Joakim Noah Fine

Sinister Shadows

Impact Guru
Joakim Noah was fined 50K for a gay slur directed at a fan during the playoff game the other night, this after Kobe Bryant was fined 100k for gay slur directed at an official. Personally I believe this is just furthering the decline of free speech. nowadays you have free speech, as long as you agree with the majority. today's society is trying way to hard to be politically correct and censor what people say.

What are Your thoughts of the fine.. should it have been more.. less.. just right?
What are thoughts on today's society and political correctness?
When you're at work, you have to agree to certain terms. Office workers aren't allowed to call each other the 3-letter f-bomb and neither are professional basketball players. Whatever rules that the NBA have regarding speech codes are seperate from society as a whole imo.

I think people are too concerned with being politically correct nowadays. You'll see censorship from both sides of the political spectrum. Liberals will try to censor gay slurs, and conservatives will ban thong bikinis at the beach. It's all bullshit, just like the whole deal that this is a "free country" and all.
I'm ok with the fine. The NBA has been trying to clean up its image for a while and players shouting any type of hate speech at fans and officials can't be tolerated. Obscenities get shouted out all the time on the court but any type of racial or homophobic slur isn't going to be tolerated.

I think the fine was the right amount. Some people say it's too small because Kobe received a 100K fine but let's not forget that Kobe makes over 20 mil a year while Noah made just over 3 mil this year. He deserved the fine, it was a fair amount, and the situation is done.
Simple fact of the matter, alot of society have become out right ****** and cant take it. I believe in the right of free speech no matter the condition. I have a job where if someone pisses me off I can say what ever I want and pretty much not get in any trouble, but thats the construction trade. If people didnt have thin skin and just let things role off of their shoulders we wouldnt have any problems with this. Its just a word....what that old saying Sticks and stones...Blue we havent been a free country since we were industrialized in the late 1800's and we never will be. Thats just something they like to throw out there for support. We do have more rights than most countries but those are slowly going away too.

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