
Excellence of Execution
It has come to my attention there is a possibility of JKO having multiple Alternate Accounts. However, the evidence is far too circumstancial for my tastes, and I'm not even sure if I believe it.

However, let's put it to the test. The following accounts were all created around approximately the same time (within a week of each other I believe), and during the time I believe JKO was Bar Room Banned, and the last activity date was around the time he was let back in. So, here's the plan. I will ban JKO from the Bar Room again, and let's see if those posters come back around. All times will be Central time in the USA

Killa - Joined November 18, 2009 (7:25 p.m.), Last Activity: November 18, 2009 (7:25 p.m.)

Jigsaw Jones - Joined: November 18, 2009 (7:32 p.m.), Last Activity: November 18, 2009 (7:32 p.m.)

BOSTN BEANER - Joined November 25, 2009 (6:02 a.m.), Last Activity: December 4, 2009 (1:39 a.m.)

Just something to keep an eye on.
NSL mentioned this to me and I sent him to you. I only very vaguely remember killa out of all three of these. And I thought the bar room banning was before this.
I for one feel JKO shouldn't be banned over a damned Batman comic, with no nudity whatsoever. Fuck the depiction of the sexual act wasn't even graphic. Anyways, yeah, that's my opinion on this matter. CERTAINLY doesn't deserve a damn YEAR ban for it.
Am I the only one who feels Norcal overreacted and is kind of strong-arming everyone to move on?

I seriously don't see how that deserves a damned year long ban.
I for one feel JKO shouldn't be banned over a damned Batman comic, with no nudity whatsoever. Fuck the depiction of the sexual act wasn't even graphic. Anyways, yeah, that's my opinion on this matter. CERTAINLY doesn't deserve a damn YEAR ban for it.

Am I the only one who feels Norcal overreacted and is kind of strong-arming everyone to move on?

I seriously don't see how that deserves a damned year long ban.
I understand your position, but if you read my position in the Infraction thread, I hope you can understand mine.
I'm not quite sure I understand the logic of your position though Sly, why support the moderator's decision if you disagree with it? You said yourself you wouldn't have infracted for it. I don't have a problem with the infraction so much as the fact that it's a damned YEAR ban, I do think that's quite excessive when a one or two week ban could've done just fine.
I'm not quite sure I understand the logic of your position though Sly, why support the moderator's decision if you disagree with it? You said yourself you wouldn't have infracted for it. I don't have a problem with the infraction so much as the fact that it's a damned YEAR ban, I do think that's quite excessive when a one or two week ban could've done just fine.
There are a lot of things that I don't agree with, but I do support. It's part of getting along and being a cohesive unit. You have done things I don't agree with, but support. Sidious did, Lee has, Lariat has, etc. It's the same for everyone. Heck, you don't agree that he should be disciplined at all, but you're willing to compromise to a 1 or 2 week ban. It's just part of getting along.

Norcal has a valid point. Perhaps you don't agree with it, but I feel it's a valid interpretation of the situation. It's not what I would have done, but he had a good reason to do what he did. As far as excessive penalty, posting pornography could be, potentially, a permanent ban from the forums, as per the Rulebook. So Norcal was actually doing JKO a favor.
I still really do not see how that could be construed as pornography.
I still really do not see how that could be construed as pornography.

I do see your point, but I also understand that people are taking the strong implication of sexual acts to mean pornography - whether that's right or wrong no one's going to agree.

I don't think this is as much of a big deal as it's been made out to though. I see both sides, but really, it's not like we've banned Sly, Shocky, Jake, Sam etc. It's JKO - he does nothing, is a TERRIBLE poster, and annoys a majority of the regulars. You can of course argue that numerous bar flies do that, but none of them post pictures like that, and I also see Sly's point that he tries to see how much he can get away with. I'm absolutely fine with him being banned permanently given the circumstances.
I hate the attitude that it's perfectly fine to just ban some posters for stupid reasons if they suck, that's nothing short of favoritism. I happen to like JKO and think all of this nonsense about him being a terrible poster is just that--nonsense. He's not NEARLY as bad as people make him out to be, I've seen him put together many a coherent and well-thought out non-spam post in the music section.
It was never my position that he should be banned because he sucks, or because he's annoying. In fact, I UNbanned JKO because he was banned for that reason.

Please don't misconstrue what I said.
I hate the attitude that it's perfectly fine to just ban some posters for stupid reasons if they suck, that's nothing short of favoritism. I happen to like JKO and think all of this nonsense about him being a terrible poster is just that--nonsense. He's not NEARLY as bad as people make him out to be, I've seen him put together many a coherent and well-thought out non-spam post in the music section.

Not necessarily favouritism, there are many a 'great' poster I don't enjoy reading from at all, and there are many bar flies I'm sure most mods would love to ban. If there was no case at all, I'd agree with you. But with that picture, plus everything I said previously, I really don't care that he's banned, as I see where many of the mods for this are coming from.

And I definitely think JKO is a terrible poster, I've never read a good post from him.

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