JBL's Challenge To C.M Punk


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was looking on WWE.Com this morning and came across a video showing JBL challenge C.M Punk to a contest that JBL knows C.M Punk can't win.

IMO, this is obviously going to be a beer drinking contest or something along those lines as they will play on the fact that C.M Punk is Straight-Edge.

Maybe its a Wrestling Contest? We all know he couldnt win one of them. *sits back and waits for the Shit to hit the fan*
Maybe its a Wrestling Contest? We all know he couldnt win one of them. *sits back and waits for the Shit to hit the fan*

C.M Punk could outwrestle Jiggly Boobs Layfield any day of the week. I'm guessing you haven't seen Punk's Indy work.
:lmao::lmao::lmao: Fuck. How do i explain this....... ROH Sucks. I have seen his WWE stuff and it is Crap.

BTW. No offence but its people that like you that Punk got his name Indy Punk. Just saying.
I still cant believe these guys. I'm going to say that CM Punk wrestles better than JBL, but the indys mean nothing in WWE.
LOL as far as the actual topic is concerned - the beer drinking contest was also what first popped into my mind when I read that it would be one Punk "couldn't win" - and it wouldn't surprise me if CM then introduced "someone who actually CAN win" it - and out comes Stone Cold for one of his regular cameos, and kicks some butt.

Just a thought...

But then again, maybe they'll do something else entirely. But something around alcohol would be my first guess.
I still cant believe these guys. I'm going to say that CM Punk wrestles better than JBL, but the indys mean nothing in WWE.

to say the indies mean nothing is pretty ignorant as they are the reason he is in wwe and his reputation and popularity there got him to where he is now. he learned his trade in the indies and without that he wouldnt have his shot now. and while u can say his indie work isnt relevant when talking about his wwe work, it is a good way of comparing his actual talent and potential compared to what wwe lets him do.
so in terms of whether or not he "could" outwrestle JBL, his work in the indies is very relevant because it shows what he can do and how he "could" outwrestle JBL
Another guy. Where do they come from. Way to overexaggerate. The indys are completely different to the WWE. In the indys, you'll get picked to come up to WWE if you good enough. Then its a whole new ball game. Can all of you guys stop arguing against this?
:lmao: Hahahaha. JBL Couldnt outwrestle his way out of a wet paperbag.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
:lmao: this thread really made me laugh for some reason.

JBL and Punk are both awesome though. the contest won't have anything to do with wrestling.
It will have to do with who could last the longest in bed.

lol, nice one Sparkster

This announcement alone told us the segment and the result all in one sentence. Alcohol drinking contest, brawl at the end. Wouldda bin better if he'd suggested they had a "white-out contest." The two do bongs until one of them pukes their guts up all over the mat. I bet JBL wud b hilarious baked off his face.

Punk may have gotten his reputation in the indys, but we all know that a) WWE doesn't want to gain support for talent's accomplishments in other promotions. They want to take a star, break him back down to basic level, and then try to make the same guy a completely different star that WWE created themselves, and b) there is no way in hell they'd let Punk do half the stuff he used to do in ROH. The Pepsi Plunge? Wud HHH ever allow someone to do a better version of his finisher? No. Plus what with WWE's zero tolerance for 'risky' moves, Punk's repetoire is now somewhat limited. Hence why we now have the GTS instead of the Anaconda Vise (that's more to do with the fact that WWE recognise that move as an Indy Punk signature move). Basically, as impressive as Indy Punk was, he's still got to prove that WWE Punk is equally impressive to people who don't watch the Indys.

It's the same for Paul London. He was an amazing competitor in ROH, and has done next to nothing in WWE for nearly 6 years now. He hasn't been used at WM in almost that entire time. How depressing must that be? To know that you have all that talent and the one night everyone is expected to go full throttle and shine, you're not even asked to attend.

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