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Jesse & Festus


[This Space for Rent]
So, after monthes of build-up, the tag team better known to the world as Jesse & Festus finally debuted tonight on Smackdown! Generally, I'd like feedback on what everyone thought of this tag team, as well as what the general feeling is on whether they'd make it as a Tag Team? Will they become Smackdown! (or Raw, someday) Tag Team Champions? Or are they gonna fade away slowly??

My general feel for these guys is that they remind me of Danny Doring & Roadkill from E.C.W. For those who don't know the duo from the extreme days.. Roadkill was bigger, (fatter - yet not 'fat') similar to Festus.. (except the fat part) & Doring was full of energy, much like Jesse showed tonight. Does anyone else think they seem similar?

I liked the overall debut, as this seems like a solid tag team.. yet Festus could do for an outfit change. (perhaps bib-overalls?) My only complaint is that we didn't get to see a "tag team" finisher.
I was actually surprised by Jesse & Festus. I like their 2 different styles Festus rough & tough, and Jesse more high energy. I think they are a good thing for the smackdown brand. I can see them feuding with Deuce & Domino, The Major Brothers, MVP & Matt, or any other tag teams. They seemed to work well together and I was generally surprised. They could get wwe tag titles if they keep working on their craft.
I liked them. Festus was pretty impressive for a big man, Jesse looks a pretty good wrestler and the gimics pretty enjoyable.

The only reason they might flop is because they got a pretty negative crowd response....maybe when they wrestle somebody other than Jobbers they might be more over.
acatually i think this jesse and festus thing will work. They seem to be over with the fans and hell their not bad in the ring either. I think they will fued wih duece and domino and then evuentially get a tag title shot. I thought festus was going to be slow in the ring but he is quick and strong, and jesse is a very good mat wrestler and quick as well. I like them and i think they will be around a while.
Festus is very interesting to me but I don't like Jesse. I think he's very plain and doesn't really offer much aside from being Festus' mouthpiece. Hopefully WWE will put a back-story to explain Festus' transformations.
Does anyone else foresee a small tag team run, followed by a split where they push Festus (and give him a new name possibly, but keep the gimmick) and let Jesse fade into obscurity?

Overall, Festus was by far the more impressive in the ring, in my opinion. Jesse was bland. Plus, Festus has a gimmick that could be received rather well - especially if he had a manager that could talk very well (perhaps even a diva that has taken a liking to him, lol, that'd be funny if they didn't push it too far).

Also, anyone else see a finish down the line where a heel against Festus goes outside the ring and sounds the bell themselves, but the match isn't over, and they just use it to put Festus in that coma-like state, push him down and pin him? Lol
I agree with NoFate007, that is how their first loss is probably going to be, the bells gonna ring during the match, maybe like a pin, but the ref restarts the match, and doesnt ring the bell again to get Festus pumped up, and he's just standing there, a finisher, a pin, and boom, they lose... its a big loophole in his gimmick...
Jesse and Festus are awesome, but they are facing minor leaguers. Jesse reminds me of a young Rob Van Dam because of the amateur background and Festus as a young Snitsky not to mention he looks like him. Smackdown! still needs some more tag teams. In 2005, I remember Smackdown had several good tag teams like Eddie and Mysterio, the Bashams, the Dicks, the Gymini, Mysterio and Batista, the awesome SD vs. Raw feud, the Mexicools, London and Kendrick and Burchill/Regal. I hope the tag team division gets better so I can be more entertained on Friday Nights.
During the whole match I thought that Festus was way more impressive then Jesse. When I first saw him in the ring I thought he was going to be slow. But then I saw he was fast. I was thinking what if they sepperate the team and give Festus a World Heavy Weight Chapionship match
well jesse and festus on ecw is roadkill/doring 2.0
Imagine a year or so ago could have happend
I wanna see Kane vs Festus vs great khali vs umaga vs Big Daddy V vs Mark Henry or Snitsky in an elimination chamber or maonsters ball type match at this years mania great bathroom break plus frees up card for good matches
I wouldn't go as far in saying "Festus for world title" but I do agree they worked pretty well and seem over a bit. They are a nice change from The Major Brothers who were supposed to be a saviour for the tag team divsion but were to bland and unlike The Majors Jesse & Festus seem to be entertaining, so be it they have only wrestled like 2 matches, but I'm definetly interested and Festus gimmick is sort of unique which is a bonus nowadays with people reusing gimmicks.
*shrugs* i dont care about them...i love duece and domino though....that 1950's theme music cracks me up and they have good moves. Jessie and Festus are in the league of the highlanders or cade and murdock, will never be able to replace the newage outlaws, dudleys, etc.....i hate the tag team division as a whole...damn....i did like cryme time tho...damn...
During the whole match I thought that Festus was way more impressive then Jesse. When I first saw him in the ring I thought he was going to be slow. But then I saw he was fast. I was thinking what if they sepperate the team and give Festus a World HeavyWeight Chapionship match

... That is exactly what I thought, but don't forget about Jesse, he would probably be a good Cruiserweight or Intercontinental Champ, as well as at least one WWE Tag Team Championship run with Festus.
Overall I'd probably give them at least a 4 1/2 star review as a tag team.
I was pretty impressed with Jesse, im not a big fan of Smackdown and I dont watch it but I caught the repeat and seen their match with 2 jobbers. Festus was alright I guess but Jesse impressed me with his mic skills and quickness.
Actually, I don't know if anybody knows Jesse from his days in NWA Wildside. He was a legit talent and a former multiple timed NWA world champion. So he has the credentials, and is the son of Terry Bam bam Gordy. He has lost some of his muscle mass and cut, which suprises me, seeing as how he was a powerhouse in Wildside. He's the real deal, but more than likely will be thrown into the cruiserweight division to team with Jimmy Wayne Yan or something stupid like that. Festus, on the other hand, will go far as McMahon likes big men (and cocks as well. lol) This whole Festus transformation thing will lead to a heel turn as the beell will probably ring and Festus will be unable to turn off the whole "rageaholic" thing and will then destroy Jesse. I can see him getting an "A-Train" type push before being jobbed out of existance and fed to some up and coming steriod freak. Hey, but that's just my two cents.
i was impressed with jesse more so then festus but i see a bright future for the team. i love the gimmick too a big stupid that had to be lead around by the hand by a little loud mouth guy. But i dont see them becoming the dudleys os hardys or e and c or none of the tag team greats like that.
I think that Jesse and Festus are a decent tag team that belong on the Smackdown brand. The Festus gimmick where he goes insane when the bell rings is IMO hilarious. Jesse is a good in-ring performer and they always have funny promo's. I hope that they are never in contention for tag team gold but just stay as a funny tag team similar to Cryme Tyme was for Raw.
I think that Jesse and Festus are a decent tag team that belong on the Smackdown brand. The Festus gimmick where he goes insane when the bell rings is IMO hilarious. Jesse is a good in-ring performer and they always have funny promo's. I hope that they are never in contention for tag team gold but just stay as a funny tag team similar to Cryme Tyme was for Raw.

Cryme Tyme on RAW was a complete waste of talent. But you are right when you say that Jesse and Festus will never wear the gold. They might get it for a short time, but the smackdown writers will grow tired of this pet project and break up the team to have them job individually until they think of something better for The Freakin Deacon and Jesse gets cut from the roster.
I think what should happen is they should do some type of story line where a fake kane comes out to confront the real kane and it turns out to be festus! he would be perfect for the storyline but he would have to wear two sleeves because he has a tattoo and kane does not. then after a few weeks of that storyline being built up they could just cut the thing totally and not even give an explanation why. i think that would be cool!
I think Jesse and Festus are a pretty good team too and they should get to be getting some gold. I've seen these two and I think they've grown on me and hopefully they continue to do well in the ring.
Personally I like Jesse and Festus a lot. They remind me of the main characters from Of Mice And Men which I wouldn't doubt that's where the WWE creative got the idea of their gimmick/s from. Festus also reminds me a lot of The Missing Link Dewey Robertson (well, mostly by his looks). When I first saw their promos I got the assumption these two would be a disaster but after watching some of their matches, I'm actually very impressed with their in ring work. I hope down the line they will get a good push as the tag team champions.
You know what guys? Festus is actually the 'Imposter Kane' that featured in the may 19th storyline with kane. He wrestled as Freakin' Deacon in OVW and was reintroduced as Festus on Smackdown. He had to wear heel shoes when he was Fake Kane.
They have great potential and remind me of a new aged version of The British Bulldogs, without all of the steriod induced muscles. But alas, it seems as thought the booking team has grown tired of the two with their recent clean loses to M&M. The will probably be de-pushed and then broken up, with Fetus discovering the true monster inside while Jesse gets stuck with Jimmy Wang Yang or something demeaning like that. It's a shame too as these two really could have lead back to the days when teams had decent gimmicks and personalities to go with that as well.
I don't really like this tag team, they are sort of boring and I just don't get into it, they need better teams in the wwe like Deuce & Domino, London & Kendrick, and we need more TLC matches like back in the day with the Hardys and Edge & Christian (the dudleys suck and I never have, and never will like them).

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