John Cena, Most Popular Person in the WWE, or Most Lonely Man


Now, that I think about it, John is probably one of the most hard working people in WWE. He's works every week on RAW, on movies and on different appearences everywhere. That got me to thinking... He is probably the most popular person in sports entertainment today, but is he looking forward to anything else, love wise.
It says on Wiki that he's un-married and has no kids. John Cena has the most passion when it comes to wrestling, but does he have anything else going on in his personal life. You may think I'm a sissy, but I just want to hold John and say "Everything is going to be alright"...
Yeah, I see where you're coming from. I bet that after the threesomes with the wrestling groupies he chucks them out of his motel room and cries himself to sleep. I know I would.

But I think he'll be fine. He's already broken his neck once. His career will be finished in enought time for him to find somebody.
I know exactly what you mean. John Cena is arguably the busiest man in the WWE. Week after week, he appears on Raw, he appears on talk shows, he works on movies. He shows his passion for the business every single day. The problem is that it seems that Cena has no life outside of WWE. No one knows how Cena feels about being single, so we can't neccessarily tell that Cena is feeling lonely or not. We can be sure of one thing, if Cena finds someone, who can assume that he won't appear in as many talk shows as he has been.
I can't remember where from but I heard he is actually engaged, so if that is to be believed I think his love life must be going pretty fine....
Well, alls i can say is, don't believe Wiki, because he is engaged and will be getting married sometime in July, but one thing is for sure, he aint lonely.
I can't remember where from but I heard he is actually engaged, so if that is to be believed I think his love life must be going pretty fine....

I heard that too. I heard he was dating Mickie James a while back all is not lost right?

Could be just a well kept secret to help drive sales. I mean I've heard of pop groups saying they were single, so all the 13 year old girls with crushes would continue to buy their music.

I don't think it's too hard to keep your private life private in Pro Wrestling. I saw on wrestlezone actually, that some folks thought Chris Jericho's wife was Kelly squared. So if someone could make that mistake, why not know if Cena has a personal life? Oh, and only like 70% of Wikipedia is reliable! ^_^
they had a article about him getting engaged on wrestlezone, and also he said on leno he is engaged he is just fine when he is not wrestling, he is not lonely do your research before you have an article on here, wiki is wrong.
and by the way this is what it said on wikipedia

While promoting his 2009 film, 12 Rounds, Cena revealed he is engaged and intends to marry later in the year.
He is getting married soon. Of course he has a private life...everybody does. It is just a perception.
This may very well be the single gayest thread i have ever seen. Im sure hes got floozies waiting at every turn to be the next to buff his pickle. I wish i was so lonely.
He isn't lonely he said he was engaged to get married to his high school sweatheart on a talk show a while ago. He should be getting married soon and "highschool" means he hasn't been lonely 4 a long time.
His fiance..

This thread is kinda... odd for a wrestling forum, it probably belongs on or something like that, but I just wanted to say two things.

A) He wasn't dating Mickie James, I think somebody just started that after they teased a relationship between the two on RAW.

B) I love how huge he is compared to his fiance. He makes her, and the champagne glasses they're holding look ridiculously small haha.
Cena had a chance to bang Mickie James, so the guy is not only the most popular, but also a lucky man outside of Ken Doane. Wrestlers are not lonely when they can bang a different girl each week,in fact Cena should be lucky he has no kids as he could be a easy target for a gold-digging fan.
Even if he wasn't engaged I'm sure he could style and profile ala Ric Flair, I mean he's pretty much the full throttle marketability wise, kids want him as their daddy, and there's a hell of a lot of women that want to be Mrs Cena, they even have Mrs Cena t-shirts... and its not just the ******ed fangirls... even some female smarks are subject to his masculine charms... my sister for example is a History and English teacher yet she does the stupid thing of getting her kids to call her Mrs Cena in class, I suppose its one way to get kids to relate to you lol.

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