Jeff Jarrett


Damn it feels good to be a Taylor!!
While I was looking around on youtube i was watch some old matches of his. This got me to thinking what if he had never left the WWE in 1999? Would he have ever been a world champ? Would we have TNA and all the stars that it created? I want to know what you guys think about this.

I think that his time in WCW in 99 and after with the slap nuts gimmick is what made him a star, while in WWE no one could doubt him being a good worker he was just a small fish in a big pond with The Rock, SCSA, Big Show and HHH in the main event scene at the time, And in coming years there was Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle. So to answer the question no i dont think he would have ever been a world champion.

As for TNA it also wouldn't have happened seeing as how he founded it to start wrestling again, he would still have his job and would have never stopped wrestling
Jeff Jarrett has always been a solid overall worker but I've never bought into him as a main eventer. I always thought he was a pretty good mid-card wrestler but Jeff Jarrett never struck me as someone that could legitimately be the top guy in a major company.

Jarrett started out working for his father Jerry in the old CWA promotion and later on in the USWA. He was a star when he worked for his father, a main eventer and it could be easy to think that nepotism was part of the reason for that. Then again, Jeff Jarrett was a good worker inside the ring. When he came to the WWF as Double J, I think he was put exactly where he was supposed to have been. I think Jarrett was a six time IC champ and he was a pretty good one overall from what I remember. If Jarrett had stayed in the WWF, I don't believe he would have ever been the top guy. He was just completely overshadowed by the likes of HBK, Undertaker, Bret Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and others.

When Jarrett was in WCW, I also never bought into him as a main eventer. He was a complete flop as a member of the Four Horsemen and his runs as WCW World Heavyweight Champion were completely forgettable. He may have won the title four times, but those four runs totaled 58 days combined and took place when the quality of WCW was at an all time low. I think that one thing that hurt Jarrett in my eyes is that they kept trying to make him a heel and I don't personally find him the least bit authentic as a heel.

I think that Jeff Jarrett would have eventually gone on to create TNA even if he'd stayed in the WWF and never gone to WCW. After all, as I said earlier, I don't believe Jarrett would have ever been top guy in the WWF and I think frustration at going nowhere would have eventually caused him to leave.
have to agree with Jack-Hammer I do like Jeff Jarrett and think he is good both in the ring and on the mic, but he isnt great in either catagory, I think that Jeff Jarrett is his own biggest fan.

To answer ur question, I think he would have been a mid-carder maybe eventually moved to the main event but not untill they started trying to make new stars, around the time they moved Edge to the main event. Even that is questionable, he might have stalled out like Christian cause I dont think Vince was particularly high on double J
To answer ur question, I think he would have been a mid-carder maybe eventually moved to the main event but not untill they started trying to make new stars, around the time they moved Edge to the main event. Even that is questionable, he might have stalled out like Christian cause I dont think Vince was particularly high on double J

Vince doesn't like Jeff because he threatened to no show a ppv unless Vince payed him a ridiculous amount of money and Vince had no choice but to do it since it was on such short notice. Thats why his contract wasn't picked up by WWE when they bought WCW, otherwise as far as i know they were always fine up until then.
I think that Jeff Jarrett could have been a main eventer in WWE but it was not going to happen due to Stone Cold's hatred for Jeff because i heard that at Unforgiven and No Mercy 1999 Jeff was supposed to have versed Austin but he vetoed that plan.
I do believe, in the Rise and Fall of WCW, they had a little segment on Jarret. It was interesting, because it was about the Bash at The Beach match, where Russo, fired Hogan, and they had that Bull shit match. I do believe the quote was, "His Tennessee brain never realized that he wasn't a big draw. We went through Ten thousand guitars, and never sold any seats."

He left the WWE/F because he was just a mid-carder. A good mid-carder I might add. Russo had big plans for him, so he jumped ship. However, when he jumped ship, it really wasn't a big deal. I remember when Jericho jumped ship, and that was huge. Everybody was talking about it. It was a good move. Jeff Jarret jumped back to WCW, and it wasn't really a big deal.

So, would he of been a Main event in WWF. Well, if he worked well, gave good promos, and didn't get involved with politics, maybe. Or at least have some good feuds with the Rock, or something.

What hurt his career though, was his last run in WCW. He just up and left WWF right after a pay-per-view, just to hold the belt in WCW. Reason why he didn't have a job after the buyout. I mean, Hogan had a job. Nash and Hall. Steiner, Booker T, Goldberg. All those guys had a good job after wards. Jarret had to start his own promotion for his work again.
I have always been a fan of Jarrett. I think he is good in the ring and good on the mic but I don't think I can buy him being a World Champion. I bought it when he was in TNA up until about 2006 but until then you didn't have the bigger names involved witht he expection of Raven who was there full time and other part time guys who came in and out. Jarrett was the big fish in a small pond so it made sense. I didn't care for him as Champion in WCW as I felt there were others that were much more deserving of the title like Booker & Steiner and I just didn't buy it. Maybe it was because his last match in the WWF he lost to Chyna in a ridiculous hardcore match. Could he have been something in WWE? I'm not sure. I'd like to think so but I'm just not sure.
At first I thought that if Jarrett hadn't jumped, or more importantly hadn't held up Vince for a big payday on his way out, he eventually would have held a world title in WWE. After Austin, Rock, Foley and Lesnar left, and Undertaker and HBK were part timers, just about everybody who was at Jarrett's level and who was still working full-time got a try as World Champion--Guerrero, Benoit, Edge, Big Show, JBL, Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Booker, Mysterio.

Or maybe not. I just pulled up the list of IC champions. We're talking about Jarrett's 1999 reigns, so I'm starting with HHH vacating the title in 1998. Ken Shamrock, Goldust, Road Dogg, Godfather, Jarrett, Edge, JArrett, D'Lo Brown, Chyna. Right after that, though, you get Jericho, Angle and Benoit.

Of that group, plus JBL, Mysterio, and Booker, Jericho and Angle won their titles pretty quickly. JBL, Booker and Edge only won the world title after complete character overhauls. Mysterio, Benoit and Guerrero got over largely on their in-ring work, which isn't going to help JArrett.

JArrett looks more like Bob Holly to me than Jericho, Benoit or Edge.
I really doubt he would ever been a world champ in WWE. I don't think WWE would have kept him much longer if hadn't left when he did. So yes I think TNA would be around regardless of when he left WWE.

I never saw him as a believable world champion. He had to start his own company to be the top star. It only worked in the early days of TNA because most of guys he was facing were unknown or other guys who should of been mid carders.

The only reason he was WCW champion was because of his friendship with Russo, and that was a huge failure.
I remember when WCCW and USWA merged and I first laid eyes on J-E Double F J-A Double R-E Double T. I thought, wow, who's this skinny kid?

I've come to like Jeff a bit, since he overcame the death of his wife to get with a hottie like Karen Angle. I liked the underdog role he played recently.

But let's be honest, and I'm not going to mention his family ties, if he hadn't been pals with Russo, I doubt he would have ever hit the "heights" he did.

Cause me, at my age, the FIRST thing I think when I see ol' Double J is, "Man, I remember when that guy was a skinny, long haired weiner."

That is all.
Never cared for the guy. I never thought he was anything more than a glorified mid-carder who needed daddy's help to make it look like he was a true "star". If he had stayed in the WWE, I doubt he would have been world champion. He is just incredibly boring. Zero charisma. Others hit it on the head...he had to create his own company to become the top guy. Jeff Jarrett always felt to me like the guy the wrestling company, whether it was WWF, WCW or TNA, wanted you to think was a star, and deep down, you knew he really wasn't, that you were being force fed a lie.
Jarrett is one of the most boring guys ever to hold a world title. His guitar-bashing act is so outdated now, and would never have been exciting enough to get him over in a major way in WWE.

There were so many guys at the time who were better in the ring, better on the mic and simply looked like more of a star than Double J. I just cannot see Vince ever having giving him a world title in the 'E.

A mid carder at very very best
Not much. He might have gotten a quick thing in the main event, but with Austin and Rock and HHH on top, that old southern style never would have worked. Jarrett got all those titles in WCW because no one else was around to get them. Hell even Booker T got pushed in that time. Jarrett never got over a a main event guy and he owned the company that he got a lot of his titles in. No, Jarrett would not have gotten to the top in WWF, not with all that other talent there first.

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