He would be a superstar in any era of WWE/WWF history. Fact.

Vince can create who he wants, whenever he wants. Cena does truly suck!!

So true. Just look at guys like Outback Jack and Tom Magee in the 80's all the way up to guys like Chris Masters and Drew McIntyre in the last few years. Clearly when Vince wants somebody to be big, they end up being big. :rolleyes:

To answer the OP's 4 questions:

1)Yes, of course. Everybody did. I know the cool thing today is retcon history so that they hated Cena all along, but Cena was universally loved in 2005-07. He was new, he had a great gimmick, he was extremely charismatic and hard working, and NOBODY BOO'ED HIM. The only time the crowd reacted negatively to Cena in this time was at ECW One Night Stand in his title match against RVD. Then it slowly started becoming cool to hate Cena, so of course when the internet thinks something is cool, they have to do it.

2)Of couse not. Very little of what he said was based in reality. If the plan was for Cena to be the next Hogan, why the hell wasn't he even in the main event when he beat JBL for the WWE title? WWE saw Batista as the next big star of the company in 2005, not Cena. It was his fellow wrestlers and, yes, the fans that knew Cena was the best big thing. And I'd love to see proof that they didn't have any "alternates" in case it didn't work with Cena. You know why we don't know if they had alternates? Because they didn't need them! Cena's push worked as well as anybody's in the history of the business. If his push wasn't going well, they would've stopped pushing him and done something else.

3)I'm not sure I understand this question. You mean if I could bring a main eventer from 2004 to now, who would I pick? That has to be Brock Lesnar...he had the chance to be one of the best superstars in WWE history.

4)If I had to pick somebody else to get this imaginary god push that Cena supposedly got? Personally, I was always a big Shelton Benjamin fan. I think he had the look, talent, and charisma to be a big star for the WWE. I never understood why they insisted on making him a heel instead of giving him a push as a legitimate face who's just better than everybody else in the ring. Kind of like what CM Punk's doing now.
You have three problems with this thread.

Problem 1: You're assuming all wrestlers are created equal, and have the same abilities. This is ridiculously untrue, so the idea you can replace one guy and replace him with another is a waste of time to consider.

Problem 2: Cena threads, especially ones like this, have been done to death.

Problem 3: Because of Problems 1 and 2, this thread is now closed.
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