Jeff Hardy Suspended for 60 days.

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This is from on their features section.

In accordance with its Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy, WWE has suspended Jeff Hardy for 60 days, for his second violation of the company’s policy.

Well, this is great timing for him! No Money in the Bank, no WrestleMania this year, and probably the end of the most anticipated title push in years. What do you guys think?
It was just announce on that Jeff Hardy was suspended for 60 days for violating the wellness program.

So the main question is, what is going to happen to is spot in the money in the bank ladder match? Will they keep him in the match just so he can be taken out quickly or they just give the spot to somebody else.

This suspension couldn't have come at a worst time since Jeff was getting a major push and was the odd on favorite to win the money in the bank ladder match. I just hope that Jeff won'T throw away is chance at being a top star like he did before.
What a fool. I really don't see why WWE persevere with him. It's not like he'll go to TNA and draw money. Get rid of him. He's dead weight.

Although I have to say I've been impressed with him as of late. I'm happy that this will probably be the end of him main event WWE career.

I wonder who'll benefit from this. Hardy was my pick for the MITB. And I expect him to use it at Summer Slam.
Ha, on an update for this, he has already been removed from the money in the bank ladder match at WM, according to the match preview on

Of the 5 guys currently in the match, the two that are the most over are MVP and Jericho. While I love Kennedy, he has lost a ton of steam from where he was one year ago. I personally would love to see Shelton win it, the safe bet, at least out of these 5, is MVP. Jericho just recently had a title feud, albeit a short one, and winning the IC title just solidified his current mid-level status. I think that MVP is being groomed for a big push.
STAMFORD, Conn. – In accordance with its Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy, WWE has suspended Jeff Hardy for 60 days, for his second violation of the company’s policy.

:disappointed: Are you seriously kidding me?! Jeff, you f*cking moron. You were in the middle of perhaps the single most important push in your entire career.. and you literally just wasted it.

This is highly disappointing to me, because of all people, Hardy has had issues with shit in the past. In fact, from what I was told the biggest reason for his leave from the W.W.E. and jump to T.N.A., was because he refused to go into rehab. Then, they (W.W.E.) gave him a second chance because he made such a bigger name for himself in T.N.A., now he does this, when they're pushing him as a legit. World Heavyweight Championship contender.

Seriously, I think Mr. Kennedy, or M.V.P. can single handedly thank Jeff Hardy, for giving them their new spot in line for getting the next big push. I think since Kennedy blew something like this before, M.V.P. will likely be getting the M.I.T.B. win. The question here is, do you punish Matt Hardy as a result as well? The reason why, is because you can't have M.V.P. suddenly lose to someone like Matt, if you're suddenly gonna push him without any pre-push hype, into Main Event status.

I think Jeff just screwed him and his brother over with this one. I can't believe this. And as Pskohurricane said. I'm curious if Hardy will still compete in the Money In The Bank match, or if his spot will be given up to someone else.

Big ups to Shocky for owning my ass on one our arguments over this.

Seriously though, WTF is Hardy thinking? What an idiot. He just got caught like what? A year ago. Too bad for him, he was starting to get pushed as a legitimate main eventer and was without a doubt winning the MITB at Mania. Sucks for WWE as they lose a big superstar for awhile due to stupid shit but they'll move on and when Hardy gets back he'll be pushed monsterly again.

Either way, it opens the door a little more for Kennedy:)
It's a real shame Jeff messed up especially after the sterling match he had with Jericho last night. I would personally give the MITB to Jericho although now he's holding the IC strap I can't see it happening. Kennedy anyone??
The question here is, do you punish Matt Hardy as a result as well? The reason why, is because you can't have M.V.P. suddenly lose to someone like Matt, if you're suddenly gonna push him without any pre-push hype, into Main Event status.

Well, don't forget one thing. There still is 1-3 spots left in the match. With Matt Hardy making his return at a recent house show, I see him being the last surprise qualifier in the MITB match. As far as Kennedy winning, I honestly think that ship has sailed, for now at least. As I said before, with just these 5 guys, I would say MVP, but there are still up to 3 spots left.
Well well....

I don't want to jump to conclusions because I don't know the exact reason for this supsension, was he legitimately juicing behind their backs? Was he smoking a J? I don't really know....

I'm guessing that's why MVP was added to MITB to fill in Jeff's now vacant spot...a shame, they most likely knew about this a few days before hand. Matt Hardy got screwed out of an excellent come back title win.

Also.......can you feel it?

The rise once again of one...


Wow. Just wow.

I can't believe Jeff Hardy would fuck himself over like this. He was on the verge... he was right there. And he screwed it up. I will say this though; props to WWE for having the balls to take action now rather than after WM. They probably don't care that they're taking him off the card because he was probably scheduled to win the damn thing. Well, hopefully whoever gets the the newly opened spot, and the MITB contract, puts it to good use. Sorry, all you Jeff Hardy marks. This seals it. Never, and I mean never, will Jeff Hardy wear World Championship Gold.
And when Jeff comes back....IF he comes back, they gotta turn him heel now. It's the only way his character would have enough wait to be a contender for the WWe title once again. Trouble is, with Trips looking for a heel turn too it could be tricky. Uness Y2J cashes in his MITB win (he'll win) at this years wrestlemania, wins the title and feuds with a heel turning Triple H until Jeff comes back. Then we got some classic matches in store with Hardy and Jericho. Ok Ok I know. Never gonna happen but I like the idea.
Wow... just wow... How stupid can you be Jeff... In the middle of the biggest push of your carrer up to this point and you blow it. He's incredibly over with the fans, and what does he do... Blows it... I can honestly say that I'm both surprised and dissapointed by Jeff at the moment. However with error comes an open oppertunity. We still have plenty of other guys in the MITB match at WM this year. Jeff was one of my picks to win it, but that ain't happening now. So the door really is open to anyone at this point in that match as there really is not a heavy favorite. My final opinion on this is... Pretty much what Jake said. Now he's virtually going to be dead weight, I really can't see his push continuing after this 2nd offense. I even doubt he'll get a IC title rematch in 60 days...
Some people will just never learn, next he we will find out that he has been let go and informed that Jeff has 'lost his passion for the bussiness' ;)

I have never been the greatest Jeff fan before but was really liking his push against Orton and started to believe that he did deserve to be in the main event but sadly he has proved all the cynics right and shown that he is just a fuck up and has most likely ruined the best chance he had of cementing his legacy as a legend in the WWE and also gaining his first world title.

Now what to do with his place, if it was 6-12 months ago i would have said give it to Kennedy but the WWE have just pissed on all the acomplishments he gained while on Smackdown since the move to Raw. Now i would have to say MVP should recieve the push, Shelton would be a good choice but he isnt as well rounded as MVP who can handle himself either in the ring or on the mike.

Funny, when MVP first started i just thought what a waste but he has become one of the main reasons to watch WWE for me.
What a complete moron. I'm a self-confessed Hardy fan (both of them) but this is just stupid. He's coming up towards the biggest push in his life, and probably his first world title. But now he's out of WrestleMania altogether. And it serves him right. As I said, I'm a fan, but the fact is if he keeps doing this, then it's his own fault, and there's no-one else he can blame.

Also, I have a quick theory. Jericho winning the IC strap doesn't mean he won't win the MITB. I think the reason Y2J is the IC champ is that WWE had to get the belt off Hardy, because he violated the wellness policy. I now see Y2J as the most sensible option for Mr. Money In The Bank this year. Or, failing that, MVP would seem to be the man to take the victory this year. Although, they gave it to Kennedy last year, and he only lost it because they thought the injury might put him out for a few months. So, I guess he could win it again.
I think Jeff Hardy is a shithead for getting suspended period, let alone suspended before the biggest event of the year. On the other hand, I hope the guy isn't addicted to anything, and that's why he's failed a test. I mean, he wouldn't purposely risk his main event push, would he?
My pick now is Mr. Kennedy to win MITB. Actually, I've always thought he would win it.
Wow i'm really dissapointed to hear this, I thought he was gonna go all the way to winning the title in the next six months, I guess we wont be seeing that. You and your momentum can head straight to the rehab clinic, 'cause one more strike and your ass is on its way back to TNA.
Whatever happened to the good 'ol days, when wrestlers punished with terrible gimmicks. When he comes back, they should make him do a junkie gimmick. Have him sniffling alot, rubbing his nose, scratching his arms. I think public humiliation is always the best way to ensure that it doesn't happen again.
Whatever happened to the good 'ol days, when wrestlers punished with terrible gimmicks. When he comes back, they should make him do a junkie gimmick. Have him sniffling alot, rubbing his nose, scratching his arms. I think public humiliation is always the best way to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

:lmao: You just described Billy Kidman's entire flock gimmick.

And I don't exactly think W.W.E. will push Jeff anymore upon his return. The fact is, this isn't his first break. Hes had multiple chances, and I'm shocked he hasn't been just up and released. In fact, I'm sure the only reason he hasn't been out-right fired, is because hes so "hot" right now that T.N.A. would grab him up in a heartbeat, to try and steal the build W.W.E.'s given him.

Although upon his return to the W.W.E., I wouldn't doubt a Hardy Boyz reunion for a few monthes because in all honesty, while it'll be great to see an actual tag team like that back.. thats the best punishment to give him, because its pushing him ALL the way back to where he came from.
What a dope. He just went from probably winning the MITB match this year and probably getting a title run (probably a short one) to being out of WM, and out of the title picture completely. He needs to figure out what's more important in his life....the drugs or his career. Because after this his career is hanging on by a thread.
I see alot of people saying that Jericho or Kennedy is going to take the MITB match, but I do have to disagree. Look at the last three winners of the match, all three of them (Edge, RVD, Kennedy) carried a huge amount of steam coming into the match from months earlier. Jericho is coming off of a disappointing return, a short feud with Orton, and a poor feud with JBL. I just don't think he has the momentum to justify them putting him with the MITB.

Kennedy is another case where he just doesn't have the steam he once did. One year ago, Kennedy was the absolute hottest thing in the company, almost forcing a face turn. But he has just fallin off due to bad booking (plus that horrendous new music just kills any pop he had during his entrance) I don't see him returning to that level for a while.

Hardy was the absolute favorite to win the match, but now that he's gone, I still got to give it to MVP. With 3 spots still open (my picks are Matt Hardy, Kane, and CM Punk), who knows though.
Here's is the problem with this. It's is second violation which means that he' one violation away from getting fired and if he gets fired from the WWE, there's not really anywhere to got from there. Do you really thing that TNA will want him back after all the trouble he goes in TNA. Jeff was on the verge to become an main event player in the WWE. He was just two weeks away and like he always does before hitting it big, he screw up and throw everything away. I said the same thing with Mr. Kennedy last year and the same thing apply here, Jeff can really kiss is chance of getting a push goodbye because i really thing that it's going to take a WWE a long time before they have complete faith in Jeff Hardy again.
Just a complete idiot. I thought Jericho taking the Intercontinental Title was to A.) Pretty much announce Hardy was going to win the MITB and B.) Give the Intercontinental title a boost, because it was sorely needed. Now it's because, in true Jeff Hardy fashion, he screwed up the biggest push he'll ever get. He has to be very careful... it's not like he can go to TNA if he gets released.

I think Kennedy and Harry Smith are officially off the hook as the biggest screw-ups in the company. Hardy will never be in a top position again, which is a shame. I had hated him throughout his entire career, but was starting to turn around (and I'm sure I'm not the only one), because it looked like he finally kicked the drug habit and was serious about his career. It was looking like his hard work was paying off. Just a completely idiotic move.

The thing is though, wasn't Orton caught in that Signature Pharmacy scandal, but kept working without pay? Maybe they'll do something similar with Hardy.
Yeah, but after its been announced on, pretty safe bet that he won't be working for a while. Sucks, and considering I'm going to WrestleMania, I wish they would have held the suspension off until after the show, but thats the way it goes.
Well, say if Hardy is suspended for 60 days as of now, there are a couple of problems.

Who will take his place in the Money in the Bank?

Who will win the Money in the Bank?

I think this the major reason why WWE was very hesitant on pulling the trigger on him back in January. It's just a shame how he blew this push when they could have kept working on Jericho as a main event player instead.

I really hope this opens the door for John Morrison to be in the MITB. He's even more athletic than Hardy, and could probably pull off a high spot just as good as Hardy can. After Morrison, they should probably round it out with Kane and Matt Hardy.

Speaking of Matt Hardy... I would have to say that the best bet to win the MITB as of now is MVP. Where does this leave the Hardy/MVP feud? The way I thought things would play out was that it would come down to Jeff and MVP, with Matt interfering, helping Jeff win. That way, Jeff wins the MITB, and there's the perfect reason for the MVP/Matt feud to pick up where it left off.
Doesnt surprise me a lot, the way he gets thrown around the ring, im surprised he isnt on some pain killers or somethin along those lines.

And on the marajana issue, think the policy for that is just to fine the superstars and not mention it, weed is overrated anyway!
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