Jobber to Something Deserving

Should be made Relevant!

  • R-Truth

  • Adam Rose

  • Fandango

  • Bo Dallas

  • Heath Slater

  • Curtis Axel

  • Damien Sandow

  • Zack Ryder

  • Other (I Forgot him)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Gone. For. Good.
So i want to know that Who according to you is the most skilled jobber in WWE at this time who doesnot deserve to be a jobber?
Now by this; i mean the wrestler who deserves to get a either midcard title run (IC or US) or tag title run in future......
According to me; Its

Damien Sandow- Yeah he was excellent in "Intellectual" gimmick and his feud over MITB briefcase with Cody Rhodes was awesome too.....His moveset was good but could be better.... Then this "Mizdow" gimmick was too awesome.... Enough of his past.... Now He is a jobber who sometimes teams up with Curtis Axel..... I think he deserves a title run in future.... Give him back the "Intellectual" gimmick or any new good gimmick.... but yeah he is the most deserving of these.....atleast for me...
I would bring back the Intellectual gimmick and start giving him reasonable matches to work with until he is over with the crowd..
Do tell how would you book your favorite one to be relevant again and win the title?
I picked Sandow as well. He's extremely over with the fans, and yet the WWE has seen fit to do nothing with him. At the house show I was at last month, he came out to a great reception and the crowds love him.

Who was he facing, Braun Strowman. It was a total squash and left me feeling quite sad for Sandow that he's been reduced to that. His Mizdow character was great, while it did get a bit boring towards the end, he played it well.

I watched Miz do an interview on the Sam Roberts podcast about 5 months ago, and he said that fans wanted the two of them broken up. He also said that he hoped if that happened they would continue to support Sandow. Well they have but it appears the WWE hasn't.

Every roster needs jobbers but half the names on your list aren't even on TV anymore. I haven't seen Rose, Slater or Fandango in forever now and sometimes I wonder if they are still around. It's a shame that the WWE just seems to forget about some of their wrestlers, and it's even worse that when you do see them you can pretty much tell how the match will end.
Out of all of the performers listed on the poll above, there is only one SuperStar who I think should get a relevant run right now. Everyone else can just wait when their time comes. Adam Rose, Fandango, Bo Dallas, Heath Slater, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow, Zack Ryder, can all wait another year.

The one WWE SuperStar (he’s already a Legend as far as I’m concerned) on this list that I’m picking is:
The former TNA World Tag Team Champion (with the Cincinnati Bengals’ Adam “Pacman” Jones as Team Pacman and with Consequences Creed as Truth and Consequences)
The former 2 time NWA Tag Team Champion (with B. G. James and Konnan as the 3 Live Cru)
The former WWE World Tag Team Champion (with Kofi Kingston)
The former 2 time Hardcore Champion
The former United States Champion
The former 2 time NWA World Heavyweight Champion

My pick is R-Truth!!

Give him at least one more run. It doesn’t have to be at the top, but it should be damn close to it and that’s the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. What’s up!?
I think Damien Sandow deserves most out of that list but i think Bo Dallas will be the one to break out from this one..
Only thing Bo needs to do is join his brother someway and he becomes relevant in someway..
I think Bray should use the power of The Brothers of destruction and transfer a part of that power to Bo and repackage him..
Like already stated while R-Truth isn't a WWE Legend. Ron Killings is by far a wrestling legend. He is the most deserving, but at this point it's a little too late for him. He is nearing retirement. It is also too late for Ryder. So if I went to who deserves it that it isn't too late for it is Damien Sandow!!!

He never complains and he goes out there and does his job,he is talented,he is humble, and he loves this business more than majority of the other choices. The next jobber choice pick of mine is Jack Swagger.

Every year around this time WWE pushes him only to re-bury him. He has the potential to be the next Edge. WWE should capitalize on him NOW!!! When he was world champ in 2010 he wasn't ready. In 2015, he is one of the most talented and underrated guys on the roster.
I voted for Bo because I am huge mark for him, but Sandow is an excellent choice as well.
Damien Sandow.

He attracted a following playing stooge to The a role that absolutely was not meant to succeed as it did, imo. Mizdow was an afterthought, a foil......and what made it work was him, not some mysterious factor unforeseen by WWE management.

I thought he was terrific with the Intellectual Savior gimmick too, although if you told me before Sandow was hired that a performer was coming and that was to be his trademark, I would have predicted it wouldn't last two weeks.

I think Damien should 'muscle up' some and appear more impressive......and then, let him perform in the ring and on the mic......because he can do it.

Titles aren't necessary, but this guy should be on our TV screens.
The only two that SHOULD get pushed is Ryder and Sandow. Truth is going to be 44 in January. Dallas should be repackaged in NXT. Slater, Axel and (sadly) Rose needs to be let go. The last three will never be anything in today's WWE. Cut them their downsides, and let them fight in the Indies. GFW would probably pick up Slater and possibly Rose. Axel will probably go to Japan. This leaves Sandow and Ryder.

If Long Island Iced Z has anything going for him, it is age. He just turned 30, and should be in the prime of his career. I would not be surprised if Brian Myers aka Curt Hawkins has been trying to get Ryder to opt out and join him in the Indies, as Myers is making a fortune between his school and shows. If I was WWE seeing this, I would plant Ryder in the title race in NXT, and then shoot him back up in 2 years after winning the NXT strap. Ryder has a good 10 years left in his career. If WWE won't push him, he should bail and go the Hawkins/Myers route.

Sandow is in a different category. He is a comedy jobber. He is fun in the ring and on the mic. He MORE THAN deserves a run with the IC title. If they could give it to Santino, they can give it to Sandow. And, at 33, he is still young enough to give a serious run to. He may not be a headliner. However, he could be nice advertising fodder to get a few hundred more fannies in the seats. If they let Sandow go, I can guarantee you that he will rival the Young Bucks in earnings. You will see lines out the door looking to pay $20 to have their pic taken the Intellectual Savior or the Masses. That is money NOT going to Stamford.

In closing, the only two that really deserves a run is Ryder and Sandow. They are both at the right age, and they both have a decent fan base. And, the brass knows that those two would do very well financially in the Indies, which is money not going to Stamford. You're welcome.
I was torn between Bo and Sandow. Went with Sandow in the end as I think Bo will has plenty of time to possibly be repackaged and come in again.

Can't understand how they don't see something in Sandow. Good worker and connection with the fans. Must be tag team work for him somewhere.
Sandow is a easy choice, he clearly has fans behind him and his time with Miz only increased them. I always found it odd that they spent all that time building up people's desire to see him go somewhere and not do anything with it. He has had great matches in the past so he has the ability, plus if he's able to make dumb comedy gimmicks work as well as he did who knows how well he would do with a decent push in a serious one?

Bo is my 2nd choice since he is very comfortable on the mic and is a natural heat magnet, and a guy with both qualities can be put to much better use than jobbing. I do wish his in-ring was more impressive but that's kinda hard since he's usually getting squashed. And like Sally said a little more muscle on both of these guys certainly couldn't hurt, although considering where Wade 6-pack Barrett is now it might not help much either.
I voted for Sandow.

If they didn't have any plans to do anything with Miz, they should have let Sandow take that gimmick. I think he could have had a good run with the US or Intercontinental with it. Even if it was a comedic gimmick, if he backs it up in the ring I think it would have worked.

I like R-Truth. I'd like to see him in a tag-team or something. His time has passed for a push at even the mid-card belts, but in a WWE where the humour is sometimes so painfully cringe-worthy, R-Truth is downright hilarious.

The only other I can think of not on this list is Mark Henry who is effectively a jobber to the stars at this point. I think a final dominant heel run with a mid-card belt, bring back the hall of pain and let him go out on the big stage dropping the belt to an up and comer.
I did not expect so many votes for Sandow when I voted for him.

I could already hear the "SANDOW!? REALLY!?" jeers from the voices in my head, but now everything is calm blue oceans.

Sandow had a very endearing quality, he was a gruff prude who was more comical and less annoying. He was kind of like a parody of your run of the mill arrogant hipster.
I'd pick Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow. Put them right into the tag team division because that's where they'd get the best chance to become relevant. Both are good heels on the mic and in the ring. Kind of a perfect heel tag team.
I think R-Truth ; Jack Swagger & Mark Henry are not as unused as Damien Sandow.....
These three have accomplished a lot but Sandow has accomplished lesser than them....
MITB winner but failed to win....
One half of Tag team Champ with Miz....
So i think he deserves the most in future...
I believe all of these choices are deserving of a rebirth of sorts... I have found that people truly forget that The WWE is and always will be overfilled with the very best talents in the world and unfortunately everyone can not find success... but with that being said I believe that the biggest squandered opportunity The WWE has had was with current list of jobbers is a former World Heavyweight Champion by the name of Jack Swagger.

Usually cream rises to the top but in the curious case of Mr. Swagger He has seemingly been held down indefinitely. I have no clue what Jack did to deserve this, maybe He rubbed The McMahon's the wrong way, maybe He isn't a Triple H Guy or maybe something happened behind the scenes to make Everyone stop believing in Him, but one thing is for sure His fall from grace was slow, painful, deliberate and definitive.

I think all The Guys named are very talented but IMO Jack Swagger is byfar the most talented in the ring. He was able to have consistently good matches, look dominant when He was originally booked and even successfully job when necessary(which was very often). He has a straightforward somewhat charismatically challenged character that probably held Him back a bit but IMO it worked for Him. He still somehow managed to not only win Money in the Bank but have a decent reign as Champion. I thought He did a great job of being a believable arrogant, cocky, bully Champion. After His lost He got severely lost in the shuffle. He was suddenly resurrected and became red hot for the second tIme when He joined up with Zeb Colter and became a Real American. In the beginning He was booked dominate and even was able to earn albeit a unsuccessful World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania 29.

All of these things usually mean You have cemented Your spot on the Main Roster but in The "New World" of The WWE nobody is safe and I guess the concept of creating new stars is lost on The Big Brass of The WWE.I guess burying or punishing some talents is more important than enhancing Their talent pool, I guess...
Jack Swagger is one of the most prolific stiff workers out there, he put out Barrett and killed his momentum and Ziggler as well IIRC.

You can't have a guy like that working with your top stars all the time if we still want to have top guys.
Jack Swagger is one of the most prolific stiff workers out there, he put out Barrett and killed his momentum and Ziggler as well IIRC.

You can't have a guy like that working with your top stars all the time if we still want to have top guys.

By this assessment You must have a similar low opinion of "The Beast Incarnate" Brock Lesnar...Jason Prince Albert/The A -Train/Lord Tensai, Hardcore Holly, The Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, John Cena, Rey Mysterio. Jr, Mark Henry, Zach Gowen , The Big Show and not to mention Himself are all victims to His ruthless, aggressive, stiff, shoot, rough, breakneck wrestling style.

Dose that make Him less of a Star? Who on The entire WWE and NXT Roster for that matter wouldn't kill to run a program with Brock Lesnar? What exactly is the point I am trying to make? Yes Jack adopted a little bit more of an aggressive style to try to preserve His position on The Roster but I by no means do I believe He or Brock are sloppy unpolished harmful wrestlers. Sometimes for lack of a better term "Shit Happens."
By this assessment You must have a similar low opinion of "The Beast Incarnate" Brock Lesnar...Jason Prince Albert/The A -Train/Lord Tensai, Hardcore Holly, The Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, John Cena, Rey Mysterio. Jr, Mark Henry, Zach Gowen , The Big Show and not to mention Himself are all victims to His ruthless, aggressive, stiff, shoot, rough, breakneck wrestling style.

Dose that make Him less of a Star? Who on The entire WWE and NXT Roster for that matter wouldn't kill to run a program with Brock Lesnar? What exactly is the point I am trying to make? Yes Jack adopted a little bit more of an aggressive style to try to preserve His position on The Roster but I by no means do I believe He or Brock are sloppy unpolished harmful wrestlers. Sometimes for lack of a better term "Shit Happens."

Not sure what your point is, I've told you why he was shuffled down the card to jobber status. This is my opinion on him and him alone.

Your logic is along the lines of "my cat has four legs, my dog has four legs, therefore my dog is my cat" Not all wrestlers are treated the same, there are reasons why something happens to one guy, when the same reason won't seem to have any effect on another.

Also, I love Albert, his work behind the scenes in NXT is amazing.(Nothing to do with this, but worth mentioning)
Not sure what your point is, I've told you why he was shuffled down the card to jobber status. This is my opinion on him and him alone.

Your logic is along the lines of "my cat has four legs, my dog has four legs, therefore my dog is my cat" Not all wrestlers are treated the same, there are reasons why something happens to one guy, when the same reason won't seem to have any effect on another.

Also, I love Albert, his work behind the scenes in NXT is amazing.(Nothing to do with this, but worth mentioning)

I realize that this is Your opinion and for all intent and proposes I can respect that.

I was simply using Brock Lesnar as a contrasting counterpoint to Your logic. Pointing out that even Top Stars like Lesnar's endless list of victims, Seth Rollins recent injury to Sting then Himself, Becky Lynch's suplex fiasco on Alicia Fox that had " The Smart Fans" buzzing, Samoa Joe's supposed career ending blunder on Tyson Kid and I could literally go on forever and name a endless slew of botched spots and injury scenarios, but in the end I believe that most of The Wrestlers Wrestlers in The WWE are more than competent when it comes to competing in the ring and that includes Jack Swagger.

People most realize that not only does The WWE have all kinds of failsafes in place for unsafe Wrestlers but "The Boys" in the back would deal out Their own brand of justice in the form of "receipts" to any and all workers They deem careless in the ring.

We can continue to unjustly blame Wrestlers for accidents that happen to occur when They perform Their very physically demanding job that seemingly comes with a endless list of risk and sudden dangers or We can respect what each respective Wrester brings to the table and trust that The WWE dose not want to risk yet another lawsuit for placing a less then adequate performer in to the ring. And that happends to be MY opinion.
My vote goes to other: Alex Riley. He's charismatic, and he's made a lot of improvements in the ring since they attempted to push him in 2011, only to end up trying to force him into retirement by putting him on the announce table (which he sucked at tbh). They should've never made him a commentator as it only served to kill his popularity with the IWC. I wouldn't give him a major championship push, but I'd say he's the guy who most deserves to be in a higher spot than he currently is.

All of these guys could stand to be on TV more, but that's more of a problem with WWE booking rather than anyone really deserving to be in a higher tier. The problem isn't that any of these guys deserve a push. It's that WWE doesn't see anyone worth featuring unless they're a former or future World Champion. Not everyone gets to be a world champion, yet WWE pushes and features people based on the idea of whether or not they can be a future megastar.

- R-Truth isn't upper mid card or higher, but he's not really a "jobber". He wins his fair share of matches and occasionally gets put into angles with high profile talent.

- Adam Rose is good enough to be employed and on TV, but there's really nothing about him that makes me want to see more of him.

- Bo Dallas' NXT gimmick was literally "jobber being pushed above his station", so when he made it to the main roster, he just fell into his rightful spot on the card. I don't think he should move any higher until he changes his character or gets a little better in the ring

- Heath Slater was just made to be a jobber.

- Curtis Axel is competent in the ring. But not really someone people want to see do more for himself. Hell, all of his "pushes" are based on the idea that he's a big loser.

- Damien Sandow is just too good at playing gimmicks to be a serious contender. And really, it's his biggest and arguably only strength. He could've been an IC/US Champion in the two world titles era, but I don't see him getting to that point now that former world champions are chasing those belts now.

- Zack Ryder is a solid talent. He should be on TV more, but I don't see him getting back up to his peak popularity. He's in a decent spot as a tag team partner for Mojo Rawley.
While the obvious choice on this list is Sandow (and where my #1 vote would go), I do definitely have a soft spot for Heath Slater.

I just find the dude pretty hilarious, and while I by no means think he should be going for thr big belts, I don't see why he can't get another tag team partner and engage in some meaningful feuds.

He can be the small more technical guy, give him a big guy (like a Titus O'Neil / Big E / Batista type) to come in and clean up after he gets beat up for a few minutes.

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