John Cena made Bret Hart look weak on Raw. Here's how the segment could have worked.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last week on Raw, we had a segment in which Vince said that he wouldn't allow Bret to come back. Then, John Cena came and said a few words about what he thinks about Vince. So, WWE made it look like Cena was the one who forced Vince to allow Bret come back to WWE. That didn't make any sense from Bret's point of view, as it made him look so weak.

Last Monday WWE could have created a huge moment. Vince would have come out and said that he "wouldn't allow Bret to come back" and then let Cena come out. Cena could have asked Vince to allow Bret to come back, which would have made Cena look like a big hero among kids.

What Vince should have done is refused to listen to Cena and ordered him to go back to locker room. He could have even threatened to ban him from Raw for next week to get heat amongst the kids.

Then all of sudden, Bret's music could have hit and out comes The Hitman. He could have then said that he didn't need Vince's permission to come to Raw and nor did he have to listen to Vince insult him. That would force Vince to call the security to throw Bret out, but Cena would taken care of the security so this storyline could have went for 2-3 weeks where Bret could try to come in to get his hands on Vince WITH the help of Cena.

Finally (after elimination chamber PPV) Vince has had enough, and he challenges Bret for a match at wrestlemania 26. That could be a huge way to bring a little bit of attitude back in WWE and relive some stone cold memories. And by doing that, Bret wont look bad at all, like he looks now.

So what are your views on this. Do you think wwe creative and Vince did the right job by doing what they have done up to this point, or do you think involving Cena and going about it this way sounds better?
I don't mind the way it panned out on Raw. Hart is coming back the Raw after The Royal Rumble. How I see it panning out is maybe a Cena and a heel will be involved with the stopyline, but after Cenas promo on Vince, they way I see it finishing is Bret having Vince locked in a sharpshooter at Wrestlemania 26, but THE REFEREE REFUSES TO CALL FOR THE BELL, instead of calling immediately like in Montreal. Vince would be in all sorts of agony as the ref(more than likely Steve Austin as a guest referee) keeps looking at his watch and lets Bret continue the sharpshooter. Then one by one, a number of former, and unannounced legends who have been big names in WWE like a Piper, Orton, Snuka, Slaughter, Neidhart, Honkytonk, Muraco etc so on each come out and SLAP Vince in the face or stomp him while still in the sharpshooter. The crowd would go absolutely fucking mental seeing Bret squeezing the life out of Vince and the nostalgic of all Brets running buddies from the 80's and 90's that are still alive getting there shiot in too. Finally the odies chair Hart around the ring on their shoulders, a WRESTLEMANIA moment
I truelly dont see how Cena belittling Vince makes Bret look bad. IMO the segment was well done and I quite enjoyed the emotion Cena showed sticking up for the legends I grew up loving. It actually is intriguing to a point that Cena came out and did what he did, seeing he is the company boy who will do just aboput anything Vince tells him to. As far as making Bret look weak, I don't think so. I am now looking foward to Raw to see what happens with the "confrontation" as I feel they will be closing the show with it leaving us wanting more.
^You had me until the legends thing. That makes no sense but until then you had a great idea. Id love to see Vince in the Sharpshooter (and we will, trust me) and everyone can finally have their closure. except the Canadian fans who will use any oppurtunity to chant "You screwed Bret". Like they dont have enough to be famous for already. Damn canadian already make the best wrestlers and some of the finest women I have ever seen. Just can't let that one thing go can ya? haha.
First of all, I really don't see John Cena being involved in this angle much further than what he did last week. We have seen quite a few superstars on Raw give McMahon their opinion on how he should handle the Bret Hart situation, so I really didn't see anything special about him being involved.

But as for this making Bret look weak? I totally disagree. In the context of the storyline, Bret Hart is NOT a WWE employee, so he has no power over when he is or is not there. It would be totally unbelievable for him to have come out of the back, out of nowhere, after it took so much convincing for Vince to even allow him in the building back on January 4th. The way wrestling is today, there is no way anyone would have bought the idea that Vince just wouldn't have known Bret was there...he would know.

I think when it comes down to it, Bret and Vince are going to do this angle pretty much on their own. Yeah, other superstars will probably throw their two cents in every now and again, but I would highly doubt they will go the route of bringing other superstars, old or new, into this angle. Bringing a bunch of other guys into this angle is what would make Hart look WEAK. This angle is big enough to stand on it's own two feet, it doesn't need a bunch of outsiders getting involved.
I'd like Cena to continue on with this angle. I don't think WWE will be booking him to headline so what else is he going to be doing with WM? We could see a Battle of the Billionaires type angle where Bret is in Cena's corner and Vince hand picks Cena's opponent. Since Vince is so fond of Drew McIntyre, why not him? It would be a great way to use fresh talent, keep Cena out of the main event and have Bret get his revenge. Hell, to throw a curve ball in, Vince could pay The Rock to come in and face off against Cena. The Rock has been saying they are planning something special for the fans... could this be it? Cena vs Rock with Bret backing Cena and Vince backing The Rock. Of course at the end Rock would have to turn on Vince so we get 3 of the most loved superstars of their respective eras standing side by side when its all said and done.

Eh... who knows. Bret just being back is really good enough for me. Got to love the Hitman.
Vince isn't stupid and he wouldn't voluntarily WANT to fight Bret at wrestlemania, but Bret isn't stupid either...if he's able to fight, what's to stop HIM winning the rumble on sunday? and using his 'main event' shot against Vince instead of for the title? (just like the create-a-superstar storyline in the SvsR game) that way Vince doesn't have to accept anything, he, he just has no option in the matter and Bret gets to look strong prior to any match. Also it cold be Micheals that gets eliminated last by Hart which would add another intresting dynamic to things
Uh, I really don't see the big problem with it. I really didn't see what made him look weak at all. Cena told Vince Bret was going to come back. And, Bret winning the rumble, IMO, would just be awful. I say give it to a rising young guy, like Miz, Morrison, Kofi, Dibiase, or for shocks, Edge. I would honestly keep Bret out of the Rumble altogether, unless they want to give some heel some heat for eliminating him. If Bret is to join the Rumble, have Swagger eliminate him, he really needs that. But the segment on Raw didn't make Bret look weak in any way, it just made Cena more entertaining.
It makes no sense.The week before 4 jan.HBK asked VKM to bring Bret back.Did it make Bret look weak?Hell no.

This time it was Cena's turn to play his role,If you remember most of WWE big stars did something about this Bret thing.Randy asked VKM if he can kick bret in the skull,Taker called VKM coward,HHH told vince how he feels about Bret,so the only one remaining was Cena and he did his job last week and he did it very well.
Last week on Raw, we had a segment in which Vince said that he wouldn't allow Bret to come back. Then, John Cena came and said a few words about what he thinks about Vince. So, WWE made it look like Cena was the one who forced Vince to allow Bret come back to WWE. That didn't make any sense from Bret's point of view, as it made him look so weak.

WWE didn't excatly make it look like Cena was the one who forced Vince's hand in bringing back Bret Hart. We had Undertaker and Triple H talk to Vince about how they felt towards Vince's actions with Bret in the past couple of weeks before Cena said what he said on Monday. Cena was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. Also in no way, shape, or form did that segment make Bret Hart look weak.

Last Monday WWE could have created a huge moment. Vince would have come out and said that he "wouldn't allow Bret to come back" and then let Cena come out. Cena could have asked Vince to allow Bret to come back, which would have made Cena look like a big hero among kids.

What Vince should have done is refused to listen to Cena and ordered him to go back to locker room. He could have even threatened to ban him from Raw for next week to get heat amongst the kids.

Then all of sudden, Bret's music could have hit and out comes The Hitman. He could have then said that he didn't need Vince's permission to come to Raw and nor did he have to listen to Vince insult him. That would force Vince to call the security to throw Bret out, but Cena would taken care of the security so this storyline could have went for 2-3 weeks where Bret could try to come in to get his hands on Vince WITH the help of Cena.

Well, at this point in time, Cena was concerned about winning the Royal Rumble and getting his shot at the WWE or World Heavyweight Title. If the WWE wanted to go with this angle though, they should probably use the help of the others who said something to Vince and not just Cena.

Finally (after elimination chamber PPV) Vince has had enough, and he challenges Bret for a match at wrestlemania 26. That could be a huge way to bring a little bit of attitude back in WWE and relive some stone cold memories. And by doing that, Bret wont look bad at all, like he looks now.

Again, I don't feel that Bret looks too bad right now. As far as WrestleMania goes, if he is able to wrestle in a match without seriously injuring himself, I am all for the fight taking place.

So what are your views on this. Do you think wwe creative and Vince did the right job by doing what they have done up to this point, or do you think involving Cena and going about it this way sounds better?

I think they've done a decent job with the whole Bret Hart angle. I've been entertained throughout most of the build-up and feel that it has been a good way to go.
I don't think this made Hart look weak, but I do think Hart was already made to look weak with his recent return. Hugging people, shaking hands, and then taking a hit and staying down.This is the Bret, who in real life, swore off the company and anything Vince-related, and it got very real after the death of his brother (who seemed to be forced to embarrass himself after what happened with Bret). Now you see him back dealing with Vince, completely aged, and taking being dissed by Shawn and Vince without any sort of revenge on his mind.

Instead, I think Cena pumped him up for some of the younger fans (who are Cena fans) but might not know as much about Bret. Or I guess as the fan's voice as Vince ripped everyone with his 'smart, rich businessman' angle.
I don't think this made Hart look weak. Cena basically came out and did the same thing HBK did weeks before. He goaded Vince into bringing Bret back,but unlike HBK, Cena more had a more of a "in your face" attitude than HBK. I think WWE did this to make the whole storyline more interesting because it wouldn't make sense for Vince to just have a sudden change of heart and decide to bring Bret back out of no where, seeing as Vince is a heel again.

Cena doesn't need to be involved in this storyline any further. Cena is going to be involved in the WWE title picture or the rumored match with Taker at Wrestlemania.This whole thing started out with Vince and Bret years ago, and it will end with Vince and Bret.
The way the segment came about didn't hurt Bret Hart in the least because nobody is expecting him to be feuding with anyone other than Vince McMahon. Bret Hart is a 52 year old man whose body is pretty worn out from a wrestling career that lasted nearly a quarter of a century and the man is also a stroke victim. These two variables means that Bret Hart's viability as a regular competitor is virtually non-existent. Vince McMahon is 64 years old and is also limited as an in-ring performer, due to a combination of age and the fact that he's simply not a wrestler.

Now, if everyone involved was completely insane and this was only the beginning of a Bret Hart in-ring comeback in which he did try to become a viable performer again, then I'd agree that Hart was made to look weak. However, that's not the case.

People love seeing Vince McMahon get his ass kicked, no matter the circumstances. It's a guaranteed draw and has been since the late 90s. As of now, the plan is for Hart and McMahon to have some sort of a street fight at WrestleMania, and Vince will probably be the one taking most of the punishment in the match. People still love Bret Hart, they still respect him and building up this feud over the next few months only to have it climax at WM by beating up Vince McMahon will probably be a pretty big draw.

Cena didn't make Hart look weak at all. He just nudged the program along in a logical fashion. I've heard that some would like more realism in wrestling and this is playing out realistically. After all, Vince McMahon is the owner of the WWE and if he says Bret Hart won't be back in the WWE the, realistically, that's exactly how it'd play out. Having someone come out to the ring, namely Cena, and call Vince a coward and play to his ego does have some realism to it as we all know Vince is a raving ego maniac.
The segment was good. It wouldn't matter if Bret Hart gets jobbed to Santino every day until WrestleMania, he'd still be seen as a threat to Vince because of his past and he'd still be an unknown quantity. What that segment did was help to add a dimension to John Cena, someone we have not seen deal with authority figures in that matter. At the end of the day, Bret Hart has been signed for a programme running to and through WrestleMania. He'll be done with the company after Backlash. John Cena on the other hand, has probably got about 10 years left in the tank. Which one is worth building up? The man who is already a guaranteed short term intriguing prospect, or the man you are pinning your aspirations for the next 10 years on?
I don't see how it made Bret look weak. Cena was doing what any top face would do, the right thing, and standing up to Vince. Why would Vince (kayfabe) have allowed Bret back on Raw anyway? It made sense for Cena to come out and talk him into it. This didn't make Bret look weak because Hart is a legend and will remain rather over no matter what he does. Like others have said, Cena is most likely going to be in one of the world title matches at Wrestlemania or facing Taker, so I don't think he will be involved in this angle particularly much. I wouldn't mind seeing him involved if perhaps Bret and Vince will be picking representatives to face each other, but I'm ok with things going the way they have up until now in the Hart angle . There's no reason to really change anything about it yet.

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