Jeff Hardy: time to change?

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
As many of you might or might not know Jushin Liger is one of greatest prowrestlers to ever step foot in a wrestling ring, he was born in 1964, so he is now at the end of his career.

At does this have to do with Jeff Hardy? Well, Jeff Hardy is well known worldwide for his aerial's skills inside the squared circle but it has been reported that Hardy is having serious troubles with his back and other parts of his body that aren't quite at good shape after so many bumps.

Liger is smaller than Jeff Hardy and he has more a mixture between a powerhouse and a highflyer and in my opinion it was great because almost no one expected him to go to a ring and powerbomb or ligerbomb a opponent but he could actually pull it off.

So with that being said, I think that Jeff Hardy should look into some Jushin Liger's tapes and try to change his in-ring skills to go a little more like Liger, because he could also solve some health issues that he is having right now thanks to his in-ring style. I do think that Hardy has the skills to pull it off, but maybe, just maybe it's too late to change his in-ring style...

Whats your oppinion?
Hardy has always imo been a poor mans luchador. He needs to add more Ligeresque moves to his routine or he will always be a one trick pony. That being said, I dont expect Hardy to change his routine, and I dont really expect him to be around much longer. Personally I didnt miss him when he left before, and I wont miss him when he leaves this time.
The problem with that is in Japan, Liger faced guys of a similar size. Whereas Jeff would have to powerbomb guys who are 3 inches taller and 60lbs heavier. Say jeff does have the ability to powerbomb/brainbuster guys like say Randy Orton, what is stopping someone who actually goes to the gym doing it.

Eventually every ~200lb would be powerbombing people and then it just cheapens the moves.
Jeff could do it. He already does that sloppy sit out suplex facebuster which is a bit more of a power move since you're halting their moment to plant them on their face instead of throwing them over your shoulder. He'd just be treading into Batista territory if he were to start powerbombing people, and that's the Animal's one trick.
He could maybe try to pull off a sunset flip powerbomb like Eddie Guerrero did. It doesn't require him to look just as dominant as Batista or whoever but it still looks good without really killing himself.

I just don't see Jeff lasting all that long as an active in-ring competitor. So I don't think he is going to switch up his moveset all that much. If anything when he sees the end coming he might just lay off high risk stuff. If he were the type of dude that needs to thrive off wrestling and hang in there until the last possible moment, I can see him switching it up. I read that money was never an issue with Jeff, so either he is actually smart with his money or he is that type of dude that can give a shit less either way how he makes a living.
I'd go even farther than calling Jeff Hardy a poor man's luchador. I'd call him a poor man's everything. His high spots, basic chain wrestling, technically ability, etc. are all sloppy. I think he gets away with it because he comes as someone who commits to the moves. He can't do anything great but he damned sure tries. I only wish his commitment to the business overall would echo his in ring philosophy.

When I watch Jeff Hardy matches I can't help but cringe. It's just so hit or miss. If he wants to do well then he'll take a few extra seconds to line up his high spots and he'll let someone lead him through a match so it comes off as good as evidenced by just first two matches this year with Matt and a few of his matches last year with Hunter. But if he's not in the zone the result is an absolute trainwreck.

I agree that Jeff should lay off the high spots to preserve his career but I gotta question what that means for him in the future. Jeff got over as the more noticeable Hardy and became such a fan favorite BECAUSE of the high spots. High spots are his gimmick. Without them there isn't much left. Fat emo girls and skinny dudes with black nail polish might move on and find someone else to cheer for.
I completely agree... When Hardy had the WWE title, it just didnt look right. He was a great IC champ, but thats it. I think a change would have to be in the realm of making him a heel. Something like him having a slpit personality, which probably isnt too far fetched anyway. His moves are fine, but he has nothing "devastating". Whisper in the wind? Yea, that doesnt exactly scream, "he's not getting up from that".

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