Jericho returning as a face?

Brahma Bull

Getting Noticed By Management
I know that jericho isnt on raw now, but he probably will so i will post it here. now i know that we all think that jericho will probably face orton when he gets back, but his recent comments on about the miz being him, which the miz is being jericho btw, do you think he will return as a face to face the miz?
No just no. He needs to return as a HEEL. He went from Heel to face way alot in his career. He should return as a heel and see how the FAN'S and then if he has turn to face the same way Randy Orton did than so be it.
Chris Jerichos best work is as a heel.
@briansuks1234 i agree with you, let the fans react towards him and see how it plays out. BUT i would like him, no scratch that, he NEEDS to come back as a face for one reason, both rosters are crowded with heels right now, look at Edge he pretty much had to turn face on SD just because theres too many heels being focused on right now. I know Jericho works better as a heel but he still does a great job as a Face and this MAY be his last return before perhaps leaving for good next time.
Yeah chances are Jericho will be coming back as a face.

In the interview he was saying how when he was watching RAW he felt like it was watching himself on live TV when he was watching The Miz. Pretty sure he also said he wanted to take his persona back.

Especially with returns of big superstars, returning as a heel just doesn't seem right. After all, the saying goes absence makes the heart grow fonder. Who's to say that if Jericho was to come back as serious Jericho the crowd wouldn't cheer for him because he hasn't been around for a while?

He should return as a face. I think it would be well received.

Although it could also be just Jericho trying to swerve people into thinking he'll be back as a face.
i think he could come back as face, and face the miz in a fued. jericho can put people over way better than cena, so i think the wwe would try to capitalize on that with jericho. then you can have jericho turn right afterwards after he "tricks" orton into believing that the punt is behind them.
That depends on whether or not they are going to have a revenge storyline with Randy Orton.

If he comes back for revenge for being punted out of the WWE for a year... then it's all heel, all the time.

However, if the crowd wants to cheer the triumphant return of Y2J...
I think to start out that Chris Jericho is a mastermind, and regarless if he returns heel or face the older crowd will react to Jericho the way they always have. Jericho will always be loved by the adult crowd that understands how wrestling works.
With that being said and I know just as much as all we know Chris Jericho is great at what he does, but he should return as a heel to get some of these young face's over. If Chris can play is evil heel character and get all these young fans to hate him and then he puts a young face over it will go miles and miles for that young wrestlers. Where as if he returns as a face and he beats lets say CM Punk then what did that really get done, not all to much.
So I honestly think Jericho should return as a heel and help put some younger guys over and in the end Jericho will still have a big following from his adult fans.
hate to say it, but he may not come back full-time. Chris Jericho is 40 years old and has other things he wants to do right now. He's doing Dancing With The Stars, his second book just came out, he's got shows with Fozzy coming up, ... He's got a full plate without being a WWE superstar. I'm sure he'd come back for guest appearances, but I'm not so sure he'll come back as a full-time wrestler. He's enough of a mainstream celebrity that he doesn't need to wrestle again if he doesn't want to. He could be another guy like The Rock, who could do himself better by NOT going back to WWE.
Well first of all, Jericho is golden whether he is a heel or a face. I think that when he returns that he should return as a face or tweener. I think that Jericho could have a good fued with The Miz. Besides The Miz, CM Punk, Sheamus, Wade Barrett and the Corre, and Alberto Del Rio, I cannot think of any heels for him to fued with. Perhaps it would be best for him to be a tweener or a face to fued with the Miz and then perhaps he could go heel again.
If it is his last stint in the World Wrestling Entertainment I would like him to work as a face. I wouldn't want another "na na na na hey hey hey goodbye" moment like we had in 2005 (?) when he first left.

Chris Jericho is great as both heel and face, I don't know how could WWE explain to us why he turned face again after calling the fans hypocrites and parasites, but that's not his problem. Like I said if it is his last run on wrestling, then, he should be face, if not, let him be heel, he can work at his best being the heel.
I know that jericho isnt on raw now, but he probably will so i will post it here. now i know that we all think that jericho will probably face orton when he gets back, but his recent comments on about the miz being him, which the miz is being jericho btw, do you think he will return as a face to face the miz?

I hope he does return as face. WWE needs faces right now, not more heels.

And when someone returns they get the default babyface pop.

I would love to see Miz in a program with Jericho. It would be great for him.

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