Jeff Jarrett's Wife Dies

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Jill Jarrett, the wife of Jeff, passed away last night.

While we don't have a lot of details, she had been battling cancer on-and-off for many years and her health issues had gotten worse over the past two months.

For the past many weeks, Jeff had been by her side virtually 24/7. When she was hospitalized, he had been practically living in the hospital, and when he had to do TVs, he would stay with her as long as possible, they fly from Nashville or Orlando, do his segments early, and then he would rush back that night.

While most in TNA were aware of her situation to a degree and could readily see what was happening, he only talked in detail to a few people, such as Don West, hence some of West's comments on the air on television. I think some could see this, but the first interview Jeff did on the air when he came back was very emotional for him, for Mike Tenay conducting it and for West at the desk.

Jeff has young children and being someone in that same situation, I could only imagine what he's been going through during this ordeal. I simply couldn't imagine anything that could be worse.

We send our deepest sympathies to Jeff and his children.

I know this isn't really wrestling news but it's still sad. My mum died of cancer and I was actually glad when she died. She'd had it for years just like Jeff's wife. So I know what he must be going through.
This is simply a tragedy. I can only hope that Jeff can be as strong as he's always shown us he's been and be able to raise his children without a mother.

Truly sad. I wonder if TNA will make a comment on it on impact? I'm also kind of surprised that WrestleZone hasn't already picked up on this.

Terrible news. I'm not exactly a godly man but may whatever god there is be with Jeff at this time.

RIP Jill Jarrett.
Ah, that sucks man. I hope Jarrett takes at least a few weeks off to think about all that he's gone through the past few months.

This is sad and it sucks not only for Jarrett but for his kids too man. Neither of my parents are dead, and I don't know anybody with Cancer, but I know it's a sad time for the whole Jarrett family. They're in my thoughts and I hope Jeff recovers and comes back stronger than ever.

This is absolutely terrible. I feel very sadly for the Jarrett family. My thoughts are totally wish Jeff at this time. Being the best friend of Owen Hart, I've always supported Jeff. It's sad to know that now, he will be in a similar situation as Martha Hart as being a single parent. I wish Jeff and the Jarrett family the best of luck in keeping it all together throughout these hard times. It seems Jill was a fighter, it's too bad that she had to lose her last battle. But then again, maybe death was her escape from the pain and a truly moral victory. In any case, rest in peace.
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So sad when a mother dies and the children have to be raised without her. I wish Jeff all the best and hope that he can continue to be strong and find some sort of closure on all of this. My best friend's mom died of cancer a few years back and it is not a pretty site.

Wow, im saddened, well RIP
i wish the jaretts the best. JUST really sad news.
i know what jeff is going through my grandmother died of cancer in 2004 it was the hardest thing ever to lose her.jeff my prayers are to you and your family.

r.i.p jill jerrett
I cannot imagine what Jeff must be going through. I have been married going on two years and I don't know what I would do if I lost her. I can't imagine having someone in my life for that long and sharing what they did and losing her. My families thoughts and prayers will definately be with Jeff.

Moreso than Jeff everyone's prayers should be with those children. My sister died a few years back, leaving my nephew only with adopted father who isn't worth a damn. Thank God my mother, father, myself, and my grandparents were there for him. Still though he has had a tough life and I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially a child. Everyone should say a prayer for this family. I hate to see a TNA without Jeff but if he had to leave to raise his children, I would really cheer him for the decision.
Damn, that truly sucks ass without even having to say it. It sucks, because she seemed to be a fighter with it, but in the end, Cancer usually is too tough to overcome.

I know plenty of people dislike Jeff Jarrett the character, but this isn't about that. We are know dealing with a man that is left to raise children on his own, and that's never an easy situation.

R.I.P. and I wish the best for the Jarrett family.
I wish him the best of luck to deal with this sad tragedy. Ever since he returned on television you can see in his eyes that his heart was not set in TNA, but rather with his wife who he was caring for and helping her through the cancer.
R.I.P Jill Jarrett

I cant imagine what Jeff must be going through, it must be awful. Jill seemed to be a fighter though and fought hard, it is so sad it came to such an end.
I can not imagne at all what Jeff must be going through and the rest of his family. I just wish Jeff the best and his family as they try to move on

RIP Jill Jarrett
This has to be really sad, because you know Jeff Jarrett also lost his best friend exactly 8 years ago. Owen Hart died on May 23, 1999
I was hoping she would make it, his dedication to her is what made me respect him more. Hopefully their kids are ok, it's hardest on them to lose a mother.
I dunno really what to say except Rest In Peace Jill Jarrett, and my heart goes out too Jeff and his children.
Lexjames, you're right about Owen. I remember JJ's speach the next night, and it was truly moving. Even losing a best friend can't be close to losing the mother of your children though, still, just a bad day it seems for him.
Lexjames, you're right about Owen. I remember JJ's speach the next night, and it was truly moving. Even losing a best friend can't be close to losing the mother of your children though, still, just a bad day it seems for him.

Losing a friend is bad, but as you said not even close to your wife. But I think Jeff is tough and he will be just fine, he will be down for a while but he will pull thru. But his kids will handle it worse, I am more wondering how they are doing. That was their mother.:(
Normally when I post something on here, it eventually has me being critical about something in wrestling. Not this time. This is a sad and tragic loss. Whether you cheered or booed Jeff Jarrett, you can't help but feel sadness for the guy. Like many of us on here have already stated, the loss of a loved one is never easy. It's painful and a lot of the times unbearable. But somehow and some way, we have to find a way to be strong. This may not be involving wrestling but this is one of those things that is a lot bigger than wrestling. My heartfelt wishes and condolences to the Jarrett family and for his wife god rest her soul. If this leads to a long absence or even retirement, I'd understand it and again can wish only the best for Jeff Jarrett and his family.
My condolences to Jarret Family, be strong. Jill Jarret R.I.P; It must be very hard this, but this are very sad news.
My heart goes out to Jeff and his family, especially the 3 young children that will have to grow up without their mother. This is truly a sad situation.
I'm glad everyone is taking the time to write in this thread. It is great to see everyone paying respects to the Jarret family anyway they can.

I am sorry to the family for their loss. Jeff Jarret is a class act and one of the finest wrestlers ever. I wish him the best and hope he can remain strong.
I really don't know what to say, it seems everthing that could or should be said has already been said so I guess I'm with everyone else on this, and sorry for the loss, I hope that the Jarrett family can find strength through this tough time, and relize that Jill Jarrett is in a truley better place now, I always sucks to see someone you care about die, and if Jeff decides that he needs to retire to raise his kids then I hope that everyone can understand and support his decision, family should always come first
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