Jillian Wants To Get RAW



From Jillian halls myspace

What seems to be the most commonly asked question is, "Why aren't you on RAW competing for the women's title?". First off, in WWE you don't choose what show you want to be on. I love Smackdown and it is my home, however RAW is the place that I would love to be. I love being a wrestler! I have for as long as I can remember. I never thought that I would finally make it and than wind up doing hardly any wrestling at all, but that's what happened. On the indy's and OVW all I did was wrestle, and I thought I had gotten pretty decent at it. I've asked to go to RAW to wrestle a few times, but they always kept me on Smackdown, and unfortunately right now I'm not even involved in anything. So if you guys expressed interest in me jumping to RAW, maybe they would get it and move me. I don't see why they couldn't do a trade for someone like Maria possibly, I think she would be great for Smackdown.

I think that they should keep maria on raw and just send jillian over to fill for lita, although that spot could be filled by beth phoenix.
I'd like to see Jillian move to Raw and have them move both Maria and Candice simply because they can't really wrestle, and SD doesn't really focus on their Divas wrestling, I'd like to see Raw divas as the ones that can actually put on a decent match, beside I think Maria and CM Punk are currently togethre in real life, and SD and ECW tapings take place at the same time, so they could be on the road together, Jillian could make a worthy Contender to the womens title
Yes put her on raw with her and Beth Pheonix then maybe raw can have a decent womens division once again like when there were: Victoria, Molly Holly , Trish Stratus and Lita all competing.
I would love to see Jillan on raw. She really needs to be will the women wrestlers not the eye candy. Maria or Candice should get traded for Jillian although Smackdown already has a backstage interviewer.
Of what I've seen of Jillian in the ring she can certainly hold her own in a match. I dont see why they dont send her to Raw. She is'nt the most attractive of the Divas on Smackdown and the only matches they have are Bra and Panties matches anyway. There's lot's of talentless women on Raw who can wrestle, the only thing they provide is eye candy. With Lita leaving I think WWE should make a fresh start and rejuvinate the Womens Division.
i would love to never see a woman in the ring again and see the whole womens division gone forever. i dont care how good the match is between thewomen, its still only a good match FOR WOMEN. seeing them throw each other into the ropes and the uber fake 'bounce off' the ropes or the pathetic pick up moves where their skinny puny arms quake trying to complete the move...yuk.

take the best trish match and put it against the best bret hart match. no comparison, which just proves womens matches have a skill cieling because they must be skinny and hot also. its one or the other....wrestling skills and ability to do the moves or beauty. ill give trish some credit tho she had about a 6 on the wrestling skill level out of 10 while all the other women can barely reach a 4 with me.

so when you say things like jillian should go to raw and move candice and maria because they cant wrestle i laugh lol. true maybe jillian is better but she is only about a 3-4 herself and maria is a definite 1...so a 2 point difference on the bad end of the scale is hardly a difference worth mentioning when talking about women having wrestling skills.
She would be pretty good on raw considering smackdown doesnt do anything for their divas. Plus with lita leaving and trish gone already i think that she could be a real contender for the womens title.
How often have you even seen Jillian Hall wrestle anyway when you think about it? On SD!, she really hasn't had much of an opportunity to put her in-ring abilities on display. They always have her competing in a bikini contest with the Divas who can't wrestle and belong on SD!, like Ashley and Michelle McCool.

Going on her independent track record, Jillian can hold her own in the ring and with the recent departure of Trish Stratus and Lita about to split, it definitely makes sense for her to be moved over to Raw. Ditto for Trinity over in ECW. If WWE feels the need to make "trades" to bring them over, it makes the most sense to send Candice Michelle or Maria to the other brands.
i think jillian should be on raw, but i would then miss her on smackdown. but she needs her way of a title shot as well as trinity does too cause shes probably title hungry as well and i believe that those two could feud and it would be awesome because of trish and litas departure. and mickie james gets a lot of ring time and tv time so that would make for a sweet 3 way one day.
I think it was a mistake that Jillian went to smackdown in the first place. Jillian is extremely talented, she, like molly holly, incorporates alot of gymnastics into her arsenal. she can even do a 450 splash, which was her regular finsher in OVW and the indys, maybe jillian will replace lita as the high flyer of the divas.
If Jillian can wrestle, send her to RAW, trading her with Maria sounds like a good idea to me. If not Maria then Candice or Torrie.
IMO I don't care much. I mean I could name 10 better divas:

Sherri Martel

They are better than Jillian
Chyna, Ashley and Michelle don't belong in the same league as Jillian.

Chyna is a horrible diva she basically dominated the women because there was no womens division when she was around.

Ashley and Michelle are both eye candy and should stay that way and not torture us again with their attempt to wrestle.
IMO I don't care much. I mean I could name 10 better divas:
Sherri Martel

posted by Thompson20

First off Luna, ashley, and michelle are eye candy. Couldn't wrestle to save their lives. Sherri martel had a different style, similar to moolahs, In her prime she couldn't do the things that jillian can do.
In the indys Jillian dominated Melina and she'll dominate Melina in wwe.
Jillian and victoria are about even. they both have wins over each other.
Jillan and Mickie had a huge rivalry in the past with awesome matches, and i'm sure they'll have more.
as far as lita and trish are concerned, Jillian would probably be in their league too, especially if wwe lets her preform all the moves she's capable of.
You guys forget that Jillian isn't new to the sport, she's been wrestling in the indys for a while now. Jillian racked up an impressive 11 titles while in the indys. she has won championships in every brand that she has competed in and there is no doubt in my mind that she will be womens champion in the future.

As far as Chyna goes, i dont even consider her in the womans divison, hell any woman that stands 6 feet tall weighs 190 lbs could easily dominate the womens divison regardless if she had talent or not, which Chyna did.

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