Jeff Hardy to the X Division


Pre-Show Stalwart
Plain and simple Jeff Hardy is coming back he is still signed by TNA and it would not make sense for him to come back as a heel.

You dont just throw someone back into the mainevent or even mid card feud after the screwed you major like Jeff Hardy did

The X-division is not about weight limits its about No limits but i cannot see anyone in that division beating abyss with that said, Jeff hardy returning face against abyss and beating him i could see

By all accounts jeff hardy is definitely the most popular "high flyer" of the past decade he could bring prestige back and make the matches seem like a bigger deal, no offense the X-divison needs name value and Aj styles doesnt deserve the down grade just to make that happen

Jeff Hardy could bring attention and get alot of the guys on the roster notice in his matches and once he proves himself and moves up on the card he could drop the title to the new leader of the x-division and get whoever that may be over.

To me i dont see X-division ging away not with it being renamed Impact wrestling

Do you think Hardy could make the X-division title matter?

Would you want to see him back?

Do you think he should be booked at a higher spot then the X division upon his return?
I want to see Jeff hardy fired. He's a liability. He brings bad publicity to the company. He's either going to die on the roster or show up messed up so often that Scott Hall jokes become Jeff Hardy jokes.
I'd like to see this only when and IF Jeff Hardy stays off the drugs wrestling and weed don't mix seriously the only time I'd ever want to see him again is if he's the clean 2007-09 Jeff hardy who was passionate enough to atleast not come to a show high let alone a major ppv in the MAIN EVENT
I really feel for him before talking about his position in the company make sure he's not a liability to the company.
Let's face it, he's not gunna get fired so shut the fuck up about it and answer Mrbooker's actual question!

Yeah I've thought about this myself and it's the only way I can see Jeff ever having any success again. I think somewhere down the road Abyss will face a 'mystery opponent' and it will end up being Jeff.
While I've never liked Jeff Hardy, and I don't know if he's worth the risk, you're probably correct that he's going to be back in TNA sooner or later. That being said, undoubtedly making Hardy X-Division champion would be huge for the division. As a former TNA and WWE world champion, Hardy will make the belt seem credible, and if other X-Division wrestlers can put on a good match against Hardy it will definitely make fans sit up and take notice (which is much needed, particularly after The Young Bucks just lost a match to E.B and Matt Hardy :banghead:). The 'demotion' would also be appropriate, as Jeff Hardy should be kept far away from the main event for a long time. And it could also be worked into the storyline of Jeff's 'redemption', with him entering the purist X division in order to find himself again. Another bonus would be that Jeff's complete lack of mic-skills might make the X-division wrestlers seem great by comparison. I like this idea, and I hope that TNA implements it.
I would personally prefer if he returned as a heel. The Victory Road issue still could be used on his advantage since he is playing the character of the antichrist of pro-wrestling. Despite this I doubt he will return as a heel. Most likely he will be back as a face. What would be his role? I don't know and I don't think they wouldn't put him in the main event scene immediately.

One possible scenario would be that Jeff returns to help Matt. At some point Matt turns face, or is screwed by Immortal, and Jeff returns to help him.

To sum up, I like jeff, I want him back in TNA. Hopefully, after he gains trust and proves that he is clean, I would like to see him in the main event picture.
Do you think Hardy could make the X-division title matter?

Would you want to see him back?

Do you think he should be booked at a higher spot then the X division upon his return?

I think Jeff could be a big help to the X Division and I want to eventually see him back in TNA. But at this time, any run in the X Division for Jeff, say over a month, would be a waste.

First, Jeff has an ego. I think he would view this as a demotion and right he should. I can't see him putting over Kendrick and Red.

TNA could use Jeff to give the X Division a jump start. But Jeff belongs in the upper card. His antichrist of professional wrestling character is one of the best I've seen in a while.
frankly I'm disgusted by those saying xdvision is a demotion. jeff hardy started in xdivision in his fist tna match facing aj redebuted in2019 after an xdivision match taking out homicide. The x title or an xdivision match isn't gonna hurt him. maybe late 08-2010 it would have been but you can tell they've slowly been building it up. I was thinking about this yesterday...I originally wanted hardy to return at bound for gloey but idk if anyone has seen the destination X ppv poster. Has a big X with the words forward to the past at the top...with a six sided ring...I was thinkin that it'd be kinda cool to have a hardy/styles rehash from their first matcg
I'd like to see this only when and IF Jeff Hardy stays off the drugs wrestling and weed don't mix seriously

Why do some people seem to have this ridiculous misconception that Jeff's problem are in some way related to marijuana? The majority of guys in the business are atleast casual pot-smokers. Marijuana does not drastically hinder your ability to work in the ring(or to do most any job really).

Regular marijuana users are able to smoke and still complete their normal everyday tasks. Look at RVD, he has been a habitual weed smoker the whole time he has been in the business, and it has not stopped him from becoming a mega-star and one of the most consistently entertaining performers in the industry for well over a decade. Marijuana is a very innocent natural substance. It is far less dangerous and debilitating than alcohol. That is an undebatable FACT.

Jeff's problems clearly stem from a dependence on prescription medication(or, god forbid, something much worse with the same symptoms- like Heroin). Jeff Hardy is not struggling to get over the hump of smoking marijuana, he is dealing with a REAL problem that should not be understated. His issues don't result from the effects of a nearly harmless herb that is only illegal due to a very false propoganda war won by the US government many decades ago.
Plain and simple Jeff Hardy is coming back he is still signed by TNA and it would not make sense for him to come back as a heel.

You dont just throw someone back into the mainevent or even mid card feud after the screwed you major like Jeff Hardy did.

So, he doesn't deserve a main event slot, but he should come back as a babyface? He deserves to be cheered? :suspic:

It's the Impact! Zone, and those idiots will cheer for anyone. So, in a weird way, you're probably on the right track.

Do you think Hardy could make the X-division title matter?

By dominating anyone he faces for that title? Jeff Hardy losing to guys like Amazing Red, Brian Kendrick or The Buck Brothers isn't believable, so no, I don't think he can make that division mean anything. The kind of domination we would see from Jeff would definitely shoot him back into the main event scene, but there's no way he sticks around the X-Division long enough to make a difference. Actually, he wouldn't be involved with that division to start with, so I've just wasted a few minutes typing this out.

Would you want to see him back?

No, not really. He basically took a big, steaming shit on the entire fanbase, and this isn't the first time the guy has let his personal problems ruin what he has going on in professional wrestling. The chances have run out, in my opinion, but I doubt TNA feels the same.

Do you think he should be booked at a higher spot then the X division upon his return?

Well, seeing I don't think he should come back at all, the answer is no. But, it's inevitable. He's coming back, probably as a face, no matter how insane that sounds. The Impact! Zone crowd will literally cheer anyone that steps foot inside the building, and I highly doubt it will be any different with Hardy. I hope I'm wrong, I really do. I hope they boo him right back to rehab. But, they won't, and sooner rather than later, he'll be back on television.
As ridiculous as this sounds, it wouldn't surprise me to see Jeff Hardy right back in the main event picture if & when he makes his return. I know it doesn't make a lick of sense but considering the issues Hardy was dealing with to begin with, it made just as little sense for TNA to push him so heavily to the main event spot in the first place. Jeff Hardy, metaphorically speaking, had a grenade in each hand. In one hand were his legal issues & potential future as a convicted felon while the other represented his long & documented history with drugs. It was just a matter of time before he pulled the pin out of one of them and blew himself up. TNA knew this and they took the chance. So yeah, I won't be at all surprised if TNA tries to put Jeff right back in a main event spot. If they think they can make it work, they'll give it a shot.

If Jeff Hardy was placed into the X Division, I don't beleive he'd have much of an effect. Most of the X Division wrestlers are kind of looked at as scrubs at this point in time. That's TNA's fault rather than theres so having Hardy come back and decimate the likes of Generation Me or Brian Kendrick isn't going to mean much to anyone. The only way the X Division is going to become relevant is if it's treated with relevance. Given the way that most of the highest profile X Division guys in TNA right now were decimated this past Thursday, relevance isn't coming soon. No one person can save the X Division right now or make the X Division Championship mean anything, not even Jeff Hardy.

Do I want him to come back? I honestly don't know. Truth is, I don't know if Jeff Hardy can come back and be even remotely like the guy we saw a couple of years ago in the WWE. If he can't, then I don't think he should even try. Jeff Hardy has a lot to prove to fans and is going to be the butt of many more jokes for a long time to come and deservedly so. It'd be a great, inspirational story if Hardy were to make a comeback and find his way back to the type of wrestler that he used to be.

As to whether he should be booked higher upon his return, my answer is no. Even though, as I said, I won't be the least bit surprised if Hardy is booked back towards the main event scene, he has a lot to prove. If anything, I think Hardy should be booked lower and let him work his way back up the ladder. Let him show by actions and time that he's conquered his demons. Some might argue that would be wasting a marquee star like Jeff Hardy. The problem with that stance is that Jeff Hardy isn't a marquee star anymore, he's a drug addict whose problems have dramatically reduced his efficiency as a pro wrestler and have made him a joke. He wants a seat at the table, then let him work his ass off to show that he deserves it.
Hardy could make the X Division matter far more than having ABYSS as champion would. However, I do not want to see him back onscreen until he has cleaned up his act. That will probably never happen. The man may be entertaining but he has serious issues that need to be worked out before he hurts himself or someone else. I think that if he came back he could be in the X Division to make it matter or in a higher spot but NOT as world champion until he has showed he deserves it. A demotion to the X Division would do him as well as the midcard title some good.
Hardy is such a controversial subject... and a real tough one for TNA management.

On one hand he absolutely screwed the comapny the fans and himself. On the other he is highly paid, is a huge money earner and as far as TNA talent go looked uponj as a main event player.

What to do with Hardy would be anyone's guess. Maybe management hope he quits so they don't have to pay him, I don't know...

In regards to the question if he does return and is put on tv yes it would again be a tough position for the company. Do you reward a guy for what he has done by putting him in the main event, and pissing off the rest of the roster? Do you put him in the X Division which he would probably dominate which again gives him main event status again as he would probably still be on every episode, just elevating that title? Therefore you might as well put him in the main event (world title) scene....

It really is a tough call.

I for one preferred him as a heel. And IF he returns maybe the kiddies would cheer for him because they don't understand but hopefully the smarky Impact Zone would boo him for the shit he pulled creating massive heat and then once again he is a mian event player..

Man the head spins...

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