Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler have lost it


Pre-Show Stalwart
Is it just me, or is J.R. just not the same commentator he once was? During the Taker-HHH match at Wrestlemania, it sounded like him commentating from a video game. Simple one-liners and such, nowhere near the same intensity and passion he once had especially during big matches. Then I recently watched the Taker-Edge HIAC from a few years ago and he was boring once again. I felt like something was missing when I rewatched that match. I thought it was the dead crowd at first, but it wasn't only that...it was J.R. (and Tazz).

I've noticed the same thing about King the past couple of years. If you watch Jerry commentate matches from 10-15 years ago, he was 10x better. I know he used to be a heel and all, but that doesn't mean he can no longer commentate with the excitement (and humor) he once brought. It seems to me he's definitely lost some passion for the business.

Am I the only one who is noticing this?
I see rust, and that's about it. He's been gone from the table for quite a while so as expected, he's getting back into the swing of things. But while yes, he may have lost a step in all of his time off, he is still leaps and fucking bounds better than anyone else they have right now. Cole is a good commentator but the heel character is really hurting his work and King has been phoning it in for years now.

So yes, he isn't really the same right now but he's still the absolute best at what he does. I'm very happy that he's back.
I see rust, and that's about it. He's been gone from the table for quite a while so as expected, he's getting back into the swing of things. But while yes, he may have lost a step in all of his time off, he is still leaps and fucking bounds better than anyone else they have right now. Cole is a good commentator but the heel character is really hurting his work and King has been phoning it in for years now.

So yes, he isn't really the same right now but he's still the absolute best at what he does. I'm very happy that he's back.

I disagree he is leaps and bound better. I'm also starting to get very annoyed by heel Cole, but I think people don't like to give him as much credit as he deserves as a commentator. I think the main ingredient a commentator needs in the WWE is their ability to bring excitement to the match. Jim Ross has not been bringing the excitement he brought in his prime. In that sense, he is VERY overrated for his level today.

Matt Striker NEEDS to be put back on the table, preferably with Cole and King. Rewatch the Royal Rumble match from this year and you'll see exactly what I mean about bringing excitement. That trio was gold for over an hour long match (mainly Cole and Striker) Michael Cole can continue to be a heel, but imo he definitely needs to ease up on being so "in our face" about it. In moderation, Cole, in moderation...
Well we just have different views on what makes a commentator great. I can't stand Matt Striker at all. He's easily the most annoying guy I've ever heard on commentary and frankly, he was what I hated most about the Rumble. I'd take Grisham over him.

I'm also not one to bash Cole's abilities, but since his heel turn his announcing work has really diminished. I'm not really taking a stab at Michael, it's the way his character is. He needs to either be a Manager or a GM, not a commentator.

But when it comes to JR, I don't want him to try to sell the match to me. I want him to call the match and give insight as to what is going on. I hate it when they over act, which is why I like JR. He understands that less is more, that's why I prefer him over anyone else.
Jr. on his worst day is still entertaining, one liners, and action are all fine, and that's all he needs to bring us.
Its amazing at this point, that somebody with his disorder is even doing an announcing job, much less an amazing job, factor in that his Palsy has been getting worse. these past years.
He makes average matches great, and great matches classic, what else do you expect from an announcer?
I prefer someone who knows what they're talking about and maybe feels like they are under-hyping the match than someone who, despite filling a position in the major wrestling promotion and being a commentator for most of that, still makes major major mistakes regarding the in and out-ring action. J.R gets excited when there is something that excites him, he doesn't just let someone whistle in his ear to switch it up a notch. That's why he is the people's commentator because he is first and foremost a fan out there calling what exactly he sees, not what he's told to see.

Also these three man commentating things really haven't been helping him as Josh Matthews is the play-by-play man on Raw. It kindof relegates JR to a reserve so he can only get the odd comment in. But like I said I'd easily opt for a realistic guy who knows what they are talking about, and that is Jim Ross.
the guy has bells palsey which is bound to affect him and slow him down. cut the guy a break. he is the best in the biz since jessie ventura and gordon solie. i have no problem with heel announcers such as lawler and jessie before him, but cole is taking it overboard and ruining wrestling. it seems he he the biggest heel in the companywhich is taking the time away from talent that could be developing. everybody bitches bout the womans division and how bad it is. gee i wonder if a certain doucebag announcer is helping ruin it by interupting the matches. at least lawler as a heel never buried anybody like cole is. so no i dont think they have lost much if anything.
Is it just me, or is J.R. just not the same commentator he once was? During the Taker-HHH match at Wrestlemania, it sounded like him commentating from a video game. Simple one-liners and such, nowhere near the same intensity and passion he once had especially during big matches. Then I recently watched the Taker-Edge HIAC from a few years ago and he was boring once again. I felt like something was missing when I rewatched that match. I thought it was the dead crowd at first, but it wasn't only that...it was J.R. (and Tazz).

I've noticed the same thing about King the past couple of years. If you watch Jerry commentate matches from 10-15 years ago, he was 10x better. I know he used to be a heel and all, but that doesn't mean he can no longer commentate with the excitement (and humor) he once brought. It seems to me he's definitely lost some passion for the business.

Am I the only one who is noticing this?

I think you are kind of nitpicking my friend. JR has been thru a lot of health issues and his schedule had been drastically reduced. Even the best need to keep up and stay on top of their game by announcing every week or so. If JR got back on a more set schedule I think you wouldn't be so nitpicking.

I'd personally take a robotic JR over a snoozer Cole any day of the week.

You talk about King from years ago. Announcing is only as good as the chemistry amongst the announcers. JR/King had worked together for so long they developed incredible timing. They had the wrestling experience and the passion. Cole/King don't really do it for me. It just seems too forced which is a shame. Also you gotta remember King can't do most of his old jokes because of the PG era and because Vinny Mac is screaming in his ear every 10 seconds.
Do you think his "Does this count as personal growth?" quote would be acceptable in this "PG/Kid friend" era? Nah. He can't say PUPPIES because kids will want to know what he is talking about. WWE is so watered down now you really can't blame King for losing whatever interest he once had. I bet sitting behind the announce table used to be great. Got to announce with a close personal friend, got to enjoy making sexual innuendos every night etc etc. Now (from what Mick Foley had said a long while back) it's hell because they get yelled at constantly. And with the way Vince has been losing his mind it's a wonder King hasn't just up and quit. Going from a happy atmosphere to yelled at nightly would suck the passion/energy out of ANYONE...
Personally I think it's been incredibly refreshing having King and JR back. They pay attention to the match and actually call it rather than build their own character. I just want Cole to get taken off the announce table as soon as possible. Make him GM or just Swaggers manager and let King and JR do their thing for a while more.
I'm not sure about Jim Ross, but I do remember feeling that Jerry Lawler in particular had lost something when a ruling was put in place, in regards to not shouting as much during matches, as well as the PG era also limiting someone who has always been rather risky in his promos and on the table.
its not that he lost it its just back in the day everytime he got exicted hed scream OMG or when a heel would do something illegal hed say like DAMN HIM or something like that. Cussing is just in his nature and now with the pg he cant just scream like that. He has to calm himself and think about what he has to say, thats why he might seem a bit duller
I have, and never, will understand why so many wwe marks go weak at the knees for JR, with or without Lawlor, as if that ever resulted in some golden age of commentary. Admittedly by comparison, Cole is terrible and the recent 'character development' has made WWE only watchable on Mute. It's a shame that VKM couldn't find the money to bring back either JBL, Coachman or even Taz (poor guy is wasted on TNA, like most people).

Just because people have grown up with something and are used to it, as with King and JR, doesn't mean it's great. Yes, I respect JR for not going hysterical as per instruction in his headset every 2mins, but at the same time, the gawd awful one liners about 'barn burning' and 'mud holes' were old fashioned even in the 1990s. Now, they're like listening to Grandpa Joe talking about the war. Same record over and over.

The best option, IMO, would be move JR alongside Levesque in talent management, move King to SD! to replace Booker who is going the worse job on commentary since Dusty Rhodes, let Cole go back to 'serious journalism' and refresh the whole broadcast lineup. Byron Saxton or Abraham Washington should be brought on as the analyst RAW, breaking up the all white panel and not ask the viewer to try break through the Southern/Sooner drawl combo. Matthews is coming on leaps and bounds and alongside Saxton and either Joey Styles or a retired pro like JBL or even Edge, it would be a fresh team to move forward with. On SD! Striker NEEDS to come back as he seems to the only knowledgeable guy they have to call moves (although this might conflict with the aim of removing wrestling from the WWE). Striker alongside Grisham and maybe a respected Vet like Chavo, would be nice to see a Latino make it to the main broadcast, would again be a long term move.

Bottomline, whether the likes of Matthews, Striker, Grisham or Saxton are up to the standard of King, Cole and JR is irrelevant. Cole's recent actions via twitter etc should have been enough to get him fired and I don't see a way back from this heel position, so he's done as a credible commentator. JR and King may be Hall of Famers, but just like ring workers, there comes a point where the standard has fallen to such a level, continuing to work only hurts their legacy - and that point was reached a long, long time ago.
I think the key to a great commentator is that he doesn't overshadow the talent, but narrates the match in a way that enhances the talent....this is why I can't stand Cole or Striker. They're trying too hard to get themselves over. Admittedly, Cole is doing it to further his heel persona however they should make him a manager if I'm going to have to hear him cut promos during matches all the time because he's not doing his job as commentator anymore. As for Striker, he just tries to be funny ALL the time. Like if you watch WWE superstars, I really want Jack Korpela to punch him in the face. Admittedly Jack sounds like a pre-pubescent teen too but at least he's not AS annoying as Striker (dude you're not a wrestler anymore...stop trying to be funny!). Jerry Lawler has lost what he used to have but honestly I blame the PG era. I actually don't mind the PG era in terms of the talent but for Lawler his style only fits an attitude environment which limits him severely when it comes to commentary. As for JR, maybe's he's lost his exciting touch....I personally haven't noticed. But JR does his job better than anyone else. He enhances talent rather than try to overshadow them. It's like Jericho said in his book about a good referee....you don't necessarily notice he's there...but he puts the match together and makes it work. One of the reasons JR is so good is that his personality isn't annoyingly over the top. He just seamlessly narrates the matches and sounds like he knows what he's talking about. I only noticed when JR left because I suddenly was distracted from the matches by Cole and Striker. I don't pay to hear them, I pay to see wrestlers. When JR came back suddenly I could enjoy the matches again because he does his job so well!
JR is working off rust but he's still the best in the business. In my opinion, his calling of Triple H/Undertaker was spot on and the perfect way of commentating the slow burning match that it was.

King, however, has been dialling in his performances for the past 5 or so years, and really needs to be replaced with one of the younger commentators. Josh Mathews would be a great fit, he's really underrated in my opinion.
I see rust, and that's about it.

I agree. After all, the "old" Jim Ross that people are talking about was totally involved with the in-ring and backstage aspects of WWE. He worked the mic at every show, was involved with the creative side of the business, and probably talked to wrestlers all the time.

Now, he's been suddenly thrust back into the announcer's role after a long period and we expect him to immediately be what he was several years ago. It takes time, and I suspect that within a month, J.R. will be as good as ever.

As contrast, I point to Booker T. When he first started doing Smackdown, I thought he was hopeless. He wasn't even watching the ring action going on right in front of him; instead, he was watching the monitor and trying to slip in comments as the other two announcers called the match. I realize now how unfair it was to judge Booker's ringside abilities so quickly because he now seems to be doing a much better job. His insights are relevant and he delivers them with flair and authority.

As with J.R., it just takes a little time and familiarity to get into the swing of things.
i like JR and still do. His announcing is great to hear and not over the top and he knows what he's talking about. he may be a bit rusty now, but remember he's not been announcing like he has been. he was off the shows for a year. As for King, he's ok, he's not what he was, but i still like him better as a heel than Cole. As for Cole now, as a face he was boring, as a heel he would be good if he wasnt SO loud when he's angry. i know that a heel commentator is supposed to be a jerk, but there's no need to scream into the headset and be so over the top and in my book having him beat King was a BAD idea because his wrestling skills were not good at all, but this is announcing. Cole would be better if he wasnt so over the top, i mean every time the Miz comes out, he screams like he's the leader of the Miz's fan club. JR never did this with Stone Cold and King didnt do this when the women came out, what i mean is they didnt jump out of their seats, give standing ovations and act like their dreams have came true. just tone it down with Cole's loudness and over the top attitude and he will be fine and i personally rather see him on one show.
I like JR, King, and Matthews as a trio. They should keep that. Smackdown is the show with shitty commentators.

Booker is just god awful, and Cole is terrible with him because they don't feed off of each other, and Matthews is so stunned by how bad they are he stays silent and wishes he was back on raw.

WWE needs to try to resign Foley or JBL on commentary, or try out Edge in a permanent role. Booker needs to get the axe.
I think as many have said before me that Michael Cole's Heel persona has damaged his commentating position. He needs to revert back to being an announcer or vince needs to move him.
JR is one of the old greats, one of the last things pre-pg era wwe has left. He has never changed throughout, and he brings a "Vintage" (for lack of a better word) feel to the show when he announces. This appeals to the people who have watched over the years and i believe this is one of the reasons he's still around.
The younger generation of today will see him and think he's not that good because of his condition affecting his performance on the job, but for me just hearing his voice and the atmosphere he brings to the table pays off.
Did anyone notice the king/cole match he announced on, he didnt say much , barely anything and he let the entertainment do the talking.
While michael cole is ok on the table in my opinion, he's getting too much air time with his heel character, which is over shadowing many matches. You can't sit through a match these days on raw without Josh Matthews redirecting cole back to the match at hand. It gets annoying.
I got tired of JR around 2007 or 2008 when he was terrible and Lawler hasn't been interesting since Evolution. I guess I can stomach Ross some more but please turn Lawler heel or something. As to whoever wanted Grisham, Grisham can't show emotion if his life depended on it.
I think it all goes back to the PG rating. They can't say some things they used to be able to say, but even during the Undertaker/Triple H match, I heard some lack of excitement. I think if they continue to broadcast together on a consistent basis, they'll be the commentators they once were. Like one of the above posts said, I believe it's just rust for J.R. and lack of a good broadcast partner for Lawler.
I really loved CM Punk when he was at the table, its good to hear JR again and for me you cant have The King without JR they have good chemitsy. As for Matt i actually think he does a good job i thought he was funny as hell at last years Royal Rumble and TLC. One thing i wouldnt mind see if one of the Diva's get on the table somebody like Trish or Lita it would be something different and could help take Female wrestlers a tad more seriously.
The reason King and J.R. sound so boring over the past few years is because they are bored. Like me and a lot of old school wrestling fans aka real fans, they do not sound 'into' the WWE product. There's not that much to be 'into' for these guys who called all the excitement and magic of WWF from the early 90s to early 00s. They sound so much better years ago because the product was so much better. The commentators usually reflect how exciting the company is. Just look at how exciting Mike Tenay gets ya. You can blame everything trying to find a scapegoat when watching a show you really want to be good that isn't all that interesting anymore. You could blame the lighting crew, you can blame the fans, blame the commentators, blame crazy Vince McMahon, blame Michael Cole, blame Nexus...but at the end of the day, wrestling entertainers follow scripts written by script writers..they are being forced to stay in script, memorize things and be robots. There is no room for spontaneity, there's no room for real emotion..just the illusion of it..WWE's name isn't at stake, money isn't flying around like it was in the 1990s, and the wrestlers of today have more in common with ballerinas than they do real men who could think off the cuff. Following a script doesn't translate well, it does nothing to build new legends. Lawler and Ross want to love it but just can't and have to fake it till it gets good again. I don't blame them. I don't watch RAW or Smackdown anymore, maybe once every month or two and I just can't come back. I can't make it worthwhile by simply watching, they can't by simply commentating. I don't even know if i'd want to sit there and commentate crap like those two have to if i had enough money to stay away.

'Jack Swagger has Money in the Bank and oh no The Miz took the briefcase and he is now the #1 contender for the championship'. Yippee. This is not wrestling, this is not even entertainment, this is not for wrestling fans..this is for women..yawn..WWE is like your Grade 5 Christmas concert where you gotta remember your lines and everyone around you feels awkward when what you say sounds contrived and doesn't translate well. This is what WWE has become, they need Rowdy Roddy, Savage and Flair to come back and teach today's wanker generation how to work the mic and ring.
On JR's worst day he will always be better then Cole. Cole completely buries everything going on in the ring if it doesn't get over his terrible character because IMO Cole does not work as a massive heel like Vickie Guerrero is. During g the Taker/HHH match JR did what worked calling the match, his silence was perfect and let the pictures in the ring tell the story, the silence was stronger then someone screaming into the headset saying "THESE MEN ARE BOTH DOWN DOING NOTHING!!". King has been toned down but I think its post PG Era, he is very limited on what he can say. I don't mind Booker T but I'd rather see Edge back there. Mathews is VERY underrated and can be the lead announcer one day.
I think Jim Ross is rusty more than anything else. He's been off the mic for a while now so there's bound to be a transitional period in which he gets back into the swing of things. I think he's doing just fine personally and is head and shoulders above any other commentator in wrestling today. As far as Michael Cole goes, I think he's done a great job personally. Over a steady period of time, Cole has become someone that I want to listen to most of the time. I do think that they've started to go overboard with him somewhat, but the guy keeps me interested.

At the same time, however, I think people make too much of a fuss about commentators these days. While I think Cole is fun and it's great to hear Jim Ross call matches again, I think the IWC has tried to make the commentators seem much more important than they are. Generally speaking, as long as you don't annoy the crap out of me, that's really all I care about. I don't watch wrestling to hear the commentators squawk at each other and, if I want to, I can tune them out while watching the matches.
I wont repeat what the general consensus is, but did anyone else notice JR perhaps guiding the Miz when he was at their commentary table a couple of weeks ago? Miz was going on and on (and on) but during that time the camera would cut to Miz talking, with JR nearly off-camera to Miz's right, and you could tell JR would be writing stuff down for Miz to talk about.

I thought that was a touch of class on JR's part, and that's one of the reasons he's so revered by the IWC; his class.

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