Alright so ive been thinking, if the Undertaker wants to go for 20-0 at wrestlemania 28 who would the fans want him to face? If it's takers last wrestlemania then why would we want him to face someone easy like dolph, or the miz, or sheamus, so then I thought to myself, it's gotta be orton or cena. Both men have faced The Undertaker. But that was when they were young in there careers John cena faced the American badass taker and beat him once, with the help of the FBI. And Randy orton has beat undertaker a few times I believe. But as I said, this was before John was superman status and before orton was the viper. So my question to you is, out of cena and orton who would you choose to face taker at mania 28. I would honestly love to see John cena vs taker, but the rivalry build up would be weak and cena would have to be heel. Randy vs taker on the other hand would be good they already have a decent rivalry in the past that they can build off of.... So what do you think? Cena vs taker, or Randy vs taker