Jeff Hardy Court Hearing Results and Discussion


Championship Contender
TNA Wrestler Jeff Hardy is expected to make his return to Impact Wrestling tomorrow. Coincidentally this is the same day as his latest court hearing on drug charges. There are strong rumors that Hardy may have already learned the outcome of tomorrow's hearing and will likely be heading to a substance abuse program on an outpatient basis.
So, if these "rumors" are true, that means him getting sentenced is out of the question. Which is great news because quite frankly, I am tired of the case being put off and regardless of the situation, no one deserves to have a 7 year sentence hanging over their head for a year and a half.

Hopefully this is a lesson to him because there is way to much going around that should tell him to get help and stop continuing to burn bridges. Matt Hardy did it, Kurt Angle has done it and I think Jeff needs to wake up. He's already on his 2nd strike.
It is a good thing I guess in my eyes. It must be good for Jeff as the noose around his neck seems to have loosened up a bit. I say a little a bit because he still has to prove to TNA that he is turning his life around. I think the outpatient program can be good for him. It should be mandatory and for a good years length. I really hope Jeff turns his life around. I was recently watching his old WWE matches and man do I truly miss the old Jeff. Fans loved him and were crazy for the things he would do for them. I hope he realize and uses his brother Matt, Angle and even Scott Hall as to examples to get his life together.
I'm not sure what kind of success rates "out patient" programs boast, but the idea Jeff would be seeking professional help is nothing short of great news for both TNA's fans as well as their brass who are probably banking a significant amount of the company's future in him, just as they did when he first came back to them in the early on of 2010.
I'm not sure what kind of success rates "out patient" programs boast, but the idea Jeff would be seeking professional help is nothing short of great news for both TNA's fans as well as their brass who are probably banking a significant amount of the company's future in him, just as they did when he first came back to them in the early on of 2010.

I don't think it's that Jeff is seeking it though. On my reading, it would seem that part of the decision from the courts is that Jeff will have to be part of this program to avoid jail time in all liklihood. My guess is that he's getting a couple of years probation and mandatory outpatient care in lieu of jail time. That's fine and good and all, but court mandated care for substance abuse is a much different animal than seeking your own treatment.

Ultimately for any addict, the first step is admitting you have a problem. If Jeff is being sent there, it's likely he won't give a shit, not take it seriously, and just go through the motions because he won't believe that he needs to be there. I actually feel that court appointed rehab is the worst kind because getting well is basically 100 percent on the person with the problem. Forcing them to do something against their will might actually cause them to relapse harder and faster.

I still think it's 200 percent wrong for TNA to employ Jeff at this time and I don't take this news as "good" for TNA or for Jeff. This is a court order and I still have no reason to believe that Jeff is anywhere close to being on the right track for his life. I hope I'm wrong, but anything short of Jeff refusing to work due to going to REAL rehab tells me that he's the same guy with the same problems.
I was an addict for 20+ years, you name it I did it. Lost my house, family, jobs and everything a person can loose next to their own life. I have seen hundreds of people die from addiction and been to more rehabs then I care to try and count.

I have been completely clean for 10 years now and turned my life around. I can say without a doubt, any rehab is a good rehab. It introduces the idea that there is life beyond drugs whether the patient is ready to accept the idea or not they know it can be done.
I've heard everything from "Rehab was the best thing for me, it changed my life" to "it did absolutely nothing for me", so it's really a case-by-case situation.

Either way, it all starts with Hardy. He has to WANT to be clean; otherwise, it doesn't matter how long he's in rehab or how many times he goes. If he doesn't want it, he's not gonna change. For his sake, I hope he cleans up, because he's running out of chances. Of course, the way Angle keeps screwing up, he's not exactly setting a good example if TNA does nothing about that.
Well I'm certainly rooting for his success, whether it was forced upon him or not, sobriety can only be seen as a good thing. He has a baby girl, and a wife, he's young still and had a great career. The guy has way too much to live for to let stupid mistakes get in the way of his continued success. He will be a future HOF if he can keep things on track.
thats really good to hear jeff is going to rehab i may have lost any and all respect already for his brother but i still have respect for jeff im glad to hear this hopefully he turns his life around and stays sober as it would be a great thing for him as he has a kid and wife so hopefully things turn around for him
He really needs to take it as the huge opportunity that it is. Secondly, he really needs to pay back TNA, who have stood by him through this in a way WWE never would or could. Admitadely, TNA are hardly in a position to turn their back on a star name like Jeff hardy, but this has to be his last chance. Hopefully he turns things around, sadly, I doubt that he will.
asinine statement you just made...both sides have to agree first...a DA can make a negotiations all he wants but his boss has to approve it...and if he's even late for an appointment, he's pulled off the road and looking at his deal pulled
This is Dizzy you're discussing with here. He is fond of telling people they have no idea what they're talking about, then promptly dropping several paragraphs worth of utter bullshit on the same topic at your feet. The man's singular goal on these boards seems to be to spin any conceivable situation towards TNA/IW's favor.

Jeff Hardy's star is improbably looking better these days. There are two proverbs, however, which I've seen proven time and time again:

1) Never trust a junkie.
2) Once a junkie, always a junkie.

Professional wrestling fans are almost inconceivably quick to forgive and forget. The topic that has people foaming at the mouth in wrath now will have been completely forgotten in a few months. Hopefully in that time, TNA/IW will make enough money to make his next fuck up worth it for them. With all hopes, Jeff Hardy does a slow fade this time, instead of ruining the main event on paid television. I'm a huge redemption guy, but I'm also a guy who can recognize a pattern of behavior, who knows better than to stop watching a guy before he's redeemed himself.

With everything looking as it is now, Jeff Hardy is not likely to serve jail time. (Quite far from "out of the question", however.) The tragic thing about this is there are several kids, chronologically or intellectually, around here who will think that what Jeff Hardy did (allegedly, having several drugs including opiates sent to his home, allegedly, having drugs and paraphernalia in his home) is alright, because he doesn't go to jail and doesn't miss television. Jeff Hardy goes on help build more 1.1's until the next problem he has, and the world keeps spinning. Meh.
Seriously, Rayne? Nobody likes your pandering bullshit. There is nothing I said into TNA's favor but the obvious that he looks to have some light at the end of this dark tunnel of a court case. Take the smarky bullshit to someone who gives a damn. You look the asshole everytime, generally.

I hope Jeff can get his shit together for his family's sake more than anything.

asinine statement you just made...both sides have to agree first...a DA can make a negotiations all he wants but his boss has to approve it...and if he's even late for an appointment, he's pulled off the road and looking at his deal pulled

That's pretty obvious. But again, he still is looking at getting out of his jail sentence that was looking pretty legit of happening.

There is a good chance, he knows the outcome of what will happen which is been why TNA has used him knowing this is going on.
Seriously, Rayne? Nobody likes your pandering bullshit. There is nothing I said into TNA's favor but the obvious that he looks to have some light at the end of this dark tunnel of a court case. Take the smarky bullshit to someone who gives a damn. You look the asshole everytime, generally.
I'm positive you think I'm an asshole. I never had any doubt on that concept. What I do have doubt on, especially judging from comments I receive on my posts, that you have the authority around these boards to try and tell me that "no one" likes my 'pandering bullshit'. It would seem a lot more people on these boards enjoy my pandering bullshit than enjoy your pandering bullshit.

This was one of the few posts you make where your support of TNA/IW doesn't edge into the vulgar. Save us all the bullshit about how you're happy for Jeff's family; the only thing you give a shit about is how this will help TNA/IW. The second he screws up in a way that reflects badly on TNA/IW, you are going to be the very first person on these boards throwing him against the wall. (See: Hardy, Matt)

Where your support starts getting ridiculous in this particular instance is where you claim he has a good chance of knowing what will happen to him, which is why TNA/IW has been using him. In the same thread, you talk about how Jeff Hardy has had a sentence hanging over his head for a year and a half, over a year of that employed with TNA/IW. So, either TNA/IW owns seats in a North Carolina Superior Court, or you're rearranging details to buff up TNA/IW, past present and future.

But please, tell me again what "everyone" or "no one" thinks. The 'great invisible audience on my side' argument is always amusing coming from you. :)
Well i guess anything is better than nothing. Look, Hardy (Jeff) was never going to jail anyways because he is/was a first time offender ( thats what we know), so anyways he was going to have probation. If that means going to rehab well he will have to go to rehab. The thing is, is he willing to stay clean? Who knows, like someone said earlier he has to want it or else it won't work. My bet is that he is willing, or else TNA would never allow him back ( especially after Victory Road).
Well i guess anything is better than nothing. Look, Hardy (Jeff) was never going to jail anyways because he is/was a first time offender ( thats what we know), so anyways he was going to have probation. If that means going to rehab well he will have to go to rehab. The thing is, is he willing to stay clean? Who knows, like someone said earlier he has to want it or else it won't work. My bet is that he is willing, or else TNA would never allow him back ( especially after Victory Road).

After the embarrassment that his brother caused on his name and the hell he probably puts them through that we see through 2 minute videos with his unstable mind and body, I would be shocked if anyone wouldn't want to get clean after seeing someone like that in a worse position.

Like I said before, there is way to many situations going on that should send a message to Jeff to get clean and live life the right way. He's got a child, wife and a brother who mirrors what he could and can become, If that's not enough of a sign for him to change then he's better off without anyone's help or support.

He didn't like WWE allowing Punk to shoot and mock his arrest back in 2009 but he will have to face this and own up to it now.
Well this just in : TNA Wrestling star Jeff Hardy pleaded guilty to three different felony charges on Thursday in a Moore County, North Carolina courtroom.

Hardy pleaded guilty to two counts of "intent to distribute a controlled substance" and one count of "conspiracy to traffic in a compound containing opium."

Hardy was sentenced to serve ten days in jail, as well as pay a $100,000 fine. Additionally, Hardy was sentenced to 30 months probation and will serve increased jail time if he violates the terms of his probation.

Source :

So I was right about him getting next to nothing in terms of jail time and getting probation. Anyways I hope he stays clean.
Hey guys, it was just revealed on that former WWE and current TNA star Jeff Hardy was sentenced to 10 days jail and also recieved and $100,000 fine. He had also been handed down a 30 month probation period, and if he were to break it he would serve more jail time.

I would just simply like to know what your thoughts are about this as it caught me by suprise, just leave your posts below and also feel free to share anything else about this topic

Thanks Guys
100,000 dollar? that's something like 50,000 euros right? that's a pretty big amount of cash. But I think 10 days of jail is not very much, and 30 months probation also. If I get caught in America with all that dope I probably get 10 years in jail. Anyway I hope he learns his lesson
So after all that....ten days. Wow indeed. It took them what, two years to get a ten day sentence? Either way, the $100k fine is a nice big hit even for someone with Jeff's checkbook. As far as the probation goes, it could mean something but we'll obviously have to wait and see on that. This probably won't hurt his TNA stuff much because they tape in advance so he'll miss a TV taping and that's about it. That's not too bad I wouldn't think and can be cleared up in a quick promo so it's not a huge ordeal. He'll be out by BFG.

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