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Jeff Jarrett's Return

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
So I've been basically banging my head on the keyboard, trying to think of new topics to discuss. I've got William Regal's return down, and the fugly new ECW belt down. I can't believe this hadn't hit me yet. Jeff Jarrett's return.

In any topic about it, Jeff Jarrett is constantly proclaimed Mr. TNA. Well, AJ Styles sometimes beats him to it. However, Jarrett is the 40% owner of TNA (that is correct, isn't it?) and a multi-time world champion. After a short and half-hearted (who could blame the guy) return in 2007, after he left after his match with Sting nearly two years ago, it seems he's finally set to return. My source? Well, I can't actually find a picture of the poster sadly. Point being, Jarrett features on a poster hyping the next UK tour, and is listed under people who'll be competing.

I don't want to throw out too many ideas, simply because it'd soak up all the potential discussion. However, there's already been talk about a showdown with Angle at BFG 08, but who knows when he could be coming back? It's just between now and January.
A Jarrett/Angle match would be nothing stellar, Jarrett is average at best but Angle can make anyone look like a million bucks. I'd mostly just want to see it for the outcome, considering it's two of the biggest egos in the TNA locker room. I'd be like a modern day HHH vs. Undertaker, except it hasn't been done yet since these two have never crossed paths inside any wrestling ring.
He has to be booked by Russo.. If he is booked by anyone else, he'd be cutting lame promos, doing matches where he'd just win normally at PPVs. Nobody would care for him.

I'm not sure how Russo/TNA would book him at this time. He's been off for a good 1.5 years. His slapnuts gimmick is the best.. he had a few good runs in TNA but most of it was annoying/forgettable...

TNA Has so many stars right now.. adding jeff back into the mix may be hard unless they have some sort of hybrid owner/wrestler gimmick going on for him, as he is owner and this is obvious

not quite sure how the gimmick will come across.. maybe he can play a bischoff type character where he's the partial owner, but will wrestle
I have never been a huge fan of Jeff Jarrett, but over the past couple of months I've really been looking forward to his return. I keep crossing my fingers every time TNA bills a "mystery partner". Finally it looks as though a return is really going to happen. It will be interesting to see where Jarrett will fit into the current TNA scene. With most of the focus being on Kurt Angle since his debut, I guess it would only be natural to see the Angle v. Jarrett fued. Jarrett v. Booker T may also be an option since TNA is trying like hell to keep Booker in the main event picture.
I have to agree that Jarrett was at his best when he had the Slapnuts gimmick. The catch phrase of "Choke On This Slap Nuts!" was one of my favorites for a good few months. Jarrett wouldn't win over the fans if he automatically jumped himself into a title shot picture. An Angles/Jarrett feud seems to work the best to me, but would require Jarrett working face or Angle turning face. That to me does not seem logical for either to do right now. Angle let's face it will always be a heel and if turns may ruin his rep. Jarrett/Sting was a year and a half ago and I personally am tired of seeing that feud. I can see Booker winning the title, Joe turning heel, and Jarrett facing booker in a feud, but than brings me to the point of don't give jarrett a title shot cause he is the owner and hasnt been active in a year and a half. Russo will think of some horrible idea though to get him in the mix as per usual!
I guess having Jarrett come back be a good idea, but whats the point of him coming back when we all know that he will only show up for a few months and then disappear again. A showdown with Angle at BFG 08 would be good, as I could see Jarrett returning to call out Angle or something like that to build on what as was looking like a Jarrett Angle feud after Lockdown 07. Angle will make it fantastic as Jarrett is a good worker, but Angle is a great worker. After an Angle/Jarrett feud then Jarrett should feud with some who is not a main event player to evulate them as I believe TNA is past the point of having Jarrett be the man and even having have Jarrett on TV. So personally I dont care about a Jarrett return.
It will be nice to Jeff, especially after the bad twist he had with his wife and all. I think Jarrett is another one of those wrestlers that can be that damn good on any given day, just depends on what day it is. He's at his best when he a heel and especially when he is training hard, and we all can tell when that is going on. I hope that TNAQ does something good with him though. It will be interresting to see where this goes down the road.
Last time Jeff returned, he started a mini feud with Roode and *grasp* put him over! I'd love to see JJ continue that path and feud with the young stars like Roode, Storm, Kaz, etc. As for his return, i don't see it happening at Bound For Glory. I see it happening on the England tour, just to give the tour more of a buzz and more of a "must see show" in the fact Jeff's return won't be shown on TV. I honesty can't wait to see Jeff back in the ring.
I would be happy to see a Jeff Jarrett return. I happen to be a fan, and though his is aging in years, he can probably still pull off some good matches and help out younger talent. I like what he does in the ring, and his character could be used for some good feuds. The only thing I hope is that they don't put the belt back on him. He is too old to be carrying the company, especially with guys like Kurt Angle at the head of the company. Guys like him and Sting should just keep their hands off the belt. I have no problem with them competing for it though, as long as they don't carry it.
well the event that occured at hard justice where the lights went out and Samoa Joe had a guitar in hand could a possible indication that Jeff Jarrett could be returning soon I saw in the spoilers for this week that this it was AJ Styles using the guitar on Kurt Angle so its got to be Jarrett
I hate Jeff Jarrett as a character and as a wrestler, it certainly won't give me any incentive to start watching TNA more. Back in the day he got "bad" heel heat, the kind that Vickie Guerrero gets because no one wants to watch her and yet she's put on our television sets. I'd hope that if Jarrett does return its certainly not in the Main Event because that won't bring any ratings in and its certainly not, in my mind, going in the right direction for the main event scene. I don't want to see a Joe/Jarrett feud, Joe was held back and not given his chance to be champion in the past because of Jarrett's direction. I certainly wouldn't want to see Jarrett teamed up with either Joe or Styles, as that would make no sense to me with TNA history. Jarrett should be used to push younger talent, nothing more.
I dont understand why people bitch about Jarrett returning so much. Complain there are no big names to make up the main event level, then complain that he comes back.

Controversial or not, I like Jarrett. The guy knows what he's doing in the ring and is decent on the mic. So what if he runs the company and can pretty much book himself as champ all he wants...yet hasn't been champion since 2006, put over Robert Roode and was part of a good match at Lockdown.

Jarrett only returns in spells because at least then he can create interest and leave again to look after his own life. He gives TNA something different, and hate him or not, people still watch him because of who he is.

As far as Angle vs Jarrett...real life bitterness works in a storyline, but would either man put the other over is the question. Maybe if a third party was involved they'd get the rub, but neither guy'll be willing to back down.
I've only recently started tuning in to TNA, and I've bought the odd DVD too but I've never seen Jeff Jarrett fight at all.

Looking forward to his return, however for me it will just be to see if he is any good.
In my opinion, Jeff Jarrett is the most underappreciated wrestler in history. The guy has done so much for the business, but is usually viewed in such a bad light. Why? People always claim how horrible the last couple of years WCW were, but I'll tell you this: I, personally, was NEVER disappointed with a Jeff Jarrett main event match. His run with Booker for the WCW Title was fantastic. While the booking was crap, Jarrett always delivered when it came to his matches.

Onto TNA, he gets looked at as a person who holds people down and always wants to remain on top. But really, who deserved to have his spot all those years? Raven in 2003 is the only guy I can remember thinking that he deserved a run and could carry the main event scene as well as Jarrett did. Before someone mentions AJ Styles, the guy had his chances and did great with every single one of them. He was never held down. But who else was there? Monty Brown? Abyss? Killings? None of those guys were and never will be World Championship material. However, Jarrett was and he did a great job until someone else finally came along who would carry the company as well as he did (Christian, Angle, Sting, Joe, ect.).

So, yes, I very much want to see him return. He’s one of the best workers today and I’m stoked that there’s a big chance we’re going to get at least one more run out of him. And the fact that there’s a strong possibility that he will be feuding with Angle makes it all that much more exciting. That is going to be great. Even if the writing is shit, you'll definitely get some great matches whenever Jarrett or Angle is involved. Can’t wait.
Double J return would be good for TNA. and this Sting "angle" is making things interesting. and keep in mind TNA may soon have the likes of Foley and Flair. TNA seems to be heading in the right direction. Now if only theyll fire Russo.
Keeping Russo would be a better move than hiring a has been who barely made it through the last few years in WWE with his legend intact. Without starting a Russo thread (there are plenty), at least Russo proves a draw occasionally lately. Flair is over the hill. If Foley goes to TNA (note...IF- it's not official), then I reckon he'll do the same as the other 'legends' TNA has. Work with the young guys and build them up

Provided Jarrett puts someone else over, as opposed to pushing himself to the moon, it will work nicely. I think from his last run in TNA, he is perfectly willing to sacrifice his fame for the sake of his company. The fact is that like him or loathe him, he is known. WWE fans know who he is and he is a lure.
I'm curious to see how the crowd reacts when Jarrett returns, which has a lot to do with how much of the audience is old TNA fans, and how much is comprised of people who begun watching because of Angle.

Angle has, since his debut, been far and away the centerpiece of TNA. The question is... when Jarrett returns, will anyone care? People that watched late WCW and pre-Angle TNA are going to be excited, but what about everyone else?

I admit that part of my issue is that, no matter what company, I NEVER bought Double J as a main-eventer. He's a damn solid worker with good mic skills, but he just doesn't have anything about him that screams 'centerpiece' to me. It's the HHH problem to me... as in, looking at HHH, it's clear that he'd be a centerpiece no matter his relation to the ownership, but I've never been convinced that Double J would have been. If he had stayed in WWF after his last IC run, would he have even risen to the upper echelon on talent alone (really, that's also a statement on the state of WWE in general, but that's another topic altogether)? I sincerely doubt it.

The biggest question here is ego. Angle has it, Jarrett has it. Has Jarrett's time off softened him? Will he be able to co-exist with Angle when they're both performing as wrestlers? Or, I guess, will Angle be able to relinquish his spotlight?

Anyway, I'm curious to see what happens.
by the way, every time i post i get a message saying im spamming and i got banned once from here. can anyone fill me in on what the deal is?

If you post in a non-spam thread and you only type one or two sentences that don't elaborate on your opinion, its considered spam.

For instance, if I had left that comment at just that, I'd be spamming.

So as far as Jarrett goes...I've never been a fan of TNA. I've never really watched more than a few full episodes, as I typically just catch some segments now and then on Saturday nights when I'm bored out of my mind and nothing else is on. Thusly, I've never seen Jarrett involved in it. The last time I saw a JJ match was when he was still in the "WWF" with the guitar and he had shorter hair. Has he improved in the ring? Has he gotten worse? All I keep hearing is that he's not really too impressive as a technician anymore and that he supposedly thrusts himself into the main event for too long. If that's the case, then I feel bad for people that watch TNA and don't like him...although I feel bad for people that watch TNA anyway haha.

From what I DO know, though, I'd assume that they're trying to build up to a Sting/JJ feud. Can't be THAT bad, can it?
I am just now getting into TNA but I remember Jarret well from WCW. He is a very good wrestler and performer. He makes you wanna hate him when he is a heal with his arrogant ways and he has serious wrestling talent.

With that being said I think TNA is setting the table for his return with the guitar angle that is currently going on. If you remember he always carried around a guitar even as far back as his NWO days. If this isn't a setup for jarret to return I will be very surprised.
I'd love to see a Jarret return, as long as he doesn't instantly become the centre of the main event for the next year. Yeah, initially in the picture, but not holding/main chaser for the forseeable future. For me, he's been out long enough that he needs another build, not an instant 5* elevation above everyone else that's been on a build.
Someone else just mentioned it and I am going to have to say the same thing. JJ returning is a GREAT thing. This guy ABSOLUTELY LOVES the wrestling business and cares more about the business than his own ego, as he has shown many of times.
In the past he was the "top dawg" because he HAD TO BE to draw any ratings and any fans and get this company off of the ground.
Now, with people like Angle, Joe and Booker in the fold he has a lot more he can do than just hold onto the belt. Hell, he barely had time to have that good of a feud with Christian. I mean, when he was winning all of those TNA World Titles he HAD to be champ, there was not a Christian, Joe, Angle, Booker, regularly working Sting, etc. around so it had to be JJ vs. a couple of others (primarily Styles).
It will be very interesting to see how this angle plays out. And I personally LOVE the storyline of US vs. THEM ... EVERYONE pick a side ... it makes for solid booking and easy mixes of heels and faces.
Everyone should be eager to see this change in TNA after it had grown so stale.
Jeff jarret is going to return and have something to do with sting it's obvious by the guitar on booker at No Surrender i think the white guitar and the history between sting and nash it's obvious to me it going to be liike how sting returned except with jeff jarret
He'll come and probably feud with or join rock and rave infection that would be a good feud or team
Jeff Jarrett join The Rock'n Rave Infection? Eh, I guess anything is possible. It is TNA.

The way it's being set up, it looks like Jarrett will join Joe and company against the veterans' stable, which doesn't make sense to me considering Jarrett would qualify as a veteran. I mean, wasn't he the one leading the Kings of the Mountain stable with Hall and Nash just a few years ago? Then again, I suppose his reasoning for siding with Joe and A.J will be that he sees them as the future of a company he has a vested interest in, so he wouldn't want Sting and Angle to destroy that future. Who knows?
The way it's being set up, it looks like Jarrett will join Joe and company against the veterans' stable

I disagree, I see shades of bound for glory 2006 all over this. If anything Jarrett is back for sting, just how sting came back for Jarrett. I wouldn't be surprised if joe or nash never mentioned sting again and just kept this an aj styles thing until bound for glory.
Should be interesting to see how Jarrett will figure into things here in the next few weeks. We've seen the guitar every week since Hard Justice, and for the last two or three weeks, his music alone has caused a stir about as crazy as John McCain's recent shock announcement. The question is, is he truly ready to make the return that the Jarrett fans are anxiously awaiting? Or will it be a half-hearted return like we saw on his most recent return back in 2007? Definitely waiting to see this one.
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