John Cena in Evolution?

Cereal Killer

Boy Better Know
I think it would have been great for a while with him, Orton and Batista in the same group kicking ass.

Until 2005 that is. After Evolution came to an abrupt end, Orton would go on to become the Viper and Batista was an on and off world champ.

Cena on the other hand was on smackdown at the time and would go on to become the next face of the WWE after Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin.

So if Cena was part of them, I think he would have been held back a little and someone else like Edge probably could have taken the spotlight. Maybe because he would had stayed on Smackdown or stayed under the thumb of HHH and Flair.
I reckon He would be more popular with the 18+ generation as well because he probably would have stayed heel. Maybe he wouldn't had started Cenation...

What do you think would have happened if he had joined them?
Would you have liked Cena?
Do you think he would have been held back?
Would he still be a heel?

Remember, non Spam.....Discuss!
Terrible thread. You must be on more pills than Kurt Angle if you think this is a good question. I hate these idiotic "What if" threads. Screw you ass wipe!

To answer your question I think Cena would still be the same corny, shitty worker that he is today and they would still push him down our throats like they do now.
Yeah, sorry to be a jerk, but it's threads like these that reinforce to me that no matter how much everyone complains about everything, fans are by and large far less qualified than creative. You've outlined something that makes absolutely no sense and then asked us to tell you how we would have felt about it if it had happened. Why? Like, really... why?

This kind of "idea," it's... nothing. I could pluck any number of storylines from wrestling's history and say "hey, if something totally different and illogical had happened, how would you have reacted?" There isn't even a discussion to be had. Woeful topic.
It wouldn't have worked because Evolution was a traditional group and Cena wasn't traditional since he had the Doctor Of Thuganomics gimmick at the time.

If he were in the group, it wouldn't have held him back. HHH didn't hold Batista & Orton back, so why would he Cena? Cena & Batista went on to main event WM 21 anyway, so regardless of whether he was in Evolution or not, he still would've went on to becoming the top dog of the WWE.
I believe he would eventually be kicked out for not being mature and into a fued with triple h and the triple h - batista happening a year later
unlike most people im not gonna bash your thread, even though it dosent mast like sense since u answered your own question.

i dont think john cena would have fit evolution just because the faction was about richness, fame, fortune. but to answer your question, i dont think he would have succeeded as much.

not bad thread, it is a good thought since john cenas popularity was rising at the same time of evolution. good luck man.

nice sig:)

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