Jim Thome


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Thome is a power hitter for the Minnesota Twins. Actually he's a pretty good power hitter. he's got 597 career home runs and will probably hit #600 within a few days or weeks, putting him in a very elite club with only 7 other members.

Why is this not being talked about?

Thome was voted the nicest player in baseball in an SI poll a few weeks back. He's never been accused of any kind of performance enhancing drug use. He's been around forever and just does his thing year after year. Yet no one is talking about this. I didn't realize it until I saw it on the Bottom Line on ESPN. It's a major thing and for once there's a home run mark coming up with no dark cloud over it. Why isn't this making more headlines?
I know that Ive seen it personally being discussed on Around the Horn, and one of the major reasons theyve noted its flown under the radar is due to the fact that Thome hasn't been a full-time player this year. He's played in only 55 of his team's 112 games thusfar, including missing around 30 games with two seperate injuries. The other issue that Ive seen is that he's been operating at a relatively slow pace this season, having hit only 8 HR's this season. But the man is 41 years old, so Im not sure how expectaions could be that much for him at this point. He's a quality bat, but his part time designation has certainly hurt him in terms of recognition.

I personally have two theories as to why Thome hasn't been talked about more in the pursuit of 600(outside of the ones Ive already mentioned), and you touched on it somewhat, KB. With the current 600 club members that have attained the mark in recent years, all of them have been their greatest self-promoters. Griffey, Sosa, Bonds, and A-Rod talked about it non-stop as they pursued the mark. Thome has been the polar opposite, as he's acknowledged it, but has deflected that its not his major goal, helping his team out is. How refreshing to hear.

The second reason, which is quite a shame, is that Thome played in the steroid era of baseball. While Thome himself has never been mentioned as part of any scandal, almost every recent member of the 600 club, or chaser of it, has. A-Rod, Bonds, McGwire, Palmeiro, and Sosa have all been exposed as users. As a result, the idea of hitting 600 has been diluted due to the "cheating" in the game. This certainly isnt Thome's fault, he's just a product of the era he's played during. The cynical crowd, despite Thome never being directly linked, lumps him in with the players frequently linked to banned substances.

However, I do believe that when Thome does hit 600 home runs, it will become a much bigger deal then its been presented as now. Only 7 other players have hit this mark, and Thome will assuredly hit this mark, provided he doesnt suffer a career ending injury. Then the man will truly receive the recognition he deserves.
It's pretty simple. He has been sitting at close to 600 for a while. When the season started and as he got closer it was being talked about a decent amount but there's only so much you can say. Once he actually does it then it will be talked about plenty but until then people are just waiting. He started the season at 589 and 55 games later he is still just at 597. It has nothing to do with Thome as a person or the milestone itself just that it's taking a while.
The reason it's not being talked about is because he was never in the media. He's had a 20+ year career and a career that has been under the radar. He wasn't an elite power hitter which is why its not being talked about. He wasn't the best power hitter is what I'm trying to say. He played in an era with Bonds, Griffey, Sosa, A-Rod, McGwire, Palmeiro and even people like Pujols. He's not fancy or flashy, he's not arrogant, he's pretty much a model professional. If he had a highly publicized personal life this milestone would be talked about a lot more.

Thome hit his 600th homerun last night and quite frankly no one is talking about it. His whole career has been over shadowed by the steroid era and what not. And that's okay I suppose. Thome is a first ballot hall of famer and probably the most underrated power hitter of all time. And possibly one of the more underrated players of this era.
i think its not big news because hes not a full time player and where im from its not really big news as im in a city of a winning team lol but thome will get #600 homerun before the end of the season if he doesnt he will come back probably for 1 more season just to get home run number #600 just my thoughts

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