Jerry "the king" Lawler



I dont know if this is just me or does the king seem about a million times more annoying since they turned him face. I dont know why they need 2 face commentators on RAW dont they think the JR's over the top mic work is enough?! King used to be funny as a heel but now he just comes accross as dead annoying, this is just 1 in a long list of things that i h8 about wwe atm but this hasnt really been mentioned much.
I'd have to disagree, I think since the King returned from walking out on WWE he has been more enjoyable as a commentator. Sure, heel commentators are great, but sometimes King got a little to acidic and sneaky for even my tastes. The King, IMO, is the best color commentator of all time.
I think he is annoying. They should have 1 Heel comentator for each show IMO but only Smackdown has a Hell commentator (JBL). I think that Taz and King should turn Heel commentators for their shows as it will be more entertaining when both the face commentator and heel commentator argue liek JBl and Michael Cole.
Jerry "The King" Lawyer? Is that the attorney that represents WWE in all of their legal matters?

Anyway - The King seems to have lost a step or two in recent years. At one time he was easily one of the best, back when he sided with the heels and took more shots at good ol' JR. I don't know if this is WWE's doing, since there technically are no more heel commentators, but Lawler isn't nearly as effective as he used to be.
i agree, he's a little to "soft" right now, back in the attitude era he was funny as hell

but he still has an edge when it comes to the divas, but they do need sumone to be "heel" in the announcing duos, its always been like that for the most part
the KING is just fine u pple have no idea wat ur talkin bout , n we all no it wouldnt b the same with out the king's voice on raw
I think ever since he became a tweener( he still has a *FEW* heel tendancies at times) commentator ,the commentary became not as entertaining to me.He used to rib at at J.R. and really put the heels over as well as run the faces into the ground.The attitude era King is the King commentating i prefer.
code red said:
since there technically are no more heel commentators

I was under the impression JBL was a heel commentator..and a damn good one at that. I really don't know.I hardly ever catch smackdown.I will say it seems to be an odd thing to have a heel commentator any more as it seems to me JBL is the only heel out of the only 3 'major'(i m throwing that around loosely) wrestling companies with tv deals.(WSX,TNA,WWE)
King has gotten worse on the mic ever since he started not liking the bad guy, because he lost whatever charisma he had in that role. He and JR used to be a fantastic duo, but now they are bum buddies through and through. He doesn't seem like he has as much to say now because he cannot be biased anymore, and I miss those days. His jokes are getting worse and worse and he seems to be declining more than JR is. Raw wouldn't be the same without the commentary team, but they need to get him back where he belongs as a commentator who sticks up for the heels. He was just more interesting that way.
I like The King on commentary. I loved him when he was a heel, but hey, they have gone past that now, I like to see that even the heel commentator has a heart!
I think ever since he became a tweener( he still has a *FEW* heel tendancies at times) commentator ,the commentary became not as entertaining to me.He used to rib at at J.R. and really put the heels over as well as run the faces into the ground.The attitude era King is the King commentating i prefer.

I was under the impression JBL was a heel commentator..and a damn good one at that. I really don't know.I hardly ever catch smackdown.I will say it seems to be an odd thing to have a heel commentator any more as it seems to me JBL is the only heel out of the only 3 'major'(i m throwing that around loosely) wrestling companies with tv deals.(WSX,TNA,WWE)

JBL has really impressed me with his commentary as he provides SD! with a lot of humor, but he seems to take a neutral stance when it comes to the wrestlers he supports. There are certain wrestlers that he puts down incessantly (Boogeyman, Miz, Jimmy Wang Yang, MVP at one time before he took him to dinner, etc.) and while he does show praise for heels like Mr. Kennedy and King Booker, he always seems to commend the in-ring abilities of wrestlers like Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit. So technically, you couldn't call him a heel commentator in the tradition of Bobby Heenan or Jerry Lawler a few years ago.
King was hilarious during the Attitude days. But he is too annoying and ridiculous these days. I think JR has gotten worse than his Attitude days.

Some of the best heel commentators were Ventura, Heenan, and Dibiase.

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