JKO/Kanye West: Creature Of Nature


The Sunflower Samurai
JKO has earned a reputation as perhaps the most notorious douchebag on these here forums. Many a post has initated a whirlwind of flaming and immense butthurt, most noticeably getting him bant from the Bar Room, which I believe is certainly impressive.

My mind is split on this little sausage. I can certainly see why most people see his posting style as a boil on the arse of these forums, (although I wonder why the fuck everyone jumps on JKO when Doc posts some of the most limp-dicked shit in the Bar. Doc, repeatedly posting "I hope you fall in a garbage truck filled with poo poo" posts does not make you funny. I wanna throw you in a river like they did to the witches, but not even bother to see if you sink or float, and just concrete your feet when we fling you in.)

However I will say that I don't mind quite a full of his funnies. Maybe it's just my sense of humour but there are quite a few stupid threads that I sit in anticipation for JKO's arrival. Plus he seems to be a big mark for me, so hey, I like the boy.

Plus those pics of RiRi bring a weird sensation to my wee-wee. Like it just swallowing those pop rocks candy that vibrate in your mouth.

Discuss the paradox that is JKO here.
LOL, just realized I called him Kanye West. Gonna get bumplugged for that, I am.
Really? That was on my goal of accomplishments. Now all I have to do is get rid of you.

LOL. I almost snorted some (El Generi)Coco Puffs when you said that.

You will never even have a remote chance of going over me. Hell, at this rate, Ill be getting out and you'll be standing in the Prison holding your unit. And Bubba's.
Zero thinks I'm funny. Zero likes Mega Man, Azu Manga Daioh, and Death Note. I value his opinion more than most of the people on here.
Hell, at this rate, Ill be getting out and you'll be standing in the Prison holding your unit. And Bubba's.

I'd prefer that. That way things will go back to the way they we're, I can slowly work my way back up to rehabilitation without some troll breathing down my neck, and you can flame the Bar Room, pissing off more people enough to get your self banned.
I'd prefer that. That way things will go back to the way they we're, I can slowly work my way back up to rehabilitation without some troll breathing down my neck, and you can flame the Bar Room, pissing off more people enough to get your self banned.

Doesn't matter. You'll be getting permabanned soon, so you can do something productive. Like hang out in a bush or something.
Macca > wwetributes

I never said I was better then Macca, I just don't appreciate him trolling me and calling me a child molester.

I beleive Macca is currently better then me, he's got more rep, and lot of people like him. I just wish he'd live me alone.
I never said I was better then Macca, I just don't appreciate him trolling me and calling me a child molester.

I beleive Macca is currently better then me, he's got more rep, and lot of people like him. I just wish he'd live me alone.

Fuckface, anyone who's been reading these threads can clearly see that every time me and you have gotten into it, it's because you put a post on one of my new threads looking for a fight.

Nobody believes you.
Fuckface, anyone who's been reading these threads can clearly see that every time me and you have gotten into it, it's because you put a post on one of my new threads looking for a fight.

Nobody believes you.

Yes I'm the one looking for a fight. I can take severel rules out of the wrestlezone rule book that you have broken in the last 2 days.

" Flaming: This is described as an extreme insult towards another member with malicious words or threats and is prohibited at WrestleZone Forums. Flaming another member may result in an Infraction. Additionally, for remarks of extreme prejudice, an auto-ban may be implemented as well. See Article 2 for more information about auto-bannable offenses.

Trolling: This is known as following a specific poster around, for the sole purpose of annoying them or insulting the topic they are commenting on. It can also apply to simply insulting a thread or post, rather than having an opinion on it. If you think a thread or post sucks, there is no need to comment on it. Move on, or make a contribution to the conversation in the topic. Trolling may result in an Infraction.

Prejudiced Remarks: Racial, Sexual or any other kind of prejudiced remarks in ANY forum may result in an automatic ban.

Stirring up Drama: Don’t do it. If there is some aspect about the WrestleZone Forums that you do not like, rationally make your case and discuss it in a mature fashion. Do not be immature and cause a massive fuss, as it will only work against you and may result in an Infraction."
All the rules WWE Tributes just posted are routinely broken in the Bar Room, except for the no sexism/racism/homophobia rule.
All the rules WWE Tributes just posted are routinely broken in the Bar Room, except for the no sexism/racism/homophobia rule.

This isn't the bar room, this is prison. Yes you can break the rules, but your not going to get out of here any faster doing so.

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