Jericho and Enzo's opening Raw segment


Championship Contender
Am I the only one who thought this was the best back and forth we've seen on WWE television in ages? If this is a sign of things to come with the brand split competition, sign me up. This segment alone will have me watching for more at least up through Summerslam, considering it appears that Enzo & Cass will be matched up against Jericho & Owens. Thought Owens should be put in a feud with Reigns, but this works too. Anyway, absolutely perfect promo to open the show last night in my opinion. Great pairing for a mixed tag too with Sasha and Charlotte on Enzo and Jericho's sides, respectively.

*Not to mention we had the added accidental entertainment of the ref trying to hand Charlotte the Women's Championship after the match, dropping an f bomb when he realized his mistake.

While it was a long promo segment, around 20 minutes, it felt fresh because of the people involved. Fans are really into the four wrestlers who're out there and they were out there as part of pushing along the feud over the Women's Championship. It wasn't the worn out formula featuring heel authority figures out there being the center of attention or a heel World Champion that's out there just to brag on how great he is.

Jericho & Enzo seem like such wild cards to come out during a promo segment where Sasha & Charlotte were hyping their upcoming title rematch. It's fortunate that Jericho & Enzo have good back and forth chemistry on the mic together, otherwise it could've gone downhill and this isn't something WWE should try to do on a weekly basis. There were two man promo segments last night: this one and the one featuring Rollins & Balor; both of them kept on point, both of them kept the focus on themselves and it was eventually helped along by what's been a more grounded & disciplined commentary team. Personally, I think if the opening promo segment would've been about 10 to 12 minutes, it would've been ideal, but I get why they went longer this time around.
It's probably just going to lead to Chris Jericho jobbing to Enzo & Big Cass in singles and tag matches for the next few months...sigh. RAW could desperately use Jericho as a main event superstar, but they'd rather have him do this.
Totally agree. I think Jericho has one more title run in him. Definitely deserves to be in the main event picture I think. Would've been a better fit for Smackdown, because Rollins is right where he should be as the top heel on Raw for the foreseeable future, but it is what it is. I think Styles will (or at least should) be the one to dethrone Ambrose.
I must say, 17 years later it is still an absolute privilege to see Chris Jericho on my television screen. He's among the most valuable people in the company today because his name value only continues to increase, his ego has dramatically decreased, and his entertainment value has remained at its absolute peak level. In terms of all-time talkers I really only feel comfortable putting Rock above him and he continues to validate that placement by putting on funny segments with the likes of KO, Sami, and now most recently Enzo, Sasha, and Charlotte.

The match on RAW was very well executed and they had the right team win, I'm definitely looking forward to the continuation of both programs especially with Owens joining the fold. Hopefully this leads to Y2J putting over KO down the line??? *fingers crossed, KO desperately needs a win*

So far, the new era RAW is 2 for 2, keep it up.
Thought Jericho was the star of the show and his impersonation of big cass was the funniest thing ive seen in a long time couldnt stop laughing. In my opinion Jericho was by far the better of the two think enzo isnt that good on the mic says things that dont make sense to me
Great but maybe a little longer than it should have been. Enzo-Jericho, Rollins-Balor and Ziggler-Ambrose were all very solid back and forths this week. For me, however, Id take Ziggler and Ambrose as the best of the week. Ziggler really shined in my opinion. The crowd was super into it, everything he said felt real, and I was just really happy to see him given that time
It was alright. A little long but not bad for an opening segment. At least it was different.

My only problem was Sasha Banks getting pinned in her FIRST match just ONE week after winning the Women's Title. So much for titles meaning something.

EDIT - On second thought, we could have gotten another squash or R-Truth playing Pokemon, so I don't have any problems with the length of the segment.
a) It makes me sad that Jericho & Owens are apparently going to be wasted in a tag-team angle instead of pushing them as singles wrestlers, especially considering they're two of the hottest guys on the roster.

b) If you're gonna have Owens & Jericho in a tag feud, it equally makes me sad they have to go with Enzo & BC. When those two clowns come out it's the perfect bathroom break because they say the EXACT SAME CRAP EVERY TIME. The Rock has catch-PHRASES. These two idiots have catch-PROMOS. Good grief, can you say ANYTHING different? I look forward to the day that the crowd tires of this schtick. I'm sure there are many who disagree with me, but I firmly believe that day is coming. You can't cut the same stupid promo over and over again and tell me the "WWE Universe" isn't gonna tire of it. They need to evolve their lame boring repetitive "characters" SOON.

As for the actual segment, since that was the point of this thread -- I actually felt Charlotte & Jericho's mockery of Enzo was the funniest part of the promo. Sasha is hot, so she can do or say whatever she wants and I'm fine with that :)

Wtf? Jericho is an old washed up POS. Didn't you ******s watch Ambrose beat the living hell out of him and destroy his fake $20 jacket? Jericho is old washed up nobody who shouldn't be main eventing an Indy event in a gym in BFE!
Jericho is probably my favourite person on the roster right now and I really hope he comes out on top here. He is the full package and I would really love to see him as World champion once again. He's been jobbing like nobody's business and I think it's time to give him another run.

Kevin Owens is my second fave and I think both of them should be higher up the card - but until that time I'm looking forward to seeing how this story pans out. They've shown great chemistry together in recent months whenever they've shared screentime, so it should be pretty awesome.

As for Enzo and Cass... I don't know why they're as popular as they are but I see them as harmless fun, albeit rather repetitive.

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