Jericho v HBK - could this bring back the IC title?


Dark Match Jobber
Let's face it, the IC title has just been a nice item to bring to the ring for about the past 5 years. No real fueds, no real importance placed on being he IC champ, hell, the belt isn't even defended at Mania anymore. I would love to see that change, and think that Y2J v HBK could maybe change that.

Think of all the great fueds there have been over the IC belt:
Steamboat v Macho
Warrior v Rude
Austin v Rock
B. Hart v Perfect
HHH v Rock

Thats just to name a few. Now, if Jerciho and Michaels get the IC belt involved in the fued, and HBK sells the fact that he wants the belt, the fued could help elevate the IC belt back to importance. I know that I am reaching here, but having a mid card title that matters would be nice!
I don't think you're reaching at all. This could very well rebuild the title a bit. Why not? When was the last time the title meant anything? I suppose when Flair had it, and that was just for posterity. Hardy and Umaga's reigns meant nothing at all, Shelton's reigns have gotten him nowhere at all, and I can't even remember anyone else with it. Ever since the belt was unified with the World title (brilliant move there Vince) it has been worth next to nothing at all. It's a prop, nothing more. With two former world champions fighting over the title, it could help to bring it back. The tag titles could have had the same thing done a few years ago had DX won them from the Spirit Squad, because it would take a big name to beat them. It could work in theory, but this is WWE. It won't happen.
It could be knowing how good their matches are together but it all depends on how or who feuds for the IC title in the future.

The title needs to be defended at Wrestlemania again to at least make it look like it still has meaning.
You're forgetting..

Razor-JJ....they were pretty good too.

Unfortunately, I think this means very little. A company that carries 3 World titles (If you wanna call the ECW title a World title....blasphemy the way that title is treated) then clearly secondary titles are always ALWAYS going to be buried and used as a cheap quick way to put some makeshift cred on someone.

Hell Im pretty sure they even changed the PHYSICAL IC belt because in looked better than their world title in the early '90s
No, the IC title will have nothing to do with this feud, other than maybe having HBK cost Jericho the belt at NOC, I have a feeling that they are going to keep HBK out for awhile with an injury angle and then have him return at NOC during Jerichos match, which I'm guessing will be with Jeff Hardy, HBK will cost Jericho the belt to further their feud, I just can't see HBK chasing the IC title at this point in his career, it just look like a huge step backwards for him
Fuck no it wont. Why would the WWE all the sudden want to push this belt?? They dont. And they wont. Itll merely be a footnote to the feud, if that even. I would be suprised if WWE even gives it the false worth of having HBK cost him it. I could totally see this feud going however many months it will, and the IC title not being involved one time.

And to think, we could be one ladder match away from re-legitimizing the thing.
i think the title would get some credabillity by having the WWE, WHC and ECW championships unfied and have it defended over all three brands that way it opens up the main event, pushes people that shouldnt in the main event to upper/mid card and that way theres more credible talents in all of the championship divsions, and it would help bring ECW closer to raw and smackdown as a proper brand.
It could if the WWE chooses to push any of the belts, but I don't think they will go down that road.

This fued will be more personal than anything, and I hardly see it being about the IC title. Because, they will be thinking more about the fued than elevatiing the title at all. What I do think is that like some have said already, is that HBK may cost Jericho the belt at NOC. But that's is the closest the title will ever get too a push.

The chances of pushing the belt are slim because the WWE sees no reason to do so.
The only reason the title will be an issue is because of NOC. If it wasn't for that it would be a simple one-on-one match. Just like it was at Judgment Day. They could have put the title on the line then, but the belt couldn't be less important right now. HBK is above that belt. Even if he did hold it, which I don't think will happen, he wouldn't defend it. His only match with it would be when he lost. Nobody would get elevated, nobody would care about the title. Putting it on Jeff Hardy again would probably have more of an effect.
The Intercontinental Championship lost its "luster" after Santino Marella more or less took the Championship from Umaga. Hell, I'd be more than willing to bet it was long gone since even before that.

It wasn't since Randy Orton's Intercontinental Championship reign did the title mean anything. Shelton Benjamin tried his hardest to maintain the strap as worth anything, and to be honest in my opinion, I think it was still a highly valued title throughout the days of Johnny Nitro. However I don't believe its ever been viewed as a title thats worth anything since Orton.

Or even going back further, and bringing up the Triple H. 2001 reign, when they tried giving it an equal-level on par with the World Championship, during the Two Man Powertrip era.

In today's era, you have Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Umaga, Mr. Kennedy, M.V.P., Matt Hardy, Paul Burchill and a select few others. The only issue is, they never build meaningful feuds. When Hardy was Champion, he was chasing the bigger belt.. ignoring the one he had. Jericho is more content holding the title now as a "name-sake" and he doesn't defend it, almost like Hardy. I say give it to Kennedy, or bring M.V.P. over.. both of them can still build off having it. Jericho & Hardy have worn out being named "Intercontinental Champion."
HBK will be the one to get involved and yep Hardy will get it back. You can almost bet on it. He will not go for the IC because he is more for the Spinner Belt. However if he does go for the IC he will win it and bring more interest in the IC belt.
The fact is that the great IC feuds of the past were nothing more than stepping stones to the main event. Bret Hart, HBK, Macho, Warrior all were huge main eventers in their day. To say HBK would take a step backwards and feud for this belt now...I dont think his wego would let him. I know he is a born again Christian etc but does anyone really think he would backslide in the company?? I certainly dont.

The problem with the IC belt is that there are simply no challengers. Where are the Mr Perfects, Bulldogs,or Rick Rudes to feud over this belt?? Jericho and Cade is a feud that is bound to happen but is anone actually looking forward to it? I am not. Best thing to do is defend the bloody belt at a PPV. Give some its credibilty back.
This could indeed Bring back the legacy of the IC belt, to big names like Shawn Michael's and Chris Jericho competing for the belt would finnaly Make the belt More Popular, For everyone saying HBK would never "Take a step Down" HBK does not want the Tittle. He deserve's a title run and the IC is just what he need's, To me the Tag team championship's are a step down from the two big one's and HBK one them didnt He? hopefully This is the start of A new and improved WWE where the title's actually mean something. Who know's where it could go from here HBK vs Y2J at N.O.C. HBK vs Orton if he is back at Summerslam. It could go back to the good old day's
Im pretty sure that this will be a one match deal for the IC belt. I can see the Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho feud lasting for longer, unless Jericho is drafted. If Jericho is drafted, Shawn Michaels might get the belt. If not, Jericho and Michaels will feud, but it wont be over the belt. Maybe Cade will get the belt, with Michaels screwing Jericho out of it. Cade will then go off into another feud, never bothering with the other characters. Maybe the feud can last until Summerslam in a gimmick match to finish it off.
The only way to bring in credibility back to the IC title is to put it on a strong up and comer (MVP, Kennedy, Burchill, Cade, Punk) and have it start to be defended on a regular basis (put it on PPvs not just NOC) and actually have stars pretend to care about it and start going after the title like they actually want to be a champ. Jericho and HBK will not give it credibility if anything they are ruining it
Their feud has nothing to do with the belt and is being wasted when someone could actually use it to jump start their career to get some future main-eventers ready for when HBK, HHH, and Undertaker retire in a few years
When you think Chris Jericho, you think eight time IC champ. You don't think how he was the first ever Undisputed Champion. Jericho seems to have worn out his IC days and I think his feud with Shawn does not need to involve the belt. If Micheals won, that would be a step back for him. HBK, the Main Event, needs another world title run, and I would love to seem him feud with HHH or 'Taker. Jericho just needs to lose the belt to someone who can give it that spark, like Kennnedy. Then have Kennedy take on MVP, or even drag Orton back down to IC-level to face him. Either way, I think Kennedy needs a title, and if it won't be the WWE title, than it NEEDS to be the IC title, just to have a chace to revive it. Heck, give CM Punk a run at it before or after he cashes in the MITB briefcase. Chances are he'll lose the word title match, even though I DON"T want him too, and found himself thrown into some mid-card IC feud, which COULD be a nice move.
your right it will happen jericho and shawn micheals are in a huge long story line where micheals wants the ic title i spoke with brian gerwitz reguarding a wrestling creative writing job, part of my resume and 30 day evoluation was to write a story line for jericho and shawn micheals, lets see if they use mine..
No, the IC title will have nothing to do with this feud, other than maybe having HBK cost Jericho the belt at NOC, I have a feeling that they are going to keep HBK out for awhile with an injury angle and then have him return at NOC during Jerichos match, which I'm guessing will be with Jeff Hardy, HBK will cost Jericho the belt to further their feud, I just can't see HBK chasing the IC title at this point in his career, it just look like a huge step backwards for him

this is exactly what i thought, i cant see hbk trying to hold a weak secondary title. the ic belt is going to have to become a belt that is actually pursued by other talented mid crders to help reelevate it. the fueds between hall and hbk , and hart and hennig and even rock and hhh is what made the belt actually mean something. the ic belt has long been the title that the most talented guys hold on their way to the world title. all the fueds i mentioned took place before the guys in them even got close to the BIG one.
It could if they decide to make it about the I-C title. A ladder match for the title between these two would bring back a lot of prestige for it. I doubt they will do it this way as Shawn is way above the title. But it would definitely make it more interesting. Then they could start having the younger contenders fight for it with dignity. Jericho would need to lose it as I believe he is above this title too.

Seriously Rey vs Punk would be interesting. As would Kane vs Rey. Then that brings in Lance Cade, Cody Rhodes, and Ted Dibiase Jr. They could all make this title mean something again.

With all being said and I am really rambling in this post and I hope it makes some sense. It could bring it back to life but its highly unlikely at this point.
Forget about Hardy... He s Smackdown now!!! My guess is either Rey Mysterio or maybe even Batista to get back at Jericho for hurting HBK... And who cares really... The only thing that will bring prestige back to this belt is having his holder actually DEFENDING IT at least onces a month damn it!!!! Remember back in the days when Randy Savage had it... He was acting like it meant more then the worlds title!!! Thats what we need!!! And please no more spinner belt.... Were not 13 years old anymore!!!!!
I must agree with some of you that the IC belt did lose some touch...I think alot of it has to do with the US belt coming into play as well...As for HBK VS Y2GAY for the belt I wouldnt be surprised if Y2GAY wins and then CM Punk comes down and cashes in his money in the bank...cuz if he doesnt really use it in this situation when the fuck is he?
For a few days I thought to myself.....HBK could be IC Champ for the first time in forever. Last night HBK helped Kofi Kingston beat Jericho. It elevated the feud between Y2J and HBK, but the IC belt is around a relatively new superstar.... It kind of bummed me out.

I must agree with some of you that the IC belt did lose some touch...I think alot of it has to do with the US belt coming into play as well...As for HBK VS Y2GAY for the belt I wouldnt be surprised if Y2GAY wins and then CM Punk comes down and cashes in his money in the bank...cuz if he doesnt really use it in this situation when the fuck is he?

Something tells me Punk would use his MITB to cash in on a world title or WWE title shot. Plus he has until Wrestlemania 25 so I'm sure he can do it anytime before now and then. You're too anxious. Are you really in that much of a rush to see Triple H squash him? lmao Kidding of course.

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