Jim Ross' advice for WWE superstars worried about pay


is a happier and wiser man
According to Jim Ross,
"I'd suggest that they worry about more of the things that they can control and that's their in ring performances and how they grow as a
professional. Mid card and Prelim wrestlers NEVER made big money on PPV's but had good years by staying healthy and being booked and working steady. I can't see WWE not paying their talents fairly.
Now what struck me were the first and following comments in the comments section:
Comment 1:
Talents worried about their pay bonuses. Guy who's salary has never depended on said bonuses responds and tells them to basically suck it up. Thanks JR.
Comment 2:
And this isn't the first time he's said something along those lines. Sure, keep your performace up to par, but to tell the guys who haven't made it big yet and depend on that money to not worry about it. Wow. Sometimes he can sound like a real winner.
Comment 3:
Q: Do announcers get payoffs for big pay-per-view events like WrestleMania?
JR: Generally no. Occasionally, yes , in the past. I’m out of the loop.
And since he doesn't work as an announcer anymore, it's even easier for him to say that.

Do you agree with Jim Ross' opinion and believe that it is of any use to the wrestlers worried about a pay-cut or job-cut? Or do you agree with the tone of the comments that its just another piece of JR being JR again and finding a reason to speak good about WWE?
Undercard talent are paid fairly well, but I'm sure their expenses make it less worth while. That's their decision.

Though it's easy enough for J.R. to say such things when he was likely a frequent flyer on WWE's private jet and he was making something in the region of a million a year.

He'll also likely know how much talents are earning from the top to the bottom of the card.
JR, pull your head out before you need to see a doctor again.

Hasn't JR said hundreds of times that the talent should just go talk to the management?

I know Triple H probably thinks its cool to pedigree you through his table every time you enter his office, but really, if they're worried that's what they should do.

What he's saying here makes sense to though. I doubt Jinder Mahall is kicking up a fuss in private at the amount he's making. This likely applies to guys on the Miz tier. If you want to get paid more, or if you think you are worth more, you may need to step it up and prove it.

Mid-card and pre-lim guys are usually newer or not doing great. Let them put in 110% and develop into higher level talent. I don't see how this is much cause for controversy.

If I asked my pal bill how to get ahead in my career and make more money, bill would likely say "Gee, I don't know? Maybe work harder?". Well fuck you, bill.

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