Jersey Shore, Bitch!


Staff member
After having a look through 6 or 7 pages of TV and Movies sub-forum, I was shocked to fin there is no thread for Jersey Shore. Now, it could be that some people find it tediously annoying. Or, it could be that people are too put off by popular opinion to create and post in such a thread. However, I am not one of those people. In fact, I love Jersey Shore and I am willing to bet that there are more people like me out there... So where are you?

Jersey Shore, believe it or not, is one of the highest rated shows to be shown on MTV. That statistic took me by surprise, not because Jersey Shore is not the absolute dog's bollocks but more likely because it is MTV. This network has been around for absolute decades and Jersey Shore is one of it's highest rated shows in it's history. Awesome!

Personally, I am loving the show. I started watching it a couple of weeks ago and now I am completely caught up, despite the show being through 3 seasons now. On the most recent episode, Sammi and Ron broke up again and this time, it looks as though it is for real. One would hope that is the case because these two people do not belong in a relationship together. They are more unstable than Britney Spear's mental health. Plus, it has gotten to the stage that every episode sees them breaking up and making up. Really, it has gotten very tiresome. Hopefully, this is the last time I will need to hear Sammi talking about how everything is about her.

So. what do people think of this show? Is it up your alley or are you put off by the glare you get from a spray-tanned party girl every week?
The show is definitely one of those guilty pleasures for me. It's funny once Thrusday rolls around, everybody's status on Facebook is saying "Can't wait till Shore" "It's t-shirt time" "Cabs are here" or something pertaining to the show. What's crazy about the Shore house the owner now gets like $3,500 a night to rent it out.

I hate Sammi, she is so annoying and a little baby about everything, she drags the show down. I was hoping she was really gonna leave after she punched Ron in the face. Like you said Dave, hopefully her and Ron are done for good. Snooki is a trip. Doesn't get old watching her make an ass of herself every week. J-Wow, I don't have much to say about her besides nice tits. Pauly D is a pretty funny dude, he comes up with some funny shit, I was rolling when he brought the stalker back from the 1st season, after she dumped the drink on him a few episodes ago, just to have her get clowned by Vinny and himself. Vinny is alright, he definitely changed since the first season, he is a lot more cockier now, but still pretty funny. The Situation is definitely a douche bag, but is funny as hell. Hate when he isn't having fun, then tries to ruin it for eveyone else, dude is also a jealous motherfucker, if any of the other dudes are kicking it with other girls and he's not, he has no problem swooping in once the other dude leaves for a second. Ron is alright, he let's Sammi ruin his time there, dude just needs to do him and just leave the Sammi drama behind. I was so glad they got rid of Angelina, the dirty little hamster that she was. The new chick Deena, is boring. Best thing with her was the rumor started by the Ronnie look a like that she likes to lick an asshole.

Crazy to think that for the next 5 or so years the cast will make a lot of many with appearances at night clubs and such for a couple thousand dollars a pop.
I don't give a shit what anyone says, this show is funny as shit. I'm not ashamed to admit that I watch on a weekly basis. The Sammi and Ronnie shit is getting waaay too annoying though and they need to stop focusing every single episode on their relationship. Sammi is incredibly hot though and honestly is the only girl on the show that is. Pauly and Vinny are my two favorite, followed closely by Ron. When he's not involved in the Sammi drama, he can be hilarious. Sitch is a dick. Loves stirring up drama and if I ever had to deal with him, I'm pretty sure I'd be up on assault charges. Jenni and Snooki are ok, kinda meh, but ok. And the new chick's not too bad so far. GTL, gotta run.
Jersey Shore, believe it or not, is one of the highest rated shows to be shown on MTV.

Yeah, it's been a mega-hit for MTV. For one reason or another, people cannot get enough reality television. I have no clue why so many people are interested in the real lives of people like them, but it's been huge for MTV.

Plus, it has gotten to the stage that every episode sees them breaking up and making up. Really, it has gotten very tiresome. Hopefully, this is the last time I will need to hear Sammi talking about how everything is about her.

Reality television does nothing for me, never has. But, my roommate watches this show every Thursday night, and a good 75% of the time both of us are in the living room. I can't say I've seen every episode or anything like that, but I know enough to say it's not only trash, but it's boring.

-They get ready
-They go to a bar
-The couple gets into an argument/the guys grab some skanks, and they all head home
-They wake up, talk about the night before, work out, tan, etc.

It is the same exact thing each episode. I've hear a lot of people say, "It's not great television, but it's entertaining." I don't even think it's entertaining. I think each episode is a complete clone of the one before.

Also, it's hard for me to respect/like stupid people. The Situation is not only a stupid man, he's arrogant and annoying. Every girl has a sub-100 I.Q., same with Ronnie. However, I do have a soft spot for Pauly and Vinny. Those guys are pretty funny, because they don't seem to buy into their own bullshit. They don't take any of it seriously, and I like that.

But I would say the thing I hate most about that show is the message it sends. "You can be really stupid, insanely long as you look good, who cares???" These people have money and success because they do this shit on television. They have no real talent in any aspect of life, and this show is basically telling the people who watch it that they can do the same. It's just not true, and I'm deathly afraid that the next generation of kids in this country will be just like those morons.
I love Jersey Shore and I'm not ashamed to say it. I originally was like most people and was like "Fuck that shit, It's stupid, I'm not watching" but then I was forced to watch an episode by my gf and was pleasantly surprised. It helps that I love me some good Reality TV but this is by far one of the most entertaining shows. It's funny, it's interesting, and the drama, my god don't even get me started on the drama. Everyone's always fighting everyone for the most mundane reasons in the most over drawn out ways, it's fantastic. Add in their little catchphrases and the way they act and look and it's golden.

My personal favorite cast member is like most's, The Situation. I laugh at almost every thing the guy says. I love how when two people are fighting he doesn't try to stop it, he just urges it on and makes it worse. Like when Angelina and Snooki were fighting he just stood there and laughed, "Let's move the table so they don't break it". And how he mixes Situation as much as he can into everything he says.

I don't really hate any of the cast members, they all have their douche/bitch moments at least one time a show. I was sad to see Angelina go just because of how much more drama she brought but the JWOW vs Sammy feud quickly cured my drama woes.

I love the show, it deserves all the hate it gets though. It's everything everyone says it is and it's awesome.
Skins seems like a watered down version of this show.

But I absolutely love Jersey Shore. To me it's been one of the best reality shows thats unique since MTV actually starting being smart and once VH1 started to stop doing all their celebreality love shows.
I love Jersey Shore. I started watching on the night it premiered, and I watch it every single week. This third season is probably my favorite, although I enjoyed the other two a whole lot. I'm not ashamed to admit it, it's one of my favorite shows. I don't HATE any of the cast members, but I really dislike Angelina. I'm happy she's not around anymore. I'm very excited at the prospect of season 4 being in Italy. It may be some of the most hilarious stuff we'll ever see. It could be a total culture shock for the cast and all those around them, or it may be totally normal. Either way, awesome show.
Mike can be annoying but most of th etime hes smart, gives good advice, and can be a leader.
Pauly is a good person thats neutral, doesnt start fights with anyone can is just lookin gto have fun.
Vinny-I like vinny because hes not coky, he spassionate, and hes actually the one of the few out of the Jersey Shore cast that you feel will make it in life.
JWOWW-She doesnt go sleepin with random guys, she gives good advice and knows when to talk and yeah nice chick.
Sammi-I hate her. shes selfish and spoiled and drags other people down with her.
Angelina-She got problems, simple
Snooki-Snooki's cool but she can sometimes be too spoiled and glamourous and act like a little hollywood jayer.
Deena-She does her own thing and doesnt care who hates her or nice. She's isnt causin drama and is just looking for a good time and to make friends.
Episode 7 of Season 3 is probably one of the best episodes of this show I have yet seen.

To start with, Sammi (Sweetheart) is fucking gone! That bitch is out the door and here's hoping that she doesn't manage to find her way back to the Jersey Shore, or Italy for that matter. She truly was the worst part of that show. Not only was she completely selfish, but she had a superiority complex the likes of which I hadn't never seen before and likely wont see again... Hopefully. Her exit was completely insane. Not only did Ron go off his rocker and move her bed onto the porch, the argument between the two blew up to epic proportions. Personally, I reckon it was because everyone got involved in the fight. I mean, they had been around it before but they had never gotten involved until this one. With that said, some of the things the duo did were ridiculous.

Ron smashing up all of her items was crazy. He broke her glasses, ruined her clothes and broke her furniture! Watching it was the epitome of this show and why I watch it every week. These guys just don't give a fuck about anybody and why should they? They get a shit-tonne of money to live a good life and be entertaining. Speaking of entertaining, the argument between The Situation and Ronnie was a personal highlight of mine. Pauly's look of shock when they hugged it out was absolutely hilarious. They have this rip-roaring argument, Mike apologises once and then they are the best of friends again... Only in the Jersey Shore, I guess.

With 6 episodes left of this season, I really don't know what they are going to do. I mean, as annoying as it was, the relationship between Ron and Sam was the focal point of the show for the last 4 or 5 episodes in particular. Now that that is gone, my hope is that they just have a good time and the mood of the house lightens up.
Shit fuck, There is three seasons to it so far? I haven't watched a single episode yet. But, I have never been one for these types of tv shows. I hate the hills with a passion and even avoid most reality shows, like survivor all the way up to Australian Idol. But one of the main reasons I refuse to watch this show, and have avoided the channel it's on is because of one guy.


This guy could make one hell of a heel on WWE because every time I fucking see him, I rage to the point of no return. it normally results in me throwing something. I forget what show he was on originally something like the tool academy I think? (no idea) My partner loved that show and after a few episodes I would disappear into the bedroom while it was on.

But that's The Situation! You can't hate on The Situation... :p

Honestly, I know where people are coming from when they adverts for this show. I, myself, was one of those people and vowed never to watch the show. The ads were annoying and the people that were in the ads (the eventual stars of the show) just seemed like the most arrogant and simple-minded people. However, when I started to watch it, I am couldn't stop. It is funny that you should mention shows like The Hills though. When I started watching the Jersey Shore on MTV, The Hills came on right after and because I was busy, I didn't bother changing it over. However, that show is the fucking pit of television and although I wasn't watching it, I knew that it wasn't for me.

The difference between that and Jersey Shore is quite substantial because it is actually entertaining. The Hills is a melodramatic look at teenage life and there is rarely a hard-hitting episode that makes you want to see more. It bases itself around “will they/won't they” relationships and it is completely and utter bullshit. However, Jersey Shore is perfect mix of entertainment, humour, romance and action. There hasn't been an episode (so far) where I have regretted starting to watch it and I honestly feel that if the people who refused to watch it gave it a chance, they might change the way they think about it just like I have done.

It is a great show and will always be entertaining as long as the character in said show remain themselves. They are what bring people into the show and they are the perfect mix of brash, arrogant 20-somethings. I say give it a try!
Of all the people to come out NJ, whether they be celebrities or people I've met through the forums, none of them remotely have ever come of as unbelievably ******ed as the idiots that are portrayed on Jersey Shore, this show can not be seen as anything more than a black eye to the reputation of that state (or the entire country for that matter)
Of all the people to come out NJ, whether they be celebrities or people I've met through the forums, none of them remotely have ever come of as unbelievably ******ed as the idiots that are portrayed on Jersey Shore, this show can not be seen as anything more than a black eye to the reputation of that state (or the entire country for that matter)

And why is that exactly?

Now, I know that I enjoy the show but that aside, I really don't see why people have to make shows worth more than they are. You say that Jersey Shore is a “black-eye” to America and I pity that point of view. Really, what it comes down to is entertainment. Do I think that everyone who goes to the Jersey Shore for the summer is some roided up freak who cannot take criticism without having to punch someone or hit the sun-bed? No, I don't because I am not that invested in something to make a blanket statement like you have done.

That is like saying that Big Brother is a black-eye to British people because they have been through 10 seasons of the reality show and they constantly pick the most ludicrously annoying and arrogant people to take part. Never once have the selected someone whose IQ matches or supersedes mine and I am no genius. The fact of the matter is that these people are playing a part in a show that wants them to play up their stereotypes. It wants them to be entertaining and that is what happens. I don't get annoyed because people watch Big Brother and think that British people are moronic assholes because they cannot formulate a sentence without having to use the word “fuck”.

Really, I think it takes more effort on an individual basis to hate something that to enjoy it. The people on Jersey Shore (I suspect you mean the stars of the show) are morons. They are entertaining morons but morons all the same. If you allow yourself to think that they are stereotyping every single person that lives there, then you are far mistaken. I have never felt like people that reside there are stupid. The people who star in it are but not the people who live there. But that is what MTV wants us to believe.
My god it's like everyone's coming out of the closet on this one. What will the acceptance of open Jersey shore love lead to??? Scary thoughts.

What like 6 people replying saying they like the show, that's everyone liking it? Quit fucking spamming!!!

Of all the people to come out NJ, whether they be celebrities or people I've met through the forums, none of them remotely have ever come of as unbelievably ******ed as the idiots that are portrayed on Jersey Shore, this show can not be seen as anything more than a black eye to the reputation of that state (or the entire country for that matter)

That's funny only like 2 of the cast members are from NJ. I feel bad for knowing this, but it's true. But the outline of the show, of adults in their 20's making fools of themselves by getting drunk, and fighting has always sold well for T.V. ratings, MTV has been doing it for years with all the Real World and Road Rules type shows. I wouldn't call it a black eye on the state either, I guarantee that the Shore seen a tremendous amount of revenue increased this past summer because of the show.

Onto the last episode. Definitely a crazy one. About time Sammi smartened up and left finally. I agree Dave. she was the worst part of the show. When her and Ron were together she was the biggest bore, didn't want to do anything and if she did she was just miserable. I blame her for getting Ron in trouble by instigating that fight from season 1. For her to go out and act like a complete **** right in front of Ron was completely childish. Obviously she wanted to just get him jealous as she said it herself, well congrats she did, in return it got all her stuff destroyed by Ron. Now Mike good definitely be a cock-blocker no doubt about it, but he was really right by saying both of them were better off without each other. I was rolling when Pauly D. made the comment that he's not in the relationship and it stresses him out. I definitely know what he's talking about. I have to close friends that acted just like Ron and Sam. Just one other side note from the show, J-Woww looked fucking hot as hell in her little get up. When Snooki and Deena were out to lunch and clowned the guy for the tight ass trunks that was hilarious, no dude should ever wear trunks that tight, unless your rocking speedos.
personally i never saw the show and i hated it and i hated them because i am of italian descent...and 2 are not italian and one is half...

after watching it, its a funny ass show and i only watch it for humor...just for Pauly D and The Situation alone...the rest are not funny

Sammi - a whiney me me me bitch
Ronnie - a crybaby wimp
J-Woww extremely ugly and annoying
Snookie - im probably the only one who finds her attractive
Vinny - the least liked member of MVP
Deena - she's beastly

i watched the last episode like 3-4 times just on how funny it was...

i wonder how funny its going to be in Italy
Just got up with the last episode, got to say was a little annoyed with it because of Ron and Mike.

Man, the Sitch/Snitchuation really got on my nerves with this last episode. What a cock-blocker, first to scoop right in on Pauly-D's ex, then to attempt to bring home. That's just foul, you don't do that to someone that your're friends with, let a lone roommates with. Then when Vinny and Snooki were playing pranks on each other, Sitch went ahead and told Snooks where the stuffed animal was. Yeah he didn't say who did it, put still messed up to show her where it was.

The whole Ron and Sammi thing is so annoying neither one wants to hear what other people have to say, Ron likes to say it's not other people's business, but when you live in a house with 6 other people and fight and argue all the time, it becomes their business. Ron just needs to man up and realize it's better off. How he thinks they're in love is behind me. Yeah it was fucked up he smashed her stuff in all, but she instigated shit with him all the time. Better he smashed her stuff instead of her. Both know they shouldn't be together but neither one will let the other one go fully, for what the fear of seeing the other one with someone else. That is the problem with most unhealthy relationships not just theirs, stupid ass jealousy.

There was two funny spots on the show however. First was the dirty underwear. I wanna say that they belong to Deena. She was defending that they weren't her an awfully lot. Plus she had some stomach issues going on. Second thing that was funny was, when they all came back from Karma, and the guy Snooki brought home was one of the dudes that came to get the girl that Vinny brought home a few episodes ago. So the guys busted in on the smush room. Even though it fucked with Snook's smushing, it was pretty damn funny and deserving. I also found it funny Snooks couldn't remember dude's name for the life of her.
Another episode down, another barrel of laughs in my pocket!

The latest episode was absolutely brilliant and there was a couple of times that I laughed out loud. The prank war with the shit that was in the garbage was hilarious and you have to feel for Vinny getting caught out like that. To then put it under his pillow was actually brilliant. However, it amazes me that no one put two and two together. Yeah, we are all sick but it can't possibly be because of the dog shit we put under our pillows... No! That would be far too outlandish to fathom. They are sick because they were playing with some shit that should have been out in the trash and not where you sleep. Simple as that.

I think you hit the nail on the head with the assumption that it was Deena's drawers too, Dave. As you said, she had a wobbly stomach and there was definitely skid-marks on those panties. That was my favourite moment in the episode when Pauly (always the constant source of entertainment) found them and put them on the beanbag chair in the living room. To see everyone's faces drop, especially Vinny's, was priceless and made the episode what it was.

That being said, the episodes are never complete without their share of drama and this one was absolutely no different from the others. Ron is a crying little bitch that needs to realise that he and Sammi were not right for each other. He needs to see that Snooki was right when she said that all they ever did was argue. It was boring and annoying to see them constantly fuck each other over and the ensuing chaos for weeks and weeks on end. They need to realise that it is over! Then, of course, we come to Deena. What the fuck happened with her? I thought she was having a lot of fun but now she is all whiny about people picking on her, despite it being everyone who was getting fun poked at them. Some people are just so up themselves that they take everything as a personal insult and that is the case with Deena.

One more thing about the last episode. Something tells me that Sammi is not done with the show yet. It showed her in the cab home and then in her house when she got there. They also showed her on the phone to Ron and I fully expect her to be back in the next couple of episodes or in the next season of the show. I mean, they didn't give that treatment to Angelina when she left and that is probably because they feel they can still squeeze more out of Sammi and Ron's situation.

Another stellar episode though.
the preview for the next episode shows her coming back which i already knew was going to happen since months ago on another board it was posted that sammi leaves then comes back.

on the same board someone posted how she saw them in Miami during the last season ill copy and paste what she said

Snookie is literally 4'11 and looks exactly like a damn oompa lompa.

J woww is mad fucken big. Like not fat but huge. She dead ass looked like an avatar.

Ronnie is the biggest little roid monkey ive ever witnessed lol but hes at most 5'5.5 I cud see the top of his head, smh.

Sam's a lot prettier in person i'll give her that.

Im kinda mad that I seen that shit in person, it looks mad scripted. They would sit on the damn beach for like 10 minutes, not talking or anything just sitting there tanning while everyone would stand around and watch. No security though.

I heard that most clubs in Mia wouldnt allow them to film, thats why most of the time they were at Bed or Tantra, only places that were coo with them filming.

Its good that next season they are leaving the country because, if u remember the episode when snookie got drunk u can literal see crowds of people watching them.

and im sick of ronnie and samm...samm seems mad selfish and spoiled seems like its been that way since season one tho. And the way she talks with her hands is annoying...
Sorry it has taken me so long to type out a response to the latest episode of the show that everyone hates to love (and vice versa).

Last week's episode was brilliant once again. I love the dynamic that is going on between Snooki and Vinny recently. I know that they have been together before but I am just wondering if they are going to be a couple in the near future? That seems to be what the show is hinting at not so subtly. I think that Snooki has some real feelings for Vinny and I think it would be comedic (at least) to see them try and explore those feelings in upcoming episodes. However, it doesn't seem that Vinny is too interested in what is going on. The preview for the next episode showed Vinny taking home another girl and Snooki getting all crazy... I wasn't aware that she was keeping tabs on his sex life. Either way, whatever happens between these two ought to be hilarious quite frankly.

Speaking of hilarious, the prank that Mike played on Deena and Snooki had me in fits of laughter. Now, I do not know the geography of the United States but surely you would notice if you were being sent the wrong way that you are supposed to be going in a mysterious cab with some old pervert driving? Maybe I am just expecting too much of two people that would probably forget to breath if they couldn't do it involuntarily. Either way, it was fucking hilarious to see and I have to give Mike his respect for pulling off that prank with such perfection. I am loving the pranks that are taking place recently. The dog shit one was hilarious and I hope that they keep this going, it is the funniest thing about the show recently.

From the very best of the show, to the very worst... Sammi is back! Whoa! I can barely type over the roar of approval that just came through my screen as you read this. Of course, that would be silly... Then again, so would Sammi be if she stayed for any longer than one night in the house. Ron is trying to move on (I think) and even went so far as to tell her that he didn't want her in the house so that he could get past her. The next thing you know, she is walking through the door with no shame whatsoever... What a bitch! She makes my fucking head spin with her sheer stupidity.

Still, a great episode!
Jersey Shore is the misconception that all Italians (who 90% of the case are not even) are mindless tanning/gym-loving meatheads who have bimbo's for girlfriends and the idea that anyone from New Jersey is like them. It's a wart on the ass of society that needs to be removed, surgically.

I've now seen the show twice, and both times I wanted to jump out my 2nd floor window because I was certain that whatever amount of time I'd be spending in a hospital bed would be more entertaining than listening to a bunch of fake Italian wannabe guidos mouthing off back and forth about absolute nonsense for 30 minutes.

I'm so sick of this lazy television strategy of simply putting the stupidity of America on display to laugh at (or with) simply because they exist. I don't care if they exist or not. You know what else exists? Inbred hillbillies who fuck their own cousins and sisters. Should we give them a show, too, just to laugh at how stupid they are? How about ghetto superstars who perpetuate black stereotypes about living in a projects, selling drugs, not working and eating McDonalds? Let's pitch that idea to MTV, too. Man, oh man, I can't wait for "Da Marcy Projektz" to air already! :rolleyes:

What's even more frustrating about all of this is that the fan base is what propels the show. It's your decision to watch (if you actually watch) that even allows them to be in that place in the first place, so you're as much to blame for them being there as they are.

Between this show and all those moronic reality shows on VH1, E! and elsewhere... it's everywhere. The idiocy is completely unavoidable.

Fuck this show, it's trashy "stars" and anyone who watches it, too.
Fuck this show, it's trashy "stars" and anyone who watches it, too.

Alright, I watch it, So Fuck You then too!! Follow your own sig, instead add Jersey Shore instead of TNA, and TV show instead of business.

Anyhow I'm not gonna defend the show again, Dave and I did that already earlier in the thread.

I kinda forgot about this thread, missed reviewing the last 3 or so episodes it looks like. I'll just add in from the last two weeks, that Ronnie's face when Sam walked in was priceless. Dude did look like he seen a ghost.

Now for the past episode. Mike had me rolling letting Jenny's dogs out and setting it up that they broke out. Feeding them all sorts of stuff, kinda gross that he let them shit and piss everywhere. The dumbass got himself got though by holding the one dog and getting the smell of his cologne all over the dog.

The whole Jenny and the rest thinking they saw Rodger with another girl, then trying to avoid them was pretty funny when it came out that Rodger was just trying to get to the barber. Jenny had to feel like a dumbass after that. I'm sure Rodger probably got the Dominatrix outfit again out of her for that.

I thought the guys were definitely throwing the water balloons a little hard at the girls. Those things definitely hurt if you don't pop a little hole in them before you launch them at someone. Vinny hiding like a little girl, because he just got spray tanned was a bitch move.

We knew it was to good to be true, with Sam and Ron getting along for more than a day. With the whole debacle going on, I was kinda on Sam's side. Her and Ron are supposedly broken up, What's the difference if she is talking to another guy or not, as a friend or even she was trying to hook up with him. I don't think Mike was in the wrong for doing what he did either, he was just looking out for Ron. It's a weird double standard that I'm on both sides with.
Jersey Shore is fast becoming one of the best shows ever! No kidding... Every episode is getting better and I am at the stager where I cannot wait to see what happens in the last two episodes from this particular season.

The latest episode was another one from the top shelf. I am very glad that Ron and Sam seem to be over before they really got started. I actually hate their relationship and hate having to see them argue in every single episode. Honestly, it is more work than any of my relationships just watching it and logic would dictate that you just walk away from each other when things get that bad. However, both of these imbeciles seem to just want to hurt each other. At first I hated Ron but now I actually pity him. Sam is the shadiest person in the Shore house by a long way. Her antics with Arvin are actually detestable and she should be ashamed of herself for getting Ron involved when she knew damn well what was going on. Sitch was right, she was only angry because she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

Still, even that wasn't enough to take away from another top class episode. Situation may be the best character on TV right now. Letting the dogs out so that they can shit all over the house was brilliant and his commentary on the acts made them absolutely priceless. The scenario with Roger was brilliant too. I honesly think it is funny watching them all sabotage their relationships because of peer pressure in the house. JWoww was ready to throw in the towel with her boyfriend because Sam said that he might have a girl in his car... I mean, come on!

Anyway, I think that things are getting heated with Vinny and Snooki. I know that they had basically no interaction with each other in the latest episode but the more I think about things, the more I think that Snooki is going to get her way. I think they would make quite an interesting couple too. Vinny is a chill dude and Snooki is probably one of the most entertaining people in the house. I am sure that if they get it together in the later episodes, then season 4 is definitely going to be one of the funniest yet.
I gotta admit I had been hearing so much about Jersey Shore, a lot of it negative feedback, that I was curious when Snooki appeared on RAW. I decided to finally sit down and watch it.

I hate to admit it but it's fucking brilliant. I'm addicted to watching it! I missed all the seasons but I have watched endless amount of YouTube clips and catch reruns on MTV and VIVA over here in the UK. It is a guilty pleasure and it's mildy addictive. It's carcrash TV at it's finest haha!

From what I have witnessed so far I hate Sammi and Ronnie. Sure Sammi is kinda cute but man she is such a fucking bitch! She let's Ronnie go and hook up with "grenades" (genius jargon) and then crawl back in bed with her when he is bored. Wow. Ronnie seems like a juicehead.

The Situation may be a complete douche bag but he is hilarious. Without him I feel the show would be not nearly as successful as it is today.

JWOWW is like the ultimate girlfriend. Kicks ass and is a hot chick! As Mr.Sheen says, "WINNING!" When she backhanded The Situation my mouth dropped. She has a little bit of sense unlike others when it comes to hooking up with strangers.

Pauly D and Vinny are an awesome duo. Pauly D is probably my favourite with all his memorable phrases like, "Oh yeah! Wake up yeah!" , "Cabs are here!", "Burgerz for da boyz!" etc. I have no idea how this guy comes up with that kinda crap but it is funny shit. Vinny is the character most like myself. He kind of keeps himself to himself and is a good bloke.

Snooki and Deena are meh.

I will try and buy the boxset when it is released so I can watch them all :D

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