JBL - Bringing an end to the spinner Belt??

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I know there's already a whole thread on the spinner belt but this thread is strictly about JBL and the possibility of him winning the Title at Backlash..

In my opinion he's the wildcard for the match and it would be a huge shocker if he won..not necessarily a good shocker..but a shocker regardless. When he won his first WWE Championship from Eddie Guerrero that was a shocker as no one expected him to win..and now we find him in the same circumstances.

If you cast your minds back to when John Cena won his first WWE Championship from JBL at Wrestlemania 21 for a short while afterwards during their rivalry JBL was carrying round the old-look WWE Championship while Cena was carrying around the new-look spinner belt..so in common sence storyline methods JBL being the rich guy that he is might he still have that old WWE Championship somewhere??

JBL's charater wouldn't want to carry a belt John Cena created around with him in my opinion and would view it as trash..Which has got me thinking lately. If WWE were to actually carry out this storyline I would actually want JBL to win at Backlash purely for that reason. A similar thing happened when Orlando Jordan - a member of JBL's old cabinet at the time won the US Championship from Cena (which also had a spinner design) and burned it in a trash can to bring back the old look belt.

JBL wouldn't have to have a long title run..maybe a month or 2 - but if anyone was to get rid of the spinner belt it would be him so that's why I'm now rooting for him! lol
I think JBL is the best heel in the WWE, because he is like what Edge was on Raw, willing to do and say whatever to get the fans hot against him like a classic heel. Plus he is entertaining no matter what. Plus you want to see him get his ass beat each and every night. I hope he wins because I’m a JBL fan and hope to god that they get rid of that spinner belt. I’ve always hated that belt and thought it was the most disgraceful thing ever done to the WWE title. The smoking skull belt was great as you knew that the regular belt at first never fit Austin, but with Cena it just seemed lie a copy cat.
Damn, thats an idea. Get rid of the spinner belt. Keep the title on a heel. Prehaps Orton wins it back after a while. I like it.

Could make for some interesting storylines, Orton vs JBL, Cena vs JBL, Hardy vs JBL? lol

But I gotta admit, Orton as champion is working really well. Its different.
People can continue to hate the Spinner belt until the day they die, but it doesn't mean that whenever Triple H., John 'Bradshaw' Layfield, or anyone else wins the Championship off Orton.. that it'll resort back to the original "Undisputed" look.

The W.W.E. Spinner belt, even in glued form, is for better or worse what W.W.E. is basing their Raw Championship off of. Why? Because it plasters their logo all over the middle of the f*cking thing. Why wouldn't they love every bit of that? Again, the spinner belt is disrespectful to most due to how its not an old school-ish type Championship. (look)

However that doesn't mean that we live in the same day and age, where Championships like the old school winged-eagle belt, or the original attitude belt will make a comeback.

J.B.L. as Champion: Now, onto the second portion of the topic. J.B.L. IS a good choice for shock value winner. However, Randy Orton is quickly turning heads by refusing to lose when noone thinks he can win. Randy Orton is the 2008 version of J.B.L. from 2004. Because of that, I doubt J.B.L. will walk out with the Championship.

However, on the note of Backlash.. while I'd place all my money on Orton.. I wouldn't be shocked to see Triple H. pick up the victory, by pinning J.B.L. to do so. That may be the only reason J.B.L. is in the match.. so Orton, Cena & H.H.H. don't have to be the guy losing, even to lose the title. (especially in Orton's case)

If J.B.L. were pinned by Cena or H.H.H., it wouldn't hurt Orton's status as Main Eventer, or dominate. It'd push J.B.L. back to midcard status.. but overall, thats where he'll end up anyways..
Face it peoples, the Spinner Belt is staying. It's become a part of not just the WWE, but Pop Culture. Right now, everyone loves Rap and Bling and all that crap, and thats what the WWE is buying into. How else do you explain half the rosters hip hop theme songs? They're going with the times. And JBL, win or lose, will not bring back the old belt. The spinner belt isn't some temporary thing, it's the new belt, just as the Undisputed and the eagle belt, are the old ones. And in a few years, we'll have another newer belt, maybe better, maybe worse, but not one we already had.
OK! I've heard this all before..."The spinner belt is here to stay" "It's a sign of the times" and all other sorts of excuses people make for WWE's lack of common sense...Which begs the question "Ok...why don't the other 7 active titles have a *Bling Bling* effect to them...Hell, WWE if you think your hip why not tarish all your titles?!"

- Anyway before this thread gets locked because it's referring more to the spinner than JBL I just wanted to make people aware of the lack of consistency WWE has with its storylines. I know people are already aware of this..but damn it drives me crazy..in storyline wouldn't one-just one of the superstars on the WWE roster question where the old belt is...and why would they want to carry around Cena's design?? - It looks like his damn album cover!!
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