Joe Hennig to FCW?


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First and foremost I wont be referring to the him by McGillicutty, stupidest name ever.

Now that thats out of the way my simple question is since Randy just punted him on RAW will Joe be taken off of WWE tv for a while and sent back to FCW much like Rotunda was? or will he just be "out of action" for awhile to sell the injury. I think hell be taken back to FCW for awhile since it seems like whenever Randy punts someone nowadays they do so to take the person off tv and more recently to send them back to FCW
LOL That was quick.

Probably. Even though Harris desperately needs to get in shape. Besides the difference in physiques, they are basically in the same boat. Without the Nexus storyline, it seems they won't be serving too much of a purpose on the main roster right now.

So, yeah, Orton's Punt Kick might have just kicked Joe Hennig back to FCW.
Maybe they'll send him to FCW buttt he really doesn't need it. He has great in ring talent and could be a mid-card if not heavyweight champion if pushed right.
seems to me like this might be the end of the "new nexus." i can only assume he'll do the same to mason ryan and otunga the next 2 weeks as well. so much for nexus vs. corre, they dropped that one pretty damn quick.
it might not have been confirmed but it was definitely implied. the mutiny of wade barrett, gabriel and slater bailing on nexus, the brawl at the royal rumble...knowing it would be orton vs. punk at wrestlemania and at one point it was thought to be wade barrett vs. the undertaker, i thought it would be the rest of each group against each other. now they just seemed to drop that feud like a rock with no further mention of it. and now husky harris and mcgillicutty are out of commission. so what now?
The way the real Nexus ended was stupid from the get-go. They simply ran out of ideas and it showed. So they had Punk take over (which he didn't need) and as his storyline escalated it basically left all the other guys in the background shuffle.

I think it was actually for the best that Hennig and Harris got sent back, I hope the same follows for the other "new" members so that Punk can be on his own, and those guys can come back repackaged as themselves, to begin a singles career.
I hope he does and I hope he stays there for a while, so he can come back fresh and with a new angle. I'm a big fan of Joe's I like his ring work and I think he could be built and groomed to be a major player in WWE.

Especially if he played of his fathers Legacy a bit.
As I joked to my son on Monday night as they kept referring to him as a "3rd generation superstar", I honestly couldn't remember any McGillicutty's going back to the early 80s when I was watching. : )

So maybe the punt to the head will send him back to FCW where he'll get the testicular fortitude to tell Vince "I'm reclaiming the FAMILY name!" And then, the Perfect Son will be back in WWE around SummerSlam.
I think it was actually for the best that Hennig and Harris got sent back, I hope the same follows for the other "new" members so that Punk can be on his own, and those guys can come back repackaged as themselves, to begin a singles career.

I actually wouldn't mind Hennig coming back with a partner, but I have a dream of seeing tag teams mean something again one day. But either way he doesn't need to be gone too long. He is an excellent youngster from what I saw and could easily be a big player in a couple years. And an upper mid-carder almost instantly(The recognition from Nexus would help that get started). But i definitely agree he needs to come back as Hennig if he is gone for a bit.
I always wondered why they didn't just bill him as Mr. Perfect's son, he's a decent wrestler so why not give him the push. Probably will bring him back with that angle in the near future. On a side note, is Randy Orton ever gonna do anything besides kick air at someone? His punts used to look kinda real but the one on Harris, holy shit that was awful, the one on Hennig was better but not much
The only use I believe both Harris and Hennig can be is in a Second/Third Generation Angle, be it Stable or Angle with their dads, that's all i believe they can be used for.
The only use I believe both Harris and Hennig can be is in a Second/Third Generation Angle, be it Stable or Angle with their dads, that's all i believe they can be used for.

Actually theyre both 3rd generation superstars, and I have a good feeling when they return they will re-debut as a young stable. Here's who's all in it. Leader Ted DiBiase, and his brother Brett, Bo and Duke (Harris for those not familiar) Rotunda, and Joe Hennig, an expansion of The Fortunate Sons, all 3rd generation superstars, all having the chance to shine if WWE gets off their lazy asses and A) redos the entire tag division and B) pushes Ted Jr. HEs not over with the fans cuz.....THEY DONT DO ANYTHING WITH HIM! Make him leader of a young stable to give him much needed air time, push him to go for the WWE title, Joe could go for the IC title, The Rotundas the WWE tag and Brett since he's newest would be like the manager, or hell even the mouthpeice since hes a commentator on FCW. Thats what I think SHOULD happen with these men, will it? Highly doubt it.

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